Historically, conservatives have always criticized "liberals" from their ideological biases, primarily religious and economic. Liberals were too pragmatic, they said, and were lacking ethics based upon religious conviction. It's a fair question: when did those godless pragmatists suddenly become ideologues? My cynical response is: godless pragmatists and empiricists suddenly become ideological when Santorum's focus group told him that ideological was a better word with which to tar his opponents. Certainly the term liberal is by now a golden-oldie epithet so overused as to be a self-inoculating cliche. It doesn't even seem to be working for Rush Limbaugh who has a worse problem than drugs. Ratings!
The radical right is running out of red flag words. Liberal was so worn out that Ann Coulter had to call her book Slander and then: Treason! Now she's reduced to attacking the widows of 911 victims. What's next? Either it is true that Rush and Ann have not gotten that memo or it is true that you can't teach old dogs new tricks. It'll be interesting to see what the focus groups come up with. Easy livings depend upon something good ...or should I say evil?
Dean also quotes former Reagan aide, Michael Deaver who wrote of conservatives that they favor:
...limited government, individual liberty, and the prospect of a strong America. —Michael Deaver, as quoted by John Dean, Conservatives Without ConscienceIf conservatives are claiming now to be empirical and pragmatic, how is Deaver's comment to be taken seriously? Verifiable facts disprove Deaver's thesis. Let's take Deaver's three points in turn.
- Conservatives believe in limited Government.
From 2000-2003, Washington had a rare opportunity to save the average household nearly $2,500 in taxes without reducing any federal services. After 50 years of steady increases, interest payments on the national debt declined by $247 billion from 2000 to 2003, thanks to the balanced budgets of the 1990s. Like the post-Cold War “peace dividend,” Congress and the president got a once-in-a-lifetime “interest dividend” of $247 billion.That was published in 2002. It's only gotten worse since then.And they squandered every penny.
—Capitol Magazine, Washington's $782 Billion Spending Spree
Conservatives would also have us believe that it's liberal entitlements that account for the sorry state of the US budget. That's not so either. From the same conservative source:
Others finger big-ticket entitlements such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, claiming that they're growing uncontrollably. However, these program's budgets haven't grown any faster over the last four years than they did over the past two decades.—Capitol Magazine, Washington's $782 Billion Spending Spree
When Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980, the popular belief was that the size of government would be cut and that some of the regulatory excesses of the prior decade would be rolled back. However, the growth of the federal government continued throughout the Reagan presidency and no agencies were phased out.In fact, Reagan increased the federal bureaucracy by 68,000 workers even as he very nearly tripled the national debt.—Regulation and the Reagan Era: Politics, Bureaucracy and the Public Interest, Roger E. Meiners, Bruce Yandle (Editors)
Reagan’s legacy is clear in the budget deficit neighborhood. He entered the White House in January 1981–after winning the presidency by campaigning that tax cuts and massive increases in defense spending could co-exists with a balanced budget. The budget deficit was $74 billion when he entered the White House; it grew to $231 billion in Reagan’s final year. The trade deficit was even worse, nearing $200 billion per year when Reagan left office. The national debt rose to $2 trillion.These are facts that Republicans will deny to this day.—Michael Fauntroy, Reconsidering Reagan
- Conservatives believe in individual liberty
Elsewhere, Bush strikes at the very heart of individual liberties: the Bill of Rights. Many people seem to be unconcerned about their phone calls and their bank records, objects of Bush's program of widespread domestic surveillance. But, alas, it's not about bank records; it's not about phone calls. It's about probable cause —two words that stand between us and tyranny.
- Conservatives are stronger on national defense
Typically, Reagan announced his "War on Terrorism" to a meeting of evangelicals on March 8, 1983. Reagan warned terrorists: "You can run but you can't hide"! A statistical analysis would seem to indicate that Reagan's War on Terrorism was as much a cause as a cure for terrorism. There are two possible explanations. One, Reagan's war —not well thought out —was simply impotent and ineffective. It may even have been counter-productive, a rallying cry to legitimate critics of US imperialism as well as terrorists.
Or —the raison d'etre may have been to rally a disparate GOP base. Typically, wars are easily exploited to stir feelings of patriotism and false pride. Just as Reagan's war made Americans less safe, Bush's war is increasingly perceived as making the world a more dangerous place. According to Pew, American skepticism about the war in Iraq has increased steadily from its inception; it is increasingly seen as harming the "war on terrorism". |
A plurality (47%) believes that the war in Iraq has hurt the war on terrorism, up from 41% in February of this year. Further, a plurality (45%) now says that the war in Iraq has increased the chances of terrorist attacks at home, up from 36% in October 2004, while fewer say that the war in Iraq has lessened the chances of terrorist attacks in the U.S. (22% now and 32% in October). Another three-in-ten believe that the war in Iraq has no effect on the chances of a terrorist attack in the U.S.The level of vituperative rhetoric has dangerously divided and radicalized the right wing. John Dean, whose book I have previously referenced, still thinks himself a Barry Goldwater conservative though he has been among George Bush's most vocal critics. That he looks like a liberal now, he says, is only a measure of how far right the right has become. In fact, many so-called "conservatives" who support Bush are not conservative at all by Deaver's definition. They favor big and intrusive government; many, like Dick Cheney, believe deficits no longer matter; and, others —neocons in particular —openly pine for another Pearl Harbor that might be exploited for political purposes. [See: Project for a New American Century] Radical authoritarians, they have little in common with "conservatives".—Pew Research Center, Iraq Hurting War on Terror
Barry Goldwater may have been the last conservative. Indeed, he may have been the first —a short-lived movement of one. Certainly, contemporary conservatives have little in common with anyone who would tell John Dean that the conscience of a conservative was pricked by "any action or anything that debases human dignity". Dean asked: "Doesn't poverty debase human dignity?" Of course it does," Goldwater replied. He went on to tell Dean that if the family, friends, and private charities cannot handle the job, then the government must.
It sounds like FDR.
That Goldwater and Eisenhower would be called liberal today reveals the polarization that has taken place in this country. A radicalized right wing is a cancer upon the body politic; its roots are found in the left overs of Nixon's utterly failed administration. This is something about which Dean can write authoritatively. It was Dean, after all, who warned a President of a cancer on the Presidency.
Tragically — our enemy within takes the form of an increasingly authoritarian right wing which exemplifies what Sartre called mauvaise foi —bad faith! I've rarely believed what conservatives say about liberals, but even less of what they say about themselves. It is not unusual for a politician to lie to others. Conservative lies to themselves, however, are especially pernicious and destructive. Another word is delusion; delusion is a symptom of psychosis.
Sadly, many conservatives do not see themselves as subversives even as they support Bush assaults on the Constitution. The biggest lie yet told is that Bush took us to war to bring Democracy to Iraq. Perhaps, then, when he has done so, we should all move to Iraq so that we might enjoy the blessings of Democracy. We've all but lost them here at home. It was Jay Leno, as I recall, who asked: Why don't we let Iraq have our Constitution. We don't have any use for it anymore!
Thom Friedman recently asked: What does being right have to do with anything? Let him go to Iraq where he will learn what being dead wrong and lying about it has to do with everything!
Additional resources:The Existentialist Cowboy
War on Terror
John DeanGOP Crime Syndicate
Spread the word:
Well, if all the collapse and failure that seems to have actualized these past few years is "common sense" ...I believe I will take fantasy land. Santorum speaking on stability or common sense allegedly associated with his party and ilk is Orwellian over-kill, but we all have known this for some time now.
ReplyDeleteI have seen and heard a few Dean interviews concerning this new book, and it sounds very interesting. I need a new read, this one sounds like one to get. I also enjoyed the interviews, and it appears Dean did his homework on this one.
benmerc, I read "Worse than Watergate" and this one, I think, is even better.
ReplyDeleteI don't even consider this to be my review of Dean's new book, although I quoted extensively from it. This is a very richly textured book for its size. It deserves a "review".
I have also read Kevin Phillips fairly extensively. His "Wealth and Democracy" is a classic —required reading for anyone interested in how economic disparity is eating away at the economy and our character.
Another excellent post touching on my favourite theme, the maddening tendency of those on the right to simply reject reality when it doesn't suit their agenda. How does one argue with someone who habitually uses supporting 'facts' that are, "180 degrees the wrong way 'round"? It all harkens back to that great line of Stephen Colbert's, "reality, as we know, has a decided liberal bias." Or, to put it in Al Gore's terminology, truth, to a conservative, is simply too inconvenient. And it seems, too easily rejected out of hand.
ReplyDeleteLiberalism is ideological? I'll let this quote answer that question;
"The essence of the Liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held: instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment." -- Bertrand Russell
Herein we have encapsulated the pragmatic nature of empiricism which all too often eludes the simple mind. Canadian documentarist Gwynn Dyer once said of Ronald Reagan, "He is an intellectually lazy man, who tends to believe the first thing that he is told." Like any religious zealot, having latched onto a belief system, any facts that contradict that belief MUST be rejected, not because they are not true, but because they don't fit. As you point out, especially when absolutely correct and on target.
"Typically, Reagan announced his 'War on Terrorism' to a meeting of evangelicals" Why do you think that is? First, evangelicals habitually see the world in terms of 'us versus them', the godly versus the sinner, the chosen people versus the gentiles, the saved versus the damned. Second they love to submit to an authority figure, which I believe is one of the themes of John Dean's book. (I haven't read it yet, but have heard some of his promotional interviews on Air America Radio.) Thirdly, they have learned to reject inconvenient facts, like the fact that Reagan's policy (and even moreso Bush's recklessness) increases the danger to America, by increasing the number of enemies. They are the perfect receptacle for fanatical rhetoric. As an atheist I am deeply offended by the premise that one cannot be moral or ethical without the guidance of some invisible supreme being. Invariably the invisible deity is also silent, requiring the vicarious judgement of faulty mortals to intercede. When I began blogging, my first post was on the subject of how religion actually enables immoral action, by making the 'godly' believe they have the right to interfere with the liberties of the 'sinner'.
Morality and Moralism
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction." -- Blaise Pascal
That Goldwater and Eisenhower would be called liberal today reveals the polarization that has taken place in this country. I've tried with limited success to address this very subject in two recent posts, Been Right So Long (It Looks Like Left to Me), and Political Parallax Revisited. C'mon over to Friendly Neighbour, and tell me what you think.
sadbuttrue, priceless comments from both you and benmerc. I will, indeed, accept your invitation to "Friendly Neighbor" which I recommend to my other visitors as well.
ReplyDeleteI loved your quotes about Reagan. Especially the one about his always believing the last thing he was told. Priceless.
Indeed, a recurring theme in Dean's book is the authoritarian nature of contemporary conservatism. Being located in Houston, I was able to witness the sea change in American conservatism and believe much of it was conceived in executed in Houston, TX —home to Bush Sr and Tom DeLay's Sugar Land, TX, a Houston suburb. Houston also figured very prominently in Ronald Reagan's rise to power...consider the number of Houstonians that were close to him; James Baker, most prominently. The point being: one can almost put a date on the radicalization of the GOP and the conservative movement as a whole. It was most certainly concurrent with the rise of Ronald Reagan, Tom DeLay, George Bush Sr, George Bush Jr, James Baker and Nixon leftovers —Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld. That's just a sketch; there's material there for several books.
Found in a comments section to some post somewhere some time ago, this little piece of accurate observation which, in my opinion, truly has its place in this thread:
ReplyDelete"In any society there is a percentage, around 25%, of people who will bow and scrape and fawn and operate in full-servile mode to leaders, all leaders, under any conditions, at all times. They are society’s weak and corrupt."
What is amazing to me is how often even the *smart conservatives* (I KNOW a complete oxy-moron...but there must be a few. *snark*) will jump off an intellectual cliff to avoid addressing the pragmatic or the factual "details" that do not FIT their preconception.
ReplyDeleteThey'd rawther DIE living the LIE than accept a Truth Not to their liking.
fuzzflash, I am not above accepting a genuine compliment. Thanks, my friend. I hope Thom Friedman read it : )
ReplyDeleteVierotchka, great observation. I think Bush's approval ratings are now confined to that base support of morons, some 25%.
Karen, I like the phrase: "...they would rather die living a lie". And, of course, once dead, they won't have to worry about us godless liberals anymore.
Welcome, AdNihilo ...thanks for your comments. You will be at home here. All the regulars here are "free thinkers" indeed. I hope to respond in more detail soon. It's been a crazy two days.
ReplyDeleteAd Nihilo, that is some terrific though disturbing information, kudos. I wonder if a follow up study to Milgram would find a cross-correlation with Adorno and Altemeyer? I would imagine so. Anyway, it makes me proud to be a non-believer, and habitually disobedient. I will certainly be making frequent visits to Less Than Human in the future.
ReplyDelete"It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority" -- Thomas Jefferson
Fuzzflash, thanks for the compliment, especially on the Gwynne Dyer quote. He is one of Canada's intellectual treasures for sure. IMO his National Film Board documentary series (Canadian government financially backs independant creativity) WAR is the finest work of its type ever produced, bar none. It is a crime that it is not available on DVD for copyright reasons. Perhaps a campaign should be launched to find a rich donor (Soros, perhaps?) to rectify the situation. THIS SERIES OF FILMS SHOULD BE ON THE SOCIAL STUDIES CURRICULUM OF EVERY HIGH SCHOOL IN THE ENGLISH SPEAKING WORLD. It is THAT good, I have to use block caps. The quote, BTW, is not in the public domain, and was picked up by a friend of mine, an amateur journalist in Vancouver BC.
And, Fuzzflash, you are a mind reader. I bookmarked 'An Atheist Manifesto' months ago, and was going to quote it when I wrote that previous comment you referenced. To wit, "Atheism is not a philosophy; it is not even a view of the world; it is simply a refusal to deny the obvious." That quote is the perfect antidote to the idea that liberals or atheists are ideologues. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to correct my omission.
Len, I don't see how the level of discourse on this blog could get any better. Your commentors are intelligent, well informed, and uncannily in tune with one another. To echo your own quote back at you, "This time I think our side is going to win." Bravo.