Sunday, May 27, 2007

Palast: Three Million Voters Challenged in Karl Rove's Fraudulent Scheme

An endemically crooked GOP regime is already planning the theft of the next election. This is a hard story to cover simply because there are so many headlines to choose from. Which one is the lead? You choose:
White House and Justice department officials conspire to cover up the role played by Karl Rove in the spreading US Attorney firing scandal
E-mails indicate Karl Rove is up to his neck in the White House firing of US attorneys
and the headline for this article:
Karl Rove's fraudulent scheme targets the voting rights of three million American voters
Investigative reporter Greg Palast is breaking this story this weekend, most prominently in this interview with Democracy now:

A brilliant reporter, Palast nevertheless benefited from a mistake that, with any luck at all, might bring this criminal White House down. From Les Enrages, we learn that 500 of some 5 million emails were delivered to Greg Palast by mistake. Intended for they wound up in Palast's hands at

An act of "God" or the Smoking Gun? Will the mainstream media redeem itself by covering a story that promises to address the endemic crookedness of the White House itself? Sadly, the Democrats, are compromised with regard to Iraq, by rights their issue. Will they blow it with regard to the US Attorney firing scandal as well?

A jaded, tired, exploited populace would like to know: why does this story matter and why should we pay attention when nothing else has stuck? Who is not jaundiced when Bush has in fact gotten away - so far - with the commission of capital crimes?

There is a larger but related story. Unfortunately, the media has not excelled in covering "larger" stories. In this case, the deliberate, orchestrated firings of US attorneys are integral to this administration's enthusiastic attempts to subvert the rule of law in order to promote an extremist right wing agenda. This charge is made persuasively by Charles Tiefer, former solicitor of the House of Representatives. If true, it amounts to high treason, no less so than the criminal nature of Bush's prosecution of an ongoing war crime: Iraq!

Those benefiting from Bush's often criminal policies include war profiteers like Blackwater and Halliburton, religious zealots and ideologues intent upon establishing an anti-American, religious theocracy and other extremist organizations who oppose many of the rights guaranteed us by the Bill of Rights. That's why I call Bush's policies in this regard "treasonous". Differing on policy is one thing. Conspiring with subversives, as Bush has done, is another. It is subversive to engage in activity which is in itself illegal with the end view being the absolute destruction of the US Constitution.

A final word of advice for Democrats: you can still redeem your party but only if, for once, you forget the advice of corrupt consultants and stupid focus group talking points. Instead - do what IS right! That is, oppose the utter criminality of this destructive administration with every means necessary and legal. Bring the Congress to a halt if need be. Revolutionary times demand revolutionary action. End this war and end the stranglehold Bush has on democracy!

Additional resources:


  1. Thanks for the link Len. You already have this in the email I sent you this morning but for your readers, here is a quick talking point in response to the question, "why does this matter?" and the odious Republican drivel that this is just business as usual.

    The idea that federal prosecutors serve at the pleasure of the pResident is ludicrous on its face. They serve in a different and co-equal branch of government by Constitutional design. How important is this? When the framers wrote the Declaration of Independence, these were among the grievances directed towards King George;

    "He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

    He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

    He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.

    The current King George has done that and worse. These are indeed revolutionary times that require revolutionary responses.

  2. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Len, great info, but I know...

    Palast will continued to be ignored and marginalized by the main stream press in this country, after all he does not work for them and the truth is the last thing they are looking for. There are several other brave reporters, pundits and activists such as Dahr Jamail, Helen Caldicott, Amy Goodman, Arundhati Roy and Jim Hightower to name just a few. Len, I certainly include you in this group, your efforts have many times over articulated and organized the facts for anyone that wants a look at the truth on so many of the skirted issues by our MSM over these past few years I have been reading the Cowboy.

    These people, as yourself have been chronicling many aspects of the deadly web of corrupt influence and criminal behaviors perpetrated by this administration at home and abroad, and promoting their findings so the general public will have an opportunity to get an unbiased presentation of what their leadership and their manipulators are truly up to.

    The most we will ever get from our "state" big business media is some occasional hand wringing and a few pot shots now and then. Although Keith Olbermann continues to expose much of the underbelly, apparently it is not enough to snap the average American news viewer out of their soma trance. And that leads me back to your prior post about civic responsibility of sorts.

    At any rate I have not read Palast's latest book: "Armed Madhouse" from the title alone he has summed up this administration to a 'T'

    Keep on keeping on Len, your efforts are priceless, and much needed still. What in the hell are those Dems up to? I am dismayed beyond believing. But after just viewing the documentary: " Who killed the Electric Car?" all my prior suspicions have re-surfaced. We should all just do as the Chinese are currently trending, and buy millions of electric bikes and make the oil companies choke to death on their death oil. Son's of bitches..all.


    (i have to go in as anon, as each time i try to post as benmerc, "google" makes me is a cluster...)

  3. Nice work, Len!

    You are a breath of fresh air on the internet.

    I can't tell you how angry and disappointed I am that my hometown paper The Seattle Times, NEVER has the stories I get on Democracy Now. It is alsmost as if someone over there checks DN to see what they WON'T print. They don't care about getting scooped anymore.

    Basically, the Seattle Times has just been reduced to a hyped-up police blotter of local news. No investigative reporting in politics, and no truly controversial stories at all. They also underreport the net neutrality issue, play down local protests (this in a city where lots of people protest all the time), and generally defer to the White House talking points.

    It breaks my heart. With the media now openly against the people, it's going to be really difficult to restore our country.

    We really need people like you right now.

  4. SadButTrue said...

    The idea that federal prosecutors serve at the pleasure of the pResident is ludicrous on its face.

    But it is not surprising that Bush, who has now taken it upon himself the task of interpreting the Constitution, re-writing the laws, deciding who is a terrorist and who isn't, would insist upon cherry picking US attorneys.

    Thanks, Sadbuttrue, for all your help and all your own great articles at Les Enrages. Perhaps, one day, King George will be dethroned to make way for a Democratic Republic like the one we lost in the year 2000.

    Benmerc said...

    Keep on keeping on Len, your efforts are priceless, and much needed still. What in the hell are those Dems up to?

    Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. And I wish I knew what the hell the Democrats were thinking. I could give you a cynical answer but that wouldn't help. Surely, the Dems can read a poll!

    There are several other brave reporters, pundits and activists such as Dahr Jamail, Helen Caldicott, Amy Goodman, Arundhati Roy and Jim Hightower to name just a few. Len, I certainly include you in this group, your efforts have many times over articulated and organized the facts for anyone that wants a look at the truth on so many of the skirted issues by our MSM over these past few years I have been reading the Cowboy.

    I am, indeed, honored that you include me in your list. Everyone you have mentioned has done yeoman's duty; they deserve the accolades. As far as my efforts are concerned, they would all come to naught if it weren't for you and the other "regulars" who share ideas, information, links, and debate on this blog.

    Yogi 's Music World said...

    I can't tell you how angry and disappointed I am that my hometown paper The Seattle Times, NEVER has the stories I get on Democracy Now.

    I relate entirely to the situation. Houston is another city in which the MSM has become a waste of time. A couple of my recent articles dealt with media consolidation, right wing attacks on the Fairness Doctrine, and other issues associated with media "de-regulation", a euphemism for robbing the people of OUR airwaves and giving those air waves to extremist robber barons.

    On that topic, I will drop a few hints. The youtube videos are often very, very good. But I have plans to add videos and podcasts produced by this blog. So, as we used to say in radio, stay tuned.

    BTW - welcome to this humble corral and please share your thoughts with us.

  5. Palast has been marginalized and ridiculed so much that his reporting is almost radioactive to "serious journalists"...

    I think it's up to us to take the battle forward ... to be our own spread the word.

    In the final analysis....he's right...he always has been.

  6. Anonymous10:35 PM

    nice post per usual. i think, however, the treason case is far simpler and can be put in far simpler terms. mainly, the white house has spent six years doing everything in its power to guarantee electoral victory in 2008 and beyond thus putting an end to our experiment in democracy. at least officially since democracy has been on hiatus for some time now anyway.

    i'd also highly recommend a series of youtube videos covering speeches by palast and robert f. kennedy jr. which delve deep into the subject matter of this post (

  7. hpm said, "the white house has spent six years doing everything in its power to guarantee electoral victory in 2008 and beyond thus putting an end to our experiment in democracy."

    Je suis d'accord. Is it just me, or does KKKarl Rove's stated objective of a 'permanent Republican majority' fall on anyone else's ears with the ring of 'thousand year Reich?'
