Friday, June 15, 2007

How the GOP/Neocon Axis of Evil Threatens America, Advocates Terrorism

Recently, the GOP has been caught wishing more Americans might die that Bush may be vindicated! How evil is that? Can the GOP sink any further? Thanks to Buzzflash for reporting the following:
"At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001], and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country," Milligan said.

--Dennis Milligan, the head of the Arkansas GOP, said this just a few days ago, posted in a June 3 article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

Buzzflash called the statement "barbarous and treasonous" and so it is. Literally, this is a GOP Chairman advocating terrorist attacks against the US, most certainly on US soil and/or US interests abroad!

If a democrat had done that FOX and the rest of the media would have been seized with grimace and teeth gnashing. The airwaves would be filled with squeals of "treason"! Bill O'Reilly would have blown his last gasket. William F. Buckley would have rolled up his sleeves in search of Gore Vidal. The village idiots, torches lit, would march en masse into the hills in search of monsters, or worse, liberals!

But that's only if a Democrat had said it. The GOP, however, gets away with advocating mass murder. Of Americans.

It would make great parody if the implications were not so sinister. This is not just an isolated incident. The Project for the New American Century, a cabal of NEOCON war fanatics had been planning a "transformation" of US defense policy even before the GOP would steal the White House for Bush. In fact, a document entitled "Rebuidling America's Defenses" characterized their own mission as that of "buidling on the defense strategy outlined by the Cheney Defense Department in the waning days of the Bush Administration [Bush Sr.]
The Defense Police Guidance (DPG) drafted in the early months of 1992 provided a blueprint for maintaining US preeiminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests.

- Rebuilding America's Defense, Project for the New American Century

Even NEOCONS foresaw the nature if not the legitimacy of the criticism literally begging to be made. When the document was leaked it was, indeed, attacked as an effort to begin anew the long cold war which had drained the American psyche to say nothing of the many lives it ruined. The American people were happy and relieved to have been rid of it. Conservatives, however, were adrift without the commie bogeyman. The right wing was in need of another phantom menace to take its place.
This report proceeds from the belief that America should seek to preserve and extend its position of global leadership by maintaining the preeiminence of US military forces.
More specifically, the PNAC document sought to Establish Four Core Missions for US Military Forces:
  • defend the American homeland;
  • fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars;
  • perform the "contabulary" duties associated iwth shaping the security environment in critical regions;
  • transform US forces to exploit the "revolution in military affairs;"
By now, however, the ideologues of the PNAC are just warming up.
Until another great power challenger emerges, the United States can enjoy a respite from the demands of international leadership. ... But, as we have seen over the poast decade, there has been no shortage of powers around the world who have taken the collapse of the Soviet empire an opportunity to expand their own influence and challenge the American-led security order. ...Behind the smallest proxy war in the most remote region lurked the possibility of Armageddon. Thus, despite numerous miscalculations through the five decades of Cold War, the United States reaped an extraordinary measure of global security and stability simply by building a credible and, in relative terms, inexpensive nuclear arsenal.
And, at last, we come to it --the reason Ronald Reagan blew the world's best chance for world peace when Mikhail Gorbachev put total nuclear disarmament on the table at Rekjavik.

Reagan might have achieved a safer world, even a millennium of peace free of the specter of total nuclear annihilation. He might have achieved that but for this radical, reactionary extremist right wing base.

The critics might not have spelled out the utter failure of the Ronald Reagan administration to end the cold war when he had a chance. And now, the Project for the New American Century was proposing to bring it all back despite the fall of the Soviet Union.

Their plan called for war against the people of Iraq amid huge hikes in defense spending. In order to achieve a popular consensus behind this radical agenda, the NEOCONS describe "a process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." Rebuilding America’s Defenses, their stated goals would never be realized “absent some catastrophic catalyzing event –like a new Pearl Harbor”. (page 52) Indeed, Paul Wolfowitz was warning of Pearl Harbor-like events just months before 911. What did he know? When did he know it?

Such an event was considered absolutely necessary to mobilize an otherwise complacent public. How cynical, how callous are bastards of the right wing that they appear willing, perhaps eager, to sacrifice American lives to achieve a radical, right-wing, militaristic agenda.

What is that if not high treason?

PNAC, founded in 1997, is the monstrous creation of well-known Zionist, neo-conservatives Robert Kagan and William Kristol of The Weekly Standard. PNAC is actually a part of a "larger" organization, the New Citizenship Project, chaired by William Kristol. Other conspirators include Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, and Paul Wolfowitz. All signed what is called a pact, a "Statement of Principles", on June 3, 1997. Until he joined the Bush White House, Paul Wolfowitz was a director of PNAC.

A prominent PNAC member is Dick Cheney, the power behind the throne. He doesn't like to be questioned...

Some of those "conspirators" were confronted as you will see in this video:

From the standpoint of normal and patriotic Americans, Bush is a stunning and monumental failure. We often wonder why he continues to receive the support of as much as 28% of the American public. Look at it this way -- for an increasingly small minority of Americans, Bush is still a hero. He has, in fact, accomplished the PNAC agenda, however disastrous it may be to the welfare of the American people, our civil liberties under the Constitution, the separation of powers which is the very cornerstone of our Constitution.

Bush has pleased his shrinking, radical constituency. Since 911, huge increases in US military spending threaten to bankrupt the nation. They were planned, however, well in advance of the GOP balloting coup in Florida. The piece de resistance was a cynical decision by SCOTUS called Bush v Gore, so bad, so disingenuously argued that SCOTUS itself felt obliged to offer up in the decision an apologia. It's reasoning, its legal arguments were not to be applied in future cases. Heretofore, the making of case law had been considered a major role of the court. Bush v Gore was, in fact, the law that made no law, the case that is not case law, the law that is no law. It is, in fact, an illegal fiat disingenuously applied in one case and one case only. Such is the cynical, revolutionary nature of the manner in which George W. Bush seized the Oval Office and corrupted the nation's highest court.

Had the war against Iraq been planned by the time Bush v Gore went to court? If so, then a petition charging George W. Bush with high treason should be prepared immediately amid demands that he be impeached, charged, and arrested.

The billions squandered on Bush's phantom menace has already bankrupted the nation. Iraq alone, premised as it was upon a pack of lies, should be enough to convict.

That our presence in Iraq required of Bush the loss of some 3,000 American citizens in 911 alone and many more in Iraq is treason enough! That it was done upon a pack of deliberate and malicious lies makes this a case of mass murder. If that is not high treason, then what the hell is?

Some background on the right wing conspiracy to dominate the world:
March 8, 1992

U.S. Strategy Plan Calls for Insuring No Rivals Develop

A One-Superpower World

Pentagon’s Document Outlines Ways to Thwart Challenges to Primacy of America

By Patrick E. Tyler

Special to The New York Times

WASHINGTON, March 7 – In a broad new policy statement that is in its final drafting phase, the Defense Department asserts that America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era will be to ensure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territories of the former Soviet Union.

A 46-page document that has been circulating at the highest levels of the Pentagon for weeks, and which Defense Secretary Dick Cheney expects to release later this month, states that part of the American mission will be “convincing potential competitors that they need not aspire to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interests.”

The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy.

Rejecting Collective Approach

To perpetuate this role, the United States “must sufficiently account for the interests of the advanced industrial nations to discourage them from challenging our leadership or seeking to overturn the established political and economic order,” the document states.
An update on the war crimes issue:

Blair to Face War Crimes Trial?

Tony Blair could face prosecution for war crimes in Iraq following a legal bid launched yesterday. Former SNP MP Jim Sillars has handed a 10,000-word dossier to Lord Advocate Eilish Angiolini urging her to charge the PM under Scots law. He claims Blair should be held to account for conspiring to overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime and for starting the war in Iraq.

-Chimes of Freedom
If Tony Blair is guilty of war crimes, Bush is more so. Bush, after all, put Blair up to it. Following a night in which they shared toothpaste? How sweet!

And now for something completely different. If you are not already into the music of Keith Jarrett you will be after checkin' this out at: Le Thé Chez Vierotchka. And from the same creative blog: All You Need is Love

Additional resources:

Why Conservatives Hate America

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  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    I guess I need to be arrested and shackled for also predicting 9/11.

    I predicted something would happen like Pearl Harbor event given CLINTON's utter ignorance in defend America by engaging her enemies, the Terrorists that bombed our World Trade Center in 1993, in military strength.

    Oh and quite amusing really how ignorant you are of what would happen if America left itself completely without Nuclear Weapons while nations like Russia still had theres.

    There's a reason we did not support the Land Mine initiative at the United Nations just as Ronald Reagon did not support the Nuclear Disarmament treaty.

    That reason is that not all countries possessing the weaponry were going to actually hold their end of the bargain and disarm, leaving America defenseless.

    Not that you care about Defending America. The only COWBOY about you is well....your hat.

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    "Had the war against Iraq been planned by the time Bush v Gore went to court? If so, then a petition charging George W. Bush with high treason should be prepared immediately amid demands that he be impeached, charged, and arrested."

    If no-one in the Pentagon had ever laid out plans for a ground invasion of Iraq and removal of Saddam Hussein at anytime during or after the 1st Gulf War Conflict,

    then that would be grounds of impeaching well... the entire Pentagon Leadership.

    It is to America's advantage to plan out attacks in as many ways as we deem most theoretically possible towards its enemies...

    Otherwise, we would be scrambling to draw up plans while being under assault by surprise attacks by an enemy blowing up NUKES in our inner cities.

    Like I sad in my 1st post. Your ability to actually care about the defense of America is 100% lacking.

    And your ability to understand what it takes to defend America,

    I.E. come up with the plans well in advance of ever having to set them into motion

    is also ridiculously and unfortunately lacking.

    I can't believe we have Americans in this Great Country who think Presidents ought to be IMPEACHED for thinking about National Security issues.

  3. Jeff said...

    I guess I need to be arrested and shackled for also predicting 9/11.

    Are you a ventriloquist? You've done a nice job of debating with a strawman.

    I predicted something would happen like Pearl Harbor event given CLINTON's utter ignorance in defend America by engaging her enemies, the Terrorists that bombed our World Trade Center in 1993, in military strength.

    Last time, I checked 911 happened on George Bush's watch. There are REAMS of documentary evidence that the Bush White House knew it was comming and, if Dick Cheney didn't orchestrate it himself, they did absolutely nothing to prevent it. Dick Cheney was in charge of "exercises" that day. At the very least he is completely incompetent. At worst, he is a goddamned traitor.

    Oh and quite amusing really how ignorant you are of what would happen if America left itself completely without Nuclear Weapons while nations like Russia still had theres.

    That's an ad hominem attack typical of your ilk. It simply discredits anything you have to say.

    There's a reason we did not support the Land Mine initiative at the United Nations just as Ronald Reagon did not support the Nuclear Disarmament treaty.

    You analogy does not apply to Ronald Reagan's refusal to support said treaty.

    That reason is that not all countries possessing the weaponry were going to actually hold their end of the bargain and disarm, leaving America defenseless.

    But you wouldn't know that. Would you?

    Not that you care about Defending America. The only COWBOY about you is well....your hat.

    And you wouldn't know that either!

    If no-one in the Pentagon had ever laid out plans for a ground invasion of Iraq and removal of Saddam Hussein at anytime during or after the 1st Gulf War Conflict,

    Again, a false analogy. Scenarios are one thing. An intention to invade is another.

    Like I sad in my 1st post. Your ability to actually care about the defense of America is 100% lacking.

    Again --you presume to write about something of which you are completely ignorant.

    And your ability to understand what it takes to defend America,

    If you think you are better qualified, produce your credentials!

    I can't believe we have Americans in this Great Country who think Presidents ought to be IMPEACHED for thinking about National Security issues.

    You are either a bald face liar or you are stupid or both. That's not what I said and, what's more, unless you are bloody stupid, you know that that's not what I said. Moreover, it used to be a great country before the right wing fucked it up. I hope you lousy bastards all rot in hell! Next time, fuck off!

  4. No, Jeff - you're totally wrong. Liberals don't hate America; on the other hand, Conservatives absolutely loathe it and everything it stands for.

  5. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Blackwater,Gorelick,ForeignAid,Blackstone,Intelsat and MRAP's: Neocon Nightmares against the REPUBLIC

    in my humble opinion and pardon my grammar

    a) in we got a glimpse of Blackwater by a
    writer , , Jeremy Scahill , that has a
    full report on this "private war army", and with the Congress giving
    them contractors impunity, who is in charge ? who they work for ? if
    they succeed and stop the war, their contracts run out, so it's stupid
    to think they will help end their very lucrative business, so that
    explains the never ending insurgency, civil wars, conflicts, suicide
    bombings and the need for more contracts, but lets face it ! the
    American Taxpayer is too inocent to expect this, most of them can't
    even think of anyone pushing for violence to get more contracts, so
    the war will never end, and the contracts will just get bigger and
    bigger while the taxpayers get poorer and poorer, and that's why
    Rupert Murdoch wants to buy the WSJ, to stop any deep Investigations
    of contractors and Iraq war contracts, just look at Congress how they
    get distracted with the US Attorney affair, and this is also to get
    the christians out of Justice and since President Bush cannot get
    anyone approved by Congress, the neocons inside the Justice Dpt. would
    become defacto A/G.'s , neocons like
    would take over all Justice and stop all neocon investigations as well
    as letting go Abramoff, Schwartz,Green,Franklin,Libby,Fastow,etc., a
    perfect strategy run by Sen. Schumer and Sen.Feinstein (and now with
    Sen.Specter help) the ones who got the most to lose, these 2 have
    abused their offices, the first one by searching Gov. databases of
    other candidates and the second one approving massive contracts that
    benefit the businesses of her husband, they need to take control of
    the Justice and close down all critics in preparation of another
    "fabricated 9/11" to send the USA soldiers and taxpayers to Iran, a
    perfect criminal plan and with Senator Lieberman, and they will
    succeed most likely, because can you name one single member of
    Congress with the will to stand up to these criminals and AIPAC ? name
    just one ! there is none ! ....America is a defacto pre-colony of

    b) in the WSJ,June, 14,07:"AIG sues Greenberg ,Smith for over $1
    billion dollars in damages", this is the case of Greenberg as chairman
    of AIG setting up a system to turn disabled workers policy's premiums
    into regular income to push his profits and his stock options and
    salaries,his general counsel at the time told Greenberg that what he
    was doing was illegal and quit, Greenberg kept on stealing the
    disabled workers primiums and when he got caught in this and other
    accounting manipulations and sham reinsurance transactions,he paid a
    fine of about 420 million and went home with a subsidiary , C.V.Starr
    and billions of dollars, a real sweet deal,ANYONE IN AMERICA THAT DOES
    the media never made a scandal out of it and he went home free, aint
    it great to be a neocon with friends in high places ? and thats also
    why Murdoch wants to buy the WSJ, at the time the Journal was the only
    paper investigating Greenberg, so if Murdoch buys the WSJ, America
    takes a huge hit and i would urge the staff, which already has made it
    clear they dont want Murdoch running that great paper, i would urge
    the staff to move on and take their great workmanship somewhere else,
    a place with mobile devices and global reach, make their great
    Investigating Reporting a mobile global asset , its the right thing to
    do if the stockholders of Dow Jones bend over in front of Rupert
    "General Mossad" Murdoch and his soldiers, shame !

    c) this week, so far, we got Senator Levin, slowing down the CAFE
    standards, he is really working for the Oil Lobby with the excuse that
    the Auto Industry cannot get hurt, but really is to keep America
    addicted to oil , which keeps our troops in the Middle East guarding
    the occupied territories and the israelis safe as well as justifying
    another round of massive Foreign Aid, this year Israel and Pakistan
    are getting 10 billion each, military-economic-loan guarantees-support-
    gifts, a wonderful thing if you can get it, but hey ! the USA
    Taxpayers cannot even find all the information in any newspapers,
    that's the power of AIPAC and the Oil Lobby in America, amazing ! and
    it shows the total corruption of WashingtonDC,only by pushing out 80 %
    of the Congress and 80 % of the staff ( every House and Senate member
    office has one or more AIPAC-Oil staff operator ) we will be able to
    take this great country back, it's on the brink !

    d) in many newspapers ,NYT,WP,WSJ, the talk is about Hedge Funds like
    Blackstone and others, making billions of dollars with the war and
    selling chunks of stock to China and the Middle East investors,loaded
    with Oil and war profits, and still paying only 15 % in taxes, instead
    of the ordinary income tax rate of 35%, and the Congress and assorted
    Committees still talking about patriotism and the war on terror, the
    biggest war profiteers running the show, collecting billions of
    dollars and the soldiers still waiting to get a few Mine Resistant
    Ambush Protection Vehicles, MRAP's, they are fighting for the multi-billion
    contract ! no time for the soldiers!

    e) in the WP we find out that BP, fighting criminal charges of
    incompetence for the Refineries fires here in the USA, has hired none
    other than Jamie Gorelick, the diabolical dep.AG that created the memo
    called "the WALL" by the WSJ, a memo that forced all Justice Dpt.
    units not to talk with each other and that created the environment for
    9/11/01, where FBI could not ask Immigration about terrorists, CIA
    could not tell FBI, pilot schools could not tell Justice, etc.,she is
    a real good neocon israeli operator,a real soldier, and a real
    criminal, lets hope God gives her and all her team what she and they
    work so hard for !

    in the meantime i urge president Bush and Speaker Pelosi to break the
    "criminal air" and start a massive plan with solar panels and
    concentrators factories to put solar energy in 35 million homes,under
    water turbines in all coasts and islands , wind turbines in the 50
    States, ethanol from sugar-cane/corn/rapeseeds/etc., in every gas
    station, massive plan for safe lithium-ion and nickel-metal batteries
    factories, hydrogen in 25.000 gas stations, electric cars for every
    Municipality,coal to diesel plants with carbon capture ( if we search,
    we will find a way to capture carbons !!!! ) , genetic and chemical
    labeling for all the foods,educate the kids in 3 languages while
    making english the natural language of America.

    Undocumented Immigrants
    start to integrate all the undocumented immigrants into the USA System, in basics like not
    dropping papers or cigarettes or spitting on the floor,letting old people their
    seats on a bus or train, letting ladies first, helping others,
    respecting the rules of the USA culture, learning fully the
    Constitution, making them understand that the USA is unique, they cant
    duplicate their own country here , thats why they come here instead
    of staying back, in my humble opinion, undocumented immigrants must
    become first an asset for America, an added value, a positive
    force,and that requires training and education,all immigrants will
    become old, there needs to be a plan to integrate them from young to
    old, with massive Internet , mobile apps, etc., to make them valuable
    for themselves and for society, a real long term plan with their own
    health insurance, etc.

    h) in the Washington Post,June ,15,07 are 2 important articles about Intelsat and the fraud involved :" Intelsat's triple-flip is anchored in debt " and "Intelsat Puts Itself Back on the Auction Block" where we learn the massive flipping of these very important USA assets and all through Hedge Funds in Bermuda to avoid taxes and parking patents and access to National Security there, and it all started with the Board of GM selling Hughes to Rupert Murdoch when this individual was still a foreign national from Australia, and this sale of TV airwaves and satellite networks of the USA taxpayers to a foreign national was and is illegal, but hey! Washington DC really likes to bend over for "General Mossad" Murdoch, they really go for it , the traitors ! so nothing will ever happen , anyone else in the USA would have lost all his or her assets and TV licenses, but Murdoch keeps on monopolizing and now is going after the WSJ to take full control of the media and fix the '08 elections, real neocon style ! and the christian community looking at their --------, shame !..... to all of you christian men : don't cry later when your kids and wife have to bend over and kiss Murdoch-Lieberman-Schumer-Bloomberg-Emanuel and the Israeli Army --------, don't cry later when you never did anything when you could to save your country and the USA Constitution ! and about the above neocons: in 2002 and 2003 these warmongers were pushing America ,Congress and the White House to attack Iraq and to bomb everybody , they were using the TV networks, newspapers and radios to push for invading Iraq with the WMD lies fabricated by their partners Feith,Wolfowitz,Perle,Abrams,Wurmser,Zakheim,Kristol,Cohen,etc.etc., and where is the responsability ? thousands of deaths and injuries,families broken and lands devastated and the blame going to the USA, while these neocons and their partners sipping coffe in Tel Aviv and Haiffa complaining about the "Victim Business" not moving forward fast enough and the oil pipeline from Iraq to Haiffa not being in place already , the real reason the USA went to Iraq ! what a criminal genocide ! all this is a high crime against the United States of America .

    in the end, the corruption ,fear of energy independence and fear of AIPAC, incompetence
    and lack of vision is so great in DC ,every USA taxpayer must take
    part and go to DC, on foot or on the Internet,time to shake things up ! the Republic is in real danger !

  6. Anonymous12:19 PM

    The president and most of his administration should not only be impeached, they should be put on trial for crimes against humanity, fraud and perjury. They have lied out right to this nation and the world, in the end to line theirs and their friend's pockets. Many books have been written, dots have been connected, most of the evidence is in the open, and has been readily produced. To deny it’s presence is sheer ignorance on anyone’s part at this point in time.

    Unfortunately, due to the weak will of the opposition party and the lazy state of political awareness of the rank and file citizen in America today, coupled with a duplicitous media, justice will probably not be served. But it will not be far down the line when even the unaware, or uncaring will become acquainted with the criminality of this administration and the multi-faceted costs of that burden.

    I do not have the resources, nor the time to post the details of the incompetence, deciet and corruption of this administration, nor the individual laws they have breeched...but, many other do, and have. The E. Cowboy has posted the facts and figures concerning the current state of politics in this country, and competently so with historical reference and in depth analysis in all subjects posted. Not to mention all the classic literature, philosophy and history from around the globe and of the human experience that is constantly integrated into the discussions. Most right wing-nuts I have talked to don’t even have a practical grasp of American history, let alone any worldly understanding, yet they chide and taunt everyone around them as if they command some great knowledge, what a joke they have made of them selves.

    Len, again you have given some right-wing pimp a lesson in debate I am sure he will not respond to. Bald face liar is about what they all fall into these days, or totally delusional, certainly lacking in any analytical thought process. Most of these right wingers can not think beyond a flat plane myopic world vision of "It's them against us" because that is what they have been fed for so long, and that is what they choose to believe.

    But it is not my problem they continue to pursue such ignorance, you usually can not have a rational debate with them whether it is politics, economy, policy even science, you just hit brick walls (everyone has heard of the term “thick as a brick” ). As seeking a progressive vision, I have taken the time to seek the truth, and to educate myself in doing so. It has been time consuming and has left me on the outside looking in on several occasions…but, I would not have it any other way, as truth is pivotal to my personal and professional out look on life. And, I thank the Cowboy for assisting my endeavor, I have benefited greatly from many bits of information and knowledge gained through reference’s found on this blog, offered up by many that post and comment here.

    People like Jeff who continue to listen to the propaganda of right wing radio, will soon find them selves up against a wall. When push comes to shove in this country, it has always been, and will always be the progressives along with many of the working people, that will save the day, if we are to be so fortunate…as it’s historical for the most part. The abolitionists of the civil war era, the Quakers during WWI, or the working men of the CCC programs developed by FDR during the great depression, it has always been progressives, not conservatives that have stepped up to the plate and moved this country forward. Not to mention the great union movements of the early nineteen hundreds that allow working Americans what benefits are left today, in spite the attacks of the Reagan era.

    Jeff's leadership and many of that ilk will be in their bunkers or on their Lear jets skating away to some off-shore complex quicker then snake shit, if it gets down to it. Very few will really know what to do, they are mostly all phonies or posers, and that is why the right wing must establish a fascist state to control this country, or they will lose it one way or the other, and some know that, (Cheney comes to mind).

    I am trying to stick it out and hope that a more balanced sense of politics returns, but it will also take some serious progressive actions to maintain equity in the world stage, and also to deal with what ever global climate change may bring. I believe so many Americans just do not have a clue as to what is around the corner, not a friggin’ clue. Of course, the over class likes it like that…my other point is, I believe this time… they don’t have a clue either. They certainly did a number last century, seems they have yet again really started off well in this century…if you are partial to cluster fucks.

    All I can say to you Len, is thanks for all your hard work and effort to get the truth out, you are a true patriot as far as I can see.
    All I have to say to Jeff is, well good luck buddy, because you have a long, long way to go.


  7. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Vierotchka nailed it. Just read Leo Strauss. Although conservatards will dismiss that like they dismiss PNAC.

    We are, collectively, the most blissfully ignorant culture on Earth.

  8. benmerc said...

    The president and most of his administration should not only be impeached, they should be put on trial for crimes against humanity, fraud and perjury.

    Indeed, benmerc! I remember well the murder of JFK. For my generation it was a bigger wake up call than even Viet Nam. The JFK murder proved that we could never trust our government to tell us the truth. Viet Nam taught us that while we could not trust the government we would be expected to die for it.

    Many, not willing to die for a such a government, left. Others went underground. Four were murdered by the National Guard at Kent State. Perhaps presaging Iraq, little said about Viet Nam was true. Unlike Iraq, Viet Nam was not planned from the "get go" by a single criminal regime. It was harder to pin down, harder to finger a single guilty regime, a single White House crook. At least two Presidents fell victim to Nam: LBJ and Nixon. Mine has been an uneasy peace. I had not completely forgiven Bill Clinton for Waco but took his side when the radical GOP tried to impeach him on bogus charges. His acquittal was a temporary victory not fully savored.

    Unfortunately, due to the weak will of the opposition party and the lazy state of political awareness of the rank and file citizen in America today, coupled with a duplicitous media, justice will probably not be served.

    Just once, I would like to see the cause of truth and justice win! And win decisively. I wonder why those simple things seem always to have been denied the ordinary American.

    The E. Cowboy has posted the facts and figures concerning the current state of politics in this country, and competently so with historical reference and in depth analysis in all subjects posted. Not to mention all the classic literature, philosophy and history from around the globe and of the human experience that is constantly integrated into the discussions.

    That you and the other members of our "Baghdad Cafe" (as Fuzzflash calls it) have found a place to hang out and exchange ideas makes it all worthwhile.

    Len, again you have given some right-wing pimp a lesson in debate I am sure he will not respond to.

    He lost his first and final round by not having anything to say and saying it. He obviously had never learned the first rule of debate: know your opponents subject better than he does. Secondly, for all his tough talk, Jeff cannot "...handle the truth". The truth is this: because of his abysmal ignorance he is on the side of criminals and, however passively, enables their crimes.

    Bald face liar is about what they all fall into these days, or totally delusional, certainly lacking in any analytical thought process.

    You will find idiots in every country. But American idiots are especially obnoxious in that they think themselves intelligent.

    As seeking a progressive vision, I have taken the time to seek the truth, and to educate myself in doing so. It has been time consuming and has left me on the outside looking in on several occasions…but, I would not have it any other way, as truth is pivotal to my personal and professional out look on life. And, I thank the Cowboy for assisting my endeavor, I have benefited greatly from many bits of information and knowledge gained through reference’s found on this blog, offered up by many that post and comment here.

    It was Eastwood's "Dirty Harry" (I believe) who said: "A man has got to know his limitations. That's why I post as many references as I can find. As the X-files used to say: "The truth is out there". I want to track it down and ram it down the right wing's throat. Let's see if they can handle the truth. Most of them can't.

    I am trying to stick it out and hope that a more balanced sense of politics returns, but it will also take some serious progressive actions to maintain equity in the world stage, and also to deal with what ever global climate change may bring.

    Thomas More, as he was portrayed in Robert Bolt's great film "A Man for All Seasons" said that our first duty lay in surviving. I plan to hang on as long as possible and will be kicking right wing ass even as they drag me off.

    All I have to say to Jeff is, well good luck buddy, because you have a long, long way to go.

    Cheers, benmerc! As Lazlo told Rick: This time I know our side will win!

  9. Anonymous4:17 PM

    "I plan to hang on as long as possible and will be kicking right wing ass even as they drag me off"

    Well, that's Len Hart 110% as they used to say...Let's hope it don't come to that, but I'm with you if it does.


  10. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Fuzzflash sez,

    Ok benmerc and len, when and if you guys get rendered for your vile and barbarous cyberspace postings against The Tyranny, do you believe that the rest of us would just swan about and sigh "Oh, well"?

    Damien: Say Fuzz, Len hasn't posted for a couple of months.... they must have nabbed him.

    FF: Yeah too bad. He was one helluva guy.

    Get Fucking Real!

    Networks would be activated overnight. Unless we are all whisked away simultaneously in a wordwide pogrom, we are capable of making major static on your behalves. Just recently Sad and Damien and myself went in hard for Gitmo inmate David Hicks, and we don't even know him. Hicks is home and will be a free man by Xmas (mind you, we had help),and Powell and others are agitating to close Gitmo for good. You two fuckers are "our people", do you seriously think we'd abandon you to these Orcs?

    No need to answer the rhetoric. Just keep on bloggin' bros.

  11. Len, I saw where Buzzflash posted this article. Way to go.

  12. Anonymous said...

    Blackstone,Intelsat and MRAP's: Neocon Nightmares against the REPUBLIC

    Thanks, anonymous. There's some good stuff here. Sorry about what the "comments box" did to your formatting. The NET is still an imperfect world. S'ok. There is a gold mine of stuff and thanks for sharing it with us. I did a google with some of your search terms and came up with this: Bush Remark Reiterates Arrogant Globalist/Neocon "Crazies" Insane Lust For New World Order Prevalence And Power

    From that link:

    James Madison, in Federalist Paper No. 10 advocates a republic over a democracy precisely to protect the individual from the majority.

    In that respect, Madison presaged John Stuart Mill whose On Liberty warns of a tyranny by a majority.

    jason said...

    Vierotchka nailed it.

    Indeed! Welcome to the "Cowboy", jason.


    Let's hope it don't come to that, but I'm with you if it does.

    Existentialism is, in fact, a hard philosophy. It's often hard to live with the consequencs of one's own actions. But that's what Sartre, Frankl, Camus et al are all about. Some people simply skate through life. Bush is one. He is not as deep as the scum that forms round my bathtub drain but in other ways has much in common with it.

    Fuzzflash sez,

    Ok benmerc and len, when and if you guys get rendered for your vile and barbarous cyberspace postings against The Tyranny, do you believe that the rest of us would just swan about and sigh "Oh, well"? ... Get Fucking Real!

    LOL LOL No, Fuzz, I really don't : ) Seriously, though --we have already won. The world is fed up with Bush's shit. He makes enemies a million times faster than he can kill 'em. I won't be losing any sleep tonight.

    Manifesto Joe said...

    Len, I saw where Buzzflash posted this article

    Thanks, Joe! They are good folk and I would try to be nice to them anyway : ) Come to think of it, I have been a bit ornery lately. But I truly hope that the only people I have offended richly deserved it.

    Lately, my credentials as a "Cowboy" have been impugned by those who wouldn't know a horse's head from his arse. That's why Bush fooled them. I'll admit: my long departed "Daddy" was a much better roper; but I have stepped in enough horse shit to identify George W. Bush.

  13. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Fuzz & crew:

    Glad to know you guys are on it ...thats what it is all about... good work on the Hicks effort, it is nice to see a few wins in our column... i hope you guys are documenting all of what you have done.


  14. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Jeff, you say "Like I said in my 1st post. Your ability to actually care about the defense of America is 100% lacking....Oh and quite amusing really how ignorant you are of what would happen if America left itself completely without Nuclear Weapons while nations like Russia still had theres [theirs, btw]."

    Which raises the questions: Who exactly are America's enemies, Jeff? Where is any evidence that other countries want to attack and invade the US? This is all a nonsense conversation in the absence of any real threats.

    The Russkies? Their recent threatening posturing in response to Bush's plans to increase the number of nuclear weapons in countries neighboring Russia?

    Read what Putin actually had to say about this when he spoke to the Western media recently for over 90 mins about nuclear proliferation, human rights, Kosovo, democracy and the present confrontation with the US over missile defense in Europe. It's quite clear if you examine that transcript who exactly is the aggressor nation. Mike Whitney makes the incredible point that "apart from one brief excerpt which appeared in a Washington Post editorial, (and which was used to criticize Putin) the press conference has been scrubbed from the public record. It never happened."

    Whitney then goes on to quote Pat Buchanon:
    "Though the Red Army had picked up and gone home from Eastern Europe voluntarily, and Moscow felt it had an understanding we would not move NATO eastward, we exploited our moment. Not only did we bring Poland into NATO, we brought in Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, and virtually the whole Warsaw Pact, planting NATO right on Mother Russia's front porch. Now, there is a scheme afoot to bring in Ukraine and Georgia in the Caucasus, the birthplace of Stalin.

    Second, America backed a pipeline to deliver Caspian Sea oil from Azerbaijan through Georgia to Turkey, to bypass Russia.

    Third, though Putin gave us a green light to use bases in the old Soviet republics for the liberation of Afghanistan, we now seem hell-bent on making those bases in Central Asia permanent.

    Fourth, though Bush sold missile defense as directed at rogue states like North Korea, we now learn we are going to put anti-missile systems into Eastern Europe. And against whom are they directed?

    Fifth, through the National Endowment for Democracy, its GOP and Democratic auxiliaries, and tax-exempt think tanks, foundations, and "human rights" institutes such as Freedom House, headed by ex-CIA director James Woolsey, we have been fomenting regime change in Eastern Europe, the former Soviet republics, and Russia herself.

    U.S.-backed revolutions have succeeded in Serbia, Ukraine, and Georgia, but failed in Belarus. Moscow has now legislated restrictions on the foreign agencies that it sees, not without justification, as subversive of pro-Moscow regimes.

    Sixth, America conducted 78 days of bombing of Serbia for the crime of fighting to hold on to her rebellious province, Kosovo, and for refusing to grant NATO marching rights through her territory to take over that province. Mother Russia has always had a maternal interest in the Orthodox states of the Balkans.

    These are Putin's grievances. Does he not have a small point?"

    And nuclear threats from the Russians? Robert McNamara who says: "I would characterize current U.S. nuclear weapons policy as immoral, illegal, militarily unnecessary, and dreadfully dangerous."

    Jeff, would do well to read my previous post here reviewing an article in the Asia Times by Ramtanu Maitra that gives a telling account of Western efforts to constrain the influence of China and Russia in the former Russian states. Maitra explains US and UK efforts to foment anti-Russian and anti-Chinese sentiment and to establish US and UK influence in these countries. It's effectively a covert foreign policy program against China and Russia. And it involves Western support for terrorism, notably the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and the Hizbut-Tehrir (HT). (also here).

    Imagine if Putin was supporting anti-US terrorist groups in Mexico what the US public reaction would be?

    So who exactly are America's enemies, Jeff? Venezuela?

  15. Yo Len,

    Right on as usual.

    So G-Man Guiliani has been heard saying that if a Democrat is elected there'll be a second 9-11 scale terrorist attack.

    Hmmm...this from the man who somehow knew that WTC7 was going to be "pulled" shortly before it collapsed. This from the man who has made over $20 million in speaking engagements since 9-11, and who has a serious shot at becoming President due to 9-11.

    This and other videos will get folks started on relevcant research.

    Probably most of the posters here are familiar with this stuff already, so I need not repeat it all here.

    The point is this: SOMEBODY planned and executed 9-11. SOMEBODY made over $2 billion in insurance claims (which were altered just weeks before the attacks to include acts of terrorism). SOMEBODY knew those building were going to collapse before they did and G-man's big fat mouth indicates he was one of those people in the know.

    And so now he's saying if the Neocons lose power in 2008, there WILL be another one.

    So my question is: HOW does he know that? My question is NOT "whether" he knows it. He knows it.

    Rather, who tells G-man this stuff? The same people who told him to stay away from the command and control center in WTC7 (where all emergency routines specified that he be in case of an emergency at the towers)?

    Hmmm... how about a dirty bomb in one of our unsecured blue state ports like Seattle, LA or San Francisco? How convenient that would be? It can be easily hid in a container ship and let off in the harbor, minimizing (initial) human life loss.

    Who would be to blame? - why, Iran and Al-Qaeda of course, who else could possibly do such a thing?

    Maybe that's why we haven't captured Bin Laden yet. The neocons still need him for a bogey man since he's so good at it.

    Ah, the smoke of war - just what the Bush Family crime network needs as cover to quietly secure access to that Caspian Sea Oil.

    So what if G-man is right? What if Americans do the sensible thing and vote all these Neocons idiots out of office?

    Well, that's why they have the new handy Presidential National Security Directive #51 - you know, the one that gives the President complete authority over all threee branches of government for an indefinite period of time should there be a "catastrophic emergency".

    And just who decides what constitutes a "catastrophic emergency"? Why, that would be the Decider-in-Chief himself, of course.

    Am I the only one who is seeing this stuff?

    I keep pinching myself, hoping it's just a bad dream.....

  16. damien said...

    Which raises the questions: Who exactly are America's enemies, Jeff? Where is any evidence that other countries want to attack and invade the US? This is all a nonsense conversation in the absence of any real threats.

    The US has been truly brainwashed. Jeff is so full of it. A perfect example.

    Thanks for the Putin update. I had been wanting to get something going on that. Your remarks are right on time.

    Yogi 's Music World said...

    So G-Man Guiliani has been heard saying that if a Democrat is elected there'll be a second 9-11 scale terrorist attack.

    Indeed, they are up to something because they are desparate. One would think, however, that "they" would have a clue that we are onto them!

    The point is this: SOMEBODY planned and executed 9-11. SOMEBODY made over $2 billion in insurance claims (which were altered just weeks before the attacks to include acts of terrorism). SOMEBODY knew those building were going to collapse before they did and G-man's big fat mouth indicates he was one of those people in the know.

    It was Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes who said when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Nothing said by Bush about 911 is either true OR possible. Secondly, Bush and his gang have adhered at various times to inconsistencies within their own theories. If the American people had not been traumatized and hypnotized by the events of 911, it would have been all over for the Bush gang already. It's all a lie! And those who lied about 911 did so because they are fuckin' guilty. It was an inside job!

    I keep pinching myself, hoping it's just a bad dream.....

    I wish it had been all a bad dream. happened. For a government, we have a murderous gang of thugs, arch-criminals who would happily sacrifice any number of American lives for vainglorious ambition and conquest which, in America, is spelled: OIL!

  17. Anonymous5:12 PM

    9-11Review gives a very balanced approach to 9/11 for anyone unfamiliar with the topic.

  18. Damien,

    EXCELLENT link...thanks

  19. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Len, I see you've blogrolled "70 Reasons to Doubt". Many thanks, it's a great article by John Doraemi. Since I'm going to post new material can you change the link to the one here: 70 reasons or it won't show up. Cheers.

  20. Anonymous8:19 PM

    The GOP and its core Trotsky-ites are clueless about why they are sinking into "Operation Dysfunctional." Of course, the Trotsky adherents are the Neo-Conservatives. They use the GOP for their own purposes, whether they hurt the GOP or not. Naturally, the "leadership" of the GOP licks the boots of these War-At-Any-Cost Neo-cons.

    The GOP cries over its back-to-back losses, and with good reason. Many if not most Americans do not like the GOP's Trotsky-ite jack-booted thuggery. If we Americans want to bomb just anybody around the world for the thrill of it, we'd back the Neo-con GOP. Oddly enough, America was created to be a country that had no international goals except for trading, and friendship, and not alliances that have plagued us since the days of Wilson and F. Roosevelt.

    You'd think we get tired of taking sides in every dispute across the globe. The GOP made much more sense in its campaign days during 1920, when they pronounced the goal of normalcy, after the idiocy of Wilson and his war which needlessloy killed over 100,000 Americans.

    Only one American stood on the GOP's debate stage, that is when he wasn't banned by the network news nazis. That was Ron Paul. You know, the guy who kept talking like Thomas Jefferson. Naturally the New GOP (neo-cons) highly resented that any of its own candidates departed from its universal stock jack-booted candidate profile that advocated at least 100 years of war for the heck of it. Interesting how not long ago, the GOP respresented holding down government expenses, and returning power to the states.

    With its tyrannical party policies of militant left-wing policy of having all power given unto the executive branch of the federal government, you know, as FDR wanted it, its adherents will now have absolute standardization of thought, and no deviations from it will be tolerated, in the slightest.

    Today there is no major political party that believes in more states' powers and maximum freedon for the people. Both Democrats and Republicans want standard regimentation of public though and action. How convenient for our rulers to have the people's thought be the same. One problem, though, the people are not buying much of each parties propaganda.

    The GOP deserves the fruits of its failures to represent true American idealism. They deserve defeats in the next elections for having abandoned their principles. Once they get tired of having to carry the neo-cons on their shoulders, election loss after eleciton loss, they might get tired of their burden. All it takes is a few Republicans to come to their sense and realize the neo-con GOP folks are bad for America.
