The vast majority of those deaths were of innocent civilians, family members, tradespeople, store keepers --not men well-armed against a high tech invader/aggressor! This is serious enough to require that those responsible be tried for war crimes, and, when found guilty, punished to the extent and the letter of the law.
(a) Offense.— Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death. --TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 118 > § 2441 § 2441. War crimesThis is not a case that would baffle Sherlock Holmes. Among many complicit co-conspirators, one name stands out, the name of the person whose name is on the order to commence battle. It was George W. Bush who ordered the commencement of war. This act has already proven to be among the most horrific war crimes since those of Adolph Hitler or Pol Pot.
I have called for the prosecution of George Bush for 'war crimes' since it became clear that the US attack and invasion of Afghanistan was all about natural gas and pipelines. Before creating this blog, I had long posted those views on NPR's now defunct "How's Bush Doing" discussion forum as well as the likewise defunct "The Opinion". Recently, our lonely voices are joined by distinguished experts, jurists, attorneys and specialists in international law. Adding considerable weight in this area are the opinions of a Nuremberg chief prosecutor who states that there is a case for trying Bush for the 'supreme crime against humanity, an illegal war of aggression against a sovereign nation.'
Bush's war against Iraq was begun upon a series of deliberate frauds. Earlier, Bush had targeted Afghanistan where the US would defend --not freedom --but the interests of US oil barons, primarily a consortium of US oil companies which had planned to build the Centgas Trans-Afghan pipeline linking Turkmenistan's abundant gas reserves with markets in Pakistan. The Group was led by Unocal of California and Delta Oil Company of Saudi Arabia. Members of the Taliban actually met with Unocal officials at offices in Sugarland, TX, a Houston suburb, famous primarily as the home district of Tom DeLay who had introduced measures that would absolve Bush of the very war crimes that he most certainly had planned to commit. [See: How Bush Helped Establish a Corporate 'New World Order'; US 'planned attack on Taliban' [Before 911]; Dick Cheney Made Millions with Saddam Hussein ] Not only is the war against Iraq a war crime prosecutable in US Courts for the violations it represents under the above cited US Codes, Title 18 [op cit], but also in US Federal Courts for the 'mass murder' of some 4,000 US armed forces personnel that have died upon this evil fraud. According to Charles Manson's prosecutor Vince Bugliosi, the penalty is death! The measure exempting US troops from 'war crimes' was introduced by Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) as an amendment to H.R. 1646, The Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 2001, on May 8, 2001. It passed the House 282-137 on May 10 and introduced as S. 857 in the Senate on May 9 by Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC), Zell Miller (D-GA), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), John Warner (R-VA), Trent Lott (R-MS), Richard Shelby (R-AL), and Frank Murkowski (R-AK) --the usual suspects! Their very support of this measure --I suspect may be itself a violation of the international laws and conventions it seeks to circumvent or subvert.The extent to which American exceptionalism is embedded in the national psyche is awesome to behold.
While the United States is a country like any other, its citizens no more special than any others on the planet, Americans still react with surprise at the suggestion that their country could be held responsible for something as heinous as a war crime.
From the massacre of more than 100,000 people in the Philippines to the first nuclear attack ever at Hiroshima to the unprovoked invasion of Baghdad, US-sponsored violence doesn't feel as wrong and worthy of prosecution in internationally sanctioned criminal courts as the gory, blood-soaked atrocities of Congo, Darfur, Rwanda, and most certainly not the Nazis -- most certainly not. Howard Zinn recently described this as our "inability to think outside the boundaries of nationalism. We are penned in by the arrogant idea that this country is the center of the universe, exceptionally virtuous, admirable, superior."
--Could Bush Be Prosecuted for War Crimes?
The bill authorized Bush "...to use all means (including the provision of legal assistance) necessary to bring about the release of covered US persons and covered allied persons held captive by or on behalf of the Court [International Criminal Court, ICC, in the Hague]. Some highlights:
- The President is authorized to invade The Hague. Specifically, the bill empowers Bush to use all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release from captivity of US or Allied personnel detained or imprisoned against their will by or on behalf of the Court.
- No US governmental entity --including State or local governments and court of any US jurisdiction --may cooperate with the ICC in arrests, extraditions, searches and seizures, taking of evidence, seizure of assets, or similar matters.
- No ICC agent may conduct any investigation in the US.
- No classified national security information can be transferred directly or indirectly to the ICC or to countries Party to the Rome Statute.
- These provisions are in addition to existing US law (the 2000-2001 Foreign Relations Authorization Act) which prohibits any US funds going to the ICC once it has been established unless the Senate has given its advice and consent to the Rome Treaty.

Principle I Any person who commits an act which constitutes a crime under international law is responsible therefor and liable to punishment.Principle II The fact that internal law does not impose a penalty for an act which constitutes a crime under international law does not relieve the person who committed the act from responsibility under international law.Principle III The fact that a person who committed an act which constitutes a crime under international law acted as Head of State or responsible Government official does not relieve him from responsibility under international law.Principle IV The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him.Principle VAny person charged with a crime under international law has the right to a fair trial on the facts and law.Principle VlThe crimes hereinafter set out are punishable as crimes under; international law:An October 2006 poll by New York Times and CBS News indicated that some 84 percent of Americans don't believe George W. Bush is telling the truth about what he knew prior to the attacks of 911. In the same year, Zogby reported that 45 percent of Americans support an investigation of George W. Bush by an International Tribunal. Such a tribunal should re-investigate whether officials of the US government allowed or consciously and deliberately helped or facilitated the attacks.Principle VII Complicity in the commission of a crime against peace, a war crime, or a crime against humanity as set forth in Principles VI is a crime under international law.--Principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal
- Crimes against peace:
- Planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances;
- Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the acts mentioned under (i).
- War crimes:
Violations of the laws or customs of war which include, but are not limited to, murder, ill-treatment or deportation to slave-labor or for any other purpose of civilian population of or in occupied territory, murder or ill treatment of prisoners of war, of persons on the seas, killing of hostages, plunder of public or private property, wanton destruction of cities, towns, or villages, or devastation not justified by military necessity.- Crimes against humanity:
Murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation and other inhuman acts done against any civilian population, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds, when such acts are done or such persecutions are carried on in execution of or in connection with any crime against peace or any war crime.
In the same year, 911truth.org commissioned Zogby which found that about half the population of New York believes that members of the Bush administration 'knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act." 911 was, therefore, a deliberate act of mass murder perpetrated upon the American people by the man who presumes the office of 'dictator'. Since that is the title he prefers to 'president', then I suggest we stoo calling him "President Bush'. He is merely Bush or, more properly, Mass Murderer Bush, if you must attach a title.Additional resources Related news:
Karl Rove defies Congressional subpoena, refuses to testify. That puts him in danger of a contempt of Congress citation, if Democrats can actually find a pair between them. Good luck with that.
Israel hints at pre-emptive attack on Iran. Let's see, Israel carries out war games to practice bombing runs on Iran, and the "news" media calls it "defensive," but when Iran responds with missile tests to show it can defend itself from such an attack, it's called "provocative." Now that's what I call Demonic.
Federal judge ruling: George W. Bush is a felon. Confessions of a war criminal. But hey, he was just following the lead of the War Criminal in Chief.
Book reveals that Bush lied about never seeing Red Cross report on torture. [...] Let me know if evidence turns up that he's ever told the truth!
It worked for Hitler. FBI planning to "profile" muslims. What they need to do is profile Republicans! US military defends marriage by murdering entire wedding party of 47 people. Get married, go to jail. Wisconsin to arrest same sex couples who get married in California?
--Thomas McCullock
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part I, Police States Begin With False Flag Attacks
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part II, Police States Begin With False Flag Attacks
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part III, In Fascist Dictatorships Telling the truth becomes a crime
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part IV, the state forces an 'existential' choice
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part V, Public Opinion Becomes Irrelevant
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part VI, The government places itself above the law
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part VII, The Government Denies 'Due Process of Law'
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State Part VIII: Atrocities are justified with lies, myths or propaganda
Howard Zinn recently described this as our "inability to think outside the boundaries of nationalism. We are penned in by the arrogant idea that this country is the center of the universe, exceptionally virtuous, admirable, superior."
ReplyDeleteNot uncommon attitude and behavior for any and all tribes, republics or empires that have reached their apex, or zenith...human nature I suppose. That is why I do not believe this current cabal of outlaws will be touched, (certainly not for the crimes you site) because not enough of the American people will foist the effort to push the House to do it's job...(we certainly know they would not move on their own, and even Jefferson said it would be up to the "people" to ignite their representatives)
Watergate was interesting as it was legally and politically provocative, but that was nothing but wrist slapping. what is put forth in your post Len, is that this administration's malfeasance is of the highest ranking order of felony, and I do not believe our "system" will ever impose this on one of it's own. As Bush is but the symptom, (you have certainly pointed out many times) it would take a revolution to actually restore the mythical justice our constitution seeks. We will not see that implemented for legal or ideological reasons, it will take even more usurpation of lower and middle class wealth and power by the elite over class then imagined... (as bad a screwing the working class has taken in the past 30 years, sadly... it just ain't enough).
So, as the cliche goes, unfortunately, things must get much worse before they will get better...unless some highly unimaginable effort will manifest to engage our idealistically prone system of checks & balances to enforce the letter of the law through impartial justice...(which has occurred on occasion, despite human involvement, but I will not be expecting it with this situation). Nevertheless, it is not only our right, but our duty to continue to pursue constitutional law and justice, no matter the odds, the efforts should never be trivialized, except by the ultimates of cynicism. as always, I learned something from your piece.
Just an absolutely wonderful article (however sad the Truth within). Directly relating, I just put up Bush War Crimes: Torture and (Eventual) Justice @
ReplyDeletehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBpkooeyunk (with a link back).
War Crimes? No Doubt about It.
For less than G. W. Bush has done, Fernando Collor de Mello had to resign to avoid being impeached, although impeachment doesn't imply removal, G. W. Bush will surely move influences to avoid that impeachment, right? his decisions will not stand the accusations on one impeachment trial, but there is a really determined set of virtuous people in the congress to take the impeachment on?
ReplyDelete"...but there is a really determined set of virtuous people in the congress to take the impeachment on?"
ReplyDelete- runnerfrog
yeah, on a good day about 5-10 individuals out of 435 total members in the House.
benmerc sez...
ReplyDeleteHoward Zinn recently described this as our "inability to think outside the boundaries of nationalism. We are penned in by the arrogant idea that this country is the center of the universe, exceptionally virtuous, admirable, superior."
And he is correct. American 'exceptionalism' has proven to be our undoing. But sadly, the world's as well. There are moments when I doubt the world will survive the Bush regime.
Watergate was interesting as it was legally and politically provocative, but that was nothing but wrist slapping. what is put forth in your post Len, is that this administration's malfeasance is of the highest ranking order of felony, and I do not believe our "system" will ever impose this on one of it's own.
And ironically it MUST do so, if the US is to survive. I daresay --if both Nixon (watergate) and Reagan (iran-Contra) had been held to account for their crimes, Bush could never have pulled off this coup. Alas ---nations are checked by their loyal oppositions. We don't have an 'opposition', loyal or otherwise.
As Bush is but the symptom, (you have certainly pointed out many times) it would take a revolution to actually restore the mythical justice our constitution seeks.
Every Constitution is flawed and those intent upon its destruction will always find a way. Again --we have had no opposition to hold these criminal elements in check.
...it is not only our right, but our duty to continue to pursue constitutional law and justice, no matter the odds, the efforts should never be trivialized, except by the ultimates of cynicism. as always, I learned something from your piece.
Well, I INTEND to survive Bush. I would hope that all Americans adopt that attitude. Bush's evil dreams of self-aggrandisement and empire are not worth ANY ONE'S lives. On the other hand, it will take extreme dedication and self-lessness to bring down the most dangerous dictator in world history.
And, again Windharps, thanks for the links. The vids are always a great resource.
runnerfrog said...
For less than G. W. Bush has done, Fernando Collor de Mello had to resign to avoid being impeached, although impeachment doesn't imply removal, G. W. Bush will surely move influences to avoid that impeachment, right?
Thanks for you comment, runnerfrog and for the update on de Mello. As for 'impeachment', it is a 'political' remedy --not a judicial one. If Bush is impeached, it means only that the House of Representatives have accused him of 'offenses' (high crimes and misdemeanors) for which he may be removed from office upon conviction of those offenses in the Senate. I hold out no hope of that happening. This congress has shown no stomach for impeachment. That's why I have focused on those offenses for which Bush may be CRIMINALLY INDICTED by a Federal Judge and under the jurisdiction of a Federal Court. Even Bush dare not flout the power of a Federal Judge.
If Bush is indicted by a Federal Grand Jury, Bush will simply go to trial --possibly with his very life on the line. Certainly, if I were prosecuting the case, I would hope that the Grand Jury would have indicted him for his NUMEROUS violation of US Codes, Title 18, Section 2441, capital offenses! Nancy Pelosi will have NO influence over a Federal Judge who comes as close to autonomy as any other figure or office in the US system of government.
I have to agree with benmerc --when Nancy Pelosi took impeachment 'off the table', it all but killed our hopes.
I have to agree with benmerc --when Nancy Pelosi took impeachment 'off the table', it all but killed our hopes. - LH
I think one of the final nails is the fisa vote...I believe the immunity to the telecommunications corps was more about being able to back track into the Bush administration, as much as it was anything else. Just another avenue of inquest shut down. Of course as sloppy and arrogant in their actions, there are many other options and avenues to check out.
I also think it is a likely scenario that when the Dems got the majority back in 06', and Cheney invited Reid and Pelosi over for a chat soon after, it may have been about immunity in general. I am guessing (purely speculative on my part) he gave those two a quick peek into his black bag. I would not put anything past these people, and I if true, I doubt it would be the first time wholesale extortion or blackmail of this sort had been used in the halls of congress. Of course, who has any proof of politics as that? Just a hunch, could be off base, could be some truth to it.
benmerc, I can't prove anything but I have no doubt that Daschle was threatened even earlier...we know that he received an Anthrax letter and we also KNOW that the Anthrax letters were an inside job. Plus --only media and Democrats got them.
ReplyDeleteThis administration has committed capital crimes, high treason, and acts of terrorism for which EVERY S.O.B. that participated there will be a trial and a hangin' judge.
I am in full agreement with you Len, and I also believe in what you said up thread that for the constitution and country to survive, these wrongs must be addressed. there just is no way for a people to survive that much lawless injustice and hypocrisy, and bottom line we can not forget the real victims, American and Iraqi.
P.S. Your previous shout outs resulted in almost 900 new views on those two videos. I cannot thank you enough. Shared goals, my friend ~
ReplyDeleteBush,Wall Street, CIA, Multinationals, they control the media and thus have control over the minds of the American populace. Americans have a very short attention span from all the TV they watch. Thousands of hours sitting, watching, listening. Mind Control of the highest order. And when the minds messed up the body don't care.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post. Do we have aCongress ready, willing and able to impeach, not the leadership that is for sure, and not the DNC run by Dean. We need the ACLU to take the lead and get this before the Courts.
ReplyDeleteWindHarps said...
ReplyDeleteP.S. Your previous shout outs resulted in almost 900 new views on those two videos. I cannot thank you enough. Shared goals, my friend ~
As they say in France --absolument! I had hoped folk would view the videos. Your 'place' on YouTube is a valuable resource. Keep up the great work.
Anonymous said...
Bush,Wall Street, CIA, Multinationals, they control the media and thus have control over the minds of the American populace.
I used to think the problem was confined to the US but save for some excellent documentaries, French TV sucks a big one. The quiz shows make US 'quiz' shows of the sixties look like an Ed Murrow doc by comparison. The BBC, likeiwse, has utterly sold out to the official versions of 911 and the fraudulent wars on terrorism by both UK and US. The Cowboy was the first (I believe) to expose the FACT (un-refuted by BBC) that the BBC had censored Bhutto's statement that bin Laden had been murdered years ago. Since that time BBC has been caught 'revising' their web site in ways that would make one believe that they had NOT reported several 911 hijackers still alive when, in fact, they had done just that. They tried to chaulk up to simple 'revisions' and mere errors a significant rewrite of facts on their coverage. In fact, there was corroborating evidence that several hijackers were and REMAIN alive. And Bin Laden is STILL dead!
Now --at last --there is news that there WILL be an investigation into Bhutto's death. The idea that she died of a banged head is almost as ludicrous as The Warren Commission's "magic bullet' nonsense.
Lately, BBC has told at least three (perhaps more, I've lost track) versions and cover stories to 'explain' the fact that Building 7 could be seen behind their reporter AS she reported that it had already collapsed.
In one version, I believe, the BBC said that the reporter was just reported the 'official information' that had been given her!! HUH????
When that version bobbed a few eyebrows, the BBC did what it does best: IT KNOCKS OUT A HASTY REWRITE OF HISTORY! I've lost track. We must be on BBC_History Version 5.0 by now!
BBC meet Fox! Fox meet the BBC! You guys will love one another.
Political World said...
Excellent post. Do we have aCongress ready, willing and able to impeach, not the leadership that is for sure, and not the DNC run by Dean. We need the ACLU to take the lead and get this before the Courts.
Congress under Bush has very nearly made themselves redundant and, of course, that was the entire idea. Bush would prefer to rule by decree. I also fault the American people. There should have been a hue and cry. Instead, IDIOTS were wrapping their gas guzzlers with flags and yellow ribbons and burning up as much gasoline as possible while harassing anyone who dared disagree.
ReplyDeleteBBC was destroyed as an 'independent' news source in 2004 by Alastair Campbell, Blair's director of communications and strategy, (a position similar to 'rat fucker' Rove's in the Busch regime). His little helpers were Lord Goldsmith, AG, and Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon.
BBC is funded by the British Government, but the Board of Directors were independent of politics. The assault on BBC was begun by the prosecution of Andrew Gilligan. Gilligan was forced to resign as a BBC reporter, the Board of Directors was decimated, and now BBC is little more than a government propaganda organ. To borrow from Chris Floyd, who calls the Washington Post; 'Pravda on the Ptomac', Britain nows has 'Pravda on the Thames'.
(Dr David Kelly was the supposed source of Gilligan's television news story and he was found dead in the woods near his home of 'apparent' 'suicide'.)
Rueters found themselves in financial difficulties in 2007, and are now prisoners of the British Government, (I noticed a trend of the Guardian and Independent news papers to a more pro-government in the last year and no longer suscibe to their news.)
Political World said...
ReplyDeleteWe need the ACLU to take the lead and get this before the Courts.
I wish someone would take the lead. The blogosphere is great and somehow an alternative voice gets out --but our diversity (our strength) is also our weakness. OIBC and Blogs Against Torture are the right idea --but we've yet to mount enough sheer energy in one vulnerable spot for long enough to bring down this evil 'House of Usher'.
We thought we had learned the lessons of Watergate --but we had not. The big lesson of Watergate is that it was NOT the 'left' wing that brought down Nixon. It was the 'right wing' whom Nixon's fall would have exposed as the putrid rotten core of corruption. A trial of Nixon would have aired all the CIAs dirty secrets, the institutionalized corruption of the MIC, and the full extent of HOover's FBI. The US government has been rotten to the core for a long time.
Tiago wrote...
Chris Floyd, who calls the Washington Post; 'Pravda on the Ptomac', Britain nows has 'Pravda on the Thames'. (Dr David Kelly was the supposed source of Gilligan's television news story and he was found dead in the woods near his home of 'apparent' 'suicide'.)
Your summation of the decline, fall and corruption of the BBC as a legitimate source of news is right on target! Thanks for the reminder of how Dr. Kelly was 'suicided'! At least the BBC didn't try to tell us that he 'banged his head'! The effect of their bald faced lies are even worse than those of FOX! The people of England should REFUSE to support the BBC with those 'license fees'. BBC has them by the balls. They have to pay in order to operate a 'radio' or 'TV'. There are power reasons that an independent internet is opposed by 'powers that be!
"Impeach, Remove, and Try George W. Bush for War Crimes and Mass Murder!"
ReplyDeleteLen, I agree.
Now, tell me how we're going to get the Republican wannabees on our side?
I'll list Obama, Pelosi, Conyers, Reid, and Hoyers.
Or are they now called Blue Dogs?
They all seem to me to be traitors.
How does the Progressive movement fight these internal traitors?
Troubled Texan
You rock, Len. Why isn't Bush being led to the gallows? He has certainly earned it!
ReplyDeleteThe Conservative Deflator
"Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC), Zell Miller (D-GA), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), John Warner (R-VA), Trent Lott (R-MS), Richard Shelby (R-AL), and Frank Murkowski (R-AK) --the usual suspects!"
ReplyDeleteIndeed! The worst of the worst. And in the US senate, that's saying a lot.
Wouldn't it be nice if there was an uncorrupted third party candidate we could vote for. Like, maybe, Nader? We could do an end run around the corporate candidates. If everyone from Len to Michael Moore to Howard Zinn to the 911 truth folks to the greens, etc. started pushing it, it could happen. It's somethig to ponder.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading a book that looks at the assassination of progressive politicians by Four Arrows and Jim Fetzer and I gotta tell you that it just makes my head swim. I think that when the Supreme Court appointed (selected) GWB as president that was the death knell of our fragile democracy. It has been under attack for decades now but that was the deciding factor IMO. I think that Nancy Pelosi was very liberal before she became speaker but she was threatened and that was when impeachment got taken off the table. Maybe Cheney said to her, and other progressive dems, look what we did to Wellstone, JFK, Bobby, King and Carnahan, to name a few, and don't think we won't do it to you. FISA passing is just the last straw. I am beyond depressed and fear for my family and this nation. Hard times ahead I'm thinking. Third world here we come...
ReplyDeleteI agree probably with everything you are saying. I just wish you would do something on WHY the heck isn't anything actually being done about Bush?!
ReplyDeleteZaimless said...
ReplyDeleteI agree probably with everything you are saying. I just wish you would do something on WHY the heck isn't anything actually being done about Bush?!
I wish to hell I knew!
Liberality said...
Maybe Cheney said to her, and other progressive dems, look what we did to Wellstone, JFK, Bobby, King and Carnahan, to name a few, and don't think we won't do it to you.
That's always been my suspicion. I wish I could prove it! I wish someone had sneaked in a little micro-recorder and taped their every conversation with the bully boys in the White House.
THE BEST THING BUSH & CHENEY COULD DO FOR THEMSELVES AND FOR THE WORLD WOULD BE TO IMMEDIATELY RESIGN FROM OFFICE AND VOLUNTARILY COMMIT INTO PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT. IF THEY DO THIS THEY MAY LIKELY BE SAVED FROM ARREST, TRIAL AND EXECUTION UNDER INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMES LAWS. FOR THEY WOULD LIKELY BE PLACED IN CONFINEMENT FOR THE REST OF THEIR NATURAL LIVES ON AN INSANITY PLEA. . . . Since the Congress refuses to impeach Bush and Cheney because of their own guilt as accessories before and after the fact to the crimes committed, We need to seek involuntary commitment of Bush and Cheney as they both pose a real and demonstrated continuing threat to the world! . . . Sample forms for petitions for involuntary commitment of Bush and Cheney are linked to this site so that We the People can take action to seek a removal from office of Bush and Cheney on grounds of mental incapacity. With sufficient financial support to sustain legal proceedings in a court of competent jurisdiction, a class action petition will be filed seeking involuntary commitment of Bush and Cheney. (Wallace, Doug (J.D.). AMERICA IN ACTION!! CRIMINAL MINDS OR INSANITY OR BOTH? (Is there any difference?). Retrieved September 10, 2008, from http://www.commit-bush-n-cheney.org/)
[Peter Nickles]
Office of the DC Attorney General
441 4th Street NW, Suite 1060 N
Washington, DC 20001
This is a petition for the involuntary commitment for psychoanalysis and treatment of George Walker Bush President of the United States hereinafter called GWB.
This petition is based upon the the obvious condition of mental depravity of GWB as follows:
A. By way of an analysis of Megalomania from a study by Dr. Justin Frank, M.D. Washington psychiatrist in a book published June 2004, Bush on the Couch.
B. By way of a similar analysis of Adolf Hitler made by a group psychiatric diagnosis of Megalomania under contract by the Office of Strategic Services [O.S.S] Published by Henry A. Murry, M.D. October, 1943.
C. By way of Insane Delusion concerning his projected perceived bogus “terrorist” enemies of the United States as projected against Iraq, Iran, Syria and North Korea. The real enemy being GWB to himself for which we all suffer.
As a result of this mental depravity, GWB:
1. ordered approximately Four Thousand [4,000] US military personnel to their deaths.
2. caused the injury, loss of limbs, eyesight, hearing and permanent maiming of
approximately Twenty Six Thousand [26,000] US military personnel.
3. caused the deaths of an estimated Six Hundred Fifty Thousand [650,000] Iraqis.
4. Caused the destruction of billions of dollars of infrastructure of the nation of Iraq.
5. immersed the United States in debt beyond it's capacity to pay.
6. indebted future generations presently estimated at One Hundred Thousand Dollars each.
7. ingratiated the image and character of the United States without regard to its citizens.
8. intends to involve the US in a never ending war against a bogus enemy.
9. tortured and held prisoners without trial or honoring human rights.
10. violated the Constitution, Treaties , National and International laws.
For these reasons the undersigned individual alleges that GWB is a mental threat to National and World peace, safety and security and petitions the District of Columbia Attorney General to file immediately for an order of commitment.
Name ___________________ Address________________________________________
Signed ___________________ City___________________ State___________________
Date_____________________________ [See attached comparative analysis with Hitler] (Wallace, Doug (J.D.). AMERICA IN ACTION!! CRIMINAL MINDS OR INSANITY OR BOTH? (Is there any difference?). Petition to DC Attorney General. Retrieved September 10, 2008, from http://www.commit-bush-n-cheney.org/Petition%20for%20commitment%20of%20GWB-1.pdf)
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
Washington, DC 20001
RE: Resistance to further widening warfare
As a member of a class of persons referred to in the Preamble of the Constitution , as We the People, the undersigned person(s) requests that you defer to the will of We the People, any further widening or escalation of military actions across the globe including but not limited to the nation of Iran as may be requested by your Commander in Chief, George Walker Bush.
Currently, effort is underway to seek involuntary confinement and treatment of the said George Walker Bush for mental disorders including but not limited to Megalomania . The same or similar mental disorders were attributed to Adolf Hitler under a diagnosis requested by the Office of Strategic Services in 1943.
German Generals had sought but were unable to deter Hitler based upon his mental disorder to the cost of 50 million casualties. Had they succeeded those “collateral” damages would have been far less.
Involuntary Commitment of Dick Cheney for insane delusions against the interests of we the people is also being sought.
In the interests of peace and justice I/we request that you order a stand down to any further orders of escalations emanating from the White House until such time as the issues of mental depredation of both Bush and Cheney have been settled.
From my/our perspective, it would be appropriate for you and all commissioned officers of the military to also request an order to determine the mental capacity of Bush to command. Can you also bring up charges for Courts Martial?
Name(s)___________________________ _____________________________________
Signature(s)_______________________ ______________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Date _______________________________ (Wallace, Doug (J.D.). AMERICA IN ACTION!! CRIMINAL MINDS OR INSANITY OR BOTH? (Is there any difference?). Letter to Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff. Retrieved September 10, 2008, from http://www.commit-bush-n-cheney.org/Letter%20to%20Chairman%20Joint%20Chiefs.pdf)
Submitted by Andrew Yu-Jen Wang, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania