Bush is just a figurehead. In the words of an excellent documentary that tries to explain the inexplicable: the fix was in! Bush is 'president' because he is a Bush and because he represents you --but only if you happen to be among the top 1 percent of the population. If not, you are outta luck! Bush has done his job on his bosses behalf. Everyone else is outta luck. It's a comprehensive and deliberate program:
- wage resource wars in the middle east --Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran specifically;
- enrich the Military/Industrial complex which represents America's last 'export': state-sponsored terrorism;
- dismantle the Constitution and the electoral apparatus through subversion and institutionalized vote theft;
- establish a precedent by which the 'executive' may rewrite the laws passed by Congress;
- pack the courts such that the rights of individuals and lower classes are disenfranchised, ignored, and, in other ways, violated with disingenuous decisions which often, of late, simply ignore several hundred years of Anglo/American jurisprudence, the precedents established by our own US Supreme Court, and the very letter of the law itself.
Published Articles
GOP, Bush, Evil, Tyranny
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part I, Police States Begin With False Flag Attacks
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part II, Police States Begin With False Flag Attacks
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part III, In Fascist Dictatorships Telling the truth becomes a crime
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part IV, the state forces an 'existential' choice
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part V, Public Opinion Becomes Irrelevant
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part VI, The government places itself above the law
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part VII, The Government Denies 'Due Process of Law'
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State Part VIII: Atrocities are justified with lies, myths or propaganda
GOP, Bush, Evil, Tyranny
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If you like this article, then you should read my book Delusional Democracy that calls for a Second American Revolution; check it out at www.delusionaldemocracy.com, and my many articles in the archives at www.opednews.com; thanks
ReplyDeleteJoel S. Hirschhorn
Why did nobody do it (start a revolution) while Bush was in Beijing? Many dictators have been ousted while overseas, and this was an ideal opportunity.
ReplyDeleteIt's just not true that Bush has done well for the top 1% of America's wealthiest. The value of their dollars is way down (in a way that is not reflected by the inflation rate). Their future is very shaky. In the long run, the top 1% has a lot more to steal in an economy that is flourishing than in an economy that is in the dumps. The costs of war will continue to weigh down even America's elite for a generation.
ReplyDeleteClinton was the president for the top 1%. Bush is the president only for a few thugs.
Pantheist said...
ReplyDeleteIt's just not true that Bush has done well for the top 1% of America's wealthiest. The value of their dollars is way down (in a way that is not reflected by the inflation rate)
Not so --I am talking about 'real' wealth adjusted for inflation.
Their future is very shaky. In the long run, the top 1% has a lot more to steal in an economy that is flourishing than in an economy that is in the dumps.
The costs of war will continue to weigh down even America's elite for a generation.
Wake the fuck up! The elite that I am talking about DOES NOT BEAR THE COST OF ANY WAR!
War is how they MAKE money!
Clinton was the president for the top 1%. Bush is the president only for a few thugs.
You are full of shit! The trend --clearly visible in numerous studies from the BEA, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Census Bureau indicate without any doubt whatsoever that the trend ABATED briefly in Clinton's term. It resumed when Bush stole the office.
These are facts that can be verfied. Check them out before you post obvious falsehoods!!
Seeing how the government has gotten away with mass murder and mass deception in such a short period of American history, means you probably haven't learned anything.
ReplyDeleteTelling by how America blindly supports it's rulers, good or bad, doesn't come close to how you chose to live in denial because most Americans are so damn dumb.
"Why did nobody do it (start a revolution) while Bush was in Beijing?" anon
ReplyDeletein reality, that guy is the least to worry about with concerns to the current cabal...
It would be nice if enough civic minded Americans at some point in time all came together with the idea of cleaning house on how the "system" is currently working. A general strike would be in order for a good start...except the concept is "foreign" to contemporary Americans, they are that far removed from the immediate past (their own history)... Some one hit one of the nails on the head in a previous post, something about "shiny objects"
But, never know what tomorrow will bring...
americans aren't dumb, they're scared! They don't want to sacrifice anything more than words from their mouths! They want someone else to do their fighting for them and then stick out their chests and thump it like "king kong" and say how they stood behind whoever it was fighting their battle! America needs a William Wallace figure, but sadly enough we don't! We have men out there like Alex Jones and couple of others who talk a big show but do nothing but try to sell another dvd they made telling us just how the nwo is planning things. If Jones has so much info, then let's take it to war and then prove it to the american people once we have the crooks in jail! Ya wanna revolution? I have been ready for over 20 years now!
ReplyDeleteLock and load, folks. The only thing that will restore the glory of this once wonderful democratic republic is another revolution and civil war.
ReplyDeleteWill you be ready?
Amerikans aren't worth a sh%t. Let what's coming come. There is nothing worth fighting for. I'm joining the winning side... the ignorant masses have their bread and circuses. LET THEM DIE.
ReplyDelete"Lock & Load"
ReplyDeletegood luck with that...
Do not worry, if it is violence you seek, it will come soon enough...but if you think that is the panacea to the way out of all this, that is a sadly misplaced wish. You will just fall in as some one else's dupe, and when it is all over, things won't really be that much different.That is usually how it goes, certainly throughout history, hell just ask any Russian historian. Not to mention, this is not the 1700's, and we do not out number our keepers, whose power base is two thousand miles, or 30 days away.
What we need in America right now is a real educational and economic revolution or movement that is not tied up in empire building and militarism, and there is enough wealth in this country to make that split. We also need a very good cleaning of our legal and political process, that is in it's self enough to keep a few generations busy right there.
I am not saying to not be prepared, but who and what are you really going to take on? Just ask the Black Panthers how it worked out for them back in the 70's, hell, they did not even want to leave their neighborhoods, just wanted "armed" autonomy, well they lost. Or, you can read up on the militia movements of the 80's & 90's of course they did not go away, but took a big enough hit to lay low...and they were not pursued to the extent that the Panthers were, at least I don't believe so. Be careful what you wish for, at least that is my take presently (but do not poke your head inside my door before knocking).
"Amerikans aren't worth a sh%t. Let what's coming come"
ReplyDeleteIf you can not write a complete or comprehensive thought, you should not be playing with a keyboard.
Hmmm, in my humble opinion calling for a revolution at this time is both fool hardy and premature. The NWO would like nothing better then to have an excuse to unleash it's full spectrum of weapons on the public. After all they didn't develope them so they could sit on the shelf. Thier weakness is numbers ability and courage. They do not have the numbers to man thier own weapons, nor do they have the training and ability. Neither would these chickenhawks have the courage to stand and fight. It is our own son's and daughter's they plan to put behind those weapons. That is where we must defeat them!
ReplyDeleteAmerica and it's people can make a stand we are many they are few. We only need to stand together. A general strike could bring it all to a screaching halt. That combined with a few loyal political leaders of the caliber of Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura could possibly bring the Neo-con downfall peacefully, or reletively peacefully I should say.
Seek peaceful means, from a position of strength and moral correctness.
An armed man is a citizen, an unarmed man is a subject.
If you have no weapons buy some.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHmmm ...
Whether you like it or not the REVOLUTION has already begun and we are LOSING IT!
Response to: Len Hart
ReplyDeleteFrom: OneOfBillions
Indeed a kind of revolution has begun!
I would hope we exhaust all our peaceful means for change, before we fall into the trap of more killing. War's are alot easier to start then they are to finish. I really do not want to see that happen in America.
When peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.
ReplyDeleteThe peaceful means that have been and will be employed, are increasingly ineffective.
These are the facts. At some point in the near future, there will be armed conflict in the United States.
The fortunate fact is that one side greatly outnumbers the other side, and most of the other side's soldiers are the sons and daughters of the numerically superior side.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhen peaceful revolution is impossible, violent revolution is inevitable.
That's true. As long as the government of the US could CREDIBLY claims to represent the 'people' revolution was most certainly not advisable or even necessary.
Bush, however, openly boasts about his 'base'. That's a RULING ELITE of about one percent of the nation. Everyone else is oppressed in many ways not the least of which is the fact that you just don't count. I doubt anyone reading my blog is that rich unless they are just checkin' up to see what the peasants have to say about them.
At some point in the near future, there will be armed conflict in the United States.
I can't think of a time in the US when there was NOT armed conflict. For the most part is just doesn't get reported. The Civil Rights movement might have created a real revolution had it somehow made peace and 'co-ordination' with the Peace Movement. The 'establishment' in those days was terrified!
In retrospects both movements failed all but 'compromise' goals because they failed to see the bigger picture: that BOTH groups were enslaved by the SAME elites for the SAME reasons. The Civil Rights movement failed to see past the 'race' issue and the 'peace movement' fail to see past Viet Nam.