Friday, October 24, 2008

The GOP may concede the election

The GOP is already pulling the financial plug on the McCain campaign, cutting its losses, abandoning McCain, perhaps hoping to re-group for the 'future'. It's not only GOP honchos who seem inclined to cut their losses. The McCain campaign itself is 'pulling' ads in Minnesota, Colorado, Maine, Wisconsin and New Hampshire. McCain's campaign is in recession.

If these reports are true, it means that Obama's lead is substantial and widespread, perhaps beyond the ability of GOP hackers to 'steal' without tripping alarm bells. Some 'insiders' may have already concluded that Obama's lead is so well established that the election cannot be stolen 'safely'.
So far today, the polling numbers are grim reading for McCain’s campaign:
  • Zogby has Obama at +12 points; 52-40
  • Research 2000 has Obama up 51-41
  • The stable Rasmussen poll has expanded to a seven-point Obama lead; 52-45
  • Gallup has contracted a bit to a six-point Obama lead; 51-45
  • Hotline/Diageo is at a five-point Obama lead; 48-43
  • GWU/Battleground has moved from a one-point Obama lead two days ago to a four-point lead, 49-45, today, representing Obama’s strength at the end of its three-day polling cycle
Perhaps worse for McCain are some stunning results from Ohio, where McCain simply must win. Quinnipac gives Obama an astounding, 14-point, 52-38 Ohio lead and the University of Wisconsin puts the Obama lead there at 12 points, 53-41. The University of Wisconsin also shows Obama with a 10-point lead in Indiana, another state McCain must have, 51-41.

--Scholars and Rogues
With any luck, this election could represent a sea-change in American attitudes, many of which can be traced back to the immediate post WWII era, historically, the most egalitarian period in American history. Thanks to enlightened tax policies, the richest one percent most certainly did not own over 90 percent of all wealth --as is the case today. In fact, the US was at its most egalitarian throughout WWII and the post war era. Things did not change dramatically until the rise of Ronald Reagan and 'Reagonomics', the polite word given to the spreading of wealth upward to those already rich and elite.

The rise of Ronald Reagan brought with it a spreading of wealth upward to the upper classes and Wall Street insiders, in fact, an increasingly tiny elite of just one percent of the nation but own more than 90 percent of its wealth. The result is factually documented by the government's own agency. Income inequality measured by what economists call the GINI index.

Income inequality in the United States compared to other rich countries

Notice that the GINI index is highest in the United States, indicating that the growing disparities between the rich and poor are greater here than in any other country on the chart. This will prove to be the catalyst that creates a 'Third World America'.

McCain has abandoned the straight-talk express for the bullshit bandwagon that advocates the spreading of wealth upward to those who don't need it and will not reinvest it. We are talking about the richest one percent of the total population, that tiny elite that does not need nor does it deserve a tax cut of any sort. Worse than 'spreading wealth around', McCain wants to suck it up or flush it down a black hole from which it never, ever re-emerges.

McCain has abandoned his opposition to the Bush-era tax cuts and has taken up the demagogic call—in the midst of recession and Wall Street calamity, with looming crises in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid—for more tax cuts. Bush’s expire in 2011. If McCain, as he has proposed, cuts taxes for corporations and estates, the benefits once more would go disproportionately to the wealthy.

--The Choice, The New Yorker
Sellouts by Mssrs Reagan, Bush and Bush, the US has now shares a most important economic barometer with third world nations --income inequality. The US, the most unequal, has caught the contagion best described in a recent UN report.
Halfway to the 2015 deadline for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) to lift people out of poverty, a United Nations MDG 2007 Report points to the widening economic disparities and underscores the need for political leaders to take urgent and concerted action. It projects that climate change will have serious and social impacts which will impede progress towards the MDGs.

The collective record is "mixed" in the "midpoint" report. While Asia has made dramatic progress in the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, halving the proportion of people living on the equivalent of a $ a day, there is evidence to suggest that benefits of economic growth are not being shared across different parts of the continent.

--Economic Disparities on the Rise: U.N. report, [PDF]
Not only wealth was transferred upward --spread around among the tiny elite of Bush kiss ups -- the incomes of the rich and famous increased exponentially during the administrations of Ronald Reagan/Bush Sr and again under George W. Bush who revived the corpse of 'supply side economics' in order to pay off what he called his 'base', an increasingly rich and elitist one percent of the total population.
The divide between rich and poor was much less apparent before Reagan helped the nouveau riche move to absurd and pretentious suburbs. The 'Bedford Falls' of "It's a Wonderful Life" or the "Grover's Corner" of "Our Town" no longer exist. And it is a pity. The great paintings of Norman Rockwell seem to us to be relics of a simpler, better time.

The spreading of wealth upward to the GOP elite is achieved two ways.
Strategy of disguised redistribution of national resources from the bottom to the top is carried out by a combination of:
  • drastic hikes in the Pentagon budget
  • equally drastic tax cuts for the wealthy.

Before the Reagan/Bush/Bush [RBB] apocalypse, the US had viable industries. "General Motors' did not 'outsource' the making of cars; it actually made them in Detroit, a city that is but a shadow of its former glory, a city better known for the Detroit Lions. Manufacturing jobs paid well and American cars often competed with those made in Europe. The US made Corvette was a sensation. For a bit less money, an ambitious young man could drive a very cool, shiny red Mustang with a stick shift, hold down a part time job and still have enough money to go to college. Today --fuhgetaboutit!

Thanks to the Four Horsemen of GOP Apocalypse, going to college is strictly out of the question for millions who were born too late. Going to college with a car is out of the question for those who can afford neither. Millions are stuck in declining neighborhoods and increasing crime. It is against that reality that Pain-McCain poke fun at 'spreading the wealth around' even as they defend 'spreading it upward' to those who don't need it and don't deserve it and do nothing productive with it when they've gotten it EXCEPT to spread it around from various bank accounts, short-selling, speculative margin 'investment's and dubious ponzi schemes!

The rich are parasites, leeches who live off the value that is always created by the act of doing real work. By the way, the Four Horsemen of the GOP apocalypse are unemployment, declining wages, recession, and a weak dollar!

The older citizens of Rome --under Augustus specifically --may have recalled with fondness a simpler time, before the assassination of Julius Caesar, a time in which Roman coins were still worth something, a time in which a craftsman could still make a living and yeoman farmers had not yet lost their little farms to Roman nobility and slick money changers.

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  1. Len;
    From; ‘The GOP Plans to Steal’, to ‘The GOP concedes’. What a reversal in the two posts. I have no set opinion on which will happen. McCain/Palin will continue to lie clear up to the election and that may fake out some voters. (My neighbor would rather vote for the devil himself than Obama. I’ll rub the McCain/devil comment in until the election and longer if McCain/devil is selected.)
    From other articles, I read where voter registrars are being purged, (Colorado being one state mentioned).
    One GOP dirty trick has already happened. The number of people losing their homes will be an influence, (albeit, a small one) the election. Some states, you have to live at an address for one month, and some for three months, before you are allowed to vote.
    The increase in the number of homeless will influence the election, (You still have to have money to pay the rent and you have to have an address to register to vote).
    Mentioned in the Brigade post was the expected long voting lines of discouraged, unruly people, (and some will give up and go home without voting). And don’t forget those electronic voting machines that can be hacked by the RNC.
    Isn’t it funny how all these small things add up?

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    The saddest thing of all is that even the rich should know better by now. History is full of examples of what inevitably happens when too much wealth is concentrated in too few hands. You do not get economic growth by handing all the money in any given place to a few people; you get that growth when the people who actually SPEND money have it.

    The wingtards are historically a stupid bunch though, and they show no signs of being able to learn from their mistakes.

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    It looks like people finally fiqured out the Wall St. Ponzi scam and pulled their money out. That's the real reason for the financial "crisis" we now see shoved in our face 24/7 by the mainstream media. Since they couldn't steal it "legally" by 401K's, they decided to steal it with the help of a corrupt Congress and a huge tax-payer BAILOUT. It's not a bailout, it's GRAND THEFT.

  4. tiago said...

    From; ‘The GOP Plans to Steal’, to ‘The GOP concedes’. What a reversal in the two posts. I have no set opinion on which will happen

    Yep! It's been causing me to do a bit o' head scratchin' myself and I wrote it.

    I think the best explanation is that the GOP had planned to steal the election, the fix was in, the Bush admin agreed to withdraw the brownshirts..uh...the brigade from Iraq. But the absolutely stunning events of just two or three days --the free fall of the stock market coupled with the free fall of McCain's prospect --had probably shaken the GOP to its core.

    I should have seen it coming when McCain, in effect, conceded Michigan. Since that time, he has not enjoyed a reversal of fortune.

    One GOP dirty trick has already happened. The number of people losing their homes will be an influence, (albeit, a small one) the election. Some states, you have to live at an address for one month, and some for three months, before you are allowed to vote.

    I had wanted to do an article about that. Certainly --the idea that only homeowners can vote is pernicious and regpugnant to anyone who has read the Constitution or knows anything about American history.

    The increase in the number of homeless will influence the election, (You still have to have money to pay the rent and you have to have an address to register to vote).

    It's a matter of timing. Certainly --the GOP could benefit from a precipitous and utter collapse. There is a good chance that the election could just get held before the number of those disenfranchised by the GOP policies that you mention turn the tide. But what a sorry picture that becomes: a moneyed elite, fortified behind rings of walled 'security' against the growing throng of those impoverished, made homeless and out of work. Medieval europe could not possibly have been bleaker.

    In fact, the plague improved the lot of peasants who could then demand wages and better working conditions.

    JollyRoger said...

    You do not get economic growth by handing all the money in any given place to a few people; you get that growth when the people who actually SPEND money have it.

    Indeed! Since Ronald Reagan kissed up his cronies, the logic of it all escaped me. If millions of folk have less money, then WHO is left to buy the products manufactured, presumably, by those who control the nation's manufacturing. Eventually, the GOP rationale occurred to me: the richest one percent in America actually DO NOT produce and, thus, are not dependent upon a 'market' having enough money to buy. Indeed --what we buy is manufactured in China, India and Japan and sold to us at Wal-Mart! The US 'elite' is best compared to the elites of the Roman empire who made their monies confiscating the lands that had belonged to yeoman farmers conscripted to fight Rome's wars of conquest and aggression.

    So --America's 'elite' had delusions about the role they would play as the new Patricians in the American Empire. Just as Rome looted Dacia for the gold that it was rumored to have, America's 'nobility' would live off the booty from Caesar Bush's conquests! These folk are about to learn an important lesson, a lesson they didn't apparently did not learn at Yale.

    Anonymous said...

    It looks like people finally fiqured out the Wall St. Ponzi scam and pulled their money out. That's the real reason for the financial "crisis" we now see shoved in our face 24/7 by the mainstream media.

    Indeed! I hope you've put some real assets in a sock! The 'elites' are about to learn that they are just the foam on top the cesspool. There is a high price to be paid for indulging delusions.

  5. tiago...

    You had mentioned that my email subscription service was no longer working.

    Apparently --the 'feed' for my site has snafued and I have not been able to diagnosis it.

    However, if you would still like to subscribe, why don't you set up a temporary email on either google or yahoo and post that on the comment section. I will the email you with my 'real' email address. Respond with your 'real' email which I will then add to a subscription list that I maintain myself.

    Then you can cancel your temporary email address if you choose to. I suggest this round about method because many folk don't like to postd their 'real' email addresses on a public comments section. Neither do I.

    Again --thanks for your comments.

    BTW --anyone else wishing to subscribe, I will have to do pretty much the same thing until I get this crazy feed problem resolved.

  6. One thing nobody ever mentions when talking about concentration of wealth - studies have shown that equitable societies are overall happier than societies where there is a high index of inequality.

    The surprising thing about this is that even the better off are happier in somewhere like Denmark than in someplace like the US. I guess Henry Paulson, who accumulated $700 Million while screwing the country, or Richard Fuld, who gave himself $400 Million in bonuses while sending Lehman brother down the crapper, yes even such economic predators as these have some vestige of a guilty conscience.

  7. Anonymous7:30 PM

    This post should be required reading for every adult American. Capitalism and fascism can't compete with socialism, because only a few benefit from that form of government.

  8. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Hi Len,

    What might you think of this analysis:

    "Not-Voting is a 'YES' vote to Reject a Corrupt System which thrives on the facade of Elections and Democracy!"

    and this response

    "Voter Fraud, ACORN and GOP, and what's the fuss all about"

    and this letter:

    "Response to Greg Palast on 'The Theft of 2008'"



    Zahir Ebrahim

  9. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Len, since last month september Your RSS feeds dont work anymore. Please try to fix them...

  10. SadButTrue said...

    One thing nobody ever mentions when talking about concentration of wealth - studies have shown that equitable societies are overall happier than societies where there is a high index of inequality.

    That's an excellent point. The US has managed to create disparities of income in many ways. Clearly --the unfair nature of the income tax system favors the very, very rich while impoverishing many more.

    Another factor is bigotry. Black people were enslaved until the Civil War. Even when the war was won by the north, black people were denied the vote, equal educational opportunities, and employment opportunities. The last two items are related. It is difficult for one of any color to be gainfully employed when education is effectively denied for whatever reason.

    Black people were not the only victims. My own ancestors --Chotaw/Cherokee --were victims of genocide. Their lands were stolen and they were forced marched to reservations in Oklahoma. Most died of starvation and disease enroute.

    The historian who has done a better job than any other in writing the nation's real history is Howard Zinn. His "People's History of the United States" should be required reading in American high schools.

    Anonymous said...

    This post should be required reading for every adult American. Capitalism and fascism can't compete with socialism, because only a few benefit from that form of government.

    And that, of course, is why Socialism is so vociferously opposed. Stingy bastards, robber barons, and typical GOP psychopaths PREFER systems which reward them though, in many cases, 'they' produce absolutely nothing of real value. Mostly, 'they' just 'spread their own wealth around' --from one account to another which pays higher interests or dividends. Some 90 percent of the population will never, ever make enough money off investments alone to live, retire, or even get a European vacation.

  11. Anonymous said...

    Len, since last month september Your RSS feeds dont work anymore. Please try to fix them...

    Well, I am entirely dependent upon blogspot for that...and they don't respond to my emails. See my previous reply to tiago with regard to this.

    At last, there is no discernable reason for my 'feed' disruption. And there is nothing I can do without server side support from blogger. Such support has not been forthcoming.

    Eventually --unless blogger gets its head out of its ass and responds to my requests for assistance -- I will be forced to START ALL OVER AGAIN on a new server, a new 'feed', etc. I spent quite a bit of time and effort. This is a point about which I am SORELY PISSED.

  12. Zahir Ebrahim sez...

    "Not-Voting is a 'YES' vote to Reject a Corrupt System which thrives on the facade of Elections and Democracy!"

    IF all votes were counted, then NOT VOTING is a vote for the status-quo.

    IF some votes are NOT counted, then NOT VOTING is still a vote for the status-quo to INCLUDE those who STOLE THE VOTE.

    I can see no positive result from 'not voting' in either case, 'not voting' being a passive response.

    The problem is that voting is traditionally the primary method by which most people voice an opinion. In any case, NOT VOTING is NOT an option, certainly not one that gets your voice heard.

    What is needed are active methods by which those who may be disenfranchised illegally, by GOP criminality, are heard.

    New studies from Princeton, by the way, are not encouraging. But --vote anyway. The GOP benefits from the 'discouraging' effect that vote theft has. The GOP depends upon people throwing up their hands and wailing: "Oh, what's the use! My vote is stolen anway!"

    In addition to its 'stolen votes', the GOP will get millions on the right for the millions on the left who give up in despair.

    The GOP strategy --clearly --is to 'disenfranchise' millions of voters but to do so in such a way that more potential Democrat votes are quashed than are potential GOP votes.

    The strategy is similar to King Edwards (Longshanks) order to his archers to loose a fussilade into the melee of his own soldiers tightly engaged with the enemey --the Scots. He calculated that he could lose as many of his own soldiers in the volley and still leave the field of battle victorious.

  13. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Bush pulled people and funding out of states in 2004 too which was not a concession of their loss but a concession to their win.

    I will not feel better until Bush steps down, is impeached or arrested. Or, until the military backs its constitutional duties in a very public statement.

    With Obama and his lawyers not talking about GOP IT expert Mike Connell still on McCain's staff (and McCain guaranteeing his win) meaning the capacity remains in place through this election for middle man computer flipping on election night, then what is one to think?

    DNC Election Attorneys Claim 'Working Behind the Scenes'
    Way behind. The DNC and Obama campaign election protection lawyers claim they are working secretly "behind the scenes". So secret, in fact, it still appears they've done absolutely nothing about votes flipping from Dems to Repubs on ES&S iVotronic touch-screens in at least 4 states

    New results middleman spotted - FL, KS, IL, CA, CO, NC, SC, NY, NM, TX
    by Bev Harris

    Velvet Revolution Calls on John McCain to Fire Michael Connell for Covering Up for Karl Rove in Federal Election Manipulation Lawsuit


    And, if the GOP want martial law declared after the election, and we, like during Katrina, don't give them the reason to call for martial law, then don't you think they would just make it up themselves.

    I don't want the worst to happen. I would much rather ask Congress to Impeach Bush Now and ask District Attorneys to Arrest Bush Now, to prevent the worst from happening.


    Or, if the GOP REALLY mean to concede the election, do it now, fire Mike Connell, have Bush step down, tell the military to follow the constitution.

    Then maybe I will believe it.

