Monday, November 17, 2008

Another Act of Treason: George W. Bush 'Outed' Valerie Plame

by Len Hart, the Existentialist Cowboy

Former Press Secretary Scott McClellan has revealed that it was George W. Bush himself who authorized Dick Cheney to 'out' Valerie Plame. When he is no longer President, Bush will not be able to 'pardon' himself for the many 'counts' of high treason that will be charged him. Bush must therefore move to pardon himself while he is still in the White House but doing so will prove his guilt! Innocent folk don't 'pardon' themselves of serious crimes.

Nixon left the White House aboard a helicopter. To make a fast getaway, Bush will need a jet. When he is no longer President, Bush will not be able to 'pardon' himself for the many 'counts' of high treason that will be charged him. I accuse Bush of war crimes, high treason, graft, and various capital crimes as stated succinctly in US Codes, Title 18, Section 2441. Amid the lies he told about 911, the lies he told to wage aggressive war, it is now learned that it was Bush --personally --who 'outed' CIA operative Valerie Plame.

The 'Plame Affair' was also called 'Treasongate'. The 'outing' of an undercover 'operative' exposes that operative to reprisals by an 'enemy'. That's why Bush's act is an act of treason against the people of the United States.
Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
--Article III, US Constitution
The word treason covers the more egregious acts of betrayal or disloyalty to a sovereign or nation. That describes perfectly Bush's actions with regard to Plame. Under the US Constitution and, in Britain by common law, sovereignty resides with the people themselves. Bush flouted that principle with stolen elections in 2000 and, again, in 2004. His administration systematically subverted and attempted to dismantle the US Constitution, called, by Bush, a 'goddamned piece of paper'.

Accomplices who must stand trial with Bush and Cheney will include Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, Pentagon brass, and numerous co-conspirators in the 'big business' community, in other words, the big contractors who stood to get big contracts when Bush began his wars of naked aggression. Just as Krupp, Thyssen, and I.G. Farben conspired with Hitler and agreed to finance him, some of America's notable 'corporate sponsors' lined up behind Bush for the booty.
Treason, as referenced above, consists in waging war upon the people of the United States. Bushco wages war upon the people of the US in many ways. The 'outing' of Plame is one of them. Bush's campaign of deliberate lies to 'justify' his attack and invasion of Iraq is another. The war itself violates almost every convention to which the US is bound by treaty or agreement.

Bush, an idiot, was at least smart enough to 'unnerstan' that unless Saddam had WMD, a war against him violated US criminal codes, international treaties, the principles of Nuremberg, and the Geneva Convention! Bush was at least smart enough to know that without the 'threat' posed by WMD, a war of naked aggression would earn him the death penalty. He charged his 'legal team' with coming up with ways to make legal --after the fact --the crimes he had already committed. He tried to re-write the laws.

Bush told other lies and none more egregious or harmful than those he told about 911. To protect those lies, Bush quashed every effort to investigate fully the events of 911. He opposed the creation of the 911 Commission and when it was formed, he obstructed it! The result is a whitewash discounted by the Republican and Democratic co-chairs. They don't believe it! Why should you?

Bush, his co-conspirators and accomplices, floated an absurd coincidence theory that on the very day, the very moment that Dick Cheney was supervising an exercise [pdf] in which terrorists would attack the Pentagon and WTC, a rag tag gang of 'terrorists' would do precisely that! The odds alone indict our 'fearless Fuhrer'.

Our 'government', a government unlawfully seized by George W. Bush, thus declared war upon the people of the United States! As Che would have put it: the peace is already considered to be broken. Thomas Jefferson would have already declared 'our' independence of a cabal that had already destroyed the 'legitimate' government of the United States. Jefferson, in fact, declared our 'independence' of a similarly tyrannical 'George'.

The so-called 911 'Truth Movement' began with David Ray Griffin's still un-refuted paper entitled: The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True. Popular Mechanics and MSM propagandists tried to marginalize this paper but they could not refute it! PM presumes to defend an 'official theory' but there is no such 'theory' left to defend. The 911 Commission report is, in fact, the official story and even the co-chairs repudiate their own report.

Griffin is un-assailed. Last time I checked, steel still will not melt or weaken at temperatures less than 2795ºF. Bush could not rewrite the laws of physics. The 'raging infernos' inside the buildings of the WTC were no where near hot enough to have brought down the towers.

The science upon which Griffin based his paper is simply beyond the meager intellectual capacity of idiots like Bill 0'Reilly to comprehend, let alone refute. If steel will not melt at kerosene fire temperatures, then the official theory of 911 is a monumental fraud! Photos of people walking around, waving distress flags, in the hole in the North Tower where some 10,000 gallons of jet fuel was said to have been burning is absolute and irrefutable proof that the fires were never hot enough nor did they last long enough to have brought down the towers. Bushies might wish we would forget WTC 7 about which Larry Silverstein himself said "it was pulled". No airliner struck WTC7. Small, unimpressive fires were much less inflammatory than the rhetoric describing them. It's fall was described in advance by the BBC. What did the BBC know and when did they know it? The only explanation consistent with known facts it that it had been prepared in advance and was pulled just as owner Larry Silverstein said it was. This bears repeating: if WTC7 was pulled, then the official conspiracy theory is nonsense. It was pulled and the official conspiracy theory is nonsense!
Meanwhile, Flight 77 flight data, released upon an FOIA request by the NTSB, indicates that Flight 77 was at altitude of 273 feet at the time of 'impact' at the Pentagon. Therefore, Flight 77 could not possibly have crashed into the Pentagon. Flight 77 --an essential foundation of the 'official conspiracy theory' --could not possibly be true.

In either case, Bush can cite no evidence in support of his absurd lie, his absurd and ludicrous 'official' conspiracy theory in which four flights were hijacked by 19 incompetent pilots. Besides, many of the 'said' hijackers are still alive. The 'official conspiracy theory' cannot account for this fact. The FBI, meanwhile, is on record as having said that there is no evidence linking Bin Laden with the events of 911. Yet --the myths and lies persist among some segments of the population! There is always a high price to be paid for indulging psychotic delusions.

If anything said by Bush at any time about anything has ever been true, then why did Bush oppose the creation of the 911 commission? What was he afraid of?

Why did the Bush administration oppose the creation of a 911 Commission? Why did Bush interfere consistently with the 911 commission when it was, at last, created despite his objections?

Why was 911 forensic evidence destroyed?

Why did Bush sell off WTC steel?

Why did Bush lie about his own activities on 911?

Why did Bush claim to have seen the first plane strike the first tower when there was no live coverage of the event? If he saw it, how could he have seen it? How was that possible? The 'official conspiracy theory' cannot explain it. It was a miracle. Perhaps Bush was psychic!

Why was Dick Cheney supervising a 'scenario' that gamed precisely what, in fact, really happened? How could he have done that?

What are the odds that this incredible and absolutely amazing event would occur for real and on the very day that it was "gamed"? Perhaps Cheney was likewise psychic or had supernatural powers!

Dick Cheney was in a perfect position to have supervised the act of high treason and mass murder that we now call 911. Put Dick Cheney under oath. Demand that he explain his famous "stand down" order given to Norman Mineta! Indict Dick Cheney upon the probable cause that, on Bush's behalf, he supervised the crime of 911.
How coincidental was it that the British Government, like Dick Cheney earlier, gamed the subway bombings on the very day that they happened in fact? The British government was obviously psychic. There is no other explanation. If there is an innocent explanation for that, I would like to hear it from the horse's mouth --Tony Blair himself. If Tony cannot offer up an innocent explanation, then he should join George W. Bush in the dock, charged with mass murder and terrorism. Initially, Bush successfully suppressed dissent at home but failed miserably his self-assigned task of fighting real 'terrorists' abroad. Armed with the Orwellian 'Patriot Act', Bush needed only 'deem' you a 'terrorist' to incarcerate you in a hell-hole in violation of every principle put forward by real statesmen like Thomas Jefferson or James Madison. What Thomas Jefferson said of King George III, he would have said of Bush without a re-write. He would have supported efforts to remove Bush. He would have supported efforts to detain Bush, to charge him, try him, and carry out the requisite executions. In Jefferson's day, traitors were hanged, possible shot.
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness"

--Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence
Che Guevara said essentially the same thing in his classic treatise on guerrilla warfare.
"When the forces of oppression come to maintain themselves in power against established law, peace is considered already broken."

--Che Guevara, Chapter I: General Principles of Guerrilla Warfare
Che may have been prescient. Certainly --the "forces of oppression" had maintained themselves in power "against established law". Bush had personally ordered the illegal and treasonous dismantling of established Constitutional law, which he dismissed with a smirk: "The Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper"! Bush broke the law, subverted the law, ordered the law changed to suit him, and had re-written the law --on the fly --with signing statements, nothing more nor less than decrees. He has ordered his attorneys to render opinions telling him what he wanted to hear. What he wanted to hear was an 'opinion' propping up his delusion that the crimes he had already committed could be made legal after the fact.

His most egregious offense were those in which he flouted the supreme law of the land --the Constitution. Bush's attack on the Constitution had been foreseen by the founders and by the man who occupied Monticello. David Hume wrote:
"When we inquire by what means this wonder is effected, we shall find that, as force is always on the side of the governed, the governors have nothing to support them but opinion. It is, therefore, on opinion only that government is founded, and this maxim extends to the most despotic and most military governments as well as to the most free and most popular."
--David Hume, Of the First Principles of Government
Bush resorted to unprecedented measures to shut up his opposition. He was aided by the 'mass media' which had become little more than a right wing echo chamber. The Progressive Movement must demand of the new administration that the laws regulating the huge media monopolies be reviewed. It is time for a new "Communications Act", perhaps one as good as the one Ronald Reagan scrapped because the media was a threat to the liars who backed his own crooked, right wing regime. 

The biggest threats to 'our way of life' are the governments that are presumably elected to preserve them. Bush is the best example of this. Bush's very first official lie was the one he told as he took the oath of office! He placed his hand on a black book and, with a smirk, he swore to protect, defend and uphold the Constitution. It is the voice of the people that are put down in the Constitution and so proclaimed in the preamble:
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Enemies of the Constitution are, therefore, enemies of the people. Bush's occupancy of the White House was an 'occupation' as odious as that of any foreign invader or hostile power. His legacy is that he worked to subvert the principles of our founding, our heritage, what it means to be 'American'. He betrayed our nation with the crimes of subversion, mass murder, aggressive war, and high treason. He waged war upon the sovereign people of the United States! It is now up to us to make certain that the historical record will show that though Bush waged war upon us, he lost!


  1. Anonymous5:39 PM


    "Another Act of Treason: George W. Bush 'Outed' Valerie Plame:

    We know George W. was in on the outing of Valerie Plame.

    I must say Scottie's hypocracy is unsettling to me.

    How is it that George W's spokesperson, Scottie, spent all those years lying to decent whitehouse reporters and then when he was out of the Whitehouse he spills all in his book?

    He seems to me to be someone who is trying to capatilize (get the money)on his situation.

    In other words, he's just a leach.

    He went along with George Dubya for so many years as long as that was good for his career. When he left George Dubya he decided it would be better for his career to out everone he could.

    That's what he did in his book.

    I feel no sympathy for Scottie, he chose his career path.

    When you lie in bed with murderers, thieves and liars you become one yourself.

    Troubled Texan

  2. I will never waste good sympathy for people like Scottie who might have spoken out earlier. I am interested in hearing the complete truth about Bush's regime --the very worst in every respect in American history.

    When you lie in bed with murderers, thieves and liars you become one yourself.

    Indeed, Scottie had moral obligation to speak out earlier but didn't. He will probably try to make an immunity deal with the prosecutor.

  3. Anonymous6:39 PM

    The American people should know that George W. Bush is not only a war criminal: for example, he is also a hate-crime criminal.

    George W. Bush had better stop committing hate crimes.

    “What did you think of that NAACP anti-Bush race-baiting ad in 2000? You know, the one that practically said Bush was responsible for the dragging-to-death-behind-a-truck murder of a black man just because he didn’t sign a hate crimes bill several years after the man’s death” (Posted by Aaron. Retrieved December 11, 2008, from


    George W. Bush hates black people (indicated at

    “Sean Penn accuses Bush of ‘criminal negligence’” (Retrieved December 11, 2008, from Thus, Sean Penn believes that George W. Bush was at fault, criminally, relative to the Katrina disaster.

    “Had the residents of New Orleans been white Republicans in a state that mattered politically, instead of poor blacks in city that didn’t, Bush’s response surely would have been different. Compare what happened when hurricanes Charley and Frances hit Florida in 2004. Though the damage from those storms was negligible in relation to Katrina’s, the reaction from the White House was instinctive, rapid, and generous to the point of profligacy. Bush visited hurricane victims four times in six weeks and delivered relief checks personally. Michael Brown of FEMA, now widely regarded as an incompetent political hack, was so responsive that local officials praised the agency’s performance.”

    “The kind of constituency politics that results in a big life-preserver for whites in Florida and a tiny one for blacks in Louisiana may not be racist by design or intent. But the inevitable result is clear racial discrimination. It won’t change when Republicans care more about blacks. It will change when they have more reason to care.”

    Jacob Weisberg. (2005, September 7). An Imperfect Storm . . . How race shaped Bush’s response to Katrina. Slate. Retrieved December 7, 2008, from

    “And I’m sorry, but anyone who doesn’t think race has anything to do with the way things have gone down in New Orleans is really beyond help. Like my man Big Sexy said: ‘Do you think folks woulda been left out like that if this had happened in Vermont?’ A complete and utter disgrace” (Posted by Jackie Chiles. Retrieved December 7, 2008, from

    Assuming that George W. Bush had in fact been criminally negligent relative to the Katrina disaster, would Bush be responsible for hate crime(s)?

    “One of those very least were George Bush’s personal complicity in the death (murder to be precise) of my friend Margie Schoedinger[,] [an African-American woman,] in September of 2003. Determining the exact whereabouts and contacts of [then] president-elect George Bush on September 21 thru 22, 2003, should be entirely lacking in difficulty” (Leola McConnell (Nevada Progressive Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in 2010). Retrieved November 29, 2008, from

    Does George W. Bush’s murder of Margie Schoedinger constitute a hate crime?

    “A woman in Texas who filed a lawsuit against the president for rape and torture[,] [Margie Schoedinger,] was found shot to death. It was ruled a suicide. No one is investigating. Bush reportedly dated the woman in high school and speculation is that he was using the woman as his sex slave because he is above the law” (John Kaminski (author of “America’s Autopsy Report,” a collection of his Internet essays published on hundreds of websites around the world). (No date listed). Why We Need Martial Law . . . Criminal government is destroying America; military must step in to restore Constitution. Retrieved December 10, 2008, from

    Do George W. Bush’s rape and torture of Margie Schoedinger constitute hate crimes?

    “I believe that George W. Bush hates black people. Through secret government machinations, he caused Hurricane Katrina to form and aimed it at New Orleans on purpose, just so he could wipe out lots of poor blacks. I also believe that before the hurricane hit, he snuck into New Orleans and stole the keys to every school bus in the city to make evacuation of poor people impossible” (Janet M. Stroble. (2006, April 12). Now I Believe. Retrieved November 26, 2008, from,15202,94064,00.html).

    If George W. Bush intentionally did what Janet M. Stroble indicated, would Bush have committed hate crimes against countless black people?

    “I believe that George W. Bush hates Moslems. All that garbage about freedom, democracy, and the right to vote is a pollution of their culture. I believe that George W. Bush hates immigrants. There were a lot of immigrants working in the World Trade Center and George W. Bush didn’t warn them ahead of time” (Janet M. Stroble. (2006, April 12). Now I Believe. Retrieved November 26, 2008, from,15202,94064,00.html).

    In that George W. Bush hates immigrants and deliberately failed to warn them ahead of time as indicated by Janet M. Stroble: would Bush accordingly be responsible for hate crimes relative to racial minorities who were harmed?

    “Did Kanye West[’]s [comment], [‘]George Bush Hates Black People[’][,] get his mother killed?” (Retrieved October 18, 2008, from

    There is a discussion at relating to whether President George W. Bush murdered Kanye West’s mother—Ms. Donda West.

    Did President George W. Bush, who hates black people, murder Kanye West’s mother in the heat of raging racism? Somebody indicated that although the president of the United States is monitored by the Secret Service, he certainly can meet with one or more persons where his conversations are not intercepted and secretly “order a hit” on someone or order the murder of someone.

    If George W. Bush did murder Kanye West’s mother, would it constitute a hate crime?


    “George W. Bush murdered the Jewish former Senator—Paul Wellstone” (Retrieved December 10, 2008, from This Internet site has a lot of information indicating that George W. Bush murdered Wellstone.

    “Bush’s visit to Israel is under the guise of Middle East peace. You gotta be kidding me! Bush is THE MASTER ARCHITECT of Middle East war, not peace. . . . Bush didn’t go to Israel because he likes Israelis or like Jews, nope, he went there because he hates them. He went there to spread his message of doom, war, pain and death” (Storm Bear. (2008, January 10). PROOF: George W Bush Is An Anti-Semite! Retrieved November 23, 2008, from

    “‘We have a president who was selected rather than elected. He stole the presidency through family ties, arrogance and intimidation, employing Republican operatives to exercise the tactics of voter fraud by disenfranchising thousands of blacks, elderly Jews and other minorities’” (Barbra Streisand at Retrieved November 26, 2008, from

    “A new book out today quotes George W. Bush back in 1993 as saying: ‘You know what I’m gonna tell those Jews when I get to Israel, don’t you Herman? I’m telling ‘em they’re all going to hell’” (Posted by Terry Olson. (2006, September 5). The anti-Semite and the agnostic: George W. Bush and Karl Rove. OlsonOnline. Retrieved November 23, 2008, from

    “It’s now official: the Bush family wealth is linked to the Jewish Holocaust” (Retrieved November 2, 2008, from

    “Bush Family Are Nazi” (Retrieved November 2, 2008, from

    “How the Bush Family Helped Hitler Kill 6 Million Jews” (Retrieved November 2, 2008, from

    “But now the multibillion dollar legal action for damages by two Holocaust survivors against the Bush family, and the imminent publication of three books on the subject are threatening to make Prescott Bush’s business history an uncomfortable issue for his grandson, George W. . . .” (Retrieved November 2, 2008, from

    Assuming that George W. Bush did in fact murder the Jewish former Senator—Paul Wellstone, would Bush have committed a hate crime? Bush would have “purposefully” (criminal-law terminology) murdered Wellstone. Wellstone’s Jewish wife and Jewish daughter also died in the plane crash. Bush would have “knowingly” (criminal-law terminology) murdered Wellstone’s wife and daughter. However, would Bush’s murders of Wellstone’s Jewish wife and Jewish daughter also have constituted hate crimes?

    Submitted by Andrew Yu-Jen Wang
    B.S., Summa Cum Laude, 1996
    Messiah College, Grantham, PA
    Lower Merion High School, Ardmore, PA, 1993


  4. Andrew sez...

    Bush is THE MASTER ARCHITECT of Middle East war, not peace. . . . Bush didn’t go to Israel because he likes Israelis or like Jews, nope, he went there because he hates them

    I don't doubt that for a minute. The US alliance with Israel is one of convenience.

    Bush's 'accommodation' with Israel is complicated if he is the 'fundamentalist' that he claims to be. Much of what he states he does so disingenuously in order to mollify his redneck, fundamentalist base. I grew in that environment. Various fundamentalist sects believe that the Jews murdered Christ while --at the same time --believing that Christ HAD TO BE 'MURDERED', i.e, sacrificed so that they could be saved. If that's they case they should be thankful to the Jews for just doing their job --but not in fundie land where odds are good that any two propositions chosen at random will contradict one another. Yet another complication: this sect, though it really hates jews, defends Israel because the "Israelites" are, supposedly God's chosen people --nevermind that the current state of Israel is an artificial construction decreed by the victors of WWII and carved out of land to which they had no legal title whatsoever.

    Your thesis that Bush is guilty of 'hate crimes' is correct. I don't doubt it for a minute. I think Bush is premised upon typical right wing hate and venom.
