Considering Sarah Palin's educational achievements. Should she influence the progress of education in this country, your own daughter might come to believe that human beings walked beside dinosaurs only six thousand years ago.
It was on this day four years ago that George W. Bush 'won' a second term with a promise to help the 'democracies' of Afghanistan and Iraq 'grow in strength and freedom'. Only the gullible believed it then. How many believe it now?
He said that 'tax reform, social security and education would be priorities'. Now, on the eve of his departure, a consummation devoutly to be wished, the world wonders what, if anything other than needless death and destruction will be the legacy of the very worst 'President in US history.
What 'tax reforms' but tax breaks for rich folk were achieved by Bush and his endemically crooked GOP? Please tell me how anyone but his shrinking base of elites benefited?Since when are transfers of wealth to the wealthy considered to be 'reform'?2004: George W Bush wins second term
George W Bush has won a second term as president of the United States, beating his Democratic rival, John Kerry, by a comfortable margin.Mr Bush won about 51% of the vote and at least 274 electoral college votes against John Kerry's 48% and 252 votes.Results are still awaited in New Mexico and Iowa but they cannot affect the outcome.
Mr Bush's victory was announced after Mr Kerry phoned him at the White House to admit defeat.In a four-minute conversation, Mr Kerry congratulated the president, while Mr Bush called the Democrat "an admirable, worthy opponent".Strong mandateIn his victory speech, Mr Bush said, "I am proud to lead such an amazing country and I am proud to lead it forward."He said tax reform, social security and education would be priorities for his second four-year term.He also said the US would "help the emerging democracies of Afghanistan and Iraq to grow in strength and freedom". ...
And I think if history is our guide, we've had stronger economies, more wealth creation, under Democratic presidents than we have under Republican presidents. So I don't understand why all my capitalist friends aren't Democrats.--Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, The Female Joe LiebermanWhat did Bush do for 'Social Security' but threaten to put an end to the government's ONLY success story, the ONLY government program to run a surplus, the ONLY government program that works! Significantly, Social Security is the lasting legacy of a democrat --Franklin D. Roosevelt!
I am at a loss to name a single GOP program, a single GOP policy that has ever worked in any way at any time. I can think of NO GOP program that has ever stood the test of time. A history of the last four years is one of needless bloodshed, empty GOP rhetoric, death, destruction, aggressive war, war crimes and atrocities. At the same time, American educational standards declined, infrastructure crumbled, the rich still get rich upon the backs of the poor. Iraq is the quagmire of death, destruction, torture and atrocities. There is no end in sight! Many write of the 'end of America'.
Even if Bush/GOP calamities had been in any way desirable, a 'stolen election' is unforgivable. Stolen elections are antithetical to Democracy. Democracy is dead at the very moment an election is stolen. From that act of treason by Bush and his partisans follow every other disaster that has befallen this once great country. Now --if you truly believe that Iraq was a rousing success, that the world now loves the US for the freedom and democracy that it brought to Iraq, then vote for John McCain.
If you are convinced that the poor have made significant progress toward climbing out of poverty, that the absurd 'third world' income disparities that are characteristic of the US have been adequately addressed, then vote for more of the same. Vote for John McCain.
If you are convinced that education has risen above the level of dead last as, in fact, Bush left it in Texas, then vote for more of the same nationwide. Vote for John McCain!Education is particularly troublesome for Sarah Palin --an example of what can be achieved with the GOP in charge of the nation's education.
If this is what you think education should be then --by all means --vote for McCain/Palin, knowing that what Sarah Palin achieved educationally, your own daughter might equal as a result of a McCain administration.
Your own daughter might come to believe that not only did human beings walk with dinosaurs, seeing Russia from your porch makes one an expert on foreign affairs. I used to live within view of the mountains in Chihuahua. I was, therefore, an expert on Latin American affairs. Don't vote for more of the same. Vote for even worse. Vote for Sarah Palin.
But, because my readership is highly intelligent, I am quite sure that you have concluded, like me, that the GOP and McCain's campaign in particular consists of lies, empty platitudes and a very real record of utter disaster and failure. You would not patronize a doctor who tells you: just keep on doing whatever makes you terminally ill! Therefore, cast the only rational vote that can be cast! Published Articles
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part I, Police States Begin With False Flag Attacks
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part II, A Climate of Fear is Maintained
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part III, In Fascist Dictatorships Telling the truth becomes a crime
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part IV, the state forces an 'existential' choice
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part V, Public Opinion Becomes Irrelevant
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part VI, The government places itself above the law
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part VII, The Government Denies 'Due Process of Law'
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State Part VIII: Atrocities are justified with lies, myths or propaganda
I can think of NO GOP program that has ever stood the test of time.
ReplyDeleteUhh, the Hoover Dam is still around, so that might count.
Other than that?
Yes, people, go ahead and vote GOP for four more years of Bushism.
Vote for MORE taxes on the poor and middle class and less on the rich.
Vote the GOP ticket and give a solid Hell Yes to less Wall Street Regulation--just think if Bush and the Republicans had managed to convince Congress and We the People to turn over the Social Security Trust Fund and payments to Wall Street...Yeeehaaww Baby.
Vote for more illegal and immoral wars.
Only sacrificed one son or daughter to the Wars for Empire?
Vote Republican and send that other one to a horrible death or maiming.
Vote Republican and watch what little there is left of the Bill of Rights be torn up in front of your face.
Hell yes, vote for that Jackboot Party and let's revist history and see what true fascism is really like.
Interestingly, Greg, Hoover Dam --like Bush's BAILOUT --is pure socialism!! lol
ReplyDeleteThe GOP is only notable when they betray their own bullshit. As an old Chinese proverb put it: ONLY Nixon could go to China and the ground work for that was laid by George W. Bush who cut a deal in advance of the formalities --a deal for which the American consumer is still picking up the tab with their jobs and futures.
Hell yes, vote for that Jackboot Party and let's revist history and see what true fascism is really like.
Hell yeah, brang it on! The apocalypse, that is!
"You were sick, but now you're well, and there's work to do." -Kilgore Trout - Timequake by Kurt Vonnegut.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Lance. Vonnegut and Studs Terkel are always welcome on this blog.
ReplyDeleteLooks like another GOP disaster has been avoided in high style. A decisive victory, that should allow us to say, "see that, Georgie boy? THAT is what REAL political capital looks like."
ReplyDeleteThe long national nightmare is not yet over, but the end is in sight. I predict that Bush/Cheney will spend their remaining time in power absolutely screwing the country, trying to extract every last dime to distribute to themselves and their cronies. Not much of a prediction really, since that's what they're already doing, and have been since elected.
It would be a HUGE mistake for Obama to try to paper over the crimes committed by Bu$hCo. If the investigations aren't wide, deep and transparent the poison that is still in the blood of the American body politic could still kill the patient. You don't cure cancer without removing some corrupt flesh.