Sunday, February 08, 2009

Palin's Psychopathic Pledge to Keep Killing Wolves

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

Sarah Palin might otherwise have been dismissed as an obvious idiot. Now she can be credited with having made the tragic plight of wolves a cause, reason enough to work toward the ouster of her ilk from positions in which they might pose a threat to living things. It is not just wolves who have been victimized by heedless human development, it is heedless 'human progress' itself that must be re-assessed, specifically the systematic destruction of the habitats of wolves, elephants and countless other species. Continuing this disastrous, cruel and evil practice is indefensible.

While many will defend 'progress', it requires a GOP psychopath like Palin to blame our victims -- animals whom we have driven into corners where they will die, where entire species become extinct. We call our victims ---pests!

Meanwhile, the Wildlife Action Fund has launched a national campaign that hopes to expose Sarah Palin's renewed anti-conservation agenda by drawing attention to Palin's absymal record in Alaska and especially Palin's advocacy of brutal and unnecessary aerial killings of wolves and other creatures whose natural habitats are literally being stolen and appropriated.

Palin favors extreme methods to kill wolves and bears, including hunting them down by air, shooting them mercilessly from aircraft. Palin's program of the aerial slaughter of wolves seeks to eliminate hundreds in a single season. Her "Board of Game" has given the green light to the unrestricted killing of young wolf pups in or near their dens --a controversial practice illegal until 2008.
"Sarah Palin isn't fading into the background, so neither are we," commented Defenders Action Fund President Rodger Schlickeisen.

"Given her known political aspirations, the American public deserves to know what she's doing in Alaska, and about her extreme anti-conservation policies. The list is long, and we will document it all, from her continued promotion of the aerial slaughter of wolves and bears, to her lawsuit to remove the polar bear from the endangered species list, even as the sea ice melts beneath it."

--Eye on Palin

McCafferty once said:
If John McCain wins, this woman will be one 72 year old's heartbeat away from being President of the United States and if that doesn't scare the hell out of you, it should!


That is one of the most pathetic pieces of tape that I have even seen from someone aspiring to one of the highest offices in this country!

McCafferty, CNN--
Visit Eye on Palin for the truth about Sarah Palin and information about how you can help efforts to put a stop to her crimes against OUR environment.


  1. I am so with you on this, Len! If not a psychopath, she is at least a sociopath!

  2. George W has allowed the killing of wolves in the lower 48. What the hell is with that as wolves from Canada were reintroduced in these wilderness areas just a few years ago with Forest Service blessing.

  3. Linda-Sama said...

    I am so with you on this, Len! If not a psychopath, she is at least a sociopath!

    I hate to pick a nit, Linda as we are definitely on the same side here. But my psychologist friend (Phd in psychology) and my sociologist friend (PhD in sociology) both assure me that the terms are virtually synonymous.

    The basic defining characteristic for both is a near if not complete LACK of empathy or sense of 'wrong' --'conscience'.

    These are the people Dr. Gustav Gilbert interviewed as they were tried for war crimes at Nuremberg and they are, likewise, the same folk described by Robert Altemeyer whose work inspired John Dean's 'Conservatives without Conscience'.

    Tangodaddy sez...

    George W has allowed the killing of wolves in the lower 48. What the hell is with that as wolves from Canada were reintroduced in these wilderness areas just a few years ago with Forest Service blessing.

    It's not enough that we should encroach upon their habitats with impunity, we 're-introduce' them only to kill them off again??? What's up with that? If you have more information on this, please share with us.

    This is an issue that simply infuriates me. I was brought up to respect, even revere animals. Given our behavior and our disregard for the environment, I often wonder: just WHICH species is really the 'beast'?

  4. there is a wealth of info here about relocation and reintroduction towilderness areas.

  5. I think that Peckerwood Nation and it's northern colony Alaska should just go ahead and secede from the rest of the U.S. and install Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin as king and queen and then let genetics take over...within two or three generations they will be right back in the stone age and incapable of being a threat anymore.

    Republicans are the strongest argument for all birth control and masturbation that you could imagine....and you can bet that a lot of boys are chokin' the chicken over that hottie hockey mom with a jones for shopping on the RNC tab.

    Just my two cents


  6. Ed Encho said...

    I think that Peckerwood Nation and it's northern colony Alaska should just go ahead and secede from the rest of the U.S. and install Joe the Plumber and Sarah Palin as king and queen and then let genetics take over...

    Unfortunately, the problem is not confined to Alaska. Joe the Plumber would have been ignored or ridiculed in a literate society.

    Several states outside Alaska as well would do well to 'secede'. I am thinking primarily of Texas, perhaps the entire SOUTH!

    Texas, as I have pointed out time and again, trails the nation in high school graduates, an outcome for which I blame the rise of fundamentalism and its traditional, historical hostility to reason, inquiry and education.

    Significantly --we FAILED to get rid of Bush. This lying sack of rotting shit served out 'his' fuckin' term, though he was and remains ignorant, incredibly stupid, incompetent, dishonest, arrogant, drunk, coke-addled, clumsy, scheming, dishonest, crooked, semi-conscious, belligerent, defensive, psychopathic, sadistic, and megalomaniacal.

    Bush got precisely as many votes as he did NOT deserve and most of those voting for him shared the above characteristics with him and with millions more. There are folk in Texas and elsewhere in the south who think 'stupidity' is a virtue.

    Basically --we're fucked! Obama will be 'allowed' to change very little. The 'coalition' that plotted and carried out the cold, blooded murder of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King still exists and has only gotten more powerful.

  7. Basically --we're fucked! Obama will be 'allowed' to change very little. The 'coalition' that plotted and carried out the cold, blooded murder of JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King still exists and has only gotten more powerful.

    The first few weeks ain't very much of an encouragement are they? The quisling coward DemocRATS continue to play footstool the the fascist minority, Obama fails to understand the simple truth in that you don't negotiate with terrorists (the Republicans) and the economic deterioration worsens by the day.

    I also do not think that Obama will be allowed to seriously challenge the shadow government, not with that slimy little prick Rahm Emanuel being his first appointment, Hillary Rodham Clinton running foreign policy and Tim Geithner taking a step down from Goldman Sachs to succeed Hank Paulson at treasury, oh, and Ben Bernanke is still there.

    Sadly the only way that things are going to change is when the masses of asses find themselves in soup lines and finally figure out that they have been fucked dry without the benefit of a reacharound by the corrupt system.

    I say that the only way to change anything is by circumventing this rotten to the core political system and settling this thing in the streets.

    Were Obama to attempt to do anything of real value he would very quickly meet with the same fate as JFK.

    Just my two cents


  8. Ed sez...

    Were Obama to attempt to do anything of real value he would very quickly meet with the same fate as JFK.

    Yep! Sad, tragic to say but you are absolutely correct.

    What the American 'electorate' does not understand is that our problems are NOT political. Our problems are, rather, cultural, deep seated if not ancient.

    We are lied to not only about Iraq but about every other war we've ever fought. That includes, as well, the so-called 'Revolutionary War' which was, in fact, a war with Britain for control of the 'American' west.

  9. Anonymous10:12 AM

    And what about Washington? According to an eye-opening book entitled, The Founding Finaglers, by Nathan Miller, Colonel George Washington became the richest man in the colonies by stealing much of the the land promised to his soldiers of the First Virginia Regiment shortly before independence was declared. He made certain to get all the best bottom land parcels too.
    Jefferson called for the destruction of the people of Santa Domingo,(modern Haiti), when they drove the French out and ended slavery there.
    When I was a boy, there was a bounty still being paid for seals here in Puget Sound country,( the seals ate the salmon), a bounty was paid for wild cats, coyotes, and other "vermin".
    The real history of this destructive culture is not part of the school days for our young, instead a steady flow of fantasy and myth props up a gang of thieves and avaricious killers.
    At a profit.
    Don Smith

  10. Anonymous2:20 PM

    "Basically --we're fucked!" -- you're right there, Len. 've just been reading Market Ticker again and the Dow has dropped 300 in a session following a speech by Treasury Sec. Tim Geisner. The US is trying to inflate an economic balloon with ten holes in it. Geisner's solution (so to speak): "we need more good money thrown to the same people who got us where we are today."

    As I follow the program it goes something like this -- Major US financial institution XXX has an asset that is valued at $100, obtained using fancy bookwork and dodgy ratings. Because the asset purchase was highly leveraged last years stock market slide has brought the real (ie market tradeable) value to $10. The asset is now paying a dividend of $3, but this process is unsustainable. XXX does not want to sell and realize a loss. It wants the government to buy this toxic asset at book value ($100). But the US government does not want to take on worthless assets or be perceived as doing so. So it now offers a program, TARP II, a public private partnership where the government provides 95% of non-recourse financing to institutional investors to purchase these sorts of assets. Non-recourse financing allows a bank to loan to a farmer to grow a crop. If the crop grows they get their money back plus interest; if it fails they get whatever the crop is finally worth. Hedge fund YYY puts up $5 to purchase XXX's asset using $95 provided by the US government. They get $3 dividend a year and in two years they have a 100% return on their investment. The asset inevitably fails and the US taxpayer wears a loss of $95. Now magnify that by trillions and understand why TARP II spells disaster. The US will be unable to roll over this debt and will be forced into immediate cash accounting. US Social Security and Medicare payments cease, the $US gets devalued 80%, consumer prices skyrocket by 300%, wages stay fixed and 50% of Americans are unemployed. The US economy collapses and a devastating global economic collapse ensues. This is where Obama's plan is heading. It's a disaster. California is already unable to pay its employees and is shutting down programs. More here.

  11. damien said...

    he US is trying to inflate an economic balloon with ten holes in it. Geisner's solution (so to speak): "we need more good money thrown to the same people who got us where we are today."

    And --correct me if I am wrong --but there is no accurate accounting of how many billions have already dissapeared down this ECONOMIC BLACK HOLE!

    The US economy collapses and a devastating global economic collapse ensues.

    The bailout monies all went to the WRONG people. If the fuckin' stupid 'leadership' in this country had been reading this blog, it would have learned a long time ago that WEALTH DOES NOT TRICKLE DOWN.

    The people needed a bailout and didn't get one.

    The crooks who created this mess are getting BONUSES for failure.

    FUCK THE GOP and FUCK every GOPPER who CALLS himself a Democrat!

    Revolution now!
