Friday, February 13, 2009

There Has Been Blood - Yet There Have Been no Criminal Charges!

Sure… there is a way out
There’s also the occasional truth

Of course, lies can be made to fly a longer distance
And have the sheen of certainty

They do not have the smiling faces
Of children with hope of a future

They do not carry supplies to the offended
And they cannot be made to reflect

The dream of every ferocious wolf
Is a world gone mad with sheep

And, inevitably, it ends with everyone soaked in red
Frothing from the cup of empire

Sure… there’s a way out
When war’s the only thing you know
© 2007 mrp/thepoetryman


  1. Anonymous12:56 AM

    Fuzzfash sez...

    "The dream of every ferocious wolf
    Is a world gone mad with sheep"

    Guess this is why god has sent Sarah Palin to protect us.

  2. Take this cup away...

  3. Anonymous8:00 AM

    And each day Obama and his band of "Clintonistas" drag their feet and refuse to investigate, since we need to "look" forward, Obama gets that much closer to being part of the crooks, criminals, liars, thieves and murderers of the Bush-Cheney Junta.

    There will be no investigations of anything serious of the Bush-Cheney Junta because traitors Reid and Pelosi are in the crimes up to their Botoxed faces.

    Any serious investigation and you'd have at least half of Congress looking at indictments.

    Solicitor general nominee says 'enemy combatants' can be held without trial

    Elena Kagan tells a senator she agrees with Attorney General Holder that the U.S. is at war and therefore may detain suspected terrorists indefinitely.

    By David G. Savage February 11, 2009

    Reporting from Washington -- Harvard Law Dean Elena Kagan, President Obama's choice to represent his administration before the Supreme Court, told a key Republican senator Tuesday that she believed the government could hold suspected terrorists without trial as war prisoners.

    She echoed comments by Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. during his confirmation hearing last month. Both agreed that the United States was at war with Al Qaeda and suggested the law of war allows the government to capture and hold alleged terrorists without charges.

    Graham, a former Air Force lawyer, stressed the stark difference between criminal law and the law of war. He and Kagan agreed that under criminal law, no person can be held indefinitely without a trial.

    "Do you believe we are at war?" Graham asked.

    "I do, Senator," Kagan replied.,0,7158432.story

    Close down Gitmo, a good PR move. But those poor bastards will just be shipped elsewhere, like the big CIA prison they're building in Bagram, Afghanistan or the already existing one in Diego Garcia.. or ones in Romania or Poland.

    That's "Change." We're going to "change" their mailing address.

    If we're at war, then why hasn't Congress declared war?

    The last time they did was back in December of 1941.

  4. A former CIA deep-cover agent turns whistleblower at great risk. His shocking allegations expose powerful names controlling the international drug trade in very high places.

    CIA whistleblower: The Pegasus File
