When Ronald Reagan became President, his party declared a 'revolution'. He was hailed by American right-wing “reactionaries” as our armed forces –a so-called volunteer army –became an organization of paid mercenaries characterized by increasingly militarist, corporatist attitudes.
We know that the Nazi Party was not put in power by a majority of the German vote. We know it came to power by an evil alliance between the most extreme of the Nazi revolutionists, the most unrestrained of the German reactionaries, and the most aggressive of the German militarists.George W. Bush provided the nation with a political spectacle --a conservative champion assuming office under a cloud. He did not achieve a majority vote, let alone a mandate. Unprecedented in American History, the U.S. Supreme Court executed the Republican strategy: stop a legally mandated recount while Bush is still ahead in the count.
--Justice Robert Jackson, Chief Prosecutor, Nuremberg War Crimes Trial
With timely help from the U.S. Supreme Court, the fait accompli became a coup d'etat. Public servants --who had been court-ordered to recount votes –were physically assaulted as 'white shirts' attacked vote counters in Florida. This gang committed numerous counts of assault and battery if not treason. Photographed and identified by the Washington Post, this lawless gang should have been prosecuted but were not and that they were not was a warning that the rule of law would mean less, perhaps nothing to the new regime. Thus was begun a process by which the American GOP would resume an agenda that had been on the table in Nazi Germany.
Under Hitler, 'Jesus' prayers became mandatory in all schools. Abortion was a crime. Homosexuality was criminalized.Clearly, the GOP agenda might have been supported by Herr Hitler, were he alive and in the US. Hitler put into practice the current Republican platform. Albert Speer asserted at Nuremberg that the entire Third Reich was premised upon “meaningless platitudes”. And so it is in America where the GOP speaks political babble, a smorgasbord of code words, slogans and utterly 'meaningless platitudes". It was the GOP convention in Houston nominating George H.W. Bush that almost made me puke. A Republican on the convention floor opined: "Reagan made us feel good about ourselves!"
Hitler had done as much for 'good Germans' many years earlier. Hitler had shown them the way!
Some 60 years after World War II, critics of the right wing agenda are criticized for “thinking logically”. Since 911, millions ridicule 'truth' itself. Anyone daring to advocate a real, fair and exhaustive investigation of 911, for example, is called a 'truther', a 'toofer', a 'troofer'. It does not matter that those using those absurd terms sound retarded; they ARE retarded! But –truth matters. Lies matter. There is, in my view, no legitimate state without truth. If truth does not matter, nothing matters. Those regimes premised and maintained upon lies are illegitimate. The recent Bush regime was illegitimate, the result of illegal force, intimidation, a stolen election.
Thus, despite the ascension of Barack Obama to the White House, the GOP has left in its wake a delusional society on one end, a disillusioned society at the other. The 'United States' itself is now premised upon false beliefs supported and argued fallaciously by ideologues who desire nothing less than the creation of a right wing state in which the environment, education, equality, peace, civil rights and responsibility itself are eschewed and demonized outright. Environmentalists are called 'tree huggers' and obstructionists to progress. Peace activists are called traitors, accused of failure to support the troops. These outcomes are the result of GOP tactics, in fact, NAZI tactics.
In Texas, a right-wing 'lab', education is reserved for the very rich as support for public schools increasingly becomes a low priority. Naturally, as a result, the corporate-owned prisons have swelled to over-flowing with the influx of those who are deliberately robbed of both education and opportunity. The great gains made by the civil rights movement are undone. Poverty, like one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, is an equal opportunity offender, laying waste to brown, black and white! The GOP are a different type of bigot favoring only the dirty ink green on money!
The Collection of Claptrap that Defines Two Parties
It is difficult for the mind to come to grips with the Holocaust. The sheer enormity of the crimes is so beyond ordinary human experience that there is no context in which to begin evaluating the defendants' misdeeds, assess blame, and then move on to assign punishment.Every crime perpetrated by the Third Reich had it origins in a lie and its corollaries: the belief that Jews and other non-Aryans were subhuman, the belief that Germans were a Master Race!--Michael S. Lief
Efforts to shape a society upon a finite set of “lies” did not end with the Nazi Goetterdamerung. Nuremberg did not inoculate the world against fallacy, error and ordinary bullshit! Today, there is a voluminous encyclopedia of insidious claptrap and fallacy that is paid obeisance to, circulated, and repeated by the Religious Right, the NRA, and a virulent, corporatist right wing that has seized control of the Republican Party.
Taken collectively, these falsehoods, myths, and dogma consist of dangerous economic propaganda, conscious efforts to revise History, deliberate distortions of Constitutional Law, and efforts by powerful lobbies and special interests to coerce, bribe, and unduly influence the Constitutional process for personal and corporate gain. Amid all this, the voice of the individual is lost, shouted down and ignored. And with it –the voice of reason.
So what difference does it make if Republicans--as a class--espouse a pack of malicious lies? So what? Simply, the sane and insane alike act upon what they believe to be true and those actions invariably affect us all. What good can possibly come of an action that is premised upon a lie?
It's worth recalling that the "social values" and "social conservative" contingents of the Republican party as we know them today are a relatively recent phenomena. In 1992 a lot of Republicans voted for Bill Clinton because they were so alarmed by the religious right that was then starting their methodical takeover of the GOP.
It was unpopular then and it's taken a lot of concerted effort and money to engineer a mainstream movement out of the lunatic fringe.
That this movement is specifically protestant is fascinating. Martin Luther declared "Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his reason" but he never questioned the "catholic" edition of the Gospels. These are the Biblical literalists who muddy the waters today.
Also, the extreme polarization in American politics should not be extended to the American population as a whole. The electioneers have polirazed that 40 odd percent of citizens who believe that electoral politics are the way to change society. I for one am not willing to write every one else off as apathetic.
Anonymous said:
ReplyDeleteIt was unpopular then and it's taken a lot of concerted effort and money to engineer a mainstream movement out of the lunatic fringe.
As far as I am concerned anyone who believes that there is a man up in sky who rewards 'good' and punishes 'evil' is psychotic. Carlin was right!
What's the difference between Republicans and Nazis? That's easy. The Nazis had better fashion sense. Spiffy uniforms with the shiny black boots and all. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but it certainly was stylish.
ReplyDeleteOther than that you've got me stumped.
SadButTrue said...
ReplyDeleteWhat's the difference between Republicans and Nazis? That's easy. The Nazis had better fashion sense.
Absolutely! I take you've seen Mel Brooks' great "The Procucers" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Producers_%281968_film%29"
There is no difference as you so aptly explain in this post. Today I am listening to NPR and the topic of "indefinite detention" was the topic. I was yelling at the radio but that wasn't very productive. Where is the America I thought I grew up in, the one that believed in the freedoms granted to us in the Constitution? Did it ever exist or was I just a mere child believing all the BS?
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Liberality said...
ReplyDeleteWhere is the America I thought I grew up in...?
I'm afraid it's gone forever. The decline of education (Texas is the worst case) plus the consolidation of media into what is best described as a GOP PROPAGANDA MINISTRY is the one two punch. Couple that with RUINOUS wars of aggression fought ONLY for the benefit of corporate crooks and/or robber barons and you have got yourself a 'failed state'. It's not just sad, it's tragic. I mourn for the nation I grew up loving. It's dead!
Top World News said...
ReplyDeleteI would be glad if you could also link back.
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Sometimes I fantasize about what our world would be like if: Kennedy hadn't been assassinated; Nader had been elected president; Mr. Rogers was Sec. of Defense; Kissinger, Reagan, Johnson, Nixon, Bush, etc. had never been born, or better yet, aborted by their "mothers". I wish I was God. The world would be a nicer place to live in. But alas, tis but a midwinter dream.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteSometimes I fantasize about what our world would be like if: Kennedy hadn't been assassinated; Nader had been elected president; Mr. Rogers was Sec. of Defense; Kissinger, Reagan, Johnson, Nixon, Bush, etc. had never been born, or better yet, aborted by their "mothers".
You are correct to believe that it would have been a better nation, a better world. Johnson --tragically --was compromised by the murder of JFK in which he may have been compromised if he did not play a major role. His 'Great Society', however, was a good program, a dream of equality. All dreams of a 'Great Society' all but died with Nixon but were FINISHED OFF by Ronald Reagan who put into place almost EVERY evil Republican desire, notably, the TRANSFER OF WEALTH upward. Now --as a restult --just ONE PERCENT of the country owns more than the rest of the population combined.