- NO airliner crashed at the alleged site in PA. Flight 93, we were expected to believe, managed to bury itself upon impact. It's a convenient lie designed to cover up the fact that no airliner wreckage was ever visible at the alleged 'crash' site. The myths and lies can be put to rest with a simple excavation.
- WTC 7 was 'pulled'. Silverstein himself said so and every demolition expert in the world knows that that is, indeed, the case. The building had been prepped.
- The laws of the CONSERVATON OF MATTER and ENERGY were not repealed. See any phsycist at M.I.T. to confirm that; ERGO --no airliner struck the PENTAGON and no wreckage traceable to an airliner WAS EVER recovered.
- KEROSENE --jet fuel is kerosene --will NEVER burn hot enough to melt or weaken steel. In addition, THERMITE was found and confirmed by experts and published in peer-reviewed papers.
- The BBC interviewed several 'said' hijackers though they were said by Bush partisans to have died in the attacks. Dead men don't give interviews. Another fatal flaw in the official conspiracy theory.
- American Airlines is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911.
When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains, however implausible, must be the truth!The Bush 'theory' is the only 'conspiracy' theory of 911 that meets the definition of the term --conspiracy --most precisely. Bush's critics, however, rarely advance a theory at all. They are most often labeled 'conspiracy theorists' for merely shooting holes in the Bush conspiracy theory. But for reasons unknown to me, millions have a mental blind spot that prevents or short-circuits rational dialogue about 911.Also see: AA Exposes Bush's 'Big Lie': Flight 11 DID NOT FLY on 911!
Undeniable new 9-11 WTC DRONE PLANE PROOF (NOT UA 175)
Thanks for posting, Bev
ReplyDeleteThank you Len for being such a heroic, honest, bright-light reporter.
ReplyDeleteAnd, I think your site hit numbers would be even larger, if it were not for some site called "webring" which in the last weeks (pardon my delay in reporting to you, I thought it might be just me or my computer) takes over your site, even before your site fully loads. One thing that I have done, is to quickly hit the stop loading icon at the end of your address line so that it does not switch to "webring." I would check that out.
Your reporting is so solid and good that you should be widely read...and thanked.
Bev, thanks for the the kind words and the tip-off re Web Ring. I had no idea that it was attempting a hijack. They had been hounding me with email but was un-aware that they have hijacked the site. I have removed the code and will take additional measure if need be. MANY thanks.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many big and little clues that the official narrative continues to assert beyond all belief that they do not add up to anything when just the opposite is true.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that hit me early one was accounts of the smell of cordite at the Pentagon (from people who knew the smell - see: http://911research.wtc7.net/pentagon/evidence/witnesses/explosive.html#cordite ).
The smell in the air from Halloween (pumpkin heated by candles) is quite noticably different from that of the 4th of July (black powder).
It is so very disheartening to be so painfully aware that the truth is not something Americans or the MSM seem interested in.
Keep up the great work, Les.
Thanks Lance. It would appear that 'they' have gotten away with it. Americans --I think --were relieved to be rid of Bush and 911 is a low priority right now. That's a pity and it's dangerous. American philosopher Georges Santayana put it this way: 'Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it!'
ReplyDeleteYeah, Len.
ReplyDeleteThis one comes to mind regarding TPTB from here on in.
They live, indeed.
“I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
That's a great quote, Lance. I'll have to remember that one.
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting this. The sad truth is most Americans have been brainwashed into being such docile and trusting children that they are in absolute denial of what really happened on that day.
ReplyDeleteBryan, you're right! The 'brainwashing' is deliberate and the consolidated media --the work of Ronald Reagan --is deliberate. The media is no longer 'free'. Consolidated as it is in very few corporate hands, it had devolved into the repetition of meaningless platitudes, bullshit and blatant propaganda. I no longer bother to watch or listen.
ReplyDeleteThe anti-dote to the crooked media is READING!