Friday, January 04, 2013

Magic Bullet, My Ass!

by Len Hart, the Existentialist Cowboy

I once spent several hours with a famous witness to the murder of JFK ---Rosemary Willis, often called the little girl in the red dress. She is easy to spot in the Zapruder films, running along the south side of Elm street just ahead of her father, Phil Willis. Phil Willis was taking 35mm slide films of the motorcade. Rosemary is seen running ahead and, suddenly, stopping! Rosemary showed me her father's slides and a double-page center-spread from one of the Willis photos depicting the Grassy Knoll.

Her father's photos had appeared in Look Magazine. One of the photos became a double-page spread. Rosemary and I placed the spread on a light table beside the original photo which had only recently been released by the FBI. Interestingly, those photos were seized AFTER Look had published.

"Do you notice anything unusual', she asked me.

I looked again! It hit me like a brick! In the original slide there was NO train visible between the columns of the pergola.

But the train was CLEARLY visible in the Look magazine spread. Why? Rosemary explained that AFTER Look had published its piece the FBI came calling. They SEIZED all of Willis' original photos. When she showed those photos to me, they had only recently been released, having been in FBI possession for years. The FBI --playing the role of 'Big Bro' --did not want people to verify that there had, indeed, been a train on the tracks at the very time that the fatal bullets were being fired.

But why?

Then I recalled the 'tramps' who had been rousted earlier while hanging out in box cars behind the Grassy Knoll. Those tramps, as you recall, included Frank Sturgis and, the man whom I believe lead a team of assassins --E. Howard Hunt. As a result of my time spent discussing this with Rosemary, I became increasingly convinced that a team of shooters had targeted JFK; the box cars, the area behind the picket fence became a secured staging area.

I had always believed that the fatal shot, the horrible head shot seen in the Zapruder film, had come from the front, the grassy knoll, the significance of which The The FBI seemed eager to cover up. I held evidence of this in my hand!

Incidentally, just prior to the shooting George H.W. Bush was photographed with his hands in his pocket 'hanging around' the front entrance of the TSBD. I am convinced that I have met at least one of the perpetrators of murder and high treason.

Method! Motive! Opportunity!

This case, this evidence should have gone to a federal grand jury! Instead, the evidence was destroyed and tampered with to PROTECT the guilty and murderous traitors who pulled it off.


  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    was Abraham Zapruder "Jewish" ?

    cui bono ?

    Piper does a Nation proud for bringing this Zionist Murder of President Kennedy into better focus

    not that the zionist Hijacked American nation has much to crow about these days...

    in the film :

    Waco - A New Revelation

    there are some "revelations" not revealed to the crackwhores in CONgress during their alleged 'Hearings' on the mass murder of some Christian cult members in a "compound" who were attacked by a zionist terrorist assault force on a sunday morning with 3 military helicopters for "Air" support...

    needless to say...

    there is no statute of limitations on Murder...
    even if committed as Zionist "STATE" policy.

    all people of Good Faith on Earth should spend all mental and spiritual energy to quarantine [ARREST] these terrorists and bring them to a speedy trial..

    over 300 million MASS MURDERED since the 'Federal Reserve' was deemed to be a necessary evil for America...


  2. I fail to see what relevance Zapruder's religious or ethnic origins have to do with the facts that

    1) Oswald was, in fact, set up to take the fall;

    2) the real perps were the gang of Republicans that had earlier been arrested while hanging out (planning the hit) near several open box cars;

    3) G. H.W. Bush was the supervisor (control?) in the field and was photographed hanging around the front entrance of the TSBD just prior to the assassination.

  3. Anonymous3:38 PM

    well on 9/11 there were "Jewish" camera operators there to document the event...

    amazingly the "Media" in covinous collusion with the zionist terrorists did what they were scripted to do..

    same with Waco, Same with OKC..

    same with all the PSYOPS staged shootings..

    furthermore was the Zapruder film tampered with ?

    seems pecuiliar that these Bolshevik [JEWISH] Zionist Terrorists can Print the currency

    OWN THE MEDIA, Run a crackhouse called Congress, and "we're" not supposed to fathom "Conspiracy theories"....never mind the facts

    Means, Motive & Opportunity

    anyway, enjoyed you're remembering JFK and bringing the issue up, as with Waco, OKC & 9/11 the perps are due for some ETERNAL JUSTICE...



  4. I have seen no evidence that the Zapruder film was tampered with. It makes no sense or difference if the GOVT had tampered with it! And if they did, it didn't help their case, i.e, the cover story that fingers Oswald.

    There is no evidence that it was tampered with; if it had been tampered with by govt types protecting the 'cover', it would not have clearly shown the President's head exploding upon being hit from the front.

    For years, I urged the scientific stabilization of the film. It was, at last, done and, to be expected, if proves conclusively and scientifically, that JFK's head is pushed BACK and slightly to the LEFT as a result of a shot from the FRONT and slightly to the right, i.e, the GRASSY KNOLL where a shooter had taken up a position providing excellent cover. Certainly --the entire area between the picket fence and the railroad tracks had been SECURED by the team of 'tramps' headed up by E. Howard Hunt. G H W BUSH was the 'general' in charge. He was photographed earlier in front of the TSBD.

  5. Anonymous2:20 AM

    Oswald was the Patsy...slam dunk.

    you may find on the mary farrell site a photo taken from behind a station wagon with a man holding a black bag getting into the station wagon behind the driver as the motorcade is just entering the underpass...


    JFK II by John Haney covers the Bush Crime familys' [GHWB] - [Hoover Memo] involvement fairly well, but again getting a microscope to examine a RAGING BULL ELEPHANT in the middle of the living room is not the most efficacious way to determine the continuum of damage happening in REAL TIME..

    many people are reluctant to examine the perfidious nature and character of the outflow boundaries of the economic terrorism of Talmudic Judaism...Bolshevism, Zionism...

    once a friend from OZ was visiting a friend [Pat Shannan] and we went to the sixth floor...

    looking directly south from the window on the sixth floor one is looking directly into the reflecting pool...

    the dynamics of the crime indicate the parties involved had Motive & Opportunity and Means...

    cui bono ?

    Freemasonry [Freemasons] means

    Zionists & Federal Reserve [Motive]

    have you ever seen Johnson & the FEMA region VI photo in February of 64...

    Just sayin' this whole world domination NWO "objective" didn't just happen by chance...

    [90% of so-called "Jews" are proselyte Khazar = JAPHETIC {converts}... meaning that they are NOT HEBREWS, NOT SEMITIC and NOT Judahites]

    connecting the dots from the journey to the bottom of the bottomless pit ...

    [watching the history channel on Talmudvision] a different experience than observing the view from the uppermost vista on the mountain of Truth...

    if you haven't read the Curse of Canaan by Eustace is highly recommended..

    Republicans & Democrats work for the same paymaster and always omit looking at or talking about the ELEPHANT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE LIVINGROOM...

    ...a loose affiliation of trillionaires and billionaires...

    who claim to be "Jewish"...

    did you ever get to see the uneditted film shot at Mt. Carmel 28 February 1993 ?

    curious, no ?


  6. Davy said:

    his whole world domination NWO "objective" didn't just happen by chance...

    Indeed, it did not. GHW Bush was not only hanging around the front entrance of TSBD (see the famous photo), he later attended or, perhaps presided over a very mysterious reception for his sorry ass in Houston circa early to middle 80s as I recall.

    Normally, politicians advertise their every appearance. This 'reception', held in Houston's venerable Rice Hotel (now demolished, was very hush hush if not downright sinister. The term 'New World Order' was (according to my sources) used. Later, Bush as President used the term on broadcast to the nation. His grin was downright sinister upon these words "...when we are successful ...and we WILL be....!"

  7. Anonymous5:04 AM

    the "Z" in NAZI stands for Zionist...

    The Ashkenazim "Proselytes" are not Hebrews..

    The Children of Israel have never been the "Jews"..

    so-called "Jews" are not Israelites..

    the "Bush" crime family is a second tier crime syndicate farm club...[CIA] mainly the narcotics and child stealing and insurgency operations...The Davidians lived across the road from one of the cult compound centers for distribution..,7340,L-4325753,00.html

    how is a dung doodling economic terrorist cult "Holy"..?

    how do so-called "Jews" [Ashkenazim - Khazar] proselytes to Talmudic Judaism get into Egypt circa 1200BC...?

    is a talmud "ancient" written in 500AD ?

    the mug shots of the Class A stockholders of the Federal Reserve.. The owners of the "Media"

    and who the crack whores in Congress work for...answers the MOTIVE issue...

    who pays Sheila Jackson Lee to overlook the Mass Murder of the Davidians..and root for the Zionazi ..[ADL/ATF & ADL/FBI] PSYCHOPHANTS ?

    Houston always gave me the heebie Waco & Dallas

    is it true Babara Bush is the daughter of Alisteir Crowley ?


  8. Those commenting on this thread:

    Please do me a favor and avoid putting a 'return' after every sentence. Save the 'return' for the end of a paragraph. I will appreciate that and I am sure that those who read it will appreciate it as well.

    For example, I have a fairly high reading 'rate'. I can read a medium length paragraph almost instantly; my reading rate declines if i have to scan down several lines to get the rest of a sentence. Thanking you in advance and on behalf of many readers.

  9. gonzomarx11:30 AM

    Bill Hicks on the JFK Assassination

    back and to the left!

  10. @gonzomarx 'back and to the left'.

    Yep! The fatal shot was fired from behind the picket fence striking JFK in the head and blowing the debris BACK and to the left! George H.W. Bush was the supervisor in the field.
