The Conservation of Matter and Energy is summed up simply:
During an ordinary chemical change, there is no detectable increase or decrease in the quantity of matter.The result summed up in the quoted section describes what was --in fact --observed at the site of the collapse of the Twin Towers on 911.
The fact that towers of steel were reduced to "dust" supports my criticism of the BUSH CONSPIRACY THEORY (19 hijackers is, by law, a conspiracy); it does not support the conclusion of Bushco's 911 commission. The commission had concluded that the steel towers collapsed as a result of HEAT the source of which was said to have been burning jet fuel.
JET FUEL is just kerosene. Kerosene does not burn hot enough to weaken steel, let alone melt it. Every paper I have managed to scrounge from M.I.T. as well as PEER REVIEWED papers by experts, confirm my contention that airliners could not have brought down the towers. The melting point of steel is some 1,370°C (2500°F). A jet fuel fire is not even close. Even if the fires had reached that temperature, an evenly distributed heat pattern is required to get the "controlled demolition" look --straight down at free fall rates of acceleration!
Random areas of greater and or lower heat cannot be expected to produce results that DEMOLITION EXPERTS routinely produce as a result of careful placement and timing. At last --there is the question of whether or not an ALUMINUM BODIED aircraft will or can penetrate the outer walls slicing steel beams with mere aluminum wings. Had that happened, I suspect the aluminum wings and aluminum bodies would have folded up like an squeeze box just prior to its fall to the sidewalk at street level.
The laws of physics were not repealed on 911. That means means that aluminum --among the lightest of metals --did not and will never penetrate industrial steel, i.e, the steel that was was used to construct the outer "cladding" and as well the even DENSER CORE. Both core and outer walls collapsed like a stack of playing cards.
This is not the only FATAL HOLE in Bush's theory. The worst and most obvious hole is that there is simply NO ADMISSIBLE EVIDENCE that the "said" flights were even in the air that day. The BBC interviewed some of the alleged hijackers after they were said to have died in the attacks. Had they been raptured? By Jehovah or by Allah?
- Official Flight Data (Source: NTSB) proves conclusively that Flight 77 could not possibly have crashed into the Pentagon. Flight 77 was at an altitude of 273 feet within less than two seconds of impact. Source: NTSB, Pilots for 911 Truth, FOIA request, official computer data from NTSB.
- I personally challenged Purdue University where under-graduates claimed to have "modeled" a soft-bodied, aluminum airliner slicing through steel girders at WTC's Twin Towers. Nonsense! All they did was get an off-the-shelf 3-D animation program. If aluminum could slice through steel, Switzerland would make Swiss Army knives out of aluminum. They don't! They make the blades of Swiss Army knives out of HARD STEEL. Bottom line: at ANY SPEED, Aluminum will not penetrate steel. Nevertheless, Bushco would have you believe that aluminum sliced through dense steel. It did not happen.
- NOR will Kerosene fires melt, vaporize, or reduce steel to dust. The 'real killers', of course, knew this. That the kerosene fires were assisted with thermite and thermate was proven with wreckage gathered at 911. The pedigrees confirm that thermite, thermate samples originated from ground zero. The effect of thermite/thermate has been written up in several scholarly, scientific, peer-reviewed papers. Bottom line: steel has never melted at Kerosene fire temperatures. Unless and until the laws of physics are repealed, it never will. You can put this to the test for your self. Build a kerosene fire; throw a steel bar on it. When it melts or even weakens, get back with me!
- There were no Arab names on the official list of those autopsied from the Pentagon. The source for this is Dr. Olmsted, who filed an FOIA request. Olmsted had made the point that "passenger lists" are just names that someone has typed up on a piece of paper. It is not evidence that would be admitted in a court. A coroner's report, however, is evidence admissible in court. In this case, the coroner's report disproves Bush's official conspiracy theory of 911. There are NO hijacker names nor, for that matter, any Arab names on the list. Secondly, only Pentagon victims are known to have been interred; they were were interred at Arlington. Again --where are the hijackers? Where are the Arabs? Where are the passengers?
- On that question, a clue may have been found in an early story from the BBC. They interviewed some of the alleged hijackers AFTER they had been pronounced DEAD by the U.S. media.
- NTSB data (National Transportation Safety Board), an independent Federal agency charged by Congress with investigating every civil aviation accident in the United, indicates that the door to the cockpit in Flt 77 (Pentagon) was NEVER opened after take-off. So --how did Hani Hanjour manage to gain access to the cockpit? He was skinny (only some 95 pounds as I recall) but not nearly skinny enough to slide under the cockpit door. Sliding under a closed door requires the talents of a professional cartoonist!
- How did Hani Hanjour get on board? Several early media accounts reported that Hani did not have a ticket! Anyone who thinks that getting on board an airliner without a ticket is easy should try it. I will be waiting for the results.
- The famous "phone calls" were pronounced impossible by numerous media outlets early on, within days of 911 as I recall. I never took them seriously.
- I won't dwell on this because it seems that even the mainstream media has covered it and that is: Hani Hanjour was said to have learned how to be a pilot by playing arcade simulators. Uh huh. Right!
- BBC interviewed some of the alleged hijackers --AFTER 911. They were undoubtedly alive! Another miracle?
- WTC 7 was reported fallen by a BBC reporter though it was visible behind her as she filed her story. She said it had collapsed. But it would not collapse for another quarter of an hour after she had filed her report.
- Larry Silverstein --a crook --had been and was bankrupt. 911 bailed him out. He had METHOD, MOTIVE and OPPORTUNITY. There is, therefore, sufficient probable cause to charge and indict him. He should stand trial for the crimes of high treason and mass murder. Capital offenses!
- WTC steel was ordered destroyed, hauled away and sold! The deliberate destruction of evidence is a crime. In this case, the charges include complicity and obstruction of justice. [See: Achitects and Engineers for 911 Truth]
- Marvin Bush handled security for the WTC before and during 911. It would appear that he succeeded in doing the job for which he was planted. You can rest assured that he was rewarded when, in fact, he should have been arrested, charged and prosecuted for his complicity in the crimes of mass murder, high treason and domestic terrorism. Marvin Bush represents "opportunity" among abundant method and motive.
- Though al Qaeda was blamed for 911, it is a matter of record that al Qaeda, the creation of the CIA, was founded at a Mujahideen camp in Afghanistan in 1988, during the Afghan war against the Soviet Union.
- Photos show people walking around in the hole in the North Tower where 10,000 gallons of jet fuel was supposedly burning.
- When the South Tower was hit, most of the North Tower's flames had vanished, burning for only 16 minutes, making it relatively easy to contain and control. It should not have fallen.
- The fire did not grow over time; it quickly ran out of fuel and was suffocating, indicating that without added explosive devices the fires might have been easily controlled.
- FDNY fire fighters still remain under a tight government gag order to not discuss the explosions they heard, felt and saw --explosions that are typical of controlled demolitions. FAA personnel are under a similar gag order, i.e, "threat". Even the flawed 9/11 Commission Report acknowledges that "none of the [fire] chiefs present believed that a total collapse of either tower was possible." Who knows more about fires than fire chiefs?
- Fire had never before caused steel-frame buildings to collapse. Nor has fire collapsed any steel high rise since 9/11. WTC-7 was unharmed by aircraft. Only minor fires were observed on the seventh and twelfth floors of this 47-story steel building. Nevertheless, WTC-7 collapsed in less than 10 seconds. WTC-5 and WTC-6 had raging fires but did not collapse despite much thinner steel beams.
- Let's visit Shanksville, PA. Show me a single scrap that may be traced to an airliner! Show me the wreckage!
Lucky Larry Silverstein got bailed out and received a whopping insurance settlement. George W. Bush (and gang) got the war that they wanted. Americans must wake up and ask: was it worth it?
This is the most tragic, sorriest chapter in U.S. history. Future historians will refer to it as the beginning of the fall of the American Empire.
9/11 is the litmus test.
ReplyDeleteSo many of the things that reverberate to today are based on the unwillingness to demand full,
open and transparent investigations of the attack, the crime scene forensics, and the apparent response failures. Anyone not in lockstep with the coming “payback” was a traitor, and anyone questioning the official
narrative was a nutter. That the people so readily dismissing the skeptics, did not heed to call themselves to demand what the commission itself determined;
that a proper investigation was needed to uncover the truth.
Remember, the alternate explanation to deride conspiracy, was the supposedly comforting
notion that incompetence, an unrelated type of criminality (the destruction of evidence), the desire to cover your butt, and a string of bad luck and/or remarkable coincidence, explained the seeming contradictions and that the right enemy had been targeted anyway, so no time to navel gaze as we needed to get our bloodbath up and running.
My recollection is somewhat shorter as to what I saw and what we lost. I live in So Cal and commute to downtown LA, and have for over 20+ years. For *exactly* a
day and a half (the same amount of time the air stays smog free after a good rain), the normally selfish and inattentive motorists drove in manner virtually unseen before or since. Over that two day period, they actually showed noticeable
consideration and no longer drove oblivious to those around them, not caring who they cut off or didn’t let in or honked at for going too slow, or not getting
out of the way fast enough…they treated the other drivers as fellow Americans that were also possibly traumatized or numb and that the default position might
be that they would appreciate a random act of kindness from a stranger who might just cut another person a break for no other reason than they thought the
anonymous person could use one.
And then, as if it never happened in the first place, it was over. That was how long it took to revert back to type, and embrace dysfunction as normalcy.
And that’s how we got to where we are today.
There are some things in life that we can’t turn back the clock on, but tragically that is true even on those things we could turn back the clock on. We’re just not that smart or that caring, and I don’t think it’s overly pessimistic to say that we never will be.
Speaking of turning back the clock (on this current Syria nonsense), I'd like to direct your attention to today.
ReplyDeleteI have no idea how much of this information is pristine, but it's worth more than a passing glance.
And its dissemination may help to stop another war.
"9/11 was an inside job". InDeed, by the Same Poppy Bush Company men, as were inside the Grassy Knoll fence on Dealey Plaza 11/27/63. Qui bono? George 1st, et al!
ReplyDeleteGRATE Graphic, also.
Lance Thruster wrote:
ReplyDelete"And then, as if it never happened in the first place, it was over. That was how long it took to revert back to type, and embrace dysfunction as normalcy."
You are absolutely correct and thanks for point it out. It's probably the case that those who pulled off this act of high treason were counting on our seemingly limited attention spans.
Great comments, Lance. Thanks.
Cirze said...
"Speaking of turning back the clock...I'd like to direct your attention to today. "
Thanks, that is now on my agenda for today. Cheers.
Anonymous said...
"9/11 was an inside job". InDeed, by the Same Poppy Bush Company men, as were inside the Grassy Knoll"
Indeed --at least another generation of them. The Sr Bush was running the show at Dealy. Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt were earlier "arrested" (and released). They had been hanging out at the 'staging area' between the picket fence and the R.R. tracks.
ReplyDeleteWhat you talking about? And Israel is most certainly NOT off limits. If Israel is found to have anything to do with it, then they should share the dock with Bush, Cheney, Rummie and friends.
In any case, this article is about the HUGE HOLES in Bush's case. If you have a solid, admissible-in-court case against Israel, send it to me and I will publish it.
A little knowledge may be a dangerous thing, but none at all can be far worse.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, no one is saying the steel columns and beams of the World Trade Center melted. One of the main defects of steel as a structural element is that it loses strength very quickly when heated. It can lose a very significant part of its strength long before it is in any danger of melting- something which a kerosene fire could accomplish. Second, like most uneducated people that talk about the World Trade Center, you seem to have absolutely no understanding of the difference between static and dynamic loading. Once a relatively minor upper part of the building begins to fall, it causes a load far outside what the structure was intended to withstand.
Anyone with any kind of basic knowledge of structures would know this. But you don't, and so you fall prey to the most farfetched conspiracy theories.
Come back when you actually have some knowledge of what you are talking about, and then we can discuss what you think actually happened to the four jetliners that you claim never took off, and have never been seen again.
More EVIDENCE re: the verified presence of MOLTEN STEEL
ReplyDeleteRe: Green Eagle:
ReplyDeleteYou are either attributing statements to me that I have not taken OR you misunderstood the very point of the post. MOLTEN STEEL was --in fact --found at Ground Zero but AIRLINERS WERE NOT and COULD NOT HAVE the been the cause of it. If they were not the cause of it, then Bush et al are DAMNED LIARS.
Now --Molten steel was observed and documented in peer reviewed papers, then WHAT IS THE SOURCE OF THAT HEAT? Moreover the presence of THERMITE/THERMATE is documented and written up in several PEER REVIEWED PAPERS!! The verified, reviewed evidence/confirmation of THERMITE/THERMATE is damning.
See: "There are reports of molten steel beyond those cited by American Free Press. Most of these have come to light - a result of a PEER REVIEWED paper by Professor Steven E Jones" My position as stated is that Al at any speed will NOT penetrate steel ---be it molten or not. Let that sink in! Melting steel was NECESSARY to those participating in this act of mass murder/high treason
You can make it 22 with this one:
ReplyDelete"FBI Director Robert Mueller admitted that the FBI had no evidence to link the 19 “Muslim men” who apparently disappeared --neither on the autopsy list or the original 'official flight manifests' --to the events of 911." --An excerpt from one of my projects. It's another fatal hole in Bush's "conspiracy theory of 19 hijackers".