Thursday, October 19, 2006

Bush accuses "terrorists" of exploiting the truth

Bush himself is forced to make the analogy with the "tet offensive" in Viet Nam. The US has lost the "Battle of Baghdad. But, of course, it's not his fault says his press secretary. It's the fault of the "terrorists" for daring to show the truth in pictures:
"The president was making a point that he's made before, which is that terrorists try to exploit pictures and try to use the media as conduits for influencing public opinion in the United States," the White House press secretary, Tony Snow, told reporters yesterday.

—Guardian Unlimited, We've lost battle for Baghdad, US admits

Now that Bush as rescinded the right of habeas corpus, it a quantum leap to Bush merely ordering the arrest of anyone daring to exploit the truth, using pictures that don't lie, and in other ways "exploiting" the reality of an utter failed, stupid, cruel and abominable war crime.

More about how the web of lies, spin, and deception endanger all us from Keith Olbermann:

The Existentialist Cowboy


  1. I could say that what is needed is a second American Revolution, but that would be inaccurate. The second Revolution has already occurred. With his heinous, odious, unconscionable, execrable Military Commissions Act, Bush has redefined the governing principles of the nation. Is that not the definition of a Revolution? The second Declaration of Independence was John Yoo's unitary executive principle, that made the President independent of any constitutional or legal constraints. Yoo and Abu Gonzales are traitors to put Benedict Arnold to shame. All of this has been financed by multinational corporations longing to be declared free of taxation, regulation, or responsibility of any kind. Yes, the second American Revolutionary War is over, and America lost.
    A third Declaration of Independence and yet another Revolution will be necessary to restore America.

  2. Sad, what you say is right on target. To nitpick, I would say that Bush's was a "counter" revolution undoing the accomplishments of the American Revolution and, a few years later, the Constitutional Convention which codified the very principles Bush has now overthrown: due process, habeas corpus, et al.

    What must be done now is to oust Bush and DEMAND of the Democrats that they restore the rule of law and the Constitution drafted at Philadelphia. That makes "conservatives" of everyone opposed to Bush's radical revolution.
