The Existentialist Cowboy: Life, Logic and Meaning: "An ancient problem is unresolved by 21st Century technology: how can we as human beings learn to think better, to free ourselves from superstition and prejudice, to achieve the full potential implied in our very 'humaness'?
Plato espoused an ideal Republic ruled by 'philosopher kings'. However, we don't live in an ideal society. We live in a imperfect democracy and, in theory at least, sovereignty resides with the people. We rule ourselves. So --if we are to achieve Plato's ideal, WE must become the philosopher-kings and achieve the enlightenment that is implicit in that concept. How is this possible in a demographically segmented society about which it is said that more and more people know more and more about less and less?"
May I humbly submit a three-fold plan:
1. Clear Thinking.
Language, Truth, & Logic by A.J. Ayer should be required reading in American high schools. Language, Truth & Logic is the quintessential explanation of the "verifiability criterion of meaning" --the cornerstone of logical positivism, which, in turn, is, arguably the foundation of Western scientific inquiry just as the Russell/Whitehead Principia Mathematica sought to ground mathematics upon a foundation of pure logic.Ayer identifies the characteristics of "significant propositions" -- propositions which purport to contain real and meaningful information about the world; information that is verifiable. It is the ability to state, at least in theory, the conditions under which a proposition may be shown to be either true or false that imbues that sentence with communicable meaning. In a world in which no one has a monopoly on truth and many are willing to pervert it, it is essential that verifiable statements be so identified.
2. Values.
However logical, Ayer's "Logical Positivism" is seen by many to be lacking the "human touch". It is thought by some to be untenable from a practical standpoint. Enter Jacob Bronowski whose critique of the "logical positivist" position in his Science and Human Values pointed out an underlying, unproved social injunction implied in Ayer's analytical methods. That implied imperative is:
"We OUGHT to act in such a way that what IS true can be verified to be so." Ironically, Bronouski's critique may have saved logical positivism from its own inflexible consistency, placing its edifice not upon an unassailable axiom but rather upon an affirmation of values which will not admit of proof. What true and lasting ethic could not be based upon the pure pursuit of truth?
3. Responsibility.
Another well-thumbed book (at least in my library) is Jean-Paul Sartre's Existentialism and Human Emotion. It is all very well to think clearly and to pursue truth. Sartre, however, addresses a more fundamental issue. While traditional philosophy had asked: "What is the meaning of life?", Sartre phrased it in existentialist terms: "How am I to make my life meaningful?" He points out that quality of "humanness" that we spoke of is not given a priori. We invent it as we, in fact, invent ourselves. If life has meaning, it is the meaning that we make of it.
As Sartre thus states existentialism's first principle: "Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself." True existentialism lies in freely choosing for ourselves what we shall become --and taking sole responsibility for that choice.
The Existentialist Cowboy
Every revolution begins with the individual conscience.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Thursday, November 17, 2016
When Scalia Beamed up!
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
These flights are critical to the the government's crumbling cover up! Without those flights, Bush and his murderous co-conspirators will have to revise the big lie. They will have to concoct yet another cover story from the ground up!
A cover up is on the brink of collapse when those guilty of capital crimes and high treason either turn on one another or are forced to revise the lie! [ ]Obama says Trump will soon face a sobering 'reality' check! Why does this sound ominous? For example: what happened to A. Scalia? What will happen to Trump! I have no fondness for Trump. I am, however, suspicious; we --the people --have a right to know!
What Happened to Scalia?
Jul 2, 2009 - Scalia managed to get a lifetime gig on the U.S. Supreme Court. Scalia had some beliefs in common with Sarah Palin famous for her belief that the earth is only 6,000 years old! But this is where Palin is out of her depth if not her mind!
The distance to the most distant object from Earth is about 13.7 BILLION light years from Earth. That, of course, disproves Palin and other "young earthers" who claim that the universe is but 6 (six) thousand years old.
They missed it by 13 BILLION!
Anyone believing Palin should not post here; you're out of your league by definition. In the meantime, get some books! But do not site them unless you have read them and understand them and are prepared to 'defend' them!
What has happened to A. Scalia? Was he about to expose vast corruption throughout the U.S. government (if govt it is)?
Sunday, July 24, 2016
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
American Airlines itself is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911. These flights are critical to the the government's crumbling cover up! Without those flights, Bush and his murderous co-conspirators will have to revise the big lie. They will have to concoct yet another cover story from the ground up! A cover up is on the brink of collapse when those guilty of capital crimes and high treason either turn on one another or are forced to revise the lie!
Already several demonstrable lies (many referenced in previous EC articles) are probable cause to begin a Federal Grand Jury investigation of George W. Bush's role in 911. Bush should be compelled by subpoena and Federal Marshals to testify under oath before an independent Federal Grand Jury. The AA revelations demand it!
WikiScanner discovered that American Airlines changed their Wikipedia entry to state that Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11.
Original entry was:
According to Wikiscaner Americans Airliners changed their Wikipedia entry which now states that 'Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11'.
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and Flight 11 (a Boeing 767). Although these flights were daily departures before and a month after September 11, 2001. Neither flight 11 nor 77 were scheduled on September 11, 2001. The records kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( do not list either flight that day.
The entry had stated:
Attack: American Airlines Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and American Airlines Flight 11 (a Boeing 767).
A Google search of the IP address - - confirmed that the 'change' was made at American Airlines. User talk: This IP address is registered to American Airlines From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search My WHOIS lookup of the above IP address returned the following: WHOIS -
If neither flight was in the air as American Airlines itself has so stated, then numerous 'official versions' of the 'official conspiracy theory' are all a pack of malicious lies. That includes almost every statement made by Bush. These lies are especially pernicious because they have the effect of covering up the truth, protecting the guilty and obstructing justice. These lies are an insult to the families of everyone who died as a result of the event and the subsequent cover up. These lies aggravate the crimes of mass murder, terrorism and high treason for which the penalty must surely be death.
The official story is familiar by now. At 8:20, Flight 11 stopped transmitting its transponder signal, and veered northward and departed dramatically from the westward heading of its planned route. The controllers concluded that the plane had probably been hijacked. 4 5 At 8:24, the following transmission was reportedly received from Flight 11: We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you'll be okay .. we are returning to the airport. ..Nobody move. Everything will be okay.
If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet. Nobody move please we are going back to the airport .. don't try to make any stupid moves. 6 Neither of the pilots pressed the distress call button. At 8:28 controllers reportedly watched the plane make a 100-degree turn toward the south. 7 Presumably, Flight 11 continued south along the Hudson River until it reached the World Trade Center, though documentation of this is sparse given the lack of public information.
According to NORAD's September 18 timeline, the FAA did not notify NORAD of the signs that Flight 11 was hijacked until 8:40, 25 minutes after the first signs of trouble. 8 --Flight 11, The First Jet Commandeered on September 11th, 911 Research But --if Flight 11 did not fly that day, that's all a deliberate, criminal lie! If neither Flight 11 or 77 was in the air that day, then nothing in the 'official statements' with regard to the Twin Towers of the WTC can is true.
This information is not compatible with previous EC articles in which it was revealed that NTSB data placed Flight 77 at an altitude of 273, some 200 feet ABOVE the Pentagon at the time of impact, give or take a couple of seconds or less! Moreover, it's trajectory was such that those 'eyewitnesses' who claimed to have seen it could not possibly have done so. Neither scenario is good news for Bush. Both support the statement that absolutely no wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever found at the Pentagon. Moreover, photos of an engine rotor appear to depict a Rolls-Royce engine that is used in the Global Hawk, a payload carrying missile that was, in fact, flown from the US to Australia completely by remote control.
It is certainly a much better candidate for what Rumsfeld called '...the missile that struck this building' than a 757. Here's what you need to know about the Pentagon. No wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever recovered.
Only ONE engine rotor (seen in photos) was recovered! This rotor is about one third the diameter of a 757 rotor. A 757 has two rotors, each of which are nearly three times the size of the SINGLE rotor located at the Pentagon Engine rotors are made of a Steel/Titanium alloy to withstand high temps inside jet engines.
Flight 77 could not have crashed into the Pentagon
The time has come to consign Bush's official conspiracy theory to the dust bin of history. The theory is not even a good cover story, surviving for as long as it did because millions of good Americans wanted to believe it. Millions of otherwise good Americans did not wish to believe the very, very worst about an administration that had claimed to represent and defend our interests. Millions of Americans chose to believe that the government was still responsible to us, that the government was still the defender of Democracy as we are always taught in school.
Recognizing lies for what they are is a part of the process of growing up! America, it is time to grow up! It is time to confront this heinous pack of lies! It is time to insist that the Obama administration begin a REAL investigation.
Bush got away with mass murder and high treason! It probably too late insist that a Federal Grand Jury investigate every count of high treason, mass murder and domestic terrorism that was perpetrated upon the people of the U.S. by the Bush administration, collaborators in the Pentagon, K-Street, the Congress and the leadership of the Republican party, Marvin Bush's 'Securacom', Larry Silverstein, General Myers, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and, of course, George W. Bush who was, at the time,m the 'Commander-in-Chief' and ultimately responsible for the orders given the US military to 'stand down'.
By Donald Rumsfeld's own admission, he was unaware of any threats to the Pentagon --the building where he was located during the September 11th attacks --until an aircraft crashed into the side of it, and he ran out "into the smoke" to see if it might be a "A bomb? I had no idea." (ABC News This Week, Interview 9/16/01).
Well, that's a pretty tall tale by any standard. The New York Times reported that by 8:13am, the FAA was aware of the first hijacking out of Boston. The Pentagon explosion, which Donald Rumsfeld claimed he had "no idea," did not occur until approximately 9:37am, nearly an hour and a half later, this after two of the tallest buildings in the world were devastated. Note that a plane hijacked out of Boston can reach Washington D.C. as easily as it can reach New York City.
It was widely reported that Pentagon personnel were indeed aware of the threats to their security, and they took security measures on that morning. But not the "Secretary of Defense." Why should the man charged with defending the United States of America concern himself with hijacked aircraft?
There is a set of procedures for responding to hijackings. In particular, these procedures were changed oJune 1, 2001 while Rumsfeld was in power as Secretary of Defense, in a document called: "CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF INSTRUCTION, J-3 CJCSI 3610.01A"
Additional resources:
American politics: the choice between 'most bad' and 'not really very good'The 'Conspiracy of Rich Men' Who Pulled Off 911 and Other GOP Atrocities 911 Commissioner Slips Up: Pentagon Struck by Missile
How 'Suspicious' Plane Crashes and Assassinations Benefit the Right Wing "Last Chance to Indict Bush and Cheney for the Mass Murders of 911?"
The US Army Document That Proves the US is the World's Number One Sponsor of World Terrorism. [ Do not re-post without permission from author: Len Hart ]
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
American Airlines itself is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911. These flights are critical to the the government's crumbling cover up! Without those flights, Bush and his murderous co-conspirators will have to revise the big lie. They will have to concoct yet another cover story from the ground up! A cover up is on the brink of collapse when those guilty of capital crimes and high treason either turn on one another or are forced to revise the lie!
Already several demonstrable lies (many referenced in previous EC articles) are probable cause to begin a Federal Grand Jury investigation of George W. Bush's role in 911. Bush should be compelled by subpoena and Federal Marshals to testify under oath before an independent Federal Grand Jury. The AA revelations demand it!
WikiScanner discovered that American Airlines changed their Wikipedia entry to state that Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11.
Original entry was:
2 American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 TerroristAttack: American Airlines Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and American Airlines Flight 11New entry is:
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and Flight 11 (a Boeing 767). Although these flights were daily departures before and a month after September 11, 2001. Neither flight 11 nor 77 were scheduled on September 11, 2001. The records kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( do not list either flight that day.
A Google search of the IP address that made the change - - is located at American Airlines.
Why the change American airlines? Did the flights actually operate or did we just imagine all of that?
--LiveLeakThat AA claims that the two aircraft that are absolutely essential to the Bush administration's official theory were not, in fact, scheduled for flight and were, in fact, not in the air that day, is a big hole from which Bush may not escape.
According to Wikiscaner Americans Airliners changed their Wikipedia entry which now states that 'Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11'.
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and Flight 11 (a Boeing 767). Although these flights were daily departures before and a month after September 11, 2001. Neither flight 11 nor 77 were scheduled on September 11, 2001. The records kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( do not list either flight that day.
The entry had stated:
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist
Attack: American Airlines Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and American Airlines Flight 11 (a Boeing 767).
A Google search of the IP address - - confirmed that the 'change' was made at American Airlines. User talk: This IP address is registered to American Airlines From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search My WHOIS lookup of the above IP address returned the following: WHOIS -
Location: United States [City: Ft. Worth, Texas]
OrgName: American Airlines Incorporated OrgID: AMERIC-112 Address: P.O.Box 619616 Address: MD 5308 City: DFW Airport StateProv: TX PostalCode: 75261 Country: US
NetRange: - CIDR: NetName: AANET NetHandle: NET-144-9-0-0-1 Parent: NET-144-0-0-0-0 NetType: Direct Assignment NameServer: DNS-P1.SABRE.COM NameServer: DNS-P2.SABRE.COM NameServer: DNS-P3.SABRE.COM NameServer: DNS-P4.SABRE.COM Comment: RegDate: 1990-10-31 Updated: 2002-06-27
RTechHandle: OG60-ARIN RTechName: Gelbrich, Orf RTechPhone: +1-817-931-3145 RTechEmail: ************
OrgTechHandle: ZW72-ARIN OrgTechName: WARIS, ZISHAN OrgTechPhone: +1-817-967-1242 OrgTechEmail: ************
# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2008-06-29 19:10 # Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.
If neither flight was in the air as American Airlines itself has so stated, then numerous 'official versions' of the 'official conspiracy theory' are all a pack of malicious lies. That includes almost every statement made by Bush. These lies are especially pernicious because they have the effect of covering up the truth, protecting the guilty and obstructing justice. These lies are an insult to the families of everyone who died as a result of the event and the subsequent cover up. These lies aggravate the crimes of mass murder, terrorism and high treason for which the penalty must surely be death.
The official story is familiar by now. At 8:20, Flight 11 stopped transmitting its transponder signal, and veered northward and departed dramatically from the westward heading of its planned route. The controllers concluded that the plane had probably been hijacked. 4 5 At 8:24, the following transmission was reportedly received from Flight 11: We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you'll be okay .. we are returning to the airport. ..Nobody move. Everything will be okay.
If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet. Nobody move please we are going back to the airport .. don't try to make any stupid moves. 6 Neither of the pilots pressed the distress call button. At 8:28 controllers reportedly watched the plane make a 100-degree turn toward the south. 7 Presumably, Flight 11 continued south along the Hudson River until it reached the World Trade Center, though documentation of this is sparse given the lack of public information.
According to NORAD's September 18 timeline, the FAA did not notify NORAD of the signs that Flight 11 was hijacked until 8:40, 25 minutes after the first signs of trouble. 8 --Flight 11, The First Jet Commandeered on September 11th, 911 Research But --if Flight 11 did not fly that day, that's all a deliberate, criminal lie! If neither Flight 11 or 77 was in the air that day, then nothing in the 'official statements' with regard to the Twin Towers of the WTC can is true.
This information is not compatible with previous EC articles in which it was revealed that NTSB data placed Flight 77 at an altitude of 273, some 200 feet ABOVE the Pentagon at the time of impact, give or take a couple of seconds or less! Moreover, it's trajectory was such that those 'eyewitnesses' who claimed to have seen it could not possibly have done so. Neither scenario is good news for Bush. Both support the statement that absolutely no wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever found at the Pentagon. Moreover, photos of an engine rotor appear to depict a Rolls-Royce engine that is used in the Global Hawk, a payload carrying missile that was, in fact, flown from the US to Australia completely by remote control.
It is certainly a much better candidate for what Rumsfeld called '...the missile that struck this building' than a 757. Here's what you need to know about the Pentagon. No wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever recovered.
Only ONE engine rotor (seen in photos) was recovered! This rotor is about one third the diameter of a 757 rotor. A 757 has two rotors, each of which are nearly three times the size of the SINGLE rotor located at the Pentagon Engine rotors are made of a Steel/Titanium alloy to withstand high temps inside jet engines.
Flight 77 could not have crashed into the Pentagon
The time has come to consign Bush's official conspiracy theory to the dust bin of history. The theory is not even a good cover story, surviving for as long as it did because millions of good Americans wanted to believe it. Millions of otherwise good Americans did not wish to believe the very, very worst about an administration that had claimed to represent and defend our interests. Millions of Americans chose to believe that the government was still responsible to us, that the government was still the defender of Democracy as we are always taught in school.
Recognizing lies for what they are is a part of the process of growing up! America, it is time to grow up! It is time to confront this heinous pack of lies! It is time to insist that the Obama administration begin a REAL investigation.
Bush got away with mass murder and high treason! It probably too late insist that a Federal Grand Jury investigate every count of high treason, mass murder and domestic terrorism that was perpetrated upon the people of the U.S. by the Bush administration, collaborators in the Pentagon, K-Street, the Congress and the leadership of the Republican party, Marvin Bush's 'Securacom', Larry Silverstein, General Myers, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and, of course, George W. Bush who was, at the time,m the 'Commander-in-Chief' and ultimately responsible for the orders given the US military to 'stand down'.
By Donald Rumsfeld's own admission, he was unaware of any threats to the Pentagon --the building where he was located during the September 11th attacks --until an aircraft crashed into the side of it, and he ran out "into the smoke" to see if it might be a "A bomb? I had no idea." (ABC News This Week, Interview 9/16/01).
Well, that's a pretty tall tale by any standard. The New York Times reported that by 8:13am, the FAA was aware of the first hijacking out of Boston. The Pentagon explosion, which Donald Rumsfeld claimed he had "no idea," did not occur until approximately 9:37am, nearly an hour and a half later, this after two of the tallest buildings in the world were devastated. Note that a plane hijacked out of Boston can reach Washington D.C. as easily as it can reach New York City.
It was widely reported that Pentagon personnel were indeed aware of the threats to their security, and they took security measures on that morning. But not the "Secretary of Defense." Why should the man charged with defending the United States of America concern himself with hijacked aircraft?
There is a set of procedures for responding to hijackings. In particular, these procedures were changed oJune 1, 2001 while Rumsfeld was in power as Secretary of Defense, in a document called: "CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF INSTRUCTION, J-3 CJCSI 3610.01A"
Additional resources:
American politics: the choice between 'most bad' and 'not really very good'The 'Conspiracy of Rich Men' Who Pulled Off 911 and Other GOP Atrocities 911 Commissioner Slips Up: Pentagon Struck by Missile
How 'Suspicious' Plane Crashes and Assassinations Benefit the Right Wing "Last Chance to Indict Bush and Cheney for the Mass Murders of 911?"
The US Army Document That Proves the US is the World's Number One Sponsor of World Terrorism. [ Do not re-post without permission from author: Len Hart ]
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
American Airlines itself is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911. These flights are critical to the the government's crumbling cover up! Without those flights, Bush and his murderous co-conspirators will have to revise the big lie. They will have to concoct yet another cover story from the ground up! A cover up is on the brink of collapse when those guilty of capital crimes and high treason either turn on one another or are forced to revise the lie!
Already several demonstrable lies (many referenced in previous EC articles) are probable cause to begin a Federal Grand Jury investigation of George W. Bush's role in 911. Bush should be compelled by subpoena and Federal Marshals to testify under oath before an independent Federal Grand Jury. The AA revelations demand it!
WikiScanner discovered that American Airlines changed their Wikipedia entry to state that Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11.
Original entry was:
According to Wikiscaner Americans Airliners changed their Wikipedia entry which now states that 'Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11'.
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and Flight 11 (a Boeing 767). Although these flights were daily departures before and a month after September 11, 2001. Neither flight 11 nor 77 were scheduled on September 11, 2001. The records kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( do not list either flight that day.
The entry had stated:
Attack: American Airlines Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and American Airlines Flight 11 (a Boeing 767).
A Google search of the IP address - - confirmed that the 'change' was made at American Airlines. User talk: This IP address is registered to American Airlines From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search My WHOIS lookup of the above IP address returned the following: WHOIS -
If neither flight was in the air as American Airlines itself has so stated, then numerous 'official versions' of the 'official conspiracy theory' are all a pack of malicious lies. That includes almost every statement made by Bush. These lies are especially pernicious because they have the effect of covering up the truth, protecting the guilty and obstructing justice. These lies are an insult to the families of everyone who died as a result of the event and the subsequent cover up. These lies aggravate the crimes of mass murder, terrorism and high treason for which the penalty must surely be death.
The official story is familiar by now. At 8:20, Flight 11 stopped transmitting its transponder signal, and veered northward and departed dramatically from the westward heading of its planned route. The controllers concluded that the plane had probably been hijacked. 4 5 At 8:24, the following transmission was reportedly received from Flight 11: We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you'll be okay .. we are returning to the airport. ..Nobody move. Everything will be okay.
If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet. Nobody move please we are going back to the airport .. don't try to make any stupid moves. 6 Neither of the pilots pressed the distress call button. At 8:28 controllers reportedly watched the plane make a 100-degree turn toward the south. 7 Presumably, Flight 11 continued south along the Hudson River until it reached the World Trade Center, though documentation of this is sparse given the lack of public information.
According to NORAD's September 18 timeline, the FAA did not notify NORAD of the signs that Flight 11 was hijacked until 8:40, 25 minutes after the first signs of trouble. 8 --Flight 11, The First Jet Commandeered on September 11th, 911 Research But --if Flight 11 did not fly that day, that's all a deliberate, criminal lie! If neither Flight 11 or 77 was in the air that day, then nothing in the 'official statements' with regard to the Twin Towers of the WTC can is true.
This information is not compatible with previous EC articles in which it was revealed that NTSB data placed Flight 77 at an altitude of 273, some 200 feet ABOVE the Pentagon at the time of impact, give or take a couple of seconds or less! Moreover, it's trajectory was such that those 'eyewitnesses' who claimed to have seen it could not possibly have done so. Neither scenario is good news for Bush. Both support the statement that absolutely no wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever found at the Pentagon. Moreover, photos of an engine rotor appear to depict a Rolls-Royce engine that is used in the Global Hawk, a payload carrying missile that was, in fact, flown from the US to Australia completely by remote control.
It is certainly a much better candidate for what Rumsfeld called '...the missile that struck this building' than a 757. Here's what you need to know about the Pentagon. No wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever recovered.
Only ONE engine rotor (seen in photos) was recovered! This rotor is about one third the diameter of a 757 rotor. A 757 has two rotors, each of which are nearly three times the size of the SINGLE rotor located at the Pentagon Engine rotors are made of a Steel/Titanium alloy to withstand high temps inside jet engines.
Flight 77 could not have crashed into the Pentagon
The time has come to consign Bush's official conspiracy theory to the dust bin of history. The theory is not even a good cover story, surviving for as long as it did because millions of good Americans wanted to believe it. Millions of otherwise good Americans did not wish to believe the very, very worst about an administration that had claimed to represent and defend our interests. Millions of Americans chose to believe that the government was still responsible to us, that the government was still the defender of Democracy as we are always taught in school.
Recognizing lies for what they are is a part of the process of growing up! America, it is time to grow up! It is time to confront this heinous pack of lies! It is time to insist that the Obama administration begin a REAL investigation.
Bush got away with mass murder and high treason! It probably too late insist that a Federal Grand Jury investigate every count of high treason, mass murder and domestic terrorism that was perpetrated upon the people of the U.S. by the Bush administration, collaborators in the Pentagon, K-Street, the Congress and the leadership of the Republican party, Marvin Bush's 'Securacom', Larry Silverstein, General Myers, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and, of course, George W. Bush who was, at the time,m the 'Commander-in-Chief' and ultimately responsible for the orders given the US military to 'stand down'.
By Donald Rumsfeld's own admission, he was unaware of any threats to the Pentagon --the building where he was located during the September 11th attacks --until an aircraft crashed into the side of it, and he ran out "into the smoke" to see if it might be a "A bomb? I had no idea." (ABC News This Week, Interview 9/16/01).
Well, that's a pretty tall tale by any standard. The New York Times reported that by 8:13am, the FAA was aware of the first hijacking out of Boston. The Pentagon explosion, which Donald Rumsfeld claimed he had "no idea," did not occur until approximately 9:37am, nearly an hour and a half later, this after two of the tallest buildings in the world were devastated. Note that a plane hijacked out of Boston can reach Washington D.C. as easily as it can reach New York City.
It was widely reported that Pentagon personnel were indeed aware of the threats to their security, and they took security measures on that morning. But not the "Secretary of Defense." Why should the man charged with defending the United States of America concern himself with hijacked aircraft?
There is a set of procedures for responding to hijackings. In particular, these procedures were changed oJune 1, 2001 while Rumsfeld was in power as Secretary of Defense, in a document called: "CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF INSTRUCTION, J-3 CJCSI 3610.01A"
Additional resources:
American politics: the choice between 'most bad' and 'not really very good'The 'Conspiracy of Rich Men' Who Pulled Off 911 and Other GOP Atrocities 911 Commissioner Slips Up: Pentagon Struck by Missile
How 'Suspicious' Plane Crashes and Assassinations Benefit the Right Wing "Last Chance to Indict Bush and Cheney for the Mass Murders of 911?"
The US Army Document That Proves the US is the World's Number One Sponsor of World Terrorism. [ Do not re-post without permission from author: Len Hart ]
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
American Airlines itself is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911. These flights are critical to the the government's crumbling cover up! Without those flights, Bush and his murderous co-conspirators will have to revise the big lie. They will have to concoct yet another cover story from the ground up! A cover up is on the brink of collapse when those guilty of capital crimes and high treason either turn on one another or are forced to revise the lie!
Already several demonstrable lies (many referenced in previous EC articles) are probable cause to begin a Federal Grand Jury investigation of George W. Bush's role in 911. Bush should be compelled by subpoena and Federal Marshals to testify under oath before an independent Federal Grand Jury. The AA revelations demand it!
WikiScanner discovered that American Airlines changed their Wikipedia entry to state that Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11.
Original entry was:
2 American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 TerroristAttack: American Airlines Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and American Airlines Flight 11New entry is:
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and Flight 11 (a Boeing 767). Although these flights were daily departures before and a month after September 11, 2001. Neither flight 11 nor 77 were scheduled on September 11, 2001. The records kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( do not list either flight that day.
A Google search of the IP address that made the change - - is located at American Airlines.
Why the change American airlines? Did the flights actually operate or did we just imagine all of that?
--LiveLeakThat AA claims that the two aircraft that are absolutely essential to the Bush administration's official theory were not, in fact, scheduled for flight and were, in fact, not in the air that day, is a big hole from which Bush may not escape.
According to Wikiscaner Americans Airliners changed their Wikipedia entry which now states that 'Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11'.
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and Flight 11 (a Boeing 767). Although these flights were daily departures before and a month after September 11, 2001. Neither flight 11 nor 77 were scheduled on September 11, 2001. The records kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( do not list either flight that day.
The entry had stated:
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist
Attack: American Airlines Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and American Airlines Flight 11 (a Boeing 767).
A Google search of the IP address - - confirmed that the 'change' was made at American Airlines. User talk: This IP address is registered to American Airlines From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search My WHOIS lookup of the above IP address returned the following: WHOIS -
Location: United States [City: Ft. Worth, Texas]
OrgName: American Airlines Incorporated OrgID: AMERIC-112 Address: P.O.Box 619616 Address: MD 5308 City: DFW Airport StateProv: TX PostalCode: 75261 Country: US
NetRange: - CIDR: NetName: AANET NetHandle: NET-144-9-0-0-1 Parent: NET-144-0-0-0-0 NetType: Direct Assignment NameServer: DNS-P1.SABRE.COM NameServer: DNS-P2.SABRE.COM NameServer: DNS-P3.SABRE.COM NameServer: DNS-P4.SABRE.COM Comment: RegDate: 1990-10-31 Updated: 2002-06-27
RTechHandle: OG60-ARIN RTechName: Gelbrich, Orf RTechPhone: +1-817-931-3145 RTechEmail: ************
OrgTechHandle: ZW72-ARIN OrgTechName: WARIS, ZISHAN OrgTechPhone: +1-817-967-1242 OrgTechEmail: ************
# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2008-06-29 19:10 # Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.
If neither flight was in the air as American Airlines itself has so stated, then numerous 'official versions' of the 'official conspiracy theory' are all a pack of malicious lies. That includes almost every statement made by Bush. These lies are especially pernicious because they have the effect of covering up the truth, protecting the guilty and obstructing justice. These lies are an insult to the families of everyone who died as a result of the event and the subsequent cover up. These lies aggravate the crimes of mass murder, terrorism and high treason for which the penalty must surely be death.
The official story is familiar by now. At 8:20, Flight 11 stopped transmitting its transponder signal, and veered northward and departed dramatically from the westward heading of its planned route. The controllers concluded that the plane had probably been hijacked. 4 5 At 8:24, the following transmission was reportedly received from Flight 11: We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you'll be okay .. we are returning to the airport. ..Nobody move. Everything will be okay.
If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet. Nobody move please we are going back to the airport .. don't try to make any stupid moves. 6 Neither of the pilots pressed the distress call button. At 8:28 controllers reportedly watched the plane make a 100-degree turn toward the south. 7 Presumably, Flight 11 continued south along the Hudson River until it reached the World Trade Center, though documentation of this is sparse given the lack of public information.
According to NORAD's September 18 timeline, the FAA did not notify NORAD of the signs that Flight 11 was hijacked until 8:40, 25 minutes after the first signs of trouble. 8 --Flight 11, The First Jet Commandeered on September 11th, 911 Research But --if Flight 11 did not fly that day, that's all a deliberate, criminal lie! If neither Flight 11 or 77 was in the air that day, then nothing in the 'official statements' with regard to the Twin Towers of the WTC can is true.
This information is not compatible with previous EC articles in which it was revealed that NTSB data placed Flight 77 at an altitude of 273, some 200 feet ABOVE the Pentagon at the time of impact, give or take a couple of seconds or less! Moreover, it's trajectory was such that those 'eyewitnesses' who claimed to have seen it could not possibly have done so. Neither scenario is good news for Bush. Both support the statement that absolutely no wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever found at the Pentagon. Moreover, photos of an engine rotor appear to depict a Rolls-Royce engine that is used in the Global Hawk, a payload carrying missile that was, in fact, flown from the US to Australia completely by remote control.
It is certainly a much better candidate for what Rumsfeld called '...the missile that struck this building' than a 757. Here's what you need to know about the Pentagon. No wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever recovered.
Only ONE engine rotor (seen in photos) was recovered! This rotor is about one third the diameter of a 757 rotor. A 757 has two rotors, each of which are nearly three times the size of the SINGLE rotor located at the Pentagon Engine rotors are made of a Steel/Titanium alloy to withstand high temps inside jet engines.
Flight 77 could not have crashed into the Pentagon
The time has come to consign Bush's official conspiracy theory to the dust bin of history. The theory is not even a good cover story, surviving for as long as it did because millions of good Americans wanted to believe it. Millions of otherwise good Americans did not wish to believe the very, very worst about an administration that had claimed to represent and defend our interests. Millions of Americans chose to believe that the government was still responsible to us, that the government was still the defender of Democracy as we are always taught in school.
Recognizing lies for what they are is a part of the process of growing up! America, it is time to grow up! It is time to confront this heinous pack of lies! It is time to insist that the Obama administration begin a REAL investigation.
Bush got away with mass murder and high treason! It probably too late insist that a Federal Grand Jury investigate every count of high treason, mass murder and domestic terrorism that was perpetrated upon the people of the U.S. by the Bush administration, collaborators in the Pentagon, K-Street, the Congress and the leadership of the Republican party, Marvin Bush's 'Securacom', Larry Silverstein, General Myers, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and, of course, George W. Bush who was, at the time,m the 'Commander-in-Chief' and ultimately responsible for the orders given the US military to 'stand down'.
By Donald Rumsfeld's own admission, he was unaware of any threats to the Pentagon --the building where he was located during the September 11th attacks --until an aircraft crashed into the side of it, and he ran out "into the smoke" to see if it might be a "A bomb? I had no idea." (ABC News This Week, Interview 9/16/01).
Well, that's a pretty tall tale by any standard. The New York Times reported that by 8:13am, the FAA was aware of the first hijacking out of Boston. The Pentagon explosion, which Donald Rumsfeld claimed he had "no idea," did not occur until approximately 9:37am, nearly an hour and a half later, this after two of the tallest buildings in the world were devastated. Note that a plane hijacked out of Boston can reach Washington D.C. as easily as it can reach New York City.
It was widely reported that Pentagon personnel were indeed aware of the threats to their security, and they took security measures on that morning. But not the "Secretary of Defense." Why should the man charged with defending the United States of America concern himself with hijacked aircraft?
There is a set of procedures for responding to hijackings. In particular, these procedures were changed oJune 1, 2001 while Rumsfeld was in power as Secretary of Defense, in a document called: "CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF INSTRUCTION, J-3 CJCSI 3610.01A"
Additional resources:
American politics: the choice between 'most bad' and 'not really very good'The 'Conspiracy of Rich Men' Who Pulled Off 911 and Other GOP Atrocities 911 Commissioner Slips Up: Pentagon Struck by Missile
How 'Suspicious' Plane Crashes and Assassinations Benefit the Right Wing "Last Chance to Indict Bush and Cheney for the Mass Murders of 911?"
The US Army Document That Proves the US is the World's Number One Sponsor of World Terrorism. [ Do not re-post without permission from author: Len Hart ]
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
A Genius, A Saint, and SCOTUS Agree: Conspiracies Exist!
by Len Hart, the Existentialist CowboyThe right wing spent the 1950s trying to convince the nation that it was threatened by a vast world wide communist conspiracy. Now the right wing is trying to convince the nation that conspiracies don't exist at all! Right wingers have targeted Tin Foil Hatters for ridicule when it was not so long ago that the term applied better to them! Nevertheless, a Catholic saint, the world's greatest physicist, and hundreds, possibly thousands of SCOTUS decisions and scholarly, legal articles all say: conspiracies exist!

In the fifties, we were expected to believe that there was a world wide conspiracy to add fluoridation to municipal water supplies. It was about the same time that proto-Ron Paul types were warning of a world wide conspiracy of international bankers. There is still a dire threat to our "children" by those evil, secular humanists! Gasp!We are expected to believe in al Qaeda but not to believe that there was a conspiracy of robber barons to seize monopoly control of railroads leading west. We are expected to believe that a rag tag conspiracy of failed,
Arab pilots perped 911 but not that there was a conspiracy by J.P. Morgan et al to control US banking, or John D. Rockefeller to control US oil production, or a conspiracy by Andrew Carnegie to control US steel production. We are expected to believe that Saddam Hussein had conspiratorial connections to 911 terrorists, but we are not expected to believe that the GOP stole the elections of 2000 and 2003 or that the GOP had anything do with the gang of "brownshirts" who were, in fact, financed by the Bush campaign. Only the right wing gets to indulge conspiracy theories.
A "Saint" in death, St. Thomas More was in life Chancellor of England during the reign of Henry VIII. A lawyer and a scholar, More is read and analyzed today. If More were time warped to the present time, he would look around him and find in the Military/Industrial complex a familiar cabal of liars, graft-takers, and conspirators.
So God help me, I can perceive nothing but a certain conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of the commonwealth.They invent and devise all means and crafts, first how to keep safely, without fear of losing, that they have unjustly gathered together, and next how to hire and abuse the work and labour of the poor for as little money as may be.
--Of the Religions in Utopia, St. Thomas MoreSome 400 years on, leaves us an accurate description of the Military/Industrial complex, most certainly, a certain conspiracy of rich men procuring their own commodities under the name and title of the commonwealth.
The GOP must now think this brilliant genius, this Saint by Catholic reckoning, a "tin foil hatter". But it was not so long ago that rabid righters had a different view of More. It was in the late 90s that these wing-nuts, hell-bent on impeaching Bill Clinton, dragged out the corpse of St. Thomas More. It would give their witch hunt an imprimatur of legitimacy and scholarship, lipstick on a pig! Mssrs Henry Hyde and David Schippers, were fond of quoting More but only as he was portrayed in an admittedly great film, A Man for All Seasons by Sir Robert Bolt. Here's an example of how Kenneth Starr mangled More and, in the process, proved himself a mediocre intellect. _________________________________________________________________________________
al qaeda,
international bankers,
kenneth starr,
Military/Industrial Complex,
right wing,
St. Thomas More
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
The Origin of Economic Failures and Depressions
The Origin of Economic Failures and Depressions
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
Planet is a class Sci-Fi tour de force staring Leslie Nielson, Walter
Pidgeon and Anne Francis. Released in 1956, it holds up surprisingly
well against Star Wars, the Star Trek series and even the most recent
digital entries into the genre.
story of Dr. Morbius, re-discovering the technological marvels of a
lost race of Krell on the distant distant planet Altair, is
updated Shakespeare: The Tempest! Forbidden Planet excels in special
effects, but it's enduring fascinations is to be found in its story
–a parable of technology vs its inventor
story of Dr. Morbius, re-discovering the technological marvels of a
lost race of Krell on the distant planet Altair, is updated
Shakespeare: The Tempest.
Forbidden Planet excels in special
effects, but it's enduring fascination is to be found in its story, a
parable of technology vs its inventor, the monster vs Dr.
Frankenstein, the enemy of our own making.
Planet shows us the dark side of human kind, a forbidding
gestalt of uncontrollable urges that lies within all of us. It is, indeed, a
monster from the ID!
Even intelligence —seemingly papered over the
more powerful id —cannot negate our darkest, deepest reservoirs.
Just as Lord of the Rings depicts the absolute corruption
of absolute power, Forbidden Planet confronts us with a question
we would rather not answer: what are we to do with the physical
manifestations of our inmost monsters? Far
fetched? Consider this: what are nuclear weapons if not the "physical
manifestations" of our darkest, unconscious impulses?
"Terrorism" a Monster From the ID?
Planet shows us the dark side of human kind, a forbidding gestalt of
uncontrollable urges that lies within all of us –a monster from the
ID! Even intelligence –seemingly papered over the more more
powerful ID –cannot negate our darkest, deepest reservoirs. Just as
the Lord of the Rings depicts the absolute power, Forbidden Planet
confronts us with a question we would rather not answer: what are we
to do with the physical manifestations of our most inmost monsters?
fetched? Consider this: what are nuclear weapons if not the "physical
manifestations" of our darkest, unconscious impulses?
so long ago, it was said by many writers that the U.S. Was hated by
100% of terrorists. Aside from being an amusing tautology, it misses
the point. FBI statistics, for example, published by the Brookings
Institution, utterly repudiate the political exploitation of terror.
The FBI'S's own number are conclusive: while Ronald Reagan waged his
famous “War on Terrorism”, terrorist attacks against the United
States actually increased. Terrorist attacks were much greater under
R. Reagan than under Clinton. Yet Clinton was criticized for not
having waged such a war, if war it was! It raises the questions: is
it preferable to wage a war and fail than to not wage a war and
“The Tempest” deals with the same question: what does it mean to
be human? The traditions of the enlightenment and more recently of
existentialism come down heavily on the side of the fully realized
individual –free to be human in the context of a free
society. How oddly quaint and surrealistically naive that seems after
a few years of debacle and the unleashed madness of the monster of
the Id!.

Forbidden Planet excels in special effects, but it's enduring fascination is to be found in its story, a parable of technology vs its inventor, the monster vs Dr. Frankenstein, the enemy of our own making.
Forbidden Planet shows us the dark side of human kind, a forbidding gestalt of uncontrollable urges that lies within all of us. It is, indeed, a monster from the ID!
Forbidden Planet shows us the dark side of human kind, a forbidding gestalt of uncontrollable urges that lies within all of us –a monster from the ID! Even intelligence –seemingly papered over the more more powerful ID –cannot negate our darkest, deepest reservoirs. Just as the Lord of the Rings depicts the absolute power, Forbidden Planet confronts us with a question we would rather not answer: what are we to do with the physical manifestations of our most inmost monsters?
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Oil Junkies for Jesus
by Len Hart, the Existentialist Cowboy
Face it – the United States and foreign affairs always seem to be awkward at best. At the very worst, the United States comes away having lost a friend! Involvement in Iraq was complicated by what I would call “weird” theology.
Fundamentalist Christians insist upon an unconditional pro-Israeli policy no matter what! Israel is God's chosen nation. To oppose Israel, they say, is to damn the opposing nation to hell.
Another complication is our nation's symbiotic relationship with oil producing “infidels”. GOP faithful believe that middle east oil is ours to plunder. Oil Junkies for Jesus openly boast of stealing Iraqi oil. For them, waging war for oil is not a war crime, it's a crusade; it's not an atrocity its, a commandment.
SUV's are not abominable energy hogs, they are God's own chariot. While we fear the mother of all energy crunches, Hubbert's Peak, oil junkies for Jesus look forward to just flying away from it all. In 1956, geophysicist, M. King Hubbert, working at the Shell research lab in Houston, TX predicted that U.S. oil production would peak in the early 1970s.
For his efforts, Hubbert was pilloried by oil experts and economists. Nevertheless, the 70's are remembered less for Disco Duck than for the long lines at service stations. The Arab Oil Embargo had driven home a point that the US had become an oil junkie nation. The US partnership with Arab oil producers was always a strange marriage of fundamentalist Christians from Texas and equally fundamentalist Muslims from the far flung deserts of the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia. Amid long lines, hot tempers and high prices, the era of cheap energy was over by the end of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, the so-called Yom Kippur War.
The situation is complicated by what is conveniently and politically called "world terrorism" and the suspicion that the Bush administration turned a blind eye to the flow of "petro-dollars" finding their way into Saudi coffers and eventually into the hands of terrorists and, perhaps, bin Laden. In the early days of the Iraq war, the moral implications were easily assuaged: just stick a flaq on your SUV, wave a yellow ribbon from your truck!
Americans are just barely aware that they pay about one-third the price Europeans pay for gasoline! But you have to credit the GOP with resourcefulness. The Bush administration delivered a message to the faithful: war in Iraq will result in lower prices at the pump even as the official line denied that the US attack and invasion of Iraq had anything at all to do with oil. That is revisionist history.
The record of US Ambassador April Glaspie's interview with Saddam Hussein on the eve of his attack of Kuwait proves conclusively that Hussein's "problems" with the Bush family began when he tried to lower the price of oil. Apparently the nation bought the GOP line. Alternative fuels, green energy and efficient cars were no longer "in".
It was not always so. The famous Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston during the oil embargo was dominated by talk of Solar Energy, Offshore Thermal Energy Conversion, and Wind Energy. The brightest minds from MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge were there –modeling the economics of it all. It's easy to find in the 1970's the growing antipathy between big oil and the Democratic party. President Carter got caught in the cross hairs as perhaps JFK had done about ten years earlier when he promised to put an end to a Texas oil industry sacred cow –the Oil Depletion Allowance. But only a conspiracy theorist would connect that fact with his murder in Dallas, TX.
Carter's advisors, however, favored lifting price caps but his political advisors nixed the idea. Clearly, American consumers were fed up with higher prices but absurdly long lines were the only alternative. Even now consumers may not have it both ways. Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger favored lifting Federal price caps and doing away with what he called the “government's” Byzantine allocation system". His proposal, he said, would go a long way toward spurring conservation while allocating scarce fuel more efficiently. Schlesinger said it would eliminate the long lines at the gas pump. It would mean the end of dirt cheap gasoline.
When Carter over ruled Schlesinger the press reported that the President had refused to eliminate Federal Price Caps against the advice of his own energy secretary. [See: Merrill Sheils, "The Energy Plan," Newsweek, July 23, 1979] In Houston, MIT energy economist Morris Adelman would tell us reporters:
'All in all, it was a very weak, pallid performance,' said MIT energy economist Morris Adelman. "The failure to decontrol will cost us a good deal." The future may be seen in our own past. It is simplistic to say merely that all the world's oil supplies will simply run dry, though oil supplies are finite to be sure. It is, rather, a matter of economics. Pennsylvania, for example, was America's first oil producing state –but Pennsylvania hasn't figured prominently in the oil industry in over a century.
Oil seemed limitless; after all, it took some 60 years to consume the first 10% --a curve that has continually gotten steeper. Later --the Spindletop gushers in Texas startled the world only to be exploited and abandoned in a period of some twenty years or less. Then the pattern repeated itself in West Texas. On the ranches just outside of Odessa/Midland, there is evidence that the robber barons of big oil simply walked away, abandoning wells to despoil the environment when it became no longer economically viable to operate them.
It ceased to be easy. That may explain why George W. Bush had to settle for stealing an election. In its first stages, petroleum exploration is a straight-forward technical procedure and, indeed, it was so easy wildcatters used to call it “land speculation with cash flow”. Just shoot a modern seismic "net" across a basin and let the soundings delineate the significant prospects. The largest oil and gas fields are also the biggest and easiest targets; it was so easy in its early days that even an idiot could have made money. George W. Bush's ventures went belly-up twice; that is significant. Every other idiot made money. Shrub failed to find oil amid plenty but he did find “the Lord" in a hell hole” –Odessa/Midland.
By that time, however, getting rich in oil had become more complicated. The cost of producing oil outstripped oil's value. What happened in Pennsylvania, Beaumont (Spindletop), Odessa/Midland will one day happen to Saudi Arabia, The Persian Gulf, and Russia. The Arabs –inventors of Algebra –know this even if the blythe SUV-driving American idiot does not. The demand for oil will increase from about eighty million barrels per day to about 125 million barrels per day by 2030; in the meantime, OPEC oil production will level off in 2014, if not sooner. A steep decline will begin in 2016 from which oil production will never recover.
A big crunch is very nearly here if the shortfall isn't made up. In the meantime, Halliburton, Unocal, Chevron rush to enrich themselves with Republican assistance, even complicity. The War in Iraq is just a part of the grand chessboard albeit a key one. Should Bush abandon Iraq, the American oil industry faces a crisis. It is a last desperate, ruthless grasp that has plunged the world into a "war on terror" and too many Americans have been asked to die for Halliburton --not America! Who is the genius behind the prediction that bears his name?
In 1969, Hubbert skipped Woodstock to do math. Hubbert suspected that a graph of world oil production would follow a standard statistical norm and his findings are not unlike those of Malthus who said essentially the same thing of arithmetic food production in populations which increase geometrically. Students of elementary statistics will know it as a “bell curve”. Hubbert was not appreciated in 1969 –the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Nonetheless, he plotted a graph which predicted a peak of oil production followed by a precipitous decline.
The future is now: Hubbert is now said by experts to have made the “...only truly valid scientific projection of future oil production.” A report by the Novum Corporation bluntly states that Hubbert was correct when he forecast oil production peaking in 1969. Since that time, domestic oil production has declined to within 5% of Hubbert's 1956 predictions. The world oil map is not what it was in the 70's.
Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf producers still make up a quarter of the world's oil supply to be sure but new supplies are now found in Russia where production fell by one-half after the break-up of the Soviet Union. But foreign supplies are likewise finite and cannot be depended upon to bail out the US –especially given the increasingly murky role of Saudi Arabia and volatile political situations throughout the middle east. The war on terrorism cannot be counted on to bring stability to the region or to oil prices.
Dick Cheney's Halliburton, Enron, Unocal, and Chevron, for example, have long proposed a "consortium" to build a pipeline across Afghanistan to the Arabian Sea –a pipeline supported by Pakistan but opposed by the Taliban. Only the insentient would not wonder if Dick Cheney's "pipeline" figured prominently in BBC reports that the United States had promised Pakistan a "little war" with Afghanistan --a promise made months before the events of 9/11.
Some conclusions: America's addiction to oil is not just a matter of taste, lifestyle, or provincialism. It is a matter of national security. Alarms bells should have gone off when Bush promised to end world terrorism at a time when his own family is in business with the people who finance them –Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan, for example, got carpet bombed; Saudi Arabia had merely to endure some bad press. Is that because the Saudis are well-connected with Bush et al? Until fuel cell cars are made, scooters, economy vehicles, and public transportation –already popular everywhere, it seems, but in America --will become necessary in the US. The alternative is walking.
There are glimpses of the future to be seen in various out-of-the-way places across the U.S: little communities where residents live “harmoniously” with the earth in super-insulated, comfortable houses coated with hardened clay. They do organic farming and telecommute. Just a bunch of hippies, tree-huggers, and liberals no doubt –but tell me that when your heating bill outstrips the value of your latter day manor house. In the meantime, Hubbert's Peak is not a Soap Opera. It does, rather, explain why Bush and Dick Cheney (Halliburton) may have –as has been published and reported now in an increasing number of sources –threatened Afghanistan with “carpet bombs” before 9-11.
It also explains Bush's one time love of Putin. Bush didn't see Putin's soul; he saw his oil! It also explains why they have since fallen out. The US was “negotiating” pipeline rights with the Taliban; dying for God and country is one thing –but for Halliburton?
Another complication is our nation's symbiotic relationship with oil producing “infidels”. GOP faithful believe that middle east oil is ours to plunder. Oil Junkies for Jesus openly boast of stealing Iraqi oil. For them, waging war for oil is not a war crime, it's a crusade; it's not an atrocity its a commandment.
SUV's are not abominable energy hogs, they are God's own chariot. While we fear the mother of all energy crunches, Hubbert's Peak, oil junkies for Jesus look forward to just flying away from it all. In 1956, geophysicist, M. King Hubbert, working at the Shell research lab in Houston, TX predicted that US oil production would peak in the early 1970s.
Others predicted a peak occurring right about now. For his efforts, Hubbert was pilloried by oil experts and economists. Nevertheless, the 70's are remembered less for Disco Duck than for the long lines at service stations. The Arab Oil Embargo had driven home a point: the US had become an oil junkie nation. The US partnership with Arab oil producers was always a strange marriage of fundamentalist Christians from Texas and equally fundamentalist Muslims from the far flung deserts of the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia. Amid long lines, hot tempers and high prices, the era of cheap energy was over by the end of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, the so-called Yom Kippur War.
The situation was complicated by what is conveniently and politically called "world terrorism" and the suspicion that the Bush administration turned a blind eye to the flow of "petro-dollars" finding their way into Saudi coffers and eventually into the hands of terrorists perhaps, bin Laden. In the early days of the Iraq war, the moral implications of this were easily assuaged: just stick a flag on your SUV, wave a yellow ribbon from your truck!
Americans are just barely aware that they pay about one-third the price Europeans pay for gasoline! But you have to credit the GOP with resourcefulness. The Bush administration delivered a message to the faithful: war in Iraq will result in lower prices at the pump even as the official line denied that the U.S. attack and invasion of Iraq had anything at all to do with oil.
That is revisionist history. The record of US Ambassador April Glaspie's interview with Saddam Hussein on the eve of his attack of Kuwait proves conclusively that Husein's "problems" with the Bush family began when he tried to lower the price of oil. Apparently the nation bought the GOP line. Alternative fuels, green energy and efficient cars were no longer "in". It was not always so. The famous Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston during the oil embargo was dominated by talk of Solar Energy, Offshore Thermal Energy Conversion, and Wind Energy.
The brightest minds from MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge were there –modeling the economics of it all. It's easy to find in the 1970's the growing antipathy between big oil and the Democratic party. President Carter got caught in the cross hairs as perhaps JFK had about ten years earlier when he promised to put an end to a Texas oil industry sacred cow –the Oil Depletion Allowance. But only a conspiracy theorist would connect that fact with his murder in Dallas, TX.
Carter's advisors, however, favored lifting price caps but his political gurus nixed the idea. Clearly, American consumers were fed up with higher prices but absurdly long lines were the only alternative. Even now consumers may not have it both ways. Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger favored lifting Federal price caps and doing away with what he called the “government's” Byzantine allocation system".
His proposal, he said, would go a long way toward spurring conservation while allocating scarce fuel more efficiently. Schlesinger said it would eliminate the long lines at the gas pump. It would mean the end of dirt cheap gasoline. When Carter over ruled Schlesinger the press reported that the President had refused to eliminate Federal Price Caps against the advice of his own energy secretary. [See: Merrill Sheils, "The Energy Plan," Newsweek, July 23, 1979] In Houston, MIT energy economist Morris Adelman would tell me and other reporters: "All in all, it was a very weak, pallid performance," said MIT energy economist Morris Adelman. "The failure to decontrol will cost us a good deal."
The future may be seen in our past. It is simplistic to say merely that all the world's oil supplies will simply run dry, though oil supplies are finite to be sure. It is, rather, a matter of economics. Pennsylvania, for example, was America's first oil producing state –but Pennsylvania hasn't figured prominently in the oil industry in over a century.
Oil seemed limitless; after all, it took some 60 years to consume the first 10% --a curve that has continually gotten steeper. Later --the Spindletop gushers in Texas startled the world only to be exploited and abandoned in a period of some twenty years or less. Then the pattern repeated itself in West Texas. On the ranches just outside of Odessa/Midland, there is evidence that the robber barons of big oil simply walked away, abandoning wells to despoil the environment when it became no longer economically viable to operate them.
It ceased to be easy. That may explain why George W. Bush had to settle for stealing an election. In its first stages, petroleum exploration is a straight-forward technical procedure and, indeed, it was so easy wildcatters used to call it “land speculation with cash flow”. Just shoot a modern seismic "net" across a basin and let the soundings delineate the significant prospects. The largest oil and gas fields are also the biggest and easiest targets; it was so easy in its early days that even an idiot could have made money. The fact that George W. Bush's ventures went belly-up twice is significant. Every other idiot was making money. Shrub failed to find oil amid plenty but he did manage to find “the Lord" in a hell hole” – the oil fields just outside Odessa/Midland.
By that time, however, getting rich in oil had become more complicated. The cost of producing oil outstripped it's value. What happened in Pennsylvania, Beaumont (Spindletop), Odessa/Midland will one day happen to Saudi Arabia, The Persian Gulf, and Russia. The Arabs –inventors of Algebra –know this even if the blythe SUV-driving American idiot does not. The demand for oil will increase from about eighty million barrels per day to about 125 million barrels per day by 2030; in the meantime, OPEC oil production will level off in 2014, if not sooner. A steep decline will begin in 2016 from which oil production will never recover.
A big crunch is very nearly here if the shortfall isn't made up. In the meantime, Halliburton, Unocal, Chevron rush to enrich themselves with Republican assistance, even complicity. The War in Iraq is just a part of the grand chessboard albeit a key one. Should Bush abandon Iraq, the American oil industry faces a crisis. It is a last desperate, ruthless grasp that has plunged the world into a "war on terror" and too many Americans have been asked to die for Halliburton --not America! Who is the genius behind the prediction that bears his name?
In 1969, Hubbert skipped Woodstock to do math. Hubbert suspected that a graph of world oil production would follow a standard statistical norm and his findings are not unlike those of Malthus who said essentially the same thing of arithmetic food production in populations which increase geometrically. Students of elementary statistics will know it as a “bell curve”. Hubbert was not appreciated in 1969 –the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Nonetheless, he plotted a graph which predicted a peak of oil production followed by a precipitous decline.
The future is now: Hubbert is now said by experts to have made the “...only truly valid scientific projection of future oil production.” A report by the Novum Corporation bluntly states that Hubbert was correct when he forecast oil production peaking in 1969. Since that time, domestic oil production has declined to within 5% of Hubbert's 1956 predictions. The world oil map is not what it was in the 70's.
Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf producers still make up a quarter of the world's oil supply to be sure but new supplies are now found in Russia where production fell by one-half after the break-up of the Soviet Union. But foreign supplies are likewise finite and cannot be depended upon to bail out the US –especially given the increasingly murky role of Saudi Arabia and volatile political situations throughout the middle east. The war on terrorism cannot be counted on to bring stability to the region or to oil prices.
Dick Cheney's Halliburton, Enron, Unocal, and Chevron, for example, have long proposed a "consortium" to build a pipeline across Afghanistan to the Arabian Sea –a pipeline supported by Pakistan but opposed by the Taliban. Only the insentient would not wonder if Dick Cheney's "pipeline" figured prominently in BBC reports that the United States had promised Pakistan a "little war" with Afghanistan --a promise made months before the events of 9/11.
Some conclusions: America's addiction to oil is not just a matter of taste, lifestyle, or provincialism. It is a matter of national security. Alarms bells should have gone off when Bush promised to end world terrorism at a time when his own family is in business with the people who finance them –Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan, for example, got carpet bombed; Saudi Arabia had merely to endure some bad press. Is that because the Saudis are well-connected with Bush et al? Until fuel cell cars are made, scooters, economy vehicles, and public transportation –already popular everywhere, it seems, but in America --will become necessary in the US. The alternative is walking.
More generally, there are glimpses of the future to be seen in various out-of-the-way places across the U.S: little communities where residents live “harmoniously” with the earth in super-insulated, comfortable houses coated with hardened clay. They do organic farming and telecommute. Just a bunch of hippies, tree-huggers, and liberals no doubt –but tell me that when your heating bill outstrips the value of your latter day manor house. In the meantime, Hubbert's Peak is not a Soap Opera. It does, rather, explain why Bush and Dick Cheney (Halliburton) may have --as has been published and reported now in an increasing number of sources –threatened Afghanistan with “carpet bombs” before 9-11.
It also explains Bush's one time love of Putin. Bush didn't see Putin's soul; he saw his oil! It also explains why the have since fallen out. The US was “negotiating” pipeline rights with the Taliban; dying for God and country is one thing –but for Halliburton?

Fundamentalist Christians insist upon an unconditional pro-Israeli policy no matter what! Israel is God's chosen nation. To oppose Israel, they say, is to damn the opposing nation to hell.
Another complication is our nation's symbiotic relationship with oil producing “infidels”. GOP faithful believe that middle east oil is ours to plunder. Oil Junkies for Jesus openly boast of stealing Iraqi oil. For them, waging war for oil is not a war crime, it's a crusade; it's not an atrocity its, a commandment.
SUV's are not abominable energy hogs, they are God's own chariot. While we fear the mother of all energy crunches, Hubbert's Peak, oil junkies for Jesus look forward to just flying away from it all. In 1956, geophysicist, M. King Hubbert, working at the Shell research lab in Houston, TX predicted that U.S. oil production would peak in the early 1970s.
For his efforts, Hubbert was pilloried by oil experts and economists. Nevertheless, the 70's are remembered less for Disco Duck than for the long lines at service stations. The Arab Oil Embargo had driven home a point that the US had become an oil junkie nation. The US partnership with Arab oil producers was always a strange marriage of fundamentalist Christians from Texas and equally fundamentalist Muslims from the far flung deserts of the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia. Amid long lines, hot tempers and high prices, the era of cheap energy was over by the end of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, the so-called Yom Kippur War.
The situation is complicated by what is conveniently and politically called "world terrorism" and the suspicion that the Bush administration turned a blind eye to the flow of "petro-dollars" finding their way into Saudi coffers and eventually into the hands of terrorists and, perhaps, bin Laden. In the early days of the Iraq war, the moral implications were easily assuaged: just stick a flaq on your SUV, wave a yellow ribbon from your truck!
Americans are just barely aware that they pay about one-third the price Europeans pay for gasoline! But you have to credit the GOP with resourcefulness. The Bush administration delivered a message to the faithful: war in Iraq will result in lower prices at the pump even as the official line denied that the US attack and invasion of Iraq had anything at all to do with oil. That is revisionist history.
The record of US Ambassador April Glaspie's interview with Saddam Hussein on the eve of his attack of Kuwait proves conclusively that Hussein's "problems" with the Bush family began when he tried to lower the price of oil. Apparently the nation bought the GOP line. Alternative fuels, green energy and efficient cars were no longer "in".
It was not always so. The famous Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston during the oil embargo was dominated by talk of Solar Energy, Offshore Thermal Energy Conversion, and Wind Energy. The brightest minds from MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge were there –modeling the economics of it all. It's easy to find in the 1970's the growing antipathy between big oil and the Democratic party. President Carter got caught in the cross hairs as perhaps JFK had done about ten years earlier when he promised to put an end to a Texas oil industry sacred cow –the Oil Depletion Allowance. But only a conspiracy theorist would connect that fact with his murder in Dallas, TX.
Carter's advisors, however, favored lifting price caps but his political advisors nixed the idea. Clearly, American consumers were fed up with higher prices but absurdly long lines were the only alternative. Even now consumers may not have it both ways. Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger favored lifting Federal price caps and doing away with what he called the “government's” Byzantine allocation system". His proposal, he said, would go a long way toward spurring conservation while allocating scarce fuel more efficiently. Schlesinger said it would eliminate the long lines at the gas pump. It would mean the end of dirt cheap gasoline.
When Carter over ruled Schlesinger the press reported that the President had refused to eliminate Federal Price Caps against the advice of his own energy secretary. [See: Merrill Sheils, "The Energy Plan," Newsweek, July 23, 1979] In Houston, MIT energy economist Morris Adelman would tell us reporters:
'All in all, it was a very weak, pallid performance,' said MIT energy economist Morris Adelman. "The failure to decontrol will cost us a good deal." The future may be seen in our own past. It is simplistic to say merely that all the world's oil supplies will simply run dry, though oil supplies are finite to be sure. It is, rather, a matter of economics. Pennsylvania, for example, was America's first oil producing state –but Pennsylvania hasn't figured prominently in the oil industry in over a century.
Oil seemed limitless; after all, it took some 60 years to consume the first 10% --a curve that has continually gotten steeper. Later --the Spindletop gushers in Texas startled the world only to be exploited and abandoned in a period of some twenty years or less. Then the pattern repeated itself in West Texas. On the ranches just outside of Odessa/Midland, there is evidence that the robber barons of big oil simply walked away, abandoning wells to despoil the environment when it became no longer economically viable to operate them.
It ceased to be easy. That may explain why George W. Bush had to settle for stealing an election. In its first stages, petroleum exploration is a straight-forward technical procedure and, indeed, it was so easy wildcatters used to call it “land speculation with cash flow”. Just shoot a modern seismic "net" across a basin and let the soundings delineate the significant prospects. The largest oil and gas fields are also the biggest and easiest targets; it was so easy in its early days that even an idiot could have made money. George W. Bush's ventures went belly-up twice; that is significant. Every other idiot made money. Shrub failed to find oil amid plenty but he did find “the Lord" in a hell hole” –Odessa/Midland.
By that time, however, getting rich in oil had become more complicated. The cost of producing oil outstripped oil's value. What happened in Pennsylvania, Beaumont (Spindletop), Odessa/Midland will one day happen to Saudi Arabia, The Persian Gulf, and Russia. The Arabs –inventors of Algebra –know this even if the blythe SUV-driving American idiot does not. The demand for oil will increase from about eighty million barrels per day to about 125 million barrels per day by 2030; in the meantime, OPEC oil production will level off in 2014, if not sooner. A steep decline will begin in 2016 from which oil production will never recover.
A big crunch is very nearly here if the shortfall isn't made up. In the meantime, Halliburton, Unocal, Chevron rush to enrich themselves with Republican assistance, even complicity. The War in Iraq is just a part of the grand chessboard albeit a key one. Should Bush abandon Iraq, the American oil industry faces a crisis. It is a last desperate, ruthless grasp that has plunged the world into a "war on terror" and too many Americans have been asked to die for Halliburton --not America! Who is the genius behind the prediction that bears his name?
In 1969, Hubbert skipped Woodstock to do math. Hubbert suspected that a graph of world oil production would follow a standard statistical norm and his findings are not unlike those of Malthus who said essentially the same thing of arithmetic food production in populations which increase geometrically. Students of elementary statistics will know it as a “bell curve”. Hubbert was not appreciated in 1969 –the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Nonetheless, he plotted a graph which predicted a peak of oil production followed by a precipitous decline.
The future is now: Hubbert is now said by experts to have made the “...only truly valid scientific projection of future oil production.” A report by the Novum Corporation bluntly states that Hubbert was correct when he forecast oil production peaking in 1969. Since that time, domestic oil production has declined to within 5% of Hubbert's 1956 predictions. The world oil map is not what it was in the 70's.
Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf producers still make up a quarter of the world's oil supply to be sure but new supplies are now found in Russia where production fell by one-half after the break-up of the Soviet Union. But foreign supplies are likewise finite and cannot be depended upon to bail out the US –especially given the increasingly murky role of Saudi Arabia and volatile political situations throughout the middle east. The war on terrorism cannot be counted on to bring stability to the region or to oil prices.
Dick Cheney's Halliburton, Enron, Unocal, and Chevron, for example, have long proposed a "consortium" to build a pipeline across Afghanistan to the Arabian Sea –a pipeline supported by Pakistan but opposed by the Taliban. Only the insentient would not wonder if Dick Cheney's "pipeline" figured prominently in BBC reports that the United States had promised Pakistan a "little war" with Afghanistan --a promise made months before the events of 9/11.
Some conclusions: America's addiction to oil is not just a matter of taste, lifestyle, or provincialism. It is a matter of national security. Alarms bells should have gone off when Bush promised to end world terrorism at a time when his own family is in business with the people who finance them –Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan, for example, got carpet bombed; Saudi Arabia had merely to endure some bad press. Is that because the Saudis are well-connected with Bush et al? Until fuel cell cars are made, scooters, economy vehicles, and public transportation –already popular everywhere, it seems, but in America --will become necessary in the US. The alternative is walking.
There are glimpses of the future to be seen in various out-of-the-way places across the U.S: little communities where residents live “harmoniously” with the earth in super-insulated, comfortable houses coated with hardened clay. They do organic farming and telecommute. Just a bunch of hippies, tree-huggers, and liberals no doubt –but tell me that when your heating bill outstrips the value of your latter day manor house. In the meantime, Hubbert's Peak is not a Soap Opera. It does, rather, explain why Bush and Dick Cheney (Halliburton) may have –as has been published and reported now in an increasing number of sources –threatened Afghanistan with “carpet bombs” before 9-11.
It also explains Bush's one time love of Putin. Bush didn't see Putin's soul; he saw his oil! It also explains why they have since fallen out. The US was “negotiating” pipeline rights with the Taliban; dying for God and country is one thing –but for Halliburton?
Another complication is our nation's symbiotic relationship with oil producing “infidels”. GOP faithful believe that middle east oil is ours to plunder. Oil Junkies for Jesus openly boast of stealing Iraqi oil. For them, waging war for oil is not a war crime, it's a crusade; it's not an atrocity its a commandment.
SUV's are not abominable energy hogs, they are God's own chariot. While we fear the mother of all energy crunches, Hubbert's Peak, oil junkies for Jesus look forward to just flying away from it all. In 1956, geophysicist, M. King Hubbert, working at the Shell research lab in Houston, TX predicted that US oil production would peak in the early 1970s.
Others predicted a peak occurring right about now. For his efforts, Hubbert was pilloried by oil experts and economists. Nevertheless, the 70's are remembered less for Disco Duck than for the long lines at service stations. The Arab Oil Embargo had driven home a point: the US had become an oil junkie nation. The US partnership with Arab oil producers was always a strange marriage of fundamentalist Christians from Texas and equally fundamentalist Muslims from the far flung deserts of the Middle East, primarily Saudi Arabia. Amid long lines, hot tempers and high prices, the era of cheap energy was over by the end of the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, the so-called Yom Kippur War.
The situation was complicated by what is conveniently and politically called "world terrorism" and the suspicion that the Bush administration turned a blind eye to the flow of "petro-dollars" finding their way into Saudi coffers and eventually into the hands of terrorists perhaps, bin Laden. In the early days of the Iraq war, the moral implications of this were easily assuaged: just stick a flag on your SUV, wave a yellow ribbon from your truck!
Americans are just barely aware that they pay about one-third the price Europeans pay for gasoline! But you have to credit the GOP with resourcefulness. The Bush administration delivered a message to the faithful: war in Iraq will result in lower prices at the pump even as the official line denied that the U.S. attack and invasion of Iraq had anything at all to do with oil.
That is revisionist history. The record of US Ambassador April Glaspie's interview with Saddam Hussein on the eve of his attack of Kuwait proves conclusively that Husein's "problems" with the Bush family began when he tried to lower the price of oil. Apparently the nation bought the GOP line. Alternative fuels, green energy and efficient cars were no longer "in". It was not always so. The famous Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston during the oil embargo was dominated by talk of Solar Energy, Offshore Thermal Energy Conversion, and Wind Energy.
The brightest minds from MIT, Harvard, and Cambridge were there –modeling the economics of it all. It's easy to find in the 1970's the growing antipathy between big oil and the Democratic party. President Carter got caught in the cross hairs as perhaps JFK had about ten years earlier when he promised to put an end to a Texas oil industry sacred cow –the Oil Depletion Allowance. But only a conspiracy theorist would connect that fact with his murder in Dallas, TX.
Carter's advisors, however, favored lifting price caps but his political gurus nixed the idea. Clearly, American consumers were fed up with higher prices but absurdly long lines were the only alternative. Even now consumers may not have it both ways. Energy Secretary James R. Schlesinger favored lifting Federal price caps and doing away with what he called the “government's” Byzantine allocation system".
His proposal, he said, would go a long way toward spurring conservation while allocating scarce fuel more efficiently. Schlesinger said it would eliminate the long lines at the gas pump. It would mean the end of dirt cheap gasoline. When Carter over ruled Schlesinger the press reported that the President had refused to eliminate Federal Price Caps against the advice of his own energy secretary. [See: Merrill Sheils, "The Energy Plan," Newsweek, July 23, 1979] In Houston, MIT energy economist Morris Adelman would tell me and other reporters: "All in all, it was a very weak, pallid performance," said MIT energy economist Morris Adelman. "The failure to decontrol will cost us a good deal."
The future may be seen in our past. It is simplistic to say merely that all the world's oil supplies will simply run dry, though oil supplies are finite to be sure. It is, rather, a matter of economics. Pennsylvania, for example, was America's first oil producing state –but Pennsylvania hasn't figured prominently in the oil industry in over a century.
Oil seemed limitless; after all, it took some 60 years to consume the first 10% --a curve that has continually gotten steeper. Later --the Spindletop gushers in Texas startled the world only to be exploited and abandoned in a period of some twenty years or less. Then the pattern repeated itself in West Texas. On the ranches just outside of Odessa/Midland, there is evidence that the robber barons of big oil simply walked away, abandoning wells to despoil the environment when it became no longer economically viable to operate them.
It ceased to be easy. That may explain why George W. Bush had to settle for stealing an election. In its first stages, petroleum exploration is a straight-forward technical procedure and, indeed, it was so easy wildcatters used to call it “land speculation with cash flow”. Just shoot a modern seismic "net" across a basin and let the soundings delineate the significant prospects. The largest oil and gas fields are also the biggest and easiest targets; it was so easy in its early days that even an idiot could have made money. The fact that George W. Bush's ventures went belly-up twice is significant. Every other idiot was making money. Shrub failed to find oil amid plenty but he did manage to find “the Lord" in a hell hole” – the oil fields just outside Odessa/Midland.
By that time, however, getting rich in oil had become more complicated. The cost of producing oil outstripped it's value. What happened in Pennsylvania, Beaumont (Spindletop), Odessa/Midland will one day happen to Saudi Arabia, The Persian Gulf, and Russia. The Arabs –inventors of Algebra –know this even if the blythe SUV-driving American idiot does not. The demand for oil will increase from about eighty million barrels per day to about 125 million barrels per day by 2030; in the meantime, OPEC oil production will level off in 2014, if not sooner. A steep decline will begin in 2016 from which oil production will never recover.
A big crunch is very nearly here if the shortfall isn't made up. In the meantime, Halliburton, Unocal, Chevron rush to enrich themselves with Republican assistance, even complicity. The War in Iraq is just a part of the grand chessboard albeit a key one. Should Bush abandon Iraq, the American oil industry faces a crisis. It is a last desperate, ruthless grasp that has plunged the world into a "war on terror" and too many Americans have been asked to die for Halliburton --not America! Who is the genius behind the prediction that bears his name?
In 1969, Hubbert skipped Woodstock to do math. Hubbert suspected that a graph of world oil production would follow a standard statistical norm and his findings are not unlike those of Malthus who said essentially the same thing of arithmetic food production in populations which increase geometrically. Students of elementary statistics will know it as a “bell curve”. Hubbert was not appreciated in 1969 –the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Nonetheless, he plotted a graph which predicted a peak of oil production followed by a precipitous decline.
The future is now: Hubbert is now said by experts to have made the “...only truly valid scientific projection of future oil production.” A report by the Novum Corporation bluntly states that Hubbert was correct when he forecast oil production peaking in 1969. Since that time, domestic oil production has declined to within 5% of Hubbert's 1956 predictions. The world oil map is not what it was in the 70's.
Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf producers still make up a quarter of the world's oil supply to be sure but new supplies are now found in Russia where production fell by one-half after the break-up of the Soviet Union. But foreign supplies are likewise finite and cannot be depended upon to bail out the US –especially given the increasingly murky role of Saudi Arabia and volatile political situations throughout the middle east. The war on terrorism cannot be counted on to bring stability to the region or to oil prices.
Dick Cheney's Halliburton, Enron, Unocal, and Chevron, for example, have long proposed a "consortium" to build a pipeline across Afghanistan to the Arabian Sea –a pipeline supported by Pakistan but opposed by the Taliban. Only the insentient would not wonder if Dick Cheney's "pipeline" figured prominently in BBC reports that the United States had promised Pakistan a "little war" with Afghanistan --a promise made months before the events of 9/11.
Some conclusions: America's addiction to oil is not just a matter of taste, lifestyle, or provincialism. It is a matter of national security. Alarms bells should have gone off when Bush promised to end world terrorism at a time when his own family is in business with the people who finance them –Saudi Arabia. Afghanistan, for example, got carpet bombed; Saudi Arabia had merely to endure some bad press. Is that because the Saudis are well-connected with Bush et al? Until fuel cell cars are made, scooters, economy vehicles, and public transportation –already popular everywhere, it seems, but in America --will become necessary in the US. The alternative is walking.
More generally, there are glimpses of the future to be seen in various out-of-the-way places across the U.S: little communities where residents live “harmoniously” with the earth in super-insulated, comfortable houses coated with hardened clay. They do organic farming and telecommute. Just a bunch of hippies, tree-huggers, and liberals no doubt –but tell me that when your heating bill outstrips the value of your latter day manor house. In the meantime, Hubbert's Peak is not a Soap Opera. It does, rather, explain why Bush and Dick Cheney (Halliburton) may have --as has been published and reported now in an increasing number of sources –threatened Afghanistan with “carpet bombs” before 9-11.
It also explains Bush's one time love of Putin. Bush didn't see Putin's soul; he saw his oil! It also explains why the have since fallen out. The US was “negotiating” pipeline rights with the Taliban; dying for God and country is one thing –but for Halliburton?
Age of Aquarius,
Tuesday, November 03, 2015
911: A Final Summation
by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
American Airlines itself is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911. These flights are critical to the the government's crumbling cover up! Without those flights, Bush and his murderous co-conspirators will have to revise the big lie. They will have to concoct yet another cover story from the ground up!
A cover up is on the brink of collapse when those guilty of capital crimes and high treason either turn on one another or are forced to revise the lie!If neither flight was in the air as American Airlines itself has so stated, then numerous 'official versions' of the 'official conspiracy theory' are all a pack of malicious lies. That includes almost every statement made by Bush. It is, in my opinion, probable cause to indict Bush and his co-conspirators for the crimes of mass murder and high treason.
WikiScanner discovered that American Airlines changed their Wikipedia entry to state that Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11. Original entry was:
My own WHOIS lookup as well as a Google search of the IP address proves conclusively that it was --indeed --American Airlines itself that made the change. It is American Airlines --by way of Wiki --that has said that neither Flight 11 nor Flight 77 were in the air that day.
Therefore, the Bush theory of 911 is a deliberate lie.
My look up returned the following:
Bush lies have the effect of covering up the truth, protecting the guilty and obstructing justice. The lies are an insult to the families of 911 victims, victims who are dishonored by the continuing cover-up! Bush's lies aggravate the crimes of mass murder, terrorism and high treason for which the penalty must surely be death. 911 did not happen as we have been told.
We were lied to
Bushco's 'official conspiracy theory' of 911 is full of holes. Flights 11 and 77 are essential ingredients in the 'official conspiracy theory' of 911.
That AA claims that neither 11 or 77 were in the air that day sinks Bush's theory.
More importantly, however, it should get him an 'invitation' to appear before a Federal Grand Jury to answers charges that he betrayed his nation and waged war upon the people. Clearly --the official theory is a lie, an intentional cover-up. Cover-ups imply guilt! Otherwise --what is there to cover up? The official 'lie' goes like this:

Elsewhre, 911 Research stats: "...there is no evidence for the assertions by some people... that the North Tower was hit by something other than Flight 11." I can do better: those who assert must prove. Ergo: those who believe the Bush version of events must prove the Bush version or, at the very least introduce some evidence in support of the official conspiracy theory.
Rather, the Bush admin and its supporters have not proved or supported! They have, in fact, threatened and intimidated. It is, rather, the assertions that Flight 11 struck the North Tower that are utterly baseless.
The burden of proof is on those who assert. Those who assert that Flight 11 did not fly that day must prove their assertion. If the case had even been taken to court, a judge would have required evidence meeting legal requirements of the bench, the court, and eventually a jury.
If neither Flight 11 or 77 was in the air that day, then nothing in the 'official statements' with regard to the Twin Towers is true. The house of cards collapses.
While it is not good news for Bush, it is consistent with the fact that no wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever found at the Pentagon. The rotor seen photographed beside one of the workers in the wake of the "attack" is what some have called a turbine jet. Had a Flt 77 crashed into the Pentagon, two of these would have been found. Alas --only one was photographed (above).
There are several problems with that: 1) there are two of these in a 757; only one was recovered. Had a complete investigation been made, more inconsistencies may have made the Bush version of events so outrageous that a full and competent investigation could not have been dodged or covered-up.
Moreover, photos of an engine rotor appear to depict an engine used in the Global Hawk, a payload carrying missile that was, according to Britain's International Television News, flown from the US to Australia completely by remote control. "A robot plane has made aviation history by becoming the first unmanned aircraft to fly across the Pacific Ocean."
ITN quoted Australian Global Hawk manager Rod Smith: '"The aircraft essentially flies itself, right from takeoff, right through to landing, and even taxiing off the runway."'
The Global Hawk is a much better candidate for what Rumsfeld called "...the missile that struck this building" than a 757. Here's what you need to know about the Pentagon.
Below: a US Global Hawk painted to look like an AA airliner.

America, it is time to grow up! Recognizing lies for what they are is a part of the process of growing up! It is time to confront this heinous pack of lies and to insist that the Obama administration begin a REAL investigation.
It is time to insist that a Federal Grand Jury investigate every count of high treason, mass murder and domestic terrorism that was perpetrated upon the people of the US by the Bush administration, collaborators in the Pentagon, K-Street, the Congress and the leadership of the Republican party, Marvin Bush's 'Securacom', Larry Silverstein, General Myers, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and, of course, George W. Bush who was, at the time, the 'Commander-in-Chief' and ultimately responsible for the orders given the US military to 'stand down'.
The video asks: "Was 911 a Conspiracy?" That is NOT the question. Even Bushco claims that it was a conspiracy, a conspiracy of 19 Arab Hijackers who could not possibly have pulled it off. It is, frankly, a stupid scenario! Without the shock and awe campaign, no one would have believed it. The questions, rather, are which conspiracy and who were the conspirators? It was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's character Sherlock Holmes who said that when you have eliminated the impossible what remains however improbable MUST be the truth! Following is a reader's playlist. I recommend it.
Additional resources:
American Airlines itself is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911. These flights are critical to the the government's crumbling cover up! Without those flights, Bush and his murderous co-conspirators will have to revise the big lie. They will have to concoct yet another cover story from the ground up!
A cover up is on the brink of collapse when those guilty of capital crimes and high treason either turn on one another or are forced to revise the lie!If neither flight was in the air as American Airlines itself has so stated, then numerous 'official versions' of the 'official conspiracy theory' are all a pack of malicious lies. That includes almost every statement made by Bush. It is, in my opinion, probable cause to indict Bush and his co-conspirators for the crimes of mass murder and high treason.
WikiScanner discovered that American Airlines changed their Wikipedia entry to state that Flights 11 and 77 never flew on 9/11. Original entry was:
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: American Airlines Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and American Airlines Flight 11 (a Boeing 767).New entry is as follows and it includes the bolded text below:
Two American Airlines aircraft were hijacked and crashed during the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack: Flight 77 (a Boeing 757) and Flight 11 (a Boeing 767).
Although these flights were daily departure before and a month after September 11, 2001, neither flight 11 nor 77 were scheduled on September 11, 2001. The records kept by the Bureau of Transportation Statistics ( do not list either flight that day.
--WikipediaTo make the point: the source for these change is American Airlines by making corrections to Wikipedia. The 'story' is not about Wiki. The story is about how AA 'corrected' a wiki entry to coincide with their own. The story is about the fact that the evidence that Flights 11 and 77 were not flying on 911 comes from American Airlines itself.
According to a Freedom of Information Act reply from the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), the last known pre-9/11 flights for three of the four aircraft involved in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 took place in December, 2000, nine months before the attacks, while no pre-9/11 final flight information was provided for American Airlines flight 77 (N644AA).Anyone trying to prove that Flights 77 and 11 were not flying on 911 would have to verify that proposition through authoritative sources that could confirm it. The question is raised: how do we know who made the changes to Wiki? Everyone logged on to the internet does so from an IP address. In this case, the IP is that of American Airlines. It's traceable.
However, a discovered searchable online BTS database produces the following search results for three of the four 9/11 aircraft on September 10, 2001:
AA 11 departs San Francisco (SFO): AA 09/10/2001 0198 (flight number) N334AA (tail number) BOS (destination) 22:04 (wheels-off time)
UA 175 departs San Francisco (SFO): UA 09/10/2001 0170 (flight number) N612UA (tail number) BOS (destination) 13:44 (wheels-off time)
UA 93 departs San Francisco (SFO): UA 09/10/2001 0078 (flight number) N591UA (tail number) EWR (destination) 23:15 (wheels-off time)--911 Blogger, UPDATE: U.S. BTS FOIA Records For 9/11 Planes Differ From BTS Online Database [The records were obtained by Adrian Monaghan]
My own WHOIS lookup as well as a Google search of the IP address proves conclusively that it was --indeed --American Airlines itself that made the change. It is American Airlines --by way of Wiki --that has said that neither Flight 11 nor Flight 77 were in the air that day.
Therefore, the Bush theory of 911 is a deliberate lie.
My look up returned the following:
WHOIS - is not the first major hole to be discovered. The many lies (many referenced in previous EC articles; see links below) are probable cause to begin a Federal Grand Jury investigation of George W. Bush's role in 911. Bush should be compelled by subpoena and Federal Marshals to testify under oath before an independent Federal Grand Jury. The AA revelations demand it!
Location: United States [City: Ft. Worth, Texas]
OrgName: American Airlines Incorporated
Address: P.O.Box 619616
Address: MD 5308
City: DFW Airport
StateProv: TX
PostalCode: 75261
Country: US
NetRange: -
NetName: AANET
NetHandle: NET-144-9-0-0-1
Parent: NET-144-0-0-0-0
NetType: Direct Assignment
NameServer: DNS-P1.SABRE.COM
NameServer: DNS-P2.SABRE.COM
NameServer: DNS-P3.SABRE.COM
NameServer: DNS-P4.SABRE.COM
RegDate: 1990-10-31
Updated: 2002-06-27
RTechHandle: OG60-ARIN
RTechName: Gelbrich, Orf
RTechPhone: +1-817-931-3145
RTechEmail: ************
OrgTechHandle: ZW72-ARIN
OrgTechPhone: +1-817-967-1242
OrgTechEmail: ************
# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2008-06-29 19:10
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Bush lies have the effect of covering up the truth, protecting the guilty and obstructing justice. The lies are an insult to the families of 911 victims, victims who are dishonored by the continuing cover-up! Bush's lies aggravate the crimes of mass murder, terrorism and high treason for which the penalty must surely be death. 911 did not happen as we have been told.
We were lied to
Bushco's 'official conspiracy theory' of 911 is full of holes. Flights 11 and 77 are essential ingredients in the 'official conspiracy theory' of 911.
That AA claims that neither 11 or 77 were in the air that day sinks Bush's theory.
More importantly, however, it should get him an 'invitation' to appear before a Federal Grand Jury to answers charges that he betrayed his nation and waged war upon the people. Clearly --the official theory is a lie, an intentional cover-up. Cover-ups imply guilt! Otherwise --what is there to cover up? The official 'lie' goes like this:
At 8:20, Flight 11 stopped transmitting its transponder signal, and veered northward and departed dramatically from the westward heading of its planned route. The controllers concluded that the plane had probably been hijacked. 4 5 At 8:24, the following transmission was reportedly received from Flight 11: We have some planes. Just stay quiet and you'll be okay .. we are returning to the airport...Nobody move. Everything will be okay. If you try to make any moves, you'll endanger yourself and the airplane. Just stay quiet. Nobody move please we are going back to the airport .. don't try to make any stupid moves. 6 Neither of the pilots pressed the distress call button. At 8:28 controllers reportedly watched the plane make a 100-degree turn toward the south. 7 Presumably, Flight 11 continued south along the Hudson River until it reached the World Trade Center, though documentation of this is sparse given the lack of public information.According to NORAD's September 18 timeline, the FAA did not notify NORAD of the signs that Flight 11 was hijacked until 8:40, 25 minutes after the first signs of trouble.
--Flight 11, The First Jet Commandeered on September 11th, 911 Research

Elsewhre, 911 Research stats: "...there is no evidence for the assertions by some people... that the North Tower was hit by something other than Flight 11." I can do better: those who assert must prove. Ergo: those who believe the Bush version of events must prove the Bush version or, at the very least introduce some evidence in support of the official conspiracy theory.
Rather, the Bush admin and its supporters have not proved or supported! They have, in fact, threatened and intimidated. It is, rather, the assertions that Flight 11 struck the North Tower that are utterly baseless.
The burden of proof is on those who assert. Those who assert that Flight 11 did not fly that day must prove their assertion. If the case had even been taken to court, a judge would have required evidence meeting legal requirements of the bench, the court, and eventually a jury.
If neither Flight 11 or 77 was in the air that day, then nothing in the 'official statements' with regard to the Twin Towers is true. The house of cards collapses.
While it is not good news for Bush, it is consistent with the fact that no wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever found at the Pentagon. The rotor seen photographed beside one of the workers in the wake of the "attack" is what some have called a turbine jet. Had a Flt 77 crashed into the Pentagon, two of these would have been found. Alas --only one was photographed (above).
There are several problems with that: 1) there are two of these in a 757; only one was recovered. Had a complete investigation been made, more inconsistencies may have made the Bush version of events so outrageous that a full and competent investigation could not have been dodged or covered-up.
Where is the Airliner?
Moreover, photos of an engine rotor appear to depict an engine used in the Global Hawk, a payload carrying missile that was, according to Britain's International Television News, flown from the US to Australia completely by remote control. "A robot plane has made aviation history by becoming the first unmanned aircraft to fly across the Pacific Ocean."
Britain's ITN continued: "The Global Hawk, a jet-powered aircraft with a wingspan equivalent to a Boeing 737, flew from Edwards Air Force Base in California and landed late on Monday at the Royal Australian Air Force base at Edinburgh, in South Australia state... It flies along a pre-programmed flight path, but a pilot monitors the aircraft during its flight via a sensor suite which provides infra-red and visual images."
The Global Hawk is a much better candidate for what Rumsfeld called "...the missile that struck this building" than a 757. Here's what you need to know about the Pentagon.
- Only minutes after the strike, [see pic above] there is no sign of an airliner at all!
- No wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever recovered.
- Only ONE engine rotor (seen in photos) was recovered! This rotor is about one third the diameter of a 757 rotor.
- A 757 has two rotors, each of which are nearly three times the size of the SINGLE rotor located at the Pentagon
- Engine rotors are made of a Steel/Titanium alloy to withstand high temps inside jet engines.
- Flight 77 could not have crashed into the Pentagon
Below: a US Global Hawk painted to look like an AA airliner.

America, it is time to grow up! Recognizing lies for what they are is a part of the process of growing up! It is time to confront this heinous pack of lies and to insist that the Obama administration begin a REAL investigation.
It is time to insist that a Federal Grand Jury investigate every count of high treason, mass murder and domestic terrorism that was perpetrated upon the people of the US by the Bush administration, collaborators in the Pentagon, K-Street, the Congress and the leadership of the Republican party, Marvin Bush's 'Securacom', Larry Silverstein, General Myers, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and, of course, George W. Bush who was, at the time, the 'Commander-in-Chief' and ultimately responsible for the orders given the US military to 'stand down'.
By Donald Rumsfeld's own admission, he was unaware of any threats to the Pentagon -- the building where he was located during the September 11th attacks -- until an aircraft crashed into the side of it, and he ran out "into the smoke" to see if it might be a "A bomb? I had no idea." (ABC News This Week, Interview 9/16/01).Well, that's a pretty tall tale by any standard.
The New York Times reported that by 8:13am, the FAA was aware of the first hijacking out of Boston. The Pentagon explosion, which Donald Rumsfeld claimed he had "no idea," did not occur until approximately 9:37am, nearly an hour and a half later, this after two of the tallest buildings in the world were devastated. Note that a plane hijacked out of Boston can reach Washington D.C. as easily as it can reach New York City. It was widely reported that Pentagon personnel were indeed aware of the threats to their security, and they took security measures on that morning. But not the "Secretary of Defense."
Why should the man charged with defending the United States of America concern himself with hijacked aircraft?There is a set of procedures for responding to hijackings. In particular, these procedures were changed on June 1, 2001 while Rumsfeld was in power as our Secretary of Defense, in a document called:
The Global Hawk
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- KS" I make up stories
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