Friday, September 21, 2007

George W. Bush Tries to Avoid the Death Penalty

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

Bush is trying to pardon himself of horrible war crimes --a desperate attempt to escape the death penalty for which he is subject under US Criminal Codes.

Bush is trying to ram through Congress legislation that will pardon him and his criminal gang of thugs for the felonies that they have already committed ---torture and murder! His action to pardon himself is proof of his guilt.
§ 2441. War crimes

(a) Offense.— Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.

It is not only the civilian dead --well over a million in Iraq alone --for which Bush may be held to account. It is also the campaign of torture carried out in a gulag Archipelago from Iraq to Eastern Europe. There is no evidence that these heinous acts by the US have resulted in any reliable information about a war of terrorism in which most of the terror is perpetrated by Bush.

The US "President" is a pervert, whose administration has made terrorism worse as did the horrific administration of Ronald Reagan. [See: Terrorism is Always Worse Under GOP Regimes]

The American people simply must face a horrible reality. George W. Bush rules by decree and eschews the very rule of law. Bush has undermined every democratic principle. He has waged a campaign of war crimes, state sponsored murder, and torture not seen since the Third Reich. The lessons of history are found in the transcripts of the Nuremberg Trials. Justice Robert Jackson, depicted above, had hoped that the Nuremberg would make future war crimes impossible within the framework of international law. He could not have imagined that his own country would one day be among the worst offenders.

If the rule of law means anything in the US, then this legislation must not be allowed to pass. But given Congress' cowardly denunciation of for practicing nothing more than Constitutionally guaranteed free speech, I am not optimistic. Rather, Congress, Democrats including, will kiss Bush sorry ass and it, in a cowardly act of betrayal, it will tell the American people that Bush is above the law while everyone else is expected to pay him obeisance.

This legislation will consign "the rule of law" to oblivion. Bush will have consolidated his dictatorial power. He will never be held to account for some of the most heinous crimes ever committed on this planet. He will have joined a rogue's gallery of war criminals in the hall of infamy. America R.I.P.

History Will Not Absolve Us: Leaked Red Cross report sets up Bush team for international war-crimes trial

Nat Hentoff

Global Research, September 20, 2007
Village Voice - 2007-08-28

If and when there's the equivalent of an international Nuremberg trial for the American perpetrators of crimes against humanity in Guantánamo, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the CIA's secret prisons, there will be mounds of evidence available from documented international reports by human-rights organizations, including an arm of the European parliament-as well as such deeply footnoted books as Stephen Grey's Ghost Plane: The True Story of the CIA Torture Program (St. Martin's Press) and Charlie Savage's just-published Takeover: The Return of the Imperial Presidency and the Subversion of American Democracy (Little, Brown).

While the Democratic Congress has yet to begin a serious investigation into what many European legislators already know about American war crimes, a particularly telling report by the International Committee of the Red Cross has been leaked that would surely figure prominently in such a potential Nuremberg trial. The Red Cross itself is bound to public silence concerning the results of its human-rights probes of prisons around the world-or else governments wouldn't let them in. ...

I urge the creation of a broad based coalition consisting of the American Civil Liberties Union,, the 911 truth movement and other groups independent of both major political parties. It's goal should be nothing less than bringing to justice George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and the other architects of Bush's war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I am beginning to feel guilty for having tipped Bush off. As I recall, I wrote about his culpability for capital crimes shortly after the "Shock and Awe" campaign in which some 30,000 civilians died. Bush's order thus makes his culpable for the civilian deaths resulting.

Try Bush for war crimes, urges US combat veteran

Mark Dodd | September 05, 2007

GEORGE W. Bush should be tried as a war criminal for his role in launching the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and the Howard Government is culpable for supporting him, a US anti-war activist claims.

The US President and John Howard were committed to a failing war that was being waged for oil and economic motives, former US marine and two-time combat tour veteran Matt Howard said in Sydney yesterday.

The anti-war movement was growing in the US, and veterans had a responsibility to tell the truth about what was happening in Iraq, Mr Howard, 26, told a news conference at the Alternative APEC Centre in Sydney's Trades Hall.

The Prime Minister's support for the war provided "political cover" to Mr Bush's "dangerous political agenda", said Matt Howard.

His message on behalf of the Iraq Veterans Against the War was timed to coincide with the arrival in Sydney of Mr Bush for the APEC summit.

Tactically, Australia's 900-strong military contribution in Iraq was so small it made no difference compared with the 160,000 US troops there, but politically it was indispensable for the Bush White House, Matt Howard said.

"We've destroyed Iraq and it's been done in our name, and the Australian Government is involved," he said.

"In 2003, I illegally invaded Iraq. We left a swath of destruction all the way from Basra to Baghdad."

Mr Bush should be tried for crimes against humanity over the killing of the tens of thousands of Iraqi men, women and children who were victims of the war, Mr Howard said.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said the Government was "entirely comfortable" with Britain's decision to withdraw its troops from their base in the southern city of Basra and redeploy them in the nearby airport.
We might also recall Bush's callous reaction to the impending execution of Karla Faye Tucker.
In pondering the relationship between governors and the prisoners over whom they have power of life and death, I find myself remembering the single worst thing I ever heard about President Bush. It was something Bush, then governor of Texas, said to a reporter during his first presidential campaign. The reporter in question was Tucker Carlson—hardly a hostile figure—and Carlson reported it in Talk magazine in 1999. It was about Karla Faye Tucker, a convicted murderer whose execution Bush, as governor, had refused to stay. Here is what Carlson wrote (as quoted in National Review, another source hardly known to be hostile toward Republicans):

In the week before [Karla Faye Tucker's] execution, Bush says, Bianca Jagger and a number of other protesters came to Austin to demand clemency for Tucker. "Did you meet with any of them?" I ask.

Bush whips around and stares at me. "No, I didn't meet with any of them," he snaps, as though I've just asked the dumbest, most offensive question ever posed. "I didn't meet with Larry King either when he came down for it. I watched his interview with [Tucker], though. He asked her real difficult questions, like 'What would you say to Governor Bush?' "

"What was her answer?" I wonder.

"Please," Bush whimpers, his lips pursed in mock desperation, "don't kill me."

The ugliness of a sitting governor mocking a prisoner's plea to spare her life horrified Carlson, especially after he looked up the transcript of Karla Faye Tucker's appearance on Larry King Live and discovered that nowhere did it show the prisoner asking Bush to stay the execution. It horrified a lot of other conservative journalists, too, including George Will, Richard Brookhiser, and the editorial page of the Manchester Union Leader in New Hampshire.

--Slate, Bush's Tookie

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