Friday, September 21, 2007

Everything We've Been Told Is a Lie!

The US Senate has gone on record against free speech, condemning the citizen's organization for criticizing Gen. Petraeus who has assumed PR duties for the White House. Petraeus' mission has more to do with papering over both Bush's failed policies and war crimes than providing Congress a clear and unbiased assessment. When a General ceases to be a general to become an errand boy for a war criminal, he deserves what he gets. It was not long ago that I wrote that America's future depends upon whether or not the general is an honest man. That issue has been decided!
As Eleanor Clift points out, the GOP has pulled out and dusted off a typical GOP strategem, a tired tactic that has, nevertheless, worked miracles for them in the past. Bush, says Clift, will keep just enough troops in Iraq " provide a surface illusion of progress." Bush will leave it to the Democrats to pull out and cut off support for whatever regime is in place. It will not matter to the GOP that it will fall because it will never have been legitimate. The GOP will blame "weak-kneed, weak on defense" Democrats for the inevitable fall of an illegitimate puppet regime.

--America's Fate Depends Upon Whether Gen. Petraeus is an Honest Man

How dare the US Senate condemn the for stating an opinion to which its members have a right. It's called freedom of speech. Moveon has a right to be wrong --but they also have a right to be right and they most certainly are on this issue. It is the US Senate --Democrats included --who are wrong and dead wrong. The Democratic betrayal on this issue is the unkindest cut!

Everyone voting for this un-American resolution should resign along with the war criminal that dares to occupy the Oval Office. He is the very worst "President" in American history and not worthy of the title. How dare the general enter the halls of Congress for the purpose of supporting Bush's commission of a war crime!!

How dare the Senate impugn the wishes of a grass roots organization which, at least, listens to its constituency --something the US Senate should try for a change.

What the US Senate ought to learn is that freedom of speech is not granted by government. We have it! Governments serve at our pleasure. At the moment some 80 percent of us are sorely pissed!

Governments are legitimate only to the extent that they recognize our freedom. Instead of passing this stupid, un-American resolution, the Congress should have taken a strong stand against the usurper on PA avenue!

Our elected leaders have but one job --and they consistently blow it. That job is the preservation of our freedoms, our Constitutional rights. Our elected leaders consistently behave as if we are a subject people who should kowtow to them and put up with their rest room antics, their stupidity, their utter failure to represent the needs of this nation. The Democrats in Congress should have filibustered his war and every spending bill that enables it. Our "elected" leaders have failed us. They have kowtowed and kissed up to a would be dictator at every step of the way.

This Congress sucks! The bankrupt government of the US sucks! The Washington Bureaucracy is a fraud! The Military/Industrial Complex is a scam! The lobbyists who bought and paid for our government are fascist traitors.

This Congress has enabled Bush's every crime, his every lie, his every fraud.

If the Congress, indeed, this government, will not serve the people, if they will not do their ONLY Constitutional duty, then its time for them to go. Every Senator voting for this un-American resolution should resign.
The Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly passed a measure condemning for a newspaper ad it ran last week attacking Gen. David Petraeus. The move came as President Bush accused Democrats of cowering to the liberal political action group.

The measure passed in a 72-25 vote, with none of the Democratic presidential candidates supporting it. Sponsored by Texas Republican Sen. John Cornyn, never one to shy away from forcing Democrats to go on record on politically sticky issues, the amendment to the defense authorization bill did win the backing of 23 Democrats.
It is correctly pointed out that Congress has proven itself impotent to pass a resolution condemning our ongoing and heinous war crime in Iraq but had no problem attacking the very freedoms that we are supposed to be defending.

General Petraeus is not above the vicissitudes of public opinion. His is a public job whether he likes it or not. It was Harry Truman who said, "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the Kitchen!" Those would betrayus, those will not tell the truth for political reasons should consider finding another line of work. I suggest he and the members of Congress --Democrats included --who voted for this cowardly cop out hit the road. So long and don't let the door hit you in your sorry asses on your way out.

The Grand Ol' Party of Liars and Perverts
There was a war man named Petraeus
Whose named rhymed well with Betrayus
When he lied to the people
He fell off the steeple
Of esteem reserved by some for ol' Zeus

Additional resources

Why Conservatives Hate America

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  1. One way to make sure this condemnation of the grass roots organization backfires is to send more money. Then make sure you notify your elected official that 1) you are not sending them money because of their stance against MoveOn and 2) make sure you tell them that you have sent MoveOn more money because you support their stance. Anyway, that is what I am doing.

  2. I agree...

    Until the Democrats sprout a spine, I am givingt those bastards no quarter.

  3. The Democrats' mascot shouldn't be a donkey anymore - it should be a jellyfish.

    And what the hell happened to all those subpoenas that were ignored by Rove, Meirs, et al prior to the August recess? Patrick Leahy was making noises about contempt of Congress charges in the last days of July. I guess he figured everybody has forgotten by now.

    Not me.

  4. The anger at Democrats in Congress and also on the State level is rising to a fever pitch in our little Mid-Western town...

    I had coffee today with a man who has been....let's say extremely generous to Democratic candidates (Congressional and State) in the past and he swears they have received their last dime from him!

    Is this what it will take to get the message across?

    Or do we need a full-scale grass-roots insurrection?

    I'm thinking insurrection....


    Primaries f-ing everywhere!

  5. SadButTrue said...

    The Democrats' mascot shouldn't be a donkey anymore - it should be a jellyfish.

    I have always known the GOP to be the scum of the earth. I had higher hopes for the Democrats. Alas! Democrats have had not spine since JFK was murdered. Clearly --the right wing simply decided to murder its opposition one by one. Most recently, only Democrats were targeted with Anthrax letters. And, on 911, something went wrong with Flight 93. Don Rumsfeld clearly stated that it had been shot down by a missile. Why? Had it been intended --not for the White House --but Congress?

    hizzoner said...

    Or do we need a full-scale grass-roots insurrection?

    Insurrection. National Strike. Bring the nation to its knees and DEMAND that this shit be stopped! Demand that Bush be held to account. Demand that EVERY abrogation of the Constitution be rescinded IMMEDIATELY!

    Take back the nation --or lose it forever and be slaves.

  6. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Fuzzflash sez...

    Len, are you suggesting that President Bush LIED TO US about Al-Kaeda taking out President Mandela?

    All you people ever do is criticize. Just because our Commander-In-Chief doesn't dress up in flak jacket and Top Gun cod-piece suits any more, doesn't mean that he's is no longer a man of resolve and principle.


    Agreed. Don't give The Invertebrate Party (The Jellyblubber Dems) another dime till the bastards do what we elected them to. ie redress the economic imbalance just an eensy weensy bit, legislate the tenets of fundamental human decency, and get the fuck out of the Middle East. Now!
    No action? Then No kudos kiddies. No nickels, dimes, bucks, and yes, no steenkin' quarters. Dems are Americans. Even Jellybacks speak speak good Greenback. Expect them to get the message without too much confusion.

    The below link is an on-topic corker.

  7. After watching FOX Attacks, I’m now convinced. Iran is hand-in-glove with Al Qaida and is planning to take over the world through terrorizing us all with its nuclear weapons.

    Even I didn’t know the extent to which we are in mortal peril until I saw this video. Perhaps it will galvanize us all to come to our senses and clearly recognise the danger we’re all in.

    And for this we must thank Rupert Murdoch, that much-maligned man, but who may turn out to be the world’s saviour.

    Unless we act now, it will be too late, and we humans, who took countless millions of years to evolve, will become extinct overnight when Iran’s nuclear bombs and missiles hit us. We are therefore left with no alternative but to “……bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran,,,,,,,,,”

    Rupert, and also Bill O Reilly and Anne Coulter, how can we thank you?

  8. Fuzz, Christopher ...

    It's gets even worse. I will post a very short "article" today about how Bush has revealed to the entire world his guilt of capital crimes.

    He is trying to ram through legislation that will PARDON him for the capital crimes that he has alrady committed in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

    It consider this his ADMISSION that he is guilty and should stand trial to demonstrate that guilt to the world. Upon the verdict, he should be hanged just as were the Nazi war criminals that he doubtless admires.

    If Bush is allowed to get away with this, America is dead. R.I.P.
