Friday, July 25, 2008

Bugliosi to Congress: "The Bush administration has gotten away with thousands and THOUSANDS of murders!"

Offering the committee incriminating, documentary evidence to substantiate his charges, Bugliosi urged the committee to make a 'criminal referral' to the Justice Department to begin a criminal investigation of Bush and members of his administration to determine whether first degree murder charges should be brought against 'certain members of this administration'.Clearly --Bugliosi thinks the evidence supports not just an 'indictment' but a conviction..

Bugliosi to House Judiciary Committee: Bush is 'beyond all reasonable doubt" guilty of mass murder.

Before the Judiciary chaired by Rep. John Conyers, famed LA prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi stated: 'beyond any reasonable doubt' George W. Bush is guilty of the mass murder of our US troops and Iraqi civilians." The Bush administration," Bugliosi told the committee, "has gotten away with thousands and thousands of murders.

"I will give you words from Bush's own mouth," he continued to an enthralled audience in committee chambers, "that will prove shocking to most of you folks in this chamber."

"Whether Democrat or Republican, all Americans should be outraged by what the Bush administration has done. How dare they do what they did?"

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  1. Does it look like congress, anyone, will actually do something about this??
    How did this presentation play out? This should be HUGE yet I only heard about it here...why?

    Thanks for keeping up the pressure.

  2. Omyma said...

    Does it look like congress, anyone, will actually do something about this??

    Chances of bringing Bush to justice are slim because the deck is stacked. The explanation of how that came about is worth at least a thousand pages or more with ruthless editing. There are but two roads: 1) Impeach --a political process that is always politically motivated when the impeaching party has the votes to do it; and 2) criminal indictment. There are at least two ways to get the ball moving in that direction, one of them mentioned by Bugliosi in his statement. That is, Conyers' committee may refer the criminal 'indictmkent' of Bush to the Justice Department urging JD to bring CRIMINAL charges against Bush. At that point, the case becomes a routine criminal prosecution for various capital crimes and other violations of US Codes, Title 18; b) ANY sitting Federal Grand Jury can simply begin an investigation of its own volition. For that matter ANY Federal Judge can, upon his own motion, convene a Federal Grand Jury for the express purpose of investigating Bush for the purpose of bringing charges against him.

    It would appear that Bugliosi --having appeared before Conyers' committee --will agitate along various channels among various methods to bring this mass murderer (Bush) to justice.

    This should be HUGE yet I only heard about it here...why?\

    You haven't heard much about it because the MSM cannot be trusted. I no longer watch their shit! Secondly, the US is LITERALLY OWNED by the Military/Industrial Complex --the Pentagon, the contractors, the suck ups, the whores who've sold out to benefit from it. Write this down in indelible ink: THE US IS OWNED! And it DOES NOT belong to the people anymore.

    Adamgv said...

    Those who raise gas prices are already killing our children. Take back our country! Acquire the Red Alert Newsletter.

    Read my above comment. THE UNITED STATES IS OWNED. Americans have been reduced to slaves.

  3. Anonymous2:19 PM

    THE UNITED STATES IS OWNED. Americans have been reduced to slaves...

    When Congress regularly votes themselves raises and only raises the minimum wage once in every decade or so, yes we are all slaves, with no real voice in our own destiny.

    When people lose their life savings and their homes through corporate crimes a la Worldcom, Tyco, Enron, Adelphia, Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac, etc., etc., we are just a host for corporate parasites to suck us dry.

    Abraham Lincoln may have freed the slaves, but rich land owners and corporations have subverted the rules to make us all economic slaves since 1865.

    Bushes crimes not only include murder but complicity in the economic meltdown that we are currently experiencing.

    I doubt we will ever recover from our current quagmire. Bush has done far more damage than 9/11 ever could!

  4. bremertongreg said...

    I doubt we will ever recover from our current quagmire. Bush has done far more damage than 9/11 ever could!

    Bush will live in infamy ---IF he lives. A MULTITUDE of his angry victims will bring h him to trial for capital crimes if they have to invade Paraquay to do it!

    Bush is at least ONE mass murderer that WILL NOT get away with it.

    You mention 911...

    I am increasingly convinced that Bush and his gang of war criminals had planned 911 long before the election was stolen in Florida.



    And everyone who has material supported him shares his guilt.

  5. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I'm curious to know what you meant by

    And everyone who has material supported him shares his guilt.

    I have been unable to materially support this country since the illegal invasion of Iraq, and if I could undo the past I would have started in 2000 when Bush was unconstitutionally selected by the Supreme Court to be Dictator, which is why this whole Administration is illegitimate.

    Everyone who follows orders in support of the commission of crimes is guilty of the crimes themselves.

  6. Anonymous said...

    I'm curious to know what you meant by: 'And everyone who has material[ly] supported him shares his guilt.'

    The US has defined 'material support' in the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 to include providing tangible support such as " 'money, goods, and materials and also less concrete support, such as 'personnel' and 'training'" to 'terrorists'

    It is my position that as Bush IS a 'mass murderer' ANYONE providing him with 'material support' shares his guilty in the same manner.

    It works both ways.

    The final shakeout of those who share Bush's guilt will include a HUGE percentage of the GOP.

    I charge that the vast majority of those providing Bushco with HUGE AMOUNTS financial support did so KNOWINGLY! By law --this is GUILTY KNOWLEDGE. These well-heeled miscreants supported Bush with 'money, goods, and materials' KNOWING that Bush would concoct a phony reason for war, KNOWING that Bush would slaughter millions of innocent people, KNOWING that Bush would do so ON THEIR BEHALF.

    Many other especially well-heeled Bush supporters (co-conspirators) literally BRIBED THE GOOP/BUSHCO to MURDER millions of innocent civilians SO THAT the oil resources of the Middle East might be exploited for their benefit.



  7. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Doesn't material support also come from taxpayers and the military, and all corporations benefiting from the terrorism they call the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?

  8. Anonymous said...

    Doesn't material support also come from taxpayers and the military, and all corporations benefiting from the terrorism they call the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq?

    While many taxpayers were enthusiastic about the war,
    'taxes' themselves are implicitly paid by all citizens in order to finance the LAWFUL functions of government.

    That is not to say that government will ALWAYS use such revenues lawfully! By contrast, 'monies' provided to a specific politician with the UNDERSTANDING with regard to his actions on their behalf is quite another thing. If those 'actions' are illegal, they have, thus, conspired with him to break the law.

    In this case, the actions taken as a result of this 'contract' include crimes for which Bush when found guilty may be put to death. His 'material support' for the commission of those crimes is in a HEAP of trouble.
