Be warned! If you are but 'deemed' a terrorist, you are deprived of the right to be represented by a lawyer, you don't get to make a phone call, you may not demand a hearing, you are robbed of habeas corpus --a right England demanded of King John and got! [See: How America is snooping on YOU ... and may soon be snooping a whole lot more] William Pitt, Earl of Chatham, stood up in Parliament during the American 'revolution', and uttered these brave words knowing that they would appear in the record, knowing that they would be seen and read by King George III:
"If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country, I never would lay down my arms -- never! never! never!"The US military are wimps --hiding behind hi-tech gadgetry and robots. Even so --the US 'leadership' is outraged when our criminal methods, oppressions, and various tyrannical methods are met with armed opposition! How bloody stupid are our leaders! How bloody incompetent! How incredibly venal! How traitorous and criminal! Bush has committed capital crimes for which he MUST be arrested, charged, and tried if there is to be any justice whatsoever in this world. I do not merely allege that Bush's polices are counter-productive, I can prove it with the FBI's own stats! Terrorism is always worse under GOP regimes. The illegitimate regime of George W. Bush assumed power upon a violation of US Codes having to do with 'seditious treason'.
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. --TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 115 > § 2383, Rebellion or insurrectionBush's coup was assisted by a Republican gang of 'brownshirts', in this case 'white shirts' who physically attacked vote recounters in Florida. The effect of this felonious use of violence stopped the court ordered recount of votes in Florida until a packed Republican court could return Bush v Gore. It is not surprising that the High Court's chief idiot --Antonin Scalia --opined: "..continuing the recount would be harmful" to George W. Bush. But --last time I checked --the one getting the fewer number of votes is supposed to lose the election!
These are some of the thugs who staged a riot at the Miami canvassing board and shut down the recount. Most of these thugs are present or past employees of Congressional Republicans. The riot was led by Rep. John Sweeney of upstate NY. All of these thugs - and their Congressional bosses, led by Tom DeLay - should be prosecuted for criminally interfering with a federal election.Having stolen two elections, having flouted the Constitution, Bush assumed powers that place him above the law. He has done so upon a series of well-planned, malicious frauds, all of which are cited in justification for his tyrannical usurpation of every right guaranteed individuals in the Bill of Rights. It is circular, delusional logic, symptomatic of psychos!2005 Update: (Al Kamen, Washington Post 1/24/05)
No. 1. Tom Pyle, who had worked for Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), went private sector a few months later, getting a job as director of federal affairs for Koch Industries.
No. 2. Garry Malphrus, a former staff director of the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on criminal justice, is now deputy director of the White House Domestic Policy Council.
No. 3. Rory Cooper, who was at the National Republican Congressional Committee, later worked at the White House Homeland Security Council and was seen last week working for the Presidential Inaugural Committee.
No. 6. Matt Schlapp, a former House aide and then a Bush campaign aide, has risen to be White House political director.
No. 7. Roger Morse, another House aide, moved on to the law and lobbying firm Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds. "I was also privileged to lead a team of Republicans to Florida to help in the recount fight," he told a legal trade magazine in a 2003 interview.
No. 8. Duane Gibson, an aide on the House Resources Committee, was a solo lobbyist and formerly with the Greenberg Traurig lobby operation. He is now with the Livingston Group as a consultant.
No. 9. Chuck Royal was and still is a legislative assistant to Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), a former House member.
No. 10. Layna McConkey Peltier, who had been a Senate and House aide and was at Steelman Health Strategies during the effort, is now at Capital Health Group.
--Gore Won Florida!
This unprecedented seizure of absolute power upon lies and frauds amounts to high treason. It is tyranny! Some of the crimes Bush has committed subsequent to these various usurpations are punishable by death! Bush, an illegitimate 'ruler', has left the sovereign people of the US no other choice but revolution.
'The tree of Liberty needs to be watered from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.'--Thomas JeffersonI vote for spilling the blood of tyrants! The blood of true patriots is in short enough supply already! A Federal Grand Jury, perhaps one already convened, should indict George W. Bush for his MANY violations of US Codes, Title 18, Section 2441. That's a CAPITAL CRIME and it's an open shut case against Bush. A fair court upon proven evidence and the rule of law will sentence George W. Bush to death!
(a) Offense.— Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.--US Codes, TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 118 > § 2441, War crimesBush will, of course, have no defense but the lies he's told already.
Secondly, Vince Bugliosi has proposed that Bush be charged with MASS MURDER in connection with the deaths of US servicemen whom Bush sent to their deaths upon a malicious fraud! Bugliosi has proposed that Bush be prosecuted for mass murder.
There is direct evidence that President George W. Bush did not honorably lead this nation, but deliberately misled it into a war he wanted. Bush and his administration knowingly lied to Congress and to the American public — lies that have cost the lives of more than 4,000 young American soldiers and close to $1 trillion.Briefly, the war against Iraq was begun upon a series of deliberate frauds which Bush perpetrated upon the people of the United States. Therefore, not only is the war against Iraq a war crime prosecutable in US Courts for the violations it represents under the above cited US Codes, Title 18[op cit], but also in US Federal Courts for the 'mass murder' of some 4,000 US armed forces personnel that have died upon this evil fraud. According to Bugliosi, the penalty is death! The measure exempting US troops from 'war crimes' was introduced by Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) as an amendment to H.R. 1646, The Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 2001, on May 8, 2001. It passed the House 282-137 on May 10 and introduced as S. 857 in the Senate on May 9 by Senators Jesse Helms (R-NC), Zell Miller (D-GA), Orrin Hatch (R-UT), John Warner (R-VA), Trent Lott (R-MS), Richard Shelby (R-AL), and Frank Murkowski (R-AK) --the usual suspects!...
On January 31, 2003, Bush met in the Oval Office with British Prime Minister Tony Blair. In a memo summarizing the meeting discussion, Blair’s chief foreign policy advisor David Manning wrote that Bush and Blair expressed their doubts that any chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons would ever be found in Iraq, and that there was tension between Bush and Blair over finding some justification for the war that would be acceptable to other nations. Bush was so worried about the failure of the UN inspectors to find hard evidence against Hussein that he talked about three possible ways, Manning wrote, to “provoke a confrontation” with Hussein. One way, Bush said, was to fly “U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, [falsely] painted in UN colors. If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach” of UN resolutions and that would justify war. Bush was calculating to create a war, not prevent one....
When it became clear that the whole purpose of Bush’s prewar campaign — to get Hussein to disarm — was being (or already had been) met, Bush and his people came up with a demand they had never once made before — that Hussein resign and leave Iraq. On March 17, 2003, Bush said in a speech to the nation that, “Saddam Hussein and his sons must leave Iraq within 48 hours. Their refusal to do so will result in military conflict.” Military conflict — the lives of thousands of young Americans on the line — because Bush trumped up a new line in the sand?...
The Bush administration put undue pressure on US intelligence agencies to provide it with conclusions that would help them in their quest for war. Bush’s former counterterrorism chief, Richard Clarke, said that on September 12, 2001, one day after 9/11, “The President in a very intimidating way left us — me and my staff — with the clear indication that he wanted us to come back with the word that there was an Iraqi hand behind 9/11.”
Bush said on October 7, 2002, “We know that Iraq and the Al Qaeda terrorist network share a common enemy — the United States of America. We know that Iraq and Al Qaeda have had high level contacts that go back a decade,” and that “Iraq has trained Al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gasses.” Of Hussein, he said on November 1, 2002, “We know he’s got ties with Al Qaeda.”
Even after Bush admitted on September 17, 2003, that he had “no evidence” that Saddam Hussein was involved with 9/11, he audaciously continued, in the months and years that followed, to clearly suggest, without stating it outright, that Hussein was involved in 9/11.
On March 20, 2006, Bush said, “I was very careful never to say that Saddam Hussein ordered the attack on America.”
--The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
The bill authorized Bush "...to use all means (including the provision of legal assistance) necessary to bring about the release of covered US persons and covered allied persons held captive by or on behalf of the Court [International Criminal Court, ICC, in the Hague]. Some highlights:
- The President is authorized to invade The Hague. Specifically, the bill empowers Bush to use all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release from captivity of US or Allied personnel detained or imprisoned against their will by or on behalf of the Court.
- No US governmental entity --including State or local governments and court of any US jurisdiction --may cooperate with the ICC in arrests, extraditions, searches and seizures, taking of evidence, seizure of assets, or similar matters.
- No ICC agent may conduct any investigation in the US.
- No classified national security information can be transferred directly or indirectly to the ICC or to countries Party to the Rome Statute.
- These provisions are in addition to existing US law (the 2000-2001 Foreign Relations Authorization Act) which prohibits any US funds going to the ICC once it has been established unless the Senate has given its advice and consent to the Rome Treaty.
- Excerpts from Coup d'Etat: A Practical Handbook by Edward Luttwak-- extended excerpts from the book cited throughout "Coup 2K".
- "The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012" by Charles J. Dunlap, Jr. --an "imagined scenario" from Parameters, the journal of the US Army War College.
- Killing Hope by William Blum --Numerous chapters from Blum's indispensable history of US covert action and intervention since WWII. Particularly relevant to this article are the sections on Bulgaria, Italy, Chile, Iran, and Brazil.
- An excellent overview of the CIA's domestic surveillance program, from Covert Action Information Bulletin, Summer 1990 --"Domestic Surveillance: The History of Operation CHAOS" by Verne Lyon
- Former CIA agent "corrected" absentee ballot applications in Martin County, FL. Learn about Charles W. Kane, a retired CIA agent and Republican Party committeeman, and his role in alleged ballot rigging during the 2000 election. (Archived at CampaignWatch.org.)
- CampaignWatch, Includes encyclopedic coverage of the important lawsuits in Seminole and Martin counties that sought to throw out thousands of absentee ballots, fully archived press stories and many court documents.
- Miami Herald 2000 Election Archive --Extensive archives of the paper's coverage, plus ongoing reports about the post-election vote counts now underway.
- Miami 1997 vote fraud case – Miami Herald story archive, Read the Pulitzer Prize-winning Herald coverage of the vote-fraud case that redfined Florida election law.
- CNN.com Archive of 2000 Election Court Cases, Court documents and audio, timelines, analysis, and other materials primarily related to the Supreme Court cases.
"This measure was introduced before 911 in anticipation of a 'War on Terrorism' that only those with guilty foreknowledge could have anticipated." Another excellent article, Len. There are numerous keys to revealing them and their preset goals. Focuses on what took place "Before 911" can/should be essential to the ongoing awakening.
911 Truth & WTC-7 Free Fall:
Bush's Supreme (Court Hypocrisy:
What you don't seem to get is that it isn't just GOP brownshirts. The Dems have been along for the ride all the way. REcently they gave Bush MORE funding than he wanted; they justify this by saying that they are providing GI Bill and such. That's bullshit. You don't 'support the troops' by keeping them in a situation they should never have been in.
You want to see a brownshirt in action? Check out the video in which Kerry watches a questioner get beaten by the cops and then tazed. There's the face of fascism. It ain't just Bush.
workshop said...
What you don't seem to get is that it isn't just GOP brownshirts. The Dems have been along for the ride all the way.
Every one of the brownshirts depicted above are GOP! Nothing said about 'dems' will relieve the GOP of its responsibility for that.
The GOP, moreover, is a 'crime syndicate' with additional characteristics of a kooky cult. The DEMS are not nearly so well organized.
Moreover, it was GOP delusions, lies, and specific violations of federal laws (including treason) that put Bush in office to begin with.
The entire plan to wage a series of wars of naked aggression throughout the middle east --even before the year 2000 --was the work of the GOP!
At last --I can't name a single Democrat in the PNAC!
There are numerous enough crimes to go around.
The biggest crimes of the DEMS include: ineffective opposition and incompetence, and specific sellouts by folk like Joe Liberman, who is not ideologically a 'democrat' anyway.
Well, at least the WTC7 mystery has finally been solved and laid to rest...
Michael said...
Well, at least the WTC7 mystery has finally been solved and laid to rest...
Oh well....if the NIST says so, then it must surely be God's own Gospel.
According to Raw Story, the BBC Conspiracy files reports that the WTC 7 mystery has finally been solved by the NIST, The National Institute of Standards and Technology and that it's not a conspiracy or a controlled demolition even though those who conduct controlled demolitions for a living swear that it was. It is suspected that the NIST will claim that fires brought down the building causing it to almost freefall upon itself into its own footprint much like a controlled demolition. This would be the first time in history that something like this happened- a steel framed building would collapse upon itself due to fire.
If the NIST says that the laws of physics have been repealed then it must surely be so!
They were able to do it by using Gravity's Rainbow to enable feats of prognostication like this...
Watch Wolfowitz's pre-911 spring 2001 speech for the grads of West Point here:
Amazing isn't he?
Anonymous said...
They were able to do it by using Gravity's Rainbow to enable feats of prognostication like this,,,
Amazing isn't he?
He --and his NEOCON buddies in the PNAC --are either among the world's ARCH CRIMINALS AND MURDEROUS BASTARDS or they are truly gifted with the supernatural power to see into the future ala Nostradamus or Edgar Cayce.
Best explanation consistent with cold hard facts: Wolfowitz is up to his ass in mass murder!
A good, well written indictment by a Grand Jury is the cure for a lot of superstitution and PNAC bullshit!
The death penalty for mass murder is the prescription for PNAC propaganda!
A new broom sweeps clean!
I agree. The president and the others who have terrorized and killed should be in prison. They stole the wealth of this nation along with our basic liberties. I am sick and there is no cure. I hope I can stay alive long enough to see justice. I have an 8 year old nephew who asked me about 911. I can't get into details about how awful the lies and corruption are.
He is smart enough to question what
he has heard. I tell him that nothing has ever happened the way it did that day and that many others seek answers. At his age, getting an education and never excepting anything that seems wrong is always a good thing. When the killers are charged and the truth exposed, I will be free to tell him
how exceptional he was at 8, when too many adults were calling the 911 official bullshit a fact. I have a blogspot that I have neglected because I just got a lap
top. The desk and pc are too uncomfortable. I want people to give me new info or to correct or disagree. Anyone who wants to help me get others interested in how we
have been screwed, please read convince me otherwise. It is at benveziabarbara.blogspot.com Thank
You for whatreallyhappened. I read
it everyday. I am new at blogging.
WRH is very professional. As I learn, please excuse my errors.
What people forget is that charging Bush with a heinous crime is fine, but setting up a criminal proceeding that will not be influenced in some way by the elitist is impossible. Please keep in mind, that there are many more big names well above George B. such as the Warburgs, Rothchilds, Rockerfellers that have control over our government. Good luck getting a "fair" trial, and a harsh sentence. Unless our political system is changed (drastically), the next president would be pressured to pardon Bush. Nothing will change until we take to the streets and demand accountability for the past 8 years, and stall the government from normal duties.
There are many many people that will continue to support Bush even through a trial, and thereafter. These people represent the portion of our population that have been effectively dumb-down or refuse to swallow their pride.
Forgot to mention...
For a great perspective on who controls what, and how that power was gained, watch the Ring of Power (Parts I and II). Just google it. The video is about 4 to 5 hours but well worth every minute.
Have you cowardly, mass murdering, warmongering american/jew (same scum) terrorists learned nothing from the Vietnam war crime?
Too bad you have not.
Because history will repeat itself.
If you hope to maintain freedom, join the NRA and load up with weapons. Too long the Dems have been trying to disarm us all. Now when we NEED a well armed group of patriots, too many Dems have so vilified gun owners that they refuse on principal to become gun owners themselves. Every household should at least have one street-sweeper and everyone should know how to use it to protect their homes and country.
And if by some unforseen event like a riot should cause the king to declare martial law we WILL NEED those weapons to reclaim our Constitution.
And just remember folks, if that happens NO ONE in a uniform is our ally. If the are still wearing their "colors" they are not on our side.
When in May 2001 it was affirmed that the U.S. (The Bush Maffioso & Company) opposed the International Court in Den Hague and would use its military force to invade Holland, a friendly (NATO) nation, if need be, to keep U.S. warcriminals out of the grasp of international justice, it was rather clear to many here in The Netherlands that a mighty shit would hit the fan in a foreseeable future. We also knew about PNAC's criminal intentions and its planned 'fascist ideology' of a New World Order, so eloquently put to use in 1991 by Bush sr. and instigated with an vile diplomatic entrapment into the oil-pits of Kuwait, of former brother in arms & crimes, Saddam Hussein. Then 9/11 happened, the Pearl Harbor of latter days wich effects were needed, according to PNAC's prophecy, to shock the American public into the supporting 'taxpayers' obediance to forward PNAC's imaginative control of The Middle East with war and warplunder initiatives.
The big mighty shit wich hit the fan here in Holland however, is not so much that we fear American marines storm the beaches near Den Hague, but the truly cynical and sickening fact that our Dutch Government choose to collaborate, first in Iraq and now via NATO in Afganistan, with the U.S. Warcriminals to accomplish that 'socalled' New World Order! In effect the Dutch Government corrupted, demoralised and nullified the Den Hague's International Court's intention to bring all those to justice who commit crimes against Humanity and Warcrimes.
That's oneother nice mess you got me into, said Ollie to Stan!
There will be no meaningful prosecution of Bush and company until the real leaders of your country are deposed. The real leaders are, of course, the owners of all the military supply corporations. With no wars, these corporations will be bankrupt and the U.S. economy collapses. Do you think they will ever let that happen?
Doug Roberts in Canada said...
There will be no meaningful prosecution of Bush and company until the real leaders of your country are deposed.
I agree completely and you will find thousands of words (possibly thousands of 'printed' pages) of documentation and hard evidence to support that charge right here on this blog. Welcome to the Cowboy, Doug.
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