Thursday, October 01, 2009

David Griffin's New Book Exposes a 'New Leviathan'

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy

There is probable cause to indict and charge top government officials, George W. Bush himself, for the capital crimes we call '911', specifically the crimes of mass murder, high treason, or the war crimes 'justified' upon the pretext of a great 'war on terrorism'. [see: US Codes, Title 18, Section 2441] or high treason!
(a) Offense.— Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.

--US Codes, TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 118 > § 2441. War crimes
Now --Prof Griffin may or may not share my conviction with regard to the probable cause to indict high level members of Bush's administration, his new book most certainly strikes deep into a conspiracy to defraud the American people even as it waged treasonous war against it.

Therefore, we should not be surprised that the government of the United States is 'pimped out' to huge multi-national corporations and foreign nations (Israel?) who take a proprietary interest in it. Why would they not? They own it; they own us; they own you, having bought the US and with it the awesome power of the Military/Industrial Complex. While the Praetorian Guard auctioned off the Roman Empire to one Didius Julianus, the United States has since perfected, 'improved' upon Julianus' one-time sale. The US government is an on-going auction in which the US is routinely 'pimped' on 'K-street, sold to the highest bidders the services of Congress, the White House and even the US Supreme Court.

'K-Street' should have red lights

This is the essential 'deep background' that one must understand if one is to understand the crime of '911' in which the government of the United States, having sold out the people to special interests and foreign entities like the Jewish Lobby, may have exploited the manpower and equipment necessary to stage a phony terrorist attack by which it would later justify the attack and invasion of a sovereign nation for its oil and its strategic position in the middle east!

Hitler required, doubtless planned and pulled off the Reichstag Fire [See: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William Shirer]; Bushco would exploit a 'catalyzing event' which the radical Project for the New American Century compared to Pearl Harbor. [See Rebuilding America's Defenses; toward the end of this PDF document you will find a picture of the US Global Hawk which, I believe was 'the missile', as Rumsfeld called it, that hit the Pentagon --'this building' as Rumsfeld called it!]

Only the terminally disingenuous dare feign shock or surprise upon learning that the crime of 911 was the work of the US government, specifically the CIA in cahoots with Mossad. The Jewish lobby is among the well-heeled patrons of K-Street!

The prostitution of the US government is documented and against that background. For thousands of years, every government has found it necessary to raise the specter of a 'foreign threat' in order to repeal a people's ancient liberties, rights, and even its property. At least since the fall of Rome, governments have sold themselves out and/or operated elaborate 'protection rackets'. Presaging the many ways in which the US government has betrayed the American people, The Praetorian Guard auctioned off the Roman Empire to a nobleman. That Didius Julianus did not long survive his treachery is either tragic or deserved depending upon your view of history and the depths of depravity associated with the Roman ruling classes. The same is written about America now!

In Iraq, the Bush regime would act on behalf of the huge oil companies to whom the Bush family had owed its livelihood for several generations. The result: a 'shocking' terrorist attack on US soil, the pretext Bush needed to attack, invade and steal the petroleum resources of another nation. It did not matter that the target nation had been an ally of the US and posed no 'imminent threat' to the US. The eventual attack and invasion of this nation is a war crime punishable by death.

The Leviathan Re-visited

We are too often overwhelmed by the Leviathan that oppresses us and threatens the world. We have on our side the most powerful weapon of them all: truth. 'They' have only lies. The truth explains everything. Lies explain nothing. Lies betray those who tell them, those who live by them, those who depend upon them for their very livelihood. It is the lies told about 911 which have betrayed the perpetrators. 911 was covered up with a most pernicious lie: the destruction of evidence.

The absence of evidence is not probable cause to indict George W. Bush or any member of his administration. However, when the criminals who pulled off 911 are brought to jail, you can be sure that a skilled prosecutor may ask a jury: what motivates a man to cover up the crimes of mass murder and treason if not guilt? What motivation has an innocent man to order the destruction of evidence if it might clear him of all charges? Certainly --no rational man would order the destruction of evidence that would clear him of all charges leveled against him.

There are those who believe that Bush, Cheney and a gang of NEOCON crooks representing the new ruling Leviathan of just one percent of the US population conspired to attack and invade Iraq for its oil! If Bushco were innocent, would it have destroyed the evidence that would clear them? It will not help the defense that surviving documents prove that Dick Cheney's 'Energy Task Force' literally carved up the oil fields of Iraq before Bush would have the pretext he needed to attack, invade, and loot oil!
Earlier this year a BBC Newsnight report claimed to have uncovered documents showing the Bush administration made plans to secure Iraqi oil even before the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the US. Based on its analysis of PSAs in seven countries, it said multinationals would seek rates of return on their investment from 42 to 162 per cent, far in excess of typical 12 per cent rates.

--American And British Oil Companies Ready To Carve Up Iraqi Oil Fields
As Hitler needed a Reichstag Fire, Bushco needed a pretext --a 'catalyzing event' that the Project for the New American Century would compare to Pearl Harbor. [See Rebuilding America's Defenses; toward the end of this PDF document you will find a picture of the US Global Hawk which, I believe was 'the missile', as Rumsfeld called it, that hit 'this building' as Rumsfeld referred to the Pentagon!]

It is telling that this document, prepared as it was by a cadre of 'neoconservatives', had designs upon a Clinton surplus though it is 'conservatives' who are always most vocal with regard to 'big spending liberals'.
New circumstances make us think that the report might have a more receptive audience now than in recent years. For the first time since the late 1960s the federal government is running a surplus. For most of the 1990s, Congress and the White House gave balancing the federal budget a higher priority than funding national security. In fact, to a significant degree, the budget was balanced by a combination of increased tax revenues and cuts in defense spending. The surplus expected in federal revenues over the next decade, however, removes any need to hold defense spending to some preconceived low level.

--PNAC, Rebuilding America's Defenses
This paragraph is revealing for its sheer hypocrisy. It was Ronald Reagan who doubled the federal bureaucracy and tripled the national debt though he cut taxes but ONLY for the upper quintile if not the mere one percent who, in fact, have benefited from GOP policies in the regimes of Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr. , Because of inequitable tax cuts for an increasingly tiny, ruling elite, Ronald Reagan presided over a depression of some two years, the deepest and longest since Herbert Hoover's 'Great Depression'.

It was Ronald Reagan who dismissed the complaints of the poor that were left behind during his dreary years. Mentally ill, he called them. Reagan lied about a Cadillac driving 'welfare queen' in Detroit (as I recall). There was no such person. Ronald Reagan lied. Clearly --the GOP is more interested in waging wars for Israel than it is in representing responsibly the needs of US citizens, Americans who were deceived throughout the Twentieth Century.

As the work of Professor David Ray Griffin over the greater part of a decade has proven: 911 may be the most evil deception yet issuing from the whorehouses on K-Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. The most obvious fraud --the collapse of WTC 7 not even struck by aircraft of any sort --is Griffin's most recent salvo. His book is a both a history and the utter refutation of a series of interim NIST studies. Under Griffin's bright light, the NIST assertion that WTC7 was the first steel-frame building in history to be structurally demolished by fire alone is utterly collapsed.

It was at 5:20 PM, September 11th, that WTC 7, a skyscraper of some 40 stories, suddenly collapsed. Building 7 had not been struck by aircraft of any sort! Nevertheless, a BBC correspondent reported that it had collapsed some 15 or 20 minutes before the event! How would she have known so much detail in advance of an unexpected event? How does a reporter report an event before it happens unless the event is planned? And by whom was it planned?

Tales Told by 'Symmetricality'

The collapse of WTC is memorable for its 'text book' symmetry, its near seamless fall into its own footprint hours after the larger building had already collapsed.
Amazing, incredible, pick your word. For the third time today --it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before, where a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.

--Dan Rather, CBS News
Rather's comments were supported by photographs and video depicting horizontal squibs and windows blowing out as the collapse began. It was this appearance of a 'controlled demolition' at WTC 7 that inspired my own doubts about the official theories. Even if what had been said about airliners striking the 'twins' had been true, none of that was relevant at WTC 7. It became clear to me that officialdom would need a new theory --and fast! Subsequently, officialdom still has not come up with a credible explanation that connects WTC with the fall of the twins that does not implicate very 'important' people.

Offialdom, eventually represented by the NIST, was stuck, having committed to a 'fire theory'.
Some of the evidence ignored by NIST is physical evidence that explosives were used to bring down WTC 7. Swiss-Cheese Steel: I will begin with the piece of steel from WTC 7 that had been melted so severely that it looked like Swiss cheese. Explaining why it called this “the deepest mystery uncovered in the investigation,” James Glanz wrote: “The steel apparently melted away, but no fire in any of the buildings was believed to be hot enough to melt steel outright.” [15] Glanz’s statement was, in fact, quite an understatement. The full truth is that the fires in the building could not have brought the steel anywhere close to the temperature – about 1,482°C (2,700°F) – needed for it to melt. [16]

The professors who reported this piece of steel in the appendix to the FEMA report said: “A detailed study into the mechanisms [that caused] this phenomenon is needed.”[17] Arden Bement, who was the director of NIST when it took on the WTC project, said that NIST’s report would address “all major recommendations contained in the [FEMA] report.” [18]

But when NIST issued its report on WTC 7, it did not mention this piece of steel with the Swiss-cheese appearance. Indeed, NIST even claimed that not a single piece of steel from WTC 7 had been recovered. [19]

This piece of steel, moreover, was only a small portion of the evidence, ignored by NIST, that steel had melted.

--Prof. David Ray Griffin, Why NIST’s Final 9/11 Report is Unscientific and False
Thus, from the outset, the NIST was compromised! Commiting to a 'theory' a priori is not how science is done. Scientific conclusions are, by definition, a posteriori, resulting only from empirical evidence and/or verified fact. For about seven years, NIST gnomes tried to shoe-horn facts into a pre-conceived lie. They sweat blood over computer simulations in search of the Holy Grail of officialdom: a fire theory that would explain the utter collapses of three monumental buildings. The NIST, having already committed, could not afford the luxury of a dispassionate inquiry, a scientific approach. Because it had to, the NIST would settle for smoke and mirrors to which the Wizard of Oz could only aspire. The NIST tried to re-write science to please Bush and a gang of guilty mass murderers, traitors, liars and usurpers.

It is much easier now to write a single sentence that is completely consistent with Occam's Razor: 'WTC 7 looks like a controlled demolition because it was a controlled demolition'. It is my hope that the truth of that statement will result in bringing the truly guilty to justice as it liberates a nation that was lost on 911! On the other hand, it is my fear that the only lesson culprits will have learned is that next time, they will rig a much less symmetrical treason, a less 'tidy'' mass murder!

Following --Michel Chossudovsky interviews David Ray Griffin on the Global Research News Hour in which Prof Griffin refutes the 'official narrative', the so-called 'official conspircy theory'. Griffen's new book is about WTC 7.

Prof Griffin's new book is: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False

This just in:
RNC Tied To Website That Promoted Military Coup Against Obama

September 30, 2009 4:25 pm ET by Matt Finkelstein

Yesterday, Newsmax columnist John L. Perry brought up the possibility of a military coup against President Obama. Most chilling, perhaps, was the fact that Perry seemed to offer tepid support for the idea. "A coup is not an ideal option," he acknowledged, "but Obama's radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible."

There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America's military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the "Obama problem." Don't dismiss it as unrealistic. [...]

Military intervention is what Obama's exponentially accelerating agenda for "fundamental change" toward a Marxist state is inviting upon America. A coup is not an ideal option, but Obama's radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible.

Unthinkable? Then think up an alternative, non-violent solution to the Obama problem. Just don't shrug and say, "We can always worry about that later."

Newsmax eventually unpublished the column, but only after receiving several reader complaints. Additionally, a spokeswoman for Newsmax tried to downplay the website's relationship with Perry.

But more significant than a radical opinion piece is the fact that the Republican National Committee appears to provide financial support to the website that published it. Indeed, the RNC has recently borrowed Newsmax's email list (presumably for a fee) so Michael Steele could fear-monger about the Democrats' "desire for socialist control over our lives."

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Brecht: Truth as Weapon

by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy/Bertolt Brecht excerpts

Huge corporations and foreign nations take a proprietary interest in the government of the United States because they own it. They bought it at the on-going auction called 'K-street' where is sold to the highest bidders the services of Congress, the White House and even the US Supreme Court.

Our capital is a whore house.

Those intrepid bloggers, progressives, activists who oppose this new Leviathan are understandably frustrated by the impressive 'arsenal' that is summoned against us. Nevertheless, we have among our weapons, the most powerful and it is one that the PR flacks and spin-doctors will never have access to. It is --simply --the truth. Against a multitude of lies, spin, distractions and bullshit, the truth must always triumph. It may be our only weapon. But it is the most powerful.

Below the ruled line follows an except from Bertolt Brecht's essential essay on 'truth'. Readers of the Existentialist Cowboy have often read my quote of Brecht:
A man who does not know the truth is just an idiot but a man who knows the truth and calls it a lie is a crook!
Following --Bertolt Brecht:
The truth must be spoken with a view to the results it will produce in the sphere of action. As a specimen of a truth from which no results, or the wrong ones, follow, we can cite the widespread view that bad conditions prevail in a number of countries as a result of barbarism. In this view, Fascism is a wave of barbarism which has descended upon some countries with the elemental force of a natural phenomenon. According to this view, Fascism is a new, third power beside (and above) capitalism and socialism; not only the socialist movement but capitalism as well might have survived without the intervention of Fascism. And so on. This is, of course, a Fascist claim; to accede to it is a capitulation to Fascism.

Fascism is a historic phase of capitalism; in this sense it is something new and at the same time old. In Fascist countries capitalism continues to exist, but only in the form of Fascism; and Fascism can be combated as capitalism alone, as the nakedest, most shameless, most oppressive, and most treacherous form of capitalism. But how can anyone tell the truth about Fascism, unless he is willing to speak out against capitalism, which brings it forth? What will be the practical results of such truth?

Writing the Truth: Five Difficulties

Those who are against Fascism without being against capitalism, who lament over the barbarism that comes out of barbarism, are like people who wish to eat their veal without slaughtering the calf. They are willing to eat the calf, but they dislike the sight of blood. They are easily satisfied if the butcher washes his hands before weighing the meat. They are not against the property relations which engender barbarism; they are only against barbarism itself. They raise their voices against barbarism, and they do so in countries where precisely the same property relations prevail, but where the butchers wash their hands before weighing the meat.

Outcries against barbarous measures may be effective as long as the listeners believe that such measures are out of the question in their own countries. Certain countries are still able to maintain their property relations by methods that appear less violent than those used in other countries.

Democracy still serves in these countries to achieve the results for which violence is needed in others, namely, to guarantee private ownership of the means of production. The private monopoly of factories, mines, and land creates barbarous conditions everywhere, but in some places these conditions do not so forcibly strike the eye. Barbarism strikes the eye only when it happens that monopoly can be protected only by open violence.

Some countries, which do not yet find it necessary to defend their barbarous monopolies by dispensing with the formal guarantees of a constitutional state, as well as with such amenities as art, philosophy, and literature, are particularly eager to listen to visitors who abuse their native lands because those amenities are denied there. They gladly listen because they hope to derive from what they hear advantages in future wars. Shall we say that they have recognized the truth who, for example, loudly demand an unrelenting struggle against Germany “because that country is now the true home of Evil in our day, the partner of hell, the abode of the Antichrist”? We should rather say that these are foolish and dangerous people. For the conclusion to be drawn from this nonsense is that since poison gas and bombs do not pick out the guilty, Germany must be exterminated—the whole country and all its people.

The man who does not know the truth expresses himself in lofty, general, and imprecise terms. He shouts about “the” German, he complains about Evil in general, and whoever hears him cannot make out what to do. Shall he decide not to be a German? Will hell vanish if he himself is good? The silly talk about the barbarism that comes out of barbarism is also of this kind. The source of barbarism is barbarism, and it is combated by culture, which comes from education. All this is put in general terms; it is not meant to be a guide to action and is in reality addressed to no one.

Such vague descriptions point to only a few links in the chain of causes. Their obscurantism conceals the real forces making for disaster. If light be thrown on the matter it promptly appears that disasters are caused by certain men. For we live in a time when the fate of man is determined by men.

Fascism is not a natural disaster which can be understood simply in terms of “human nature.” But even when we are dealing with natural catastrophes, there are ways to portray them which are worthy of human beings because they appeal to man’s fighting spirit. After a great earthquake that destroyed Yokohama, many American magazines published photographs showing a heap of ruins. The captions read: STEEL STOOD. And, to be sure, though one might see only ruins at first glance, the eye swiftly discerned, after noting the caption, that a few tall buildings had remained standing. Among the multitudinous descriptions that can be given of an earthquake, those drawn up by construction engineers concerning the shifts in the ground, the force of stresses, the best developed, etc., are of the greatest importance, for they lead to future construction which will withstand earthquakes.

If anyone wishes to describe Fascism and war, great disasters which are not natural catastrophes, he must do so in terms of a practical truth. He must show that these disasters are launched by the possessing classes to control the vast numbers of workers who do not own the means of production. If one wishes successfully to write the truth about evil conditions, one must write it so that its avertible causes can be identified. If the preventable causes can be identified, the evil conditions can be fought

--Bertolt Brecht, The Skill to Manipulate the Truth as a Weapon
It is easy enough to identify the lies told by Bush Jr, but cloaked by passing time and various revisions of history it is more difficult to learn the truth about previous regimes, primarily Ronald Reagan whose bankruptcy of the US was --literally --papered over with new debt and old propaganda. Paul Craig Roberts, who should know a thing or two about the Reagan years, must surely understand that the US economy has been a magician's illusion at least since the Reagan years.
Consumer spending is 70% of the US economy. It is the driving force, and it has been shut down. Except for the super rich, there has been no growth in consumer incomes in the 21st century. Statistician John Williams of reports that real household income has never recovered its pre-2001 peak.

The US economy has been kept going by substituting growth in consumer debt for growth in consumer income. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan encouraged consumer debt with low interest rates. The low interest rates pushed up home prices, enabling Americans to refinance their homes and spend the equity. Credit cards were maxed out in expectations of rising real estate and equity values to pay the accumulated debt. The binge was halted when the real estate and equity bubbles burst.

As consumers no longer can expand their indebtedness and their incomes are not rising, there is no basis for a growing consumer economy. Indeed, statistics indicate that consumers are paying down debt in their efforts to survive financially. In an economy in which the consumer is the driving force, that is bad news.

The banks, now investment banks thanks to greed-driven deregulation that repealed the learned lessons of the past, were even more reckless than consumers and took speculative leverage to new heights. At the urging of Larry Summers and Goldman Sachs’ CEO Henry Paulson, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Bush administration went along with removing restrictions on debt leverage.

When the bubble burst, the extraordinary leverage threatened the financial system with collapse. The US Treasury and the Federal Reserve stepped forward with no one knows how many trillions of dollars to “save the financial system,” which, of course, meant to save the greed-driven financial institutions that had caused the economic crisis that dispossessed ordinary Americans of half of their life savings.
--Paul Craig Roberts, The Economy is a Lie, Too