Bush's every signing statement is in itself unlawful and doubly so if his regime is illegitimate. I submit, moreover, that because Bush's regime is illegitimate i.e, unlawful, no law passed by this Congress is validated by Bush's signature, required by law to become law! That, of course, likewise includes his every signing statement, his every decree, his every order to the men and women who comprise the armed forces of this once great land. All are unlawful.
Hit Tip: Blue IbisThe US Constitution established the sovereignty of the people of the US. That means the government works for you --not the other way 'round. The Bush government, however, would not have it that way. It is typical of dictatorships, totalitarian regimes and monarchies that "people" serve the government.
If the Bush regime is not legitimate, then Bush is not really "President" nor can the legislature represent you Constitutionally in the absence of a legitimate executive. Bush, meanwhile, has worked assiduously to marginalize the legislative branch and rob them of Constitutionally mandated oversight authority. All are characteristics of Bush's illegitimacy, his lawlessness, his contempt for the rule of law.
Bush is nothing more than an enforcement puppet of the Military/Industrial complex, itself complicit in the Iraq war --a criminal fraud perpetrated upon the people of the US, the people of Iraq, US allies, and the peoples of the world. The defense department budget is a deliberate fraud --thinly disguised bribes to defense contractors and Bush's corporate sponsors.
I proposed almost a year ago that the people of the US convene a new national convention. The people have that right. I also wonder what might happen if a guy like George Soros and other folk provided the underwriting it would take to set up an alternative direct election of the President and the members of Congress authorized by the new national convention. This mechanism must ensure a paper trail confirming EVERY vote. Thus the very crookedness of the GOP might bring down the crooked establishment it created. There is no way to argue with a valid, verifiable beyond any reasonable doubt vote! It could be done!
Where does it say in the Constitution that only the existing parities may finance and hold an election? Where does it say that a new Constitutional convention cannot authorize such an election? In fact, thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence gives the people that right.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.Likewise, the preamble to our existing Constitution gives us precisely that right by declaring that the people of the United States are sovereign, that "government" rules ONLY by their consent. That is undeniably true whether the fascist cabal in Washington likes it or not! It is time THEY be overthrown and replaced with a legitimate government of the people!
From the comments to my last article:
I think the point that reverberates the most is this, "It will take a revolution to change things." Just as Keith Olbermann expressed in his lament about the Military Commissions Act, and the suspension of habeas corpus. "Depriving us of trial by jury was actually considered sufficient cause to start a war of independence." Such an undertaking was perhaps easier in 1776 than today - the oppressor is no longer across the Atlantic - but no less necessary.How will the revolution be fought? My friend, who uses the cyberspace moniker "Fuzzflash" pointed the way.--Sadbuttre
But none of these people had access to cyberspace, like we do. Tommy Paine would have ovulated on the spot, or at any rate have gotten inordinately excited if similar pamphleteering potential were available to he and his dissident peers.He continues with a reminder that American suburbs are short on public or town squares, plazas, in fact, any place where revolution might be fomented. It's almost as if it were by design. Certainly, the small towns prior to having been Walmartirized, were big on meeting places, most commonly a town square just across the street from the courthouse.
In a way, the smoke signals of cyberspace are all we've got left.
...“carnival, in Rabelais work and age, is associated with the collectivity; for those attending a carnival do not merely constitute a crowd; rather the people are seen as a whole, organized in a way that defies socioeconomic and political organization (Clark and Holquist 302). According to Bakhtin, “[A]ll were considered equal during carnival. Here, in the town square, a special form of free and familiar contact reigned among people who were usually divided by the barriers of caste, property, profession, and age” (Bakhtin 10). At carnival time, the unique sense of time and space causes the individual to feel he is a part of the collectivity, at which point he ceases to be himself. It is at this point that, through costume and mask, an individual exchanges bodies and is renewed. At the same time there arises a heightened awareness of one’s sensual, material, bodily unity and community (Clark and Holquist 302).” From wikiWill Youtube take the place of courthouse squares?
Imagine what would happen if millions of Americans took to the streets wearing masks of Bush and Reagan and Nixon et al. demanding that BushCo bow to our constitution. Flash mob assembles, demonstrates peacefully and loudly. Clips go straight to You Tube.Perhaps the combined and allied corporofascists have outsmarted themselves. Tiananmen Square played into the hands of the totalitarians for whom it was an easy target, a killing field.
In the weeks ahead, I hope to take a look at successful revolutions --Ghandi's India, Walesa's Poland, the Velvet Revolution et al. The future of the US is on the line. If the people will not stand up for Democracy, Bush and his moneyed ilk will only get worse and more outrageous. Will Americans allow this man of no talent and no humanity to get away with robbing the nation of what had already been gained at great cost? Will Americans be pacified with a timid, compromise Democratic party?
It is time to recreate a Democracy. It is time to hold alternative elections. It is time to drive the crooks from Washington.
Bertrand Russell, in one of his "unpopular" essays, outlined three possible futures for mankind. Our complete obliteration by nuclear war was one of them. An update:
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 10 — When state Democratic leaders from around the country meet this weekend in Vermont, the California chairman, Art Torres, expects to be peppered with the sort of questions that have been clogging his in-box for weeks.This is how the GOP has managed to rise to power! They CHEAT! It all began in Texas with one Tom DeLay. Additional resources
What is this about Republicans trying to change the way Electoral College votes are allocated in California? Is there a countereffort by Democrats in the works? What does it mean for presidential candidates?
Frustrated by a system that has marginalized many states in the presidential election process, or seeking partisan advantage, state lawmakers, political party leaders and voting rights advocates across the country are stepping up efforts to change the rules of the game, even as the presidential campaign advances.
In California, this has led to a nascent Republican bid to apportion the state’s electoral votes by Congressional district, not by statewide vote, in a move that most everyone agrees would benefit Republican candidates. Democrats in North Carolina are mulling a similar move, because it would help Democrats there.
In more than a dozen states, the efforts have also led to a game of leapfrog in the scheduling of presidential primary and caucus dates. Most recently, on Thursday, Republicans in South Carolina moved their primary to January from February to get ahead of Florida’s. ...
- Dick Cheney Lied About His Whereabouts on 911
- The Threat of U.S. Fascism: An Historical Precedent
- In '94, Cheney Warned of US Quagmire in Iraq
- War in Iraq, Revolution in America
- DynCorp Sex Abuse Scandal
- Halliburton Profits

The Existentialist Cowboy
Conservative Lies
Indict Bush
Why Conservatives Hate America
GOP Crime Syndicate
Spread the word:

Len, you have wonderful ideas on how to bring about change in this Country! Yes, we must develop a new government. Both parties are contaminated, we do not have a legitimate government. Our laws and civil liberties have been violated.
Recently, I became involved with Unity 08. I gave my ideas on who I thought would be a good President and Vice President. Next year there will be online voting, connecting with millions of people. we will all vote online. The winners will be placed on the 2008 ballot. Perhaps there is hope.
Fuzzflash sez...
Sure is, diane b.
[Everyone is getting ready for war at the battlements. Aragorn is sitting on the steps. He sees a young lad in armour holding a sword looking around, nervously.]
Give me your sword. What is your name?
Haleth, son of Háma, my lord. The men are saying that we will not live out the night. They say that it is hopeless.
[Aragorn gives the battered sword a few swings.]
This is a good sword, Haleth, son of Háma.
[He hands the sword back to Haleth and leans close to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.]
There is always hope.
'Cept, we don't need no steenkin' swords!!
‘Cos We The People got key-boards
And We The People are connected
The idea of convening, electronically, a 21st century Congressional Congress to make a second Declaration of Independence sounds good to me. It should perhaps have international scope, since the root problem as I see it is the pervasive influence of multinational corporatism.
It should be a lot easier to draft a Constitution this time - we have a good model. I would suggest to begin with that we change the definition of treason to something more in line with that used by the old monarchs - with the stipulation of course that the sovereignty of the People shall not be infringed.
The other problem I see with the US constitution is that while it prohibits certain actions by the government in the Bill of Rights, there are no explicit sanctions therein. I personally have no problem with the death penalty for someone who sets themselves up as an enemy of the entire public.
Anything else?
Fuzzflash sez...
Len, thanks for the front page stuff, amigo. Below is a link via a blog called CrookedTimber.org 'Twas filed under:
"Somebody should offer this guy a job."
The MSM and gutless Dems arn't gonna fry the fucker with his own words(or does one broil in a quagmire?)
So I guess it's up to us. But one thing's for keepers, the guy in the YouTube; he's a piece of work.
Sad sez: "Anything else?
........I personally have no problem with the death penalty for someone who sets themselves up as an enemy of the entire public."
That's a tall call, brother Sad. How would one define "enemy of the entire public" and would you be willing to act as executioner?
Save this, I am in total accord with your propositions.
Great comments, everyone.
The only problem with the creation of a world government via the internet are the millions, perhaps billions, who still have no access to clean drinking water let alone the internet. That said --once the US gets its house in order, a renewed UN might benefit by giving voice not merely to the regimes comprising it but to the various peoples themselves. Truly --a world body with a voice --the people themselves.
Everyone fed up with our political and government system should seriously check out the new national, nonpartisan group at www.foavc.org, and become a member!!
Its the LAW, stupid...
The "rule of law" is a precisely defined law. It is the highest law of mankind, stated below:
“the suppression of forceful and fraudulent methods of goal seeking”
“all are treated equally by the law”. This means ALL, including king and judges
“absolute property rights”
This in turn is based on the fact that human behavior (the topic of law) is about goal seeking. In the seeking of any goal, there are only three possible methods: force, fraud and honest trade. Any transaction that is not an honest, mutually agreed trade will cause a self-defensive response (conflict) from the victim whose survival has been affected.
"The Rule of Law" is the glue that keeps all of mankind acting together in common interest, tied together by mutual dependence of trade, on an evolutionary path to excellence. Force and fraud creates conflict and destroys civilizations. Mankind is now on a devolutionary path to extinction because the co-operation once forced by "the rule of law" has been replaced by legitimizing force and fraud for those who incorrectly believe they wield power.
Rule of Law, Defined: http://www.nazisociopaths.org/modules/article/view.article.php/c1/34
Purpose of, Reasons For: http://www.nazisociopaths.org/modules/article/view.article.php/36
Anonymous said...
Rule of Law, Defined
Thanks for an important reminder of the importance of the rule of law. Bush, however, represents illegitimate rule and is, therefore, the antithesis of the rule of law.
No ruler by any name may rule legitimately without "law" and no "illegitimate" ruler by any name rules within the rule of law.
For Bushies, the GOP crime syndicate, and the right wing in general, rule is something done by power utilizing the force of arms or other nethods of coercion. Law, for them, BECOMES coercion.
For the architects of Democracy --John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire et al --the rule of law begins with the sovereignty of the people themselves.
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