
Of course it's all psychotic but tell that to Bush and his religious minions who accept it as "the" Gospel. Don't forget --Bush has threatened the hard rain of nukes to trigger it all.
Added: Sep 19th, 2007 6:30 AMWhat does all this mean? Bush either fancies himself the Messiah or, possibly, Satan Incarnate whose mission is to deceive all the nations of the world to begin the last war --Armageddon, a Final Solution.
In 2003, University of Lausanne theology professor Thomas Römer received a telephone call from the Elysée. Jacques Chirac's advisers wanted to know more about Gog and Magog ... two mysterious names pronounced by George W. Bush while he was attempting to convince France to enter the war in Iraq at his side. In its September edition, the University of Lausanne's review, Allez savoir, reveals this story that could seem fantastic did it not, as Allez savoir's Editor-in-Chief Jocelyn Rochat emphasizes, reveal the religious underpinnings of Bush's policy.
Apocalyptic prophecy: Bush would have declared to Chirac that Gog and Magog were at work in the Middle East and that the Biblical prophecies were in the process of being fulfilled. That was several weeks before the intervention in Iraq. The French president, to whom the names of Gog and Magog meant nothing, was stupefied.
In Allez savoir, Thomas Römer details: Gog and Magog are two creatures who appear in Genesis, and especially in the most arcane chapters of the Old Testament Book of Ezekiel. An apocalyptic prophecy of a global army giving final battle in Israel.
"This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people's enemies before a New Age begins," continues Thomas Römer.
According to him, George W. Bush is not the first to look for an incarnation of Gog and Magog on earth. Ronald Reagan had deemed that the cold war and the atomic bomb's existence made Ezekiel's prophecy realizable....
If today the University of Lausanne reveals these explanations Thomas Römer supplied to Jacques Chirac, it's because the latter has left the Elysée. For Jocelyn Rochat, this little international policy professional secret raises a vast question: our lack of religious education, our ignorance of Scriptures at a time when religious foundations are far more crucial than we'd like to believe in political and military decisions. Religion is not confined to the private sphere, Jocelyn Rochat concludes. A parameter to take into account "at the risk of no longer understanding the way the world works today."A Little Scoop on Bush, Chirac, Gog, Magog, and the End of the World
--A Little Scoop on Bush, Chirac, God, Gog and Magog, Jacques Sterchi, Rue89 in partnership with La Liberté, Fribourg
It is not unusual for those suffering profound psychosis to cast themselves in "biblical" roles. Bush will play out a script in which he uses the peoples of the world as pawns. Based upon his remarks to Chirac, we may reasonably conclude that his script is found in Revelation 20:1-10
And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.Bush has said that he will not be "cowed" by international pressures and opinions denouncing his plans to wage pre-emptive, nuclear war on Iran. Certainly Bush has made the bald faced lie his modus operandi. Nevertheless, when Bush often tells the truth inadvertently, it always lays bare a murderous cretin, contemptuous of intelligence, desirous of absolute power for the ego strokes it gets him. Such moments include the ridicule he heaped upon Karla Faye Tucker, awaiting death by injection in a cell on death row deep inside the gulag state of Texas. Such moments include his revelatory quip: "I just won the trifecta!" Equally repugnant his "plans" for America: "This would be a whole lot easier if this was a dictatorship...jest as long as I'm the dictator!"
He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.) This is the first resurrection.
Blessed and holy are those who have part in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them, but they will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with him for a thousand years.
When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth--Gog and Magog--to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God's people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them.
And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
--Revelation 20:1-10
I am quite certain that what is denied in public is discussed in private. What is obvious to anyone certainly cannot be a mystery to the elites. Now we might imagine it's Nero all over again, at least the Nero of popular myth who "fiddled while Rome burned". But these grey-faced, grey-suited, somber, soured souls are not hedonists nor are they acting like Hitler's cronies in the Berlin bunker. They aren't looking to solutions and they aren't going out with one last party. To my mind that leaves only one possible scenario.It's easy enough to believe its true. It's in Bush's make up. Bush does tell the truth inadvertently and when he does so, it reveals hideous truths about the dark soul he sold long, long ago. About, Iran, we may believe the indications that have now put the leaders of Europe on quiet alert. Bush plans a nuclear strike on Iran.
They know what's coming and they don't care because they don't intend for most of us to survive. Reduce the population by 90-95% and none of this makes any difference. There's plenty of oil, plenty of places on the planet to move to, even if the coastlines of the continents are under water. Things start to look much different if you imagine a world of at most a few hundred million. Quite honestly, as far as I can see, that's the only future in which what's going down right now can end well for anyone.
In that context the aggregation of wealth and power become paramount. It's like the back end of a poker tournament. Wars become very useful in a variety of ways. They help the population reduction. They distract the masses. They provide tangible "enemies" while masking the common enemy. They inure people to all sorts of cruelty and inhumanity. And they garner chips so that the winners have more clout in the competition between elites after the die-off begins.
If I were a member of the elites, and possessed that sense of innate superiority and lack of compassion and morality that mark those who are visible members, it's what I'd do. It just makes sense. And it's already begun in Africa and elsewhere.
Of course, it's totally unnecessary, but the alternatives are as unthinkable to the elites as this idea is to most of us. There is a path to a sustainable economy but it involves massive decentralization and localization. It collapses the corporations, destroys the elites, and creates a world in which there are neither rich nor poor. It's what some of us call the better world, Possible. But it's anathema to fat cats and the power brokers. ...--Len Harrison
Everything in its place. Bush, upon his whim and order, may simply drop the nukes on Iran. We may awaken one day to the aftermath of nuclear holocaust. We might brace ourselves for yet another holocaust as a result.
Bush may seem incomprehensible to sane people but that's because Bush is insane. If you suspend normal modes of thought and, for a moment, indulge the psychotic fantasies that obviously rule Bush's life, his modus operandi all begins to make sense.
'Morning Cowboy....
I read the Jaques Chirac account for the first time yesterday in a diary over at Kos.
The account seems to be well-documented from a credible source which is frightening.
I have had these suspicions for sometime and now I'm beginning to think that my most paranoid thoughts were accurate.
Great post...
hizzoner said...
I have had these suspicions for sometime and now I'm beginning to think that my most paranoid thoughts were accurate.
Yeah...me too! I wonder if certifiably psychotic is enough to get you impeached! Still, I suppose, you would need to get a blow job, unless of course, it's under a stall. GOP apparently finds nothing wrong with rest room "sex" as long as it's gay, denied, confessed, and then denied again.
Bush is the beast. I guess our only consolation is that, at some point in the future, he will be locked and sealed in an abyss for a thousand years.
Most paranoid thoughts?
Of course religiously inspired nuclear armaggedon would represent a worst case scenario, wouldn't it? Things are going in the toilet so fast that the best case scenarios don't look that great either; 1)Bush declares a trumped-up state of emergency after a false-flag incident, declares martial law and suspends the election, 2)The elections take place only to reveal the Democratic winners to be as wedded to neocon philosophy as their 'opponents,' and 3)America somehow throws off the shackles of tyranny just in time for the collapse of the global economy and/or the cataclysmic consequences of global climate change.
Maybe I'm being too negative.
Somebody better cue the orphan.
The sun comes out tomorrow/
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow/
there'll be sun...
What I said before was somewhat in jest, however, it continues to amaze me that that someone so obviously false (and exceedingly stupid) seems to have such inordinate sway over so many people to the point of getting absolutely everying (evil) that he wants. Does he know about all the skeletons in everyone's closets? Is there some catastrophe that he threatens to loose upon the world unless everyone tows the line? The power of this stupid man is beyond what intelligent people should allow. What can explain it?
I suspect that Bush will attack Iran, if only to do what he has always done: leave behind a god-awful mess that he can blame on others. Steve Clemons argues that an Iran invasion will not occur on the grounds of Bush leadership infighting. I'm not convinced. I also think your article touches on some important details, Len. First, the easy willingness with which this administration (and the US public) are willing to go to start needless wars on illegal grounds for spurious reasons against nations minding their own business. Second, the psychotic nature of Bush reasoning. This is a guy with a seriously arrested emotional and intellectual development, lousy parents and lousy morals, playing at being an adult. Any idiot who believes national politics involves considerations of Gog and Magog should have his nuclear toys taken away from him immediately and removed from office as a menace to himself and others. Now if we could only get the sob to stand in a corner for 18 months...
marain said...
Bush is the beast. ...our only consolation is that, at some point in the future, he will be locked and sealed in an abyss for a thousand years.
I am not particularly religious. But --if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and swims like a duck, it's a duck. Whomever "defined" the "Beast" must certainly have had someone like Bush in mind. That's close enough for me! And YES! Lock the bastard up and throw away the key. The word "abyss" as it applies to much sounds good to me.
sadbuttre said..
Bush declares a trumped-up state of emergency after a false-flag incident...
I have good reason to believe that another such incident is not only planned but was attempted by folk who report directly to Bush. This is a hanging offense. Stay tuned. More later.
marain said...
Does he know about all the skeletons in everyone's closets?
Evil is a moral black hole which sucks up all who come near. I have always suspected that the Skull and Bones organization maintains itself, in complete secrecy, by compromising its every member. This --coupled with the utter lack of empathy --is how "evil" is spread like a cancer. Because no one is perfect, no one absolutely moral, there is always fodder for scabs like Bush and his skull buddies. Why else would Kerry, a finer intellect, literally throw the debates when, clearly, Bush was on the ropes?
damien said...
...the psychotic nature of Bush reasoning. This is a guy with a seriously arrested emotional and intellectual development, lousy parents and lousy morals, playing at being an adult.
It would be bad enough if Bush identified with whichever of the gog/magog axis is the "good twin"! But, I suspect that Bush sees himself as evil incarnate and, about that point, he is absolutely correct, the only thing Bush has ever been right about.
I have a psychological view of "evil" as "lack of empathy" and, secondly, sociologically, in terms of the harm done others. Obviously, evil people don't care what harm is done others. That describes Bush precisely.
Whenever a REPUBLICAN --Tom Tancredo, specifically --states that if al Qaeda should explode a nuclear weapon on US soil, it should be followed by a nuclear attack on Mecca and Medina --I worry. What DO they know? Since when has Mecca and Medina planned nuclear attacks on US soil? And, from whom did they get the nukes?
Tancredo has already picked out targets for a US retaliation in response to an event that has happened only in Tancredo's mind. Just as Bush never bothered to investigate 911, Trancredo will not be dissuaded should it be learned that Mecca and Medina had nothing to do with whatever attack Tancredo is looking forward to.
I smell a rat and a mushroom.
Bombing Mecca and Medina only seems "appropriate" should an organized body of Muslim states bomb something of a similar non-islamic nature, say, the Vatican (or Disneyland)(OK, not Disneyland, though it's as close as the U.S. comes to following a real religion). Punishing the entire Islamic world for the actions of a fanatical group of criminals setting off a bomb "on U.S. soil" is so extreme as to be equally evil on our part.
As for Bush being either Messiah or "Beast", it doesnt matter whether it's true or not, if he believes it to be true and has the power to make it so (or kill us trying). I've been worried about him for quite a while now, but have always held out hope that clearer heads would prevail should Dubya try something really nutty. I have less hope for that now than I once did.
Indeed, that's the point. Bush, I think, believes himself to be "The Beast". Now, if one believe in Revelations, he most certainly meets all the requirements as, indeed, many throughout history have. Hitler, likewise, deceived nations, and he, too, was a beast, if not "the" beast. It's all words. But that Bush believes all this is the scary part. People --even nut cases and idiots --act upon what they believe to be true. Think about that. If Bush thinks himself "the Beast", he will do something in character. Hold on to your ass.
Indeed, bombing Mecca or Medina even if culprits should be from either city is like bombing Chicago because John Wayne Gacy was in it.
Like you, I am pessimistic; Bush will do something REALLY stupid to make every other stupid things he's done look smart. Dig yourself a good bunker and try to ride it out.
See, you say things like that and it just pushes my "crazy" buttons, like the one labelled 6-6-6 (G-e-o-r-g-e W-a-l-k-e-r B-u-s-h-j-r)(or, matriarchly, G-e-o-r-g-e W-a-l-k-e-r P-i-e-r-c-e). I mean, I know it's irrational, but it still pops up in my head. Now I'll have to sedate myself in front of the TV. This one's gonna need an extra-strength Reality Show to stop it.
! good grief: word verification is "urlostl". Now must add a beer!
Fuzz sez...
"I smell a rat and a mushroom."
Si, Signor Cowboy.
Rodente con Funghi.
.......... for the discerning post-apocalyptic diner. With Crusty Cockroach pie for dessert. Washed down with caraffes of hard rain. Supplies will be universally abundant.
Wow, folk, what a great thread!! And it's so upbeat and inspiring to boot. Now --where's my video of "The Sound of Music"? At least, the Trapps got AWAY from the Nazis.
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