...the war will be over soon, the war for all intents and purposes although the insurgency will go on for years and years and years. But it will be handled by the Iraqis, not by us.It's doubtful, therefore that the Iraqi people --left the pile of dung dumped on their country by Bush and his gang of GOP fascists --will be grateful for the US leaving them a war which McCain says may go on for hundreds of years after the US packs up and gets out. It is doubtful that the Iraqi people will be grateful to the US for attacking Iraq upon a pack of proven, malicious lies.
--John McCain
A cadre of idiots around Bush had envisioned US troops being greeted as liberators. Just as that did not happen, you can bet Iraqis will not bid teary-eyed farewells to the likes of Blackwater, the perverts of Abu Ghraib, the mass murderers of Countless My Lai Massacres in Iraq
American Atrocities in Iraq
The BBC has uncovered new video evidence that US forces may have been responsible for the deliberate killing of 11 innocent Iraqi civilians.The video appears to challenge the US military's account of events that took place in the town of Ishaqi in March.The US said at the time four people died during a military operation, but Iraqi police claimed that US troops had deliberately shot the 11 people.A spokesman for US forces in Iraq told the BBC an inquiry was under way.The new evidence comes in the wake of the alleged massacre in Haditha, where US marines are suspected of killing up to 24 Iraqi civilians in November 2005 and covering up the deaths.And more:
Mourning Iraqis Blame U.S. Troops for Massacre of Children
by Sameer N. Yacoub
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Families of the 35 children who died in a string of bombings in Baghdad blamed American troops for the tragedy, accusing them of attracting insurgents to a ceremony where the attacks occurred.By Friday, tents had sprung up in the el-Amel neighborhood in Baghdad to accommodate mourners who gathered to share their grief from the Thursday attack. In the carnage, several explosions ripped into a crowd gathered to celebrate the inauguration of a new, much needed sewage plant. ...
- ABC News: New Village Massacre Reported in Iraq
- U.S. Massacre in Fallujah, Iraq: Death Toll for Week More Than 600
- Additional U.S. Massacres Emerging In Iraq
- Haditha Massacre Concentrates the Nature of the US War on Iraq
- New allegations of U.S. massacre in Iraq
- Another US atrocity in Iraq: Eleven civilians massacred in Ishaqi
- U.S. massacres in Iraq reveal reality of occupation
- Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre
John McCain recently admitted that because of the war, he just might lose the election. Are we to interpret that to mean that the GOP has abandoned plans to steal it? Stealing elections is bad enough but what the GOP did with stolen power is reason enough to deny them power. Clearly --McCain's comments are proof that among the GOP rank and file there is no remorse for Bush's official crimes, nothing has been learned. This party has been overtaken by events and public consciousness and just as surely: the GOP just does not get it! It is ironic that while the GOP has learned nothing, it has taught us that those who desire power most must surely be denied it. Forever after, this power mad party will be denied the public's trust. The survival of the US as a nation may depend upon showing the GOP the door and barring it securely upon their ignominious exit.
"The BBC has uncovered new video evidence that US forces may have been responsible for the deliberate killing of 11 innocent Iraqi civilians..." Len's article...
It is actions like these repeated over and over throughout this occupation, that will drive the anti -American sentiment that in turn will trigger retributions, that in turn re-fuel another atrocity, that completes the cycle of violence, unbroken and unchallenged. This, of course is just what the GOP is looking for, they would like to be able to control it, but apparently are willing to risk even large scale engagement if necessary, hence the "surge" ... (which is basically working because we are paying off the Sunni, and also due to the just continued "temporary cease fire" called by key insurgent Shia leadership)
Many of our politicians in Washington, certainly all of the GOP, and a fair amount of Democrats seem wedded to the fact of some long term occupation and commitment in Iraq is an inevitability. But, the facts are, that occupiers rarely overcome their insurgents, not to mention that the longer we insist on boots down in the Middle East, the longer the "war on terror" will drag out, on all levels and or ways you may want to interpret it. Of course, this is all much to the glee of the military industrial complex and all of their subsidiaries, as it represents insurance for tomorrow's war economy and the ensuing profits divvied by the corporate elite.
Some basic ideas, or advice for politicians from the "Low-Down", today:
Stop the endless warfare economy. Invest in the future of the people within this nation, and the degrading commons we all share, that are in need. Focus the remaining wealth and resources of this country in developing post-oil economy through industries and technologies, begin creating a green America. Generate a new effort in the healing of the planet and our fellow man, only then will we be secure in our future and be able to understand our path.
Great writeup Cowboy!
benmerc said...
Stop the endless warfare economy. Invest in the future of the people within this nation, and the degrading commons we all share, that are in need.
Benmerc, you sound like the voice of reason and sanity! And for that reason, your ideas will NEVER see the light of day in America. It makes me sad to have write that.
Connecticut Man1 said...
Great writeup Cowboy!
Thanks, Connecticut. I was just thinking that you and I have this in common: Bush has brought shame upon both our states. I think we have have to stop kidding ourselves as a nation. The Military/Industrial complex has very little to do with 'defense'. It's about conquest and profits --the last stages of 'empire'.
Len, with out the forum to vent, not to mention all of the great reporting you continue to post, folks like me would be one more step marginalized from the process. You make it all to easy, I just come by and stir, you have provided all of the ingredients, thanks for your efforts and sharing of this space, and your efforts to wake up America.
Most humble thanks, benmerc...if this is not a forum, it's at least a sounding board. There have been times when I have suspected that some of the people who are a part of the problem have actually read some stuff here, those times when a Langley IP address shows up on my site meter. If it is the CIA, they at least know how I feel about the world's number one terrorist organization.
What a wonderful article, I am in complete agreement particularly when you included the Democrats in with the Republican brew. There are Senators today that believe we can work with the Republicans. Sounds so easy, I only wonder what kind of kool aid they have been drinking.
What The Republicans have shown with the War in Iraq, this terrible killing of innocent people, how can we work together as a Nation with these Republicans. They have dismantled our laws, stripped us of our treasure and suddenly were going to work with this group, I don't think so!
"If it is the CIA, they at least know how I feel about the world's number one terrorist organization" -Len Hart
Well, if we can't talk to them, then who the hell can we talk to? It will be a cold day in hell before I start worrying about exercising my right to free speech. The GOP and all of their lackey's would like to intimidate the general public to the point of zero civil discourse or descent, a world of freedoms lost, propaganda and police state siege. What they seem to forget is there are millions of people like us, who will continue the legacy of the U.S. Constitution, and the law that resides within the document by exercising fully, our civil rights.
Diane B. said...
They have dismantled our laws, stripped us of our treasure and suddenly were going to work with this group, I don't think so!
You are right and I believe that when a nation's leaders entrusted to preserve and defend those laws instead subvert them, the government --if not the nation --is finished. I have long support a new people's convention just like the one at Philadelphia that resulted in our present Constitution. The people themselves should just FIRE this government, make it irrelevant, and establish a new government under a charter that makes clear and supreme law all the laws that this outlaw government has subverted.
benmerc said...
there are millions of people like us, who will continue the legacy of the U.S. Constitution, and the law that resides within the document by exercising fully, our civil rights.
Events and their own stupidity will eventually make them irrevelent --just as you say. Rome did not fall in a single cataclysmic event. It was a painful death by a thousand cuts. When Valens confront the 'barbarians' at Adrianople, he couldn't even raise an army of Romans. The 'empire', by that time, a hollow shell, was 'defended' by other barbarians.
You are so right, Len we do need a New Peoples Convention. The Politicians that are running for the highest office,the Presidency are so corrupted by Lobbyist money, that we are unable to have an honest Government.
Our spending on National defense is at the expense of our people and is horrendous and there appears to be no end in sight.
The dollar is dropping daily our real estate and bond markets are in a tail spin.
I am very frightened for all Americans,and there appears to be no way out!
The BBC has uncovered new video evidence that US forces may have been responsible for the deliberate killing of 11 innocent Iraqi civilians.
Given the facts that all the reasons for killing any Iraqi have been shown to be baseless lies, it would seem that every Iraqi that has died is innocent.
Every Iraqi that has died as a consequence of the our government's policy is innocent.
Any and all Iraqi killed since the invasion has been murdered by our government.
Am I missing something?
Yes, all of the Iraqi's have been murdered by our government in a war based on lies, by our government.
In the upcoming election both Clinton and Obama are in agreement for us to leave that poor Country!
Our Fuhrer, should go to prison for this War!!!
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