- A series of internet disruptions due to cut telecom cables that has cut Iran off the Internet!
- Israel is not affected.
- An Iranian Oil Bourse, where oil, petrochemicals and gas will be traded in various non-dollar currencies, is set to open this month.
- Israelis have been told to prepare for war, presumably with Iran
Speaking on radio as part of a military propaganda offensive, retired general Udi Shani said: "The next war will see a massive use of ballistic weapons against the whole of Israeli territory."By the time the following dispatch hit what was left of the internet, it was clear: the world is under attack by organized coincidences.Shani was tasked recently with drawing up a report on the way the military authorities operated during Israel's 2006 summer war against Hezbollah in Lebanon.
During that conflict thousands of rockets hit Israel, but were limited to the north of the country from where hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated.
The character of war has changed, said the general.
"Strikes to the rear must now be taken into account -- that is what will come and we must prepare in a totally different way for this eventuality," he said.
Egypt denies the earlier reports on the Mideast Internet outage, saying there were no ships present around when the cables were cut off.That there was 'no ship' would rule out the official 'dragging anchor' theory.
Egypt's Ministry of Communications announced in a statement Sunday that "a marine transport committee investigated the traffic of ships in the area, 12 hours before and after the malfunction, where the cables are located to figure out the possibility of being cut by a passing vessel and found out there were no passing ships at that time.”
The Ministry had originally stated that a ship dropping its anchor on the two key cables was most likely responsible for Wednesday's cut in service that robbed Egypt, Saudi Arabia and India of much of their internet.
The statement added that the location, 8.3 kilometers from the port of Alexandria, was in a restricted area so ships would not have been allowed there to begin with.
Internet blackouts are impacting large tracts of Asia, the Middle East and North Africa after four undersea cable connections were severed.
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Pakistan and India, are all experiencing severe problems.
DOHA (AFP) — An undersea telecoms cable linking Qatar to the United Arab Emirates was damaged, disrupting services, telecommunications provider Qtel said on Sunday, the latest such incident in less than a week.The cable was damaged between the Qatari island of Haloul and the UAE island of Das on Friday, Qtel's head of communications Adel al Mutawa told AFP.Cables were also damaged last week in the Mediterranean and off the coast of Dubai, causing widespread disruption to Internet and international telephone services in Egypt, Gulf Arab states and south Asia.The cause of the damage is not yet known.It is amazing how much damage can be done by a rogue coincidence.--DOHA (AFP) — Qatar reports new damage to Gulf undersea cables
A repair ship was expected to begin work to fix the two cables in the Mediterranean Sea on Tuesday. They were damaged on Wednesday, rupturing connections not only in Egypt but also thousands of kilometres away.The sub-plot that ties all these "coincidences" together is the planned opening of the Iranian oil bourse where petrochemicals, oil and gas will be traded in non-dollar currencies. Iran Finance Minister Davoud Danesh-Jafari has said that the bourse will be open during the Ten-Day Dawn, ceremonies marking the victory of the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran. There's more at: Oil BourseMaking these developments especially ominous are Bush's repeated threats and promises to Israel that he will join a nuclear attack on Iran. I wonder if this improbable attack of the cable killing coincidences, denying oil traders access to the net, is enough to delay the opening of Iran's planned oil bourse. Given the precipitous fall of the dollar, only idiots will not consider the effect that an Iranian oil bourse will have on a war-mongering US.

exactly what authority does Bibi have in Israel? Isn't Olmert still the P.M.? duh!
I believe bibi is still Chairman of the Likud Party. It's not surprising that Bush would be cozy with him. Netanyahu might be even more hawkish than Bush and, I am sure, he wants to get back in the driver's seat.
When Bush talks peace, expect war.
Recently I read about the ships cutting the cables. I read your link to the oil bourse. This is very frightening the timing and the cutting off of Iran appears to timely.
I am very frightened about a war with Iran. The dollar will fall completely. Americans have no idea the pain and suffering this would create world wide. My bet is he might then declare Martial law but who cares at that time it doesn't make any difference for our Country!
Today I saw president Clinton in Orange County. His talk was uplifting after over 7 years with George Bush.
President Clinton shook my hand and when I thanked him for being my President. He said he was honored. I realize I'm naive, but he governed well and today I miss him very much as our leader. Sorry folks I had to share this for it comes from my heart! I am crying right now for our Country, I am crying and very frightened!!
Great article Len !
As you can see in this link, it's looks like the stage is being set.
Sorry about the link.
Just go to www.jpost.com instead and it's right on the front page about us parking an anti-missle cruiser in Haifa
Diane B said...
Today I saw president Clinton in Orange County. His talk was uplifting after over 7 years with George Bush.
I was not enthusiastic but relieved when Clinton took the White House. The back to back regimes of Reagan/Bush were absolutely disastrous for America. I remember Clinton for reversing the GOP trend of making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
Clinton, not perfect, is still light years ahead of anything the GOP has or will ever have unless it abandons its stupid ideology.
And, Diane, only the insane are not frightened. Mike Gravel said it well: "These people frighten me!"
Thanks for the link bluebasscat --and the "correction". It would appear that the US is putting all the elements into place. Hang on!
Concerning your rhetorical question about what goes through the minds of blithering idiots...
By now it should be at least somewhat clear that the Bush administration is not populated with blithering idiots, with the exception of the Prez himself. Rather, it is populated with psychopaths. And I don't mean that in any pejorative sense. I mean that in a purely clinical sense.
There is no doubt that psychopaths are capable of actions such as those we've witnessed over the past few days. They are also capable of actually launching those nukes no matter how insane such a course of action might logically seem.
In my opinion, if we don't start taking really seriously the reality of our "leaders'" psychological situation we are just fooling ourselves into thinking we are analyzing their actions. They are capable of far more cruelty and seeming insanity than many of us care to believe.
Allen Branson said...
ather, it is populated with psychopaths. And I don't mean that in any pejorative sense. I mean that in a purely clinical sense.
I agree with you completely on that point. And, likewise, when I call Bush a blithering idiot, I mean he's an idiot. I recall seeing some convincing evidence that his IQ is less than 100. For some reason --perhaps it was Hopkins' performance in Silence of the Lambs --people tend to think psychos intelligent. Being crazy does not make one intelligent. And being an idiot doesn't mean that one cannot also be a psychopath.
Nor is the Bush gang collectively intelligent. I will wager than when they've all been rounded up and imprisoned, given the obligatory tests, the average IQ will barely break 100 and, only then, because of one or two exceptions --just enough to screw up the curve!
It was Dr. Gustav Gilbert who was tasked with "counseling" and testing the Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg. Nazis, unlike Bush's gang, were relatively intelligent. I don't recall the average IQ but I seem to recall that 120 or so was low. The highest in the neighborhood of 160 or higher. None of them, however, possessed what I would call "profound intelligence" of the kind we associate with great writers, scientists, philosophers, humanitarians. So pedestrian were they that they inspired Hanah Arendt's "Banality of Evil" --a must read. I believe that along with Max Wertheimer, she helped found the "New School" in NY. It's next door to NYU.
The Bush crew doesn't even meet minimum standards. Gen. Michael Hayden, for example, may not be a drooling idiot and is probably capable of pulling his socks up --but that's about it. His "knowledge base" is embarrassingly inadequate for the position he holds.
Sadly, most of these "idiots" don't know, know they don't know and don't give a damn! It's a symptom of the new dark age, that knowledge, wisdom, wit or intelligence is no longer valued --even among those NOT a part of the most crooked regime ever to have seized the reins of government.
Enjoy your posts, Allen. Keep up the good fight!
Those were no coincidences or boat anchors. I wrote about it when it happened. It is not a coincidence that our and Israels interests were not hampered but everyone elses over there was. Without a doubt we did it and did it via HAARP!
Average patriot, thanks for your comments. I agree. No coincidences...maybe once! But not repeatedly! Welcome to the Cowboy.
Everything is just a coincidence, misinterpretation, or misunderstanding when you hit the truth. Then they just continue with the lying new order disorder. I have your link and want to monitor what you discuss. I found you at the WBR and you're right in line with my line of thinking, the truth!
By the way war with Iran is a given and why we attacked Iraq to get our military back into the middle east. It is also a pre Bush plan circa 1996. They just found the right idiotic cheerleader in the little Bushie!
Thanks, patriot and I've added you to my blogroll. Keep up the great work.
Keep your powder dry, folks. It's not beyond the wrelm of possibility that a Democrat, too, could get us in a quagmire. " I will never send American boys to do the fighting that Asian boys............."
Of course I want a Democrat but It does not matter who the next President is. They will be forced to fight many more wars and soon because of what Bush has set in motion. This is just taking shape like it or not.
Any thought to the contrary is just plain dreaming and unrealistic. Just listening to what was coming out of Russia yesterday should tell everyone that! Those behind bush have step by step initiated the biggest conspiracy ever in their endeavor for a new world order Forever War!
By the way, Thanks! and workshop that's a fact!
Just had a minute so I stopped in to see if you had anything new. I read your story again and noticing that I have commented a few times I was thinking this is another subject that would take a very long one on one discussion.
I think you know that the plan to get into the middle east and attack Iran was pre Bush. (Perle Wurmser Report 1996) Iraq was attacked to get us in the middle east with Iran being only one of the goals.
Everything is in place. Just the excuse to attak Iran has to be found. There is no wonder at or theory as to why things have been done to us, Why the MDS on Russia's doorstep, why Iraq and the mess in the middle east
Every bit of it is designed to lead to World War and Bush figures he will implement his one world Government to control the one world market he is setting up (remember NAFTA and CAFTA?) You know the NAU is another one of those "coincidences"? More specifically one of those "conspiracy theories"
The biggest conspiracy is the one Bush is committing under ours and the worlds noses and getting rid of Bush is too little too late. It was too late when he got back in the 2nd time.
As I said in a prior comment, whoever gets elected next will have to react to the present and future wars Bush has set in motion as a result of his now societal, middle east, and world order.
For years I have tried to warn the country that he was following the 19th Century Rusian Doctrine Of Destruction and he needed war to do it. He had to create disorder before he could replace it with his now order.
You can not deny he has done that everywhere possible. there is no way I can see a Dem allowed in there with the awesome abusive powers the Presidency now holds.
He is going to attack Iran first if he thinks McCain isn't going to be able to keep Bush's new order mess going. Bush has yet to do his greatest damage. Watch 2008!
patriot wrote ...
The biggest conspiracy is the one Bush is committing under ours and the worlds noses and getting rid of Bush is too little too late. It was too late when he got back in the 2nd time.
As I said in a prior comment, whoever gets elected next will have to react to the present and future wars Bush has set in motion as a result of his now societal, middle east, and world order.
For years I have tried to warn the country that he was following the 19th Century Rusian Doctrine Of Destruction and he needed war to do it. He had to create disorder before he could replace it with his now order.
I try not to think about that but can't stop thinking about that.
Having gone to all this trouble to trash the Constitution (a goddamned piece of paper) and setting up a dictatorship, Bush really has no reason to leave. EVER! He will start WWIII upon a phony pre-text and call off the election. We're fucked!
You know I agree! Meanwhile we play in this controlled game we today call Democracy. I still think with the right person we can organize an 11th hour end run that Bush is famous for. we must beat him at his own game. This is going down to the line at the very least and will be very hairy!
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