- Bush and Cheney are war criminals;
- 911 was an inside job.
As the US economy slips inexorably into a black hole from which they may be no escape, Bush plots another ruinous war. Some 232,000 jobs have been lost in the past three months and still the American people, the media, the Congress kowtows to the worst administration in American history. Nero is said to have fiddled while Rome burned. Deck chairs were re-arranged on the Titanic. Cowards whistle past grave yards. Americans cower in the suburbs.
The US Congress --both parties --have failed their Constitutional responsibilities and in doing so betrayed the nation. That includes every court and every judge who winked and nodded and re-wrote the laws disingenuously to accommodate the revolutionary criminals who have seized what seems now to be absolute power, absolute dictatorship, a 'Big Brother' of Orwellian imagination. Worst of all, it includes the American people, many of whom still support the junta. It also includes anyone still stupid enough to drive an SUV, still stupid enough to enrich the war mongering oil barons with gasoline purchases.
With the fifth anniversary of the Iraq War and the grim milestone of 4,000 US dead, the nation has been awash with news retrospectives on the war and speeches by politicians, mostly offering sanitized versions of what's transpired.Because the American people, the Congress, the Democratic party, and most ominously, the media, have been all but deathly silent on the radical, criminal and illegitimate nature of this regime, Bush/Cheney will most surely take the nation into a ruinous war against Iran. And, again, it will be begun upon a campaign of fear and lies. Parry especially singles out the US media, which he says cannot handle the implications of the Bush/Cheney conspiracy, namely, Bush and Cheney are war criminals --a fact that this blog confronted from its inception. Now, it is increasingly clear, that it was not only the war of Iraq that was begun upon the most evil of lies. It is the fact that 911 was an inside job is an even more disturbing truth the media cannot handle....
During the post-World War II trials at Nuremberg, the United States led the world in decrying aggressive war as “the supreme international crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.”Yet, Frontline and other mainstream US news outlets shy away from this central fact of the Iraq War: by invading Iraq without the approval of the UN Security Council and under false pretenses, the Bush administration released upon the Iraqi people “the accumulated evil of the whole” – and committed the “supreme” war crime.--Robert Parry, When a great power goes mad
One failure is the lack of skepticism about the US government's explanation of 9/11. The other failure is the Democrats' refusal to begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush for lying to the Congress, the American people, and the world and launching an invasion of Iraq based on deception and fabricated evidence.Sadly, no one in the running has confronted the truths America can't handle.--Jim Kirwan, The Failure To Confront
For seven years we've watched fiscal sanity, global responsibility and anything even remotely recognizable as presidential accountability go the way of the horse and buggy, but only now -- after the release of one poll showing that four out of five Americans may finally stop getting out of bed -- do the media huddle and pronounce things not so good. Washington, we have a problem.Or most of us think so, anyway. Just most. The New York Times, for instance, presumably in search of a silver lining around the apocalypse, finds in its own polling results that we have arrived at "nearly a national consensus that the country faces significant problems" -- nearly, since there is still that 19 percent in extraordinary denial that "things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track."There are two definitions of "consensus" -- unanimity or general agreement -- but when you get into the 80 percent+ range it would seem a distinction with no weighty difference. After all, a full four of that 19 actually said things are better off. And they said so, one assumes, just before their five o'clock feeding.Sure! We're on a wrong track! And there's no way off! Among the field of wannabes, the only one that should have gotten 'it' felt an inexplicable need to utter platitudes about that undisputed master of the meaningless platitude: Ronald Reagan! I have since forgiven Obama, but I had to hold my nose to do it.-P.M. Carpenter, John McCain's Democratic Deliverance?
if you were a high government official and watched as -- all in a couple of weeks time -- it is revealed, right out in the open, that you suspended the Fourth Amendment, authorized torture, proclaimed yourself empowered to break the law, and sent the nation's top law enforcement officer to lie blatantly about how and why the 9/11 attacks happened so that you could acquire still more unchecked spying power and get rid of lawsuits that would expose what you did, and the political press in this country basically ignored all of that and blathered on about Obama's bowling score and how he eats chocolate, wouldn't you also conclude that you could do anything you want, without limits, and know there will be no consequences? What would be the incentive to stop doing all of that?Unless there is a great awakening --and I don't see that happening in the land of faux and Fox --I don't see that happening. Fasten your seat belts and hang on. The flush down the toilet will be an interesting ride. I repeat this for newcomers to this blog! A 'state of war' already exists between Bush/Cheney and the American people against whom Bush has waged treasonous war upon their persons, their rights embodied in the Constitution, Due Process of Law, the rule of law and international conventions to which the US is bound --whatever Bush may have uttered with his lying lips! Down with this tyrant now!--Glenn Greenwald
Bobby Darin: A Simple Song of Freedom
USA is heading deep into a confrontation not just with Iran but even more so with N. Korea and China.
As Insane McCain hinted there will be 2-3 more wars-plural-in addition to the two current US wars in the Middle East.
So, let's do the math-1)Iran(that's a given-just ask Malcolm Honlein) 2)North Korea (N. Korea is a member of the axis of evil, remember, and Israel needs to have them gone along with Iran so they won't sell anything for desperately needed cash to Egypt, Saudi Arabia etc. 3)SURPRISE, China. Yes, the USA will attack China before it is so strong it can deliver a counter knock out punch. Besides, China's Forex are a threat to the US dollar and the best way to fend off your creditor is to kill him. The US will be confronted by China
eventually so look for USA to attack China a la Hitler's Operation Barbarossa.
The USA is heading for confrontations not only with other countries but from its own citizens soon. Out tail-spin is going to be a very rough ride indeed.
great article
however, I think the blame placed upon all Americans, dumb as the majority are, is still a little unfair. For instance, the SUV thing. They had electric cars ready to go in the 1950's. In Illinois now there is a company that can make ethanol fuel from TRASH for $1 per gallon!
This needs to be passed along to EVERYBODY - two birds with one stone! The landfills would actually become energy deposits! Everyone who cares about nature and the environment needs to KNOW!
Also, the media is one of the head culprits of 9/11. Watch "September Clues" on youtube. Most people still trust some sort of MSM and WE NEED TO TELL THEM UNTIL THEY HEAR US - do not listen to the LIARS anymore!
the link to the ethanol from trash was truncated so here it is again:
if it does it again, the last part of the link is /2008/01/ethanol23
shout it from the rooftops!
It's like watching a family member run around fighting with everybody, eventually, one dday he is going to come home and start beating on his family.
THis what America will not expect from it's own big daddy. And all his whore can do is lick her lips and laugh.
Barbara Diamond said...
As Insane McCain hinted there will be 2-3 more wars-plural-in addition to the two current US wars in the Middle East.
McCain --an idiot --sold his soul to get this far! Recently, he was talking about 100, even a 10,000 year war. What a numb nuts!!!!!!
Yes, the USA will attack China before it is so strong it can deliver a counter knock out punch. Besides, China's Forex are a threat to the US dollar and the best way to fend off your creditor is to kill him. The US will be confronted by China
eventually so look for USA to attack China a la Hitler's Operation Barbarossa.
I think your analysis is essentially correct. BTW --It was the Sr Bush who laid the ground work for Nixon's visit to China. I interviewed Bush Sr on several occassions, the first was in West Texas as he opposed Lloyd Bentsen for US Senate. Later, in Houston, Bush talked about his trips to China, where I now believe he betrayed America as the Bush family does so well. Bush was never substantive. He tried to sound like a real human being at one point by telling an 'anecdote' about how he was 'tricked' into eating sauteed dog lips in the Forbidden City.
thepoetryman said...
The USA is heading for confrontations not only with other countries but from its own citizens soon
Che put it poetically. The peace, he said, is already considered broken. The people simply have to find a way to confront and put Bush out of business. The alternatives are simply too terrible contemplate --slavery for some 90 percent or more of the population, concentration camps ...I don't have the stomach to go on.
Anonymous said...
great article however, I think the blame placed upon all Americans, dumb as the majority are, is still a little unfair.
Most of the blame goes to the GOP, of course. I still puke whenever I think of the GOP convention of 1992. Reagan was anointed "God"!
For instance, the SUV thing. They had electric cars ready to go in the 1950's.
And, more recently in California. It was a trial that succeeded. The cars worked and left the gas guzzlers in the shade, at the pump, and at the stop light. 'Someone' literally came and took all the electric cars back. And they have not been seen since.
Thanks for the link to "Patriots Question 911". I am actually listed in one of the sections, 'media' I believe.
Anonymous said...
This what America will not expect from it's own big daddy. And all his whore can do is lick her lips and laugh.
And I'm am often asked why I'm angry. Well...anyone who is not angry, doesn't get it! There's nothing I can do for those folk.
In the meantime, though, I would like to do my part to help crush the GOP before they kill again!
Another bullseye Len.
Keep on pouring it on pardner!
Great article Len...it is irony that the right-wing punditry are lining up to defend McCain's 100 year war statement...as usual, they are calling the MSM "liberal" because they are still talking about it. Here 's talking about something: The Obama / Wright flap got 3000 nexus counts, now that's a bunch of jawing and flap!
At any rate, I believe the greatest mistake being made by the Bush/Cheney "junta" is that they apparently believe that the rest of America is as stone cold brain-dead as their 30% base. I believe that will come and bite them in the ass sooner rather then later, certainly if more of the media finds their balls again, and continues to step up to the plate and demand answers to the long over due questions.
I am guessing that Andrew Sullivan's ilk have had enough, and are ready to pull their fingers from the dike. If his narrative continues and grows, we finally may see some action, this is an excellent development. I also agree with you on the senate and house, they have been pathetic, derelict... except for a stellar handful.
Ed Encho said...
Another bullseye Len.
Thanks, Ed! And keep up the good work.
Anonymous (benmerc) said...
Great article Len...it is irony that the right-wing punditry are lining up to defend McCain's 100 year war statement...as usual, they are calling the MSM "liberal" because they are still talking about it.
McCain is apparently ignorant of polls and/or math. IF elections were fair and, in any way, reflected the will of the people, NO ONE proposing anything resembling another one hundred years of war would not get elected dog catcher. McCain, however, sold his soul to the evil machine that runs the GOP! These guys don't give a shit about the will of the people, democracy, or Constitution. The fix must be in! McCain must know that the next election will be a 'show vote' to divide the electorate into two camps: those who believe the elections are fair and those who believe the elections since Bush v Gore are just a big fraud. I posted an article some months back that revealed precisely how the elections are stolen and I have yet to find a word about what has been done about it! Zip! Of course, vote for Obama (Hilary is a lying, closet Republican of no integrity)! But, unless something is done to confront the real power, for whom elections are but a sop and a show, John McCain will be just as a legit a prez as was Bush. And that is, completely illegitimate, a dumbass stooge for the MIC and an increasingly tiny cabal of robber barons.
I am guessing that Andrew Sullivan's ilk have had enough, and are ready to pull their fingers from the dike.
They should pull out their fingers nails first! This ilk has much to answer for.
The Pentagon aftermath was always a bit obscure to me until I came across this by Carol Valentine. Here's some more truth people can't handle [cut, paste & paraphrased]. Many people are simply not aware of these staggering contradictions:
Most of the Pentagon fire was put out in 7 minutes by the Reagan National aircraft rescue fire fighting team (it had been on another nearby callout when the Pentagon attack occurred). The Pentagon roof collapsed 23 minutes after the bulk of the fire was out. Military aviation firefighters from nearby bases should have been called to extinguish the fire from the (alleged) crash of Flight 77, but were not; civilian firefighters were used instead. The fire fighters used water when they should have been using foam to extinguish any aviation fuel fires. The fire then flared up and continued to burn for at least 60 hours -- it was still burning late Thursday, September 13.
Once the upper floors collapsed, the directors of the rescue flouted standard rescue procedures for collapsed buildings. While there should still have been hope of finding survivors alive, they used a wrecking ball to demolish sections of the building still standing. Many additional tons of debris crashed down upon the already buried victims, almost certainly collapsing any spaces or voids which may have sheltering victims in the original debris.
When qualified emergency medical technicians arrived by helicopter to rescue the victims, they were ordered to leave and forbidden from returning. One wave of survivors were brought out, and then there were no more .
One flimsy excuse after the other was used to stop the work and delay rescue operations. Civilian rescuers worked long shifts and became exhausted with wrongheaded methods. Meanwhile, thousands of able-bodied military personnel at nearby bases -- including those specially trained in putting out aviation fires -- sat and watched the drama on TV. Surviving military intelligence officers lost jurisdiction over military intelligence documents and those documents were collected by civilians not cleared to see them. Rescue efforts and access were strictly controlled by the FBI, not the military.
Emergency rescue experts say earthquake victims who are buried in debris can survive up to 12 days (more below.) Rumsfeld held his September 11 press conference approximately nine hours after impact. He made this statement:
"There cannot be any survivors; it just would be beyond comprehension."
How could Rumsfeld KNOW no more survivors would be found in the Pentagon debris, when earthquake experts give victims a 12-day chance of survival? At this point, the Pentagon victims had only been buried nine hours. Why the hurry to pronounce them all dead?
Keep these facts in mind:
* Exhausted civilian rescue workers completed 14 hour shifts at the Pentagon while thousands of specialist military personnel sat idle at nearby bases.
* Rescue workers had to repeatedly stop because of fake "bomb threats". The site was secure, yet they were told to stop.
* Highly trained staff in a medivac helicopter were refused access yet a National Parks helicopter was allowed in.
* The fires were effectively out after 7 minutes yet flared up and "raged for 60 hours". All the while water was poured on aviation fuel instead of foam.
* There were no serious attempts to recover the injured buried by the Pentagon collapse. They were ALL assumed dead. Specialist military recovery resources were not used.
* The FBI ran everything, not the military.
* The fire at the Pentagon showed all the signs of being handled primarily as a media event.
Rumsfeld almost certainly allowed injured victims to die at the Pentagon who could reasonably have been saved. He is a murderous traitor.
Damien, that is some eye poppin' stuff, enough to turn the stomach.
All I can say is that the perpetrators of this heinous crime of mass murder and high treason (and they know who they are) should be hanged with a loose noose. Being shot by a firing squad against a wall is entirely too honorable.
Democrats are not off the hook. Janet Reno was never held to account for the murder of innocent folk and children at Waco. I have never been able to find a sliver of probable cause that Koresh et al were guilty of jaywalking let alone 'arms' laws in a state like Texas where everyone is armed to the teeth! Koresh used to go into town regularly. If he had really broken any laws, he could have been arrested --peaceably --at any time.
As Che said: "The peace is already considered to be broken!"
The US government is a criminal enterprise, illegitimate, and dangerous to humankind!
Len said: I repeat this for newcomers to this blog! A 'state of war' already exists between Bush/Cheney and the American people against whom Bush has waged treasonous war upon their persons, their rights embodied in the Constitution, Due Process of Law, the rule of law and international conventions to which the US is bound --whatever Bush may have uttered with his lying lips!
A 'state of war' already exists between Bush/Cheney and the rest of the world.
Anonymous said...
A 'state of war' already exists between Bush/Cheney and the rest of the world.
Indeed! BushCheney 'has' waged war upon civilization.
I am afraid that an attack on Iran is imminent. It will be done upon a pretext, a false flag operation, something for which it can blame Iran. A state of emergency will be declared and elections called off.
There's a story, maybe true, maybe untrue, in a biography of 1920s baseball player Ty Cobb (if I remember right), which I read and have loved carrying the imagery ... even after I found out later, Cobb was a major bad character, and 'bad' as not good, not to be emulated. But this one part goes like this.
Cobb is in some kind of snit, the game is going against his team, (the Detroit Tigers?), the other team is cheating, or the umpires are crooked, criminal, liars, or something. So Cobb goes on a tear, sorta like Michael Jordan with spikeys on his nikeys.
He gets up to bat, and he, like, steps in front of the pitch so the ball hits him, and he gets a 'walk' to first base. There, he looks at the second baseman and says, "I'm coming down, you idiot." And on the next pitch he steals second base. There, he looks at the third baseman and says, "I'm coming down, you idiot." And on the next pitch he steals third base. Then he stands up. looks at home, and shouts at the catcher, "I'm coming home, you idiot." And on the next pitch he steals home, and scores.
So, just saying, looking at Congress and The Fright House, and speaking for all voters, "we're coming home, you idiots."
Here is a trucker's blog, with a whiff of what's in the air -- a nationwide truckers' strike starting May 5.
And going until people feel the pain and Congress feels the people. Supposedly, Bushbutcher is jetting off to Jerusalem for the May 15 'celebration' of the anniversay of Isreal's May 15, 1948, invasion and occupation of Palestine and subjugation, er, make that obliteration, of Palestinians -- 60 years ever since.
I've been imagining a scenario where he doesn't come back. A phony false flag black-op of course, (in actuality, A.F.One simply re-routes to the Bushbutcher bunker all built up in Paraguay), the plane 'simply fell off the radar' somewhere over the ocean -- taking everybody's blame in a scapegoat figure with it, which is used as the 'trigger event' for whatever it is that 'they' are going to trigger -- which, btw, I doubt is going to be invading Iran, and rather, I suspect is going to be martial law etc. etc. etc.
'They' in such a case, would be the new president, Cheney, and lackeys, still under the direction and command of Geo Hitler Worker Bushbutcher, (and his sidekick Henry Killing-er), as has been Junior Jughead and the Nine-Eleven Op and this whole unAmerican atrocity going back to when Herbert joined the CIA in 1948 and got financed with taxpayer-supplied CIA slushfunds, to go all Zapata drilling dryholes everywhere, 'inventing' off-shore drilling rigs, and taking inventory of the planet's petroleum placements.
The way to realize G. Hitler Worker Bushbutcher is the MasterRace Mind calling the shots and running the whole (world) show, is by a process of elimination -- start with 7 or 8 billion suspects on Earth, since somebody did it, we saw that, and eliminate everyone who is not a former head of the CIA AND former US military commander-in-chief, thereby persisting in influential 'vetted' control of both institutions and the underlings in them. Voila!, Geo. Hitler Worker Bushbutcher. Plus, his marionette moron son is sitting president ... sitting reading about Pet Goats among a bunch of second-graders, in fact, (and just his reading level).
But check out what the truckers are saying for May. And get your groceries on, now.
And thirdly, a bit of cross-posting going on, what I typed up this morning.
Here, Len, I see your 'existentialist cowboy,' and raise you, 'existentialist farmer - teacher - student.'
The following is my comment under At my house we are already in a depression, by Pamela Thompson, OpEdNews.com, and so the names and details mentioned in this copy, pertain to and came out of that original context. Reference there if you can't make sense of it, but even that is no guarantee it makes sense.
--- to wit:
Step back and look at the Bigger Picture than The Economy.
Even Stephen, who says there are 'influences' and 'influencers' which have had effects of 'architecting' an economy and an ethos and a culture of 'consumerism.'
Even at that, there is a Bigger Picture to see. And in it, changing old politicians for new politicians, and new politics, can and does make a HUGE difference and matters a LOT ... like life or death. (Which statement disputes the political cynical in the house, i.e., MatthewRue.)
What could POSSIBLY be BIGGER Picture than The Economy, you ask?
It is what you probably heard of as the "military-industrial complex." I call it the Make War On Earth mentality -- as in, attack Mother Earth, struggle to live, compete to conquer and subdue, and a dozen other descriptions as they may come to mind; the idea that it is a fight to live, ourself against the world, which is all screwed up backwards from the truth of the situation. Which Truth is that the 'world' welcomes and assists us to live, and the struggle from birth is inside ourself, to see what we are made of, to understand why we behave as we do, to believe in ourself and know our value and worth and that we are accepted, and acceptable to ourself and to others and to the world. In short: Know Thyself, is the work and purpose in life, for ourselves and all humankind.
'Know' (Thyself), as in, humankind's specialization from evolution is a brain which is conscious: Use it. Be it. Know stuff. Live up to it -- be human.
Most everything outside of brain is simply more animal matters. Transcend it.
Sure, there is a 'struggle' in reaching and grasping interior awareness, being Self conscious. And the best way to accomplish our own inner understanding is by helping others reach inner understanding of theirs, give them some 'feedback,' listen to them and respond, see ourselves by learning how others see us. It's called 'social,' and 'the human is a social animal.' And it comes from language, (a neural-tissue faculty evolved in our brain, which no other 'life form' has, animal or plant).
Just don't displace the inner struggle into an outer struggle against the world, trying to make the world look like what we dream and hope ourself to be; not trying to make the world understanding of ourself -- instead, try to make our Self understanding of the world.
And that's pretty much what has happened, by language-passed cultural entrainment, or 'feedback,' we get started in going backwards, displacing our struggle within ourselves turned around out into and onto and against the world. So we have a military-industrial complex, set out to kill anything that is not the way we want it, and seize, conquest, anything we do want. So we go shopping to be consumers of stuff to make us into a 'regular' person, as if we were born without the ingredients for being a person, a human being, and we're gonna go 'buy' them.
(For those who hear 'tinges' of religiosity in some of this, it ain't. I'm an atheist, this is an atheistic perspective, understanding. The centuries-long running 'God game' and 'organized religion' is, has been, a crude form, or 'rough draft,' of behavior in self enlightenment. Some more sense of what I'm saying about 'organized religion' as a 'crude form' of human understanding, is well-presented in Zeitgeist, The Movie, free online, 2 hours running time ... but you can watch it in segments.)
The BIGGER Picture than The Economy is JUSTICE. It says so right in the Constitution. "To establish Justice." Notice it does NOT say anything in the Constitution about wasting all our Earth's natural resources going apeshit military on everybody in the world, it does NOT say self governance is 'to make guns to protect' us from the world, (rather, it is to insure a tranquility in which our domestic affairs -- "social" -- offers out into the world), and it does NOT say government makes jobs. You are supposed to get the peace (and 'tranquil') environment around you, in which you can ask yourself what your Work is, (individual, special, personal), and in it the liberty to pursue your happiness there, within Justice, for all; and at different ages and growing stages, asking yourself what Work is yours to do?, can have different answers and be a different Work. One of the main screw-ups we got going is that people go out into the world looking for a job, instead of going into their self inventory looking for work talents and needs/abilities and happiness interest.
And when we meet and 'socialize,' (in today's culture, wrongly), one of the first questions is, 'What (job) do you do?;' instead of 'Who are you?, What is your Work today?'
I think, and esteem, Pamela and her husband and family are very rich, in being able and knowing to take in those 18-, 19-, 20-year-old 'associates' of her son for awhile or a few years, and impart those kids some direction and 'feedback' and encouragement, however little or much, and change their lives or, more likely, make their lives. (These details are in the Part 2 of her story posted.)
I just meant to say what we gotta do is overthrow the 100-year-old vestiges of 'colonial domination' by 'military might' which the old mind-set dinosaurs still hang on to and won't willingly let go of, mostly a 'British' thing inculcated in America's 'anglo idolatry,' (fairly well sketched here: Is an International Financial Conspiracy Driving World Events?, by Richard C. Cook, GlobalResearch.CA); and we must establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, and promote the general welfare -- all of which is in providing for our own common defense, (and, dammit, 'defense' does NOT say 'go killing humankind'), all in order to preserve a habitable world to live ourselves in and pass along a posterity, in any amount at all, as being the only directions that are going to lead and sustain us through the cataclysmic and chaotic devastation which is impending, foreseeable for the rest of our lives and several generations beyond. And which, (what's coming) Pamela's story is symptomatic and portent of.
P.S. In the Bible is a story that we might copy, in wisdom. It's the one about Moses leading the Hebrews out of Egypt's Pharoah's 'mind-set,' (very much a duplicate of our 'military-industrial complex'), and then wandering around in the desert for 40 years before 'entering' some 'Promised' pastoral idyll. What?, you think they were 'lost' for 40 years, didn't have 'directions,' couldn't find the way to where they were going? Ha, your copy of the story is abridged. They knew right where they were going, and how to get there, and could walk right over there whenever they chose to. So how come they wandered around 'for 40 years'? Well, read the story again and note this one small detail: They stayed out of 'virgin Promised,' did not open the 'present,' until the last one of them died who had been in Egypt. And so that the (brain's knowing) memory of Egypt was lost, forgotten, Darwin'ed out, no 'adaptive mutation' in the genes for accommodating being in slavery. Everyone who entered the 'destination resort' was a person who had been born on the trail, in the desert.
So I'm thinking, the wise lesson for us is to impose a stricture on ourselves, humankind everywhere on this planet, voluntarily to sacrifice 'convenience' for doing things the hard way, manual menial labor, (read: grow your own food), until the last one of us has died who remembers wasting Earth's petroleum and gasoline and the atrocious military-industrial abomination we have done, and that was done, with it. And perhaps the 'stricture on ourselves' should be to go cold-turkey and quit our oil addiction ... now that's a prescription for hardship. (Kinda gives new meaning to the exercise of asking our self, 'What Work do I, must I do?') Then, however whoever survives the transition period into a future time of a world sustained without oil, those descendants can inherit a planet with some oil remaining that we didn't touch, the 'promise pristine,' in original condition if not virginal, as they may see fit to make of it. They also inherit a planet with a life-supporting atmosphere, containing oxygen, and so life itself for that matter. You know, it's kind of the least we can do ... if we Work on it.
Here's one for the archives, Len.
Kenyon bills itself as the world's leading disaster management company. It provided morgue support services following the 9/11 plane crash in Pennsylvania.
Kenyon -- Bush buddies. So the 911 remains were handled by military forensic staff, were they?
Wow. I am impressed with both the article and the comments! I hope I don't degrade the level of discourse too much....
Let's superglue our tinfoil hats on for a sec, and suppose that McPres-I mean McCain-keeps on spouting war stuff. However, the 'Merkins are told that McCain's support is growing, and surprise, surprise, he 'wins' the election, courtesy of LieBold and others, thus 'proving' that the 'Merkins want more war. How many have to believe him so that the banana republic is stable enough for him to retain power? Especially if the internet gets hacked, controlled, or killed? How many of us can join a general strike if many many more of us can't even get McJobs? Imports will get more expensive as the dollar tanks-but the price of televisions will probably still be cheap. Gotta keep the sheeple in line with those things......
Traditionally, the jobless have joined nationwide strikes for that very reason: they have no jobs, less or nothing to lose. And it is just as true that right wing, authoritarian regimes have learned nothing from history. A large and growing body of people, unemployed and angry, are the stuff of revolutions. Yet --the GOP will insist upon policies which enrich the rich and make poorer the poor. The mindless repetition of a failed strategy is called "stupidity"!
The problem has been getting the middle class --however screwed over they may be --to risk what little they have for the greater good. One of the defining characteristics of a tyranny is the existentialist choice it forces upon us!
Bush has simply 'called us out', he has thrown down the gauntlet many times. In less cowardly times in our history, the people would have taken it up and crushed him with it.
I haven't forgiven Obama, especially considering that he's continued to reiterate that he agrees with the brutal imperialist proxy war policies of Reagan.
Re China, Barbara Diamond: I think China will attack first. But it doesn't matter. One of the supposed allies is about to betray the other.
I say China first because China has the most to benefit from the element of surprise, and will have an opportunity - our attack on Iran. I think both China and Russia will attack us from behind.
Why should they not? Bush has thrown out the window the global consensus that agressive war was wrong. None of the current candidates have promised to pull it back in.
Len, as always, you are spot on.
God bless.
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