As the US faces a very real prospect of utter collapse where millions may be may be made jobless and homeless, the GOP drags out a tired old lie that goes like this: 'Be happy! Recession is goooood for you!' If that were true, millions would be trying to move to a third world country instead of trying to get out of one.
If fact, the third world is coming to you! Millions have yet to recover from Ronald Reagan's 'recession' of some two years following an improvident tax cut which benefited only the nation's privileged elite. What Reagan failed to achieve was left to Bush Jr to polish off.
The trend begun in 1982 resumed shortly after Reagan's first tax cut. October 2003 figures from the US Census Bureau make stark reading:
To be expected, nothing said by the GOP about Ronald Reagan is true. One of his adoring partisans was overheard telling reporters --"But he made us feel good about ourselves"! Thus, Reagan inspired and encouraged among his adoring partisans the very worst motives.
The trend begun in 1982 resumed shortly after Reagan's first tax cut. October 2003 figures from the US Census Bureau make stark reading:
- Median household incomes are falling
- The number of Americans without health insurance rose by 5.7 percent to 43.6 million individuals.
- The number of people living below the poverty line ($18,392 for a family of four) climbed to 12.1 percent — 34.6 million people.
- Wages make up the majority of income for most American families. As "Downward Mobility," NOW's report on workers and wages illustrates, many American workers are facing corporate efforts to cut pay and benefits, which could lead to more American families struggling to stay out of poverty.

Truth is, Reaganites ought not feel good about themselves. They ought not be comfortable inside their gated "communities". They ought to have nightmares and night terrors! They ought to lose sleep at night! They ought to be troubled, neurotic and insecure. Stanford Studies say that, indeed, they are!
Because Reagan would not be bothered to think deeply about issues, it was, to be fair, his adoring multitudes who told most of the lies about him. The lingering myth, the one that is most firmly embraced, defended and spread far and wide is that the Reagan presided over a great economic boom. To drive home the point, Reagan partisans contrast what is called "Reagan's Prosperity" with Carter's "Stagflation".
Because Reagan would not be bothered to think deeply about issues, it was, to be fair, his adoring multitudes who told most of the lies about him. The lingering myth, the one that is most firmly embraced, defended and spread far and wide is that the Reagan presided over a great economic boom. To drive home the point, Reagan partisans contrast what is called "Reagan's Prosperity" with Carter's "Stagflation".
The Truth About Reagan's 'Prosperity': there was none!
Reagan never presided over what the GOP would have you believe was a modern golden age. Truth is, his policies (GOP policies) triggered a depression of some 18 months or more, the longest since the Great Depression. It followed promptly on the heels of his tax cut of 1982. The results in black and white:
Bush's economic vampires alone have benefited from a war of endless death and carnage. In January George W. Bush deigned to acknowledge what the rest of us have known for years --the growing gap between rich and poor in America. America's GOP had always denied, ignored or excused the verifiable fact that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It is understandable that the GOP would do this. Inequalities are historically worse under GOP regimes since the regime of Herbert Hoover.
Bushies and Reagan-heads had embraced a failed theory called trickle down theory or supply side economics, not because it was true but because it made them feel good about themselves. Trickle down theory is the absurd notion that by shifting the proportionate tax burden to working class families while giving a tiny elite whopping tax cuts, the increase in investment capital will eventually increase and trickle back down.
Reagan never presided over what the GOP would have you believe was a modern golden age. Truth is, his policies (GOP policies) triggered a depression of some 18 months or more, the longest since the Great Depression. It followed promptly on the heels of his tax cut of 1982. The results in black and white:
- Twenty percent of the population owns 84% of our private assets, leaving the other 80 percent of the population with 15.6 percent of the assets.
- In 1960, the wealth gap between the top 20 percent and the bottom 20 percent of Americans was thirty fold. Four decades later it’s more than seventy-five-fold.
- Either way -- wealth or income – America is more unequal, economists generally agree, than at any time since the start of the Great Depression…
- And more unequal than any other developed nation today. —

Bushies and Reagan-heads had embraced a failed theory called trickle down theory or supply side economics, not because it was true but because it made them feel good about themselves. Trickle down theory is the absurd notion that by shifting the proportionate tax burden to working class families while giving a tiny elite whopping tax cuts, the increase in investment capital will eventually increase and trickle back down.
Still Waiting after all these years
Wealth has never trickled down in America. It invariably trickles up --by design.
Why not "leave" that capital where it is working, supporting small business, hiring people and putting food on tables? Unfair tax cuts --GOP tax cuts favoring only the rich --have never trickled down. It is no coincidence that when the US was most egalitarian it was also most productive. The US led the world in numerous areas.
Ronald Reagan's orgy of union-busting, offshore tax havens and outsourcing is euphemistically called "globalization". This panoply of bullshit is responsible for the fact that the US imports most of its automobiles, appliances, and electronic goods --items that had been the staple of the US economic engine.
Why not "leave" that capital where it is working, supporting small business, hiring people and putting food on tables? Unfair tax cuts --GOP tax cuts favoring only the rich --have never trickled down. It is no coincidence that when the US was most egalitarian it was also most productive. The US led the world in numerous areas.
Ronald Reagan's orgy of union-busting, offshore tax havens and outsourcing is euphemistically called "globalization". This panoply of bullshit is responsible for the fact that the US imports most of its automobiles, appliances, and electronic goods --items that had been the staple of the US economic engine.
Compounding the tragedy, Ronald Reagan slashed taxes for millionaires and everyone else got poor. The US now pulls up the rear, behind China, behind Japan, behind Europe, behind much of the world. Everything from jeans to binoculars come from China; IT is outsourced to India. I see few Americans driving anything but Japanese cars. Where is Detroit these days? Is it still in Michigan. And, if not car makers, who lives there?
Given the hole dug over more than twenty years, I am as outraged as I am utterly unimpressed with the crumbs now thrown the rest of us by this profligate administration, this profligate, arrogant party.
Given the hole dug over more than twenty years, I am as outraged as I am utterly unimpressed with the crumbs now thrown the rest of us by this profligate administration, this profligate, arrogant party.
Meanwhile, the nation’s official poverty rate declined for the first time this decade, from 12.6 percent in 2005 to 12.3 percent in 2006. There were 36.5 million people in poverty in 2006, not statistically different from 2005. The number of people without health insurance coverage rose from 44.8 million (15.3 percent) in 2005 to 47 million (15.8 percent) in 2006.
--US Census Bureau Release, AUG. 28, 2007Capital "trickling up" to Bush's base is money lost to productive investment, lost to small business, lost to consumers who might have spent it in ways that would have created jobs here in the US. Lost to consumers who must pay higher prices as wealth concentrates among monopolists.
It has never been proven or supported that the increased wealth of those benefiting most from tax cuts has trickled down in any way whatsoever. There is no data at BEA or the Bureau of Labor Statistics to support the insane idea that tax cuts have ever in any way created more job or trickled down to benefit working, productive people. The reverse is true. The transfer of wealth, since Reagan's infamous "tax cut" of 1982, has been up and up to a tiny elite. As this elite grows richer, the GOP rewards the base by excluding them entirely from some forms of taxation.

Being wrong has never stopped the GOP, a party tha that has shown no interest in being right. Party faithful believe that if the right wing noise machine repeats something often enough and loudly enough, many will begin to think it true.
The GOP, meanwhile, trots out a tired, old labeling tactic. With a classic strawman, they label critics "liberals" or "commies" and they are accused of favoring the re-distribution of income. In fact, everyone favors the re-distribution of income and every government --right or left --does it! The GOP, especially, embraces the re-distribution of income upward and will support those policies which result in the transfer of wealth and income from middle and poorer families up to an increasingly tiny elite --the GOP base. The result: a less efficient economy! But that is a fact that is of no concern to the GOP and those who support them.
Indeed, I favor re-distributing the re-distribution. I support the un-doing of every stupid thing done by the GOP. I support efforts to undo every GOP policy. I favor a more efficient, productive and egalitarian society, in other words, the kind of society that might have resulted had the GOP not robbed the poor to give it to the very wealthy who did not need it, did not deserve it, did nothing to earn it and, upon receiving it have not used it wisely.
How did Reagan get away with it? It was an age of disillusionment and Iran-inflicted humiliation. Americans were suffering low self-esteem following the seizure of the US embassy in Iran and a failed helicopter rescue attempt in a desert sandstorm. Pat Buchanan's speech to the GOP National Convention in Houston in 1992 was designed to pluck up a party embarrassed by back to back scandals --BCCI, the Savings and Loan Debacle and Iran/Contra.
How did Reagan get away with it? It was an age of disillusionment and Iran-inflicted humiliation. Americans were suffering low self-esteem following the seizure of the US embassy in Iran and a failed helicopter rescue attempt in a desert sandstorm. Pat Buchanan's speech to the GOP National Convention in Houston in 1992 was designed to pluck up a party embarrassed by back to back scandals --BCCI, the Savings and Loan Debacle and Iran/Contra.
The 1992 GOP convention was a right wing circle jerk, remembered for a phrase about Ronald Reagan heard from the floor: "...he made us feel good about ourselves". But a two year recession, the effects of which are still with us, is a very high price to pay for a temporary "feel good". Media whore was a growth profession --and still is.
The re-distribution of income via GOP tax cuts is wasteful and inefficient. This nation's elite is an unproductive, economic vampire, living upon investments which, in themselves, produce absolutely nothing. Had tax cuts stimulated the economy, there would have been an increases in jobs. That did not happen. It has never happened. Reagan's tax cut of 1982, for example, was followed by a recession of some two years, the worst since Herbert Hoover's Great Depression. Unemployment rose. People lost homes and slept in tents. Even 'prosperous' Houston was not spared. Tent cities sprang up under freeway overpasses but --it was hoped --out of sight of the Bush crime family.
If tax cuts had worked as Reagan-heads predicted, more people would have joined the middle class. In fact, the reverse occurred: many in the 'middle class' joined those in the lower quintile! If tax cuts had stimulated the economy, inequalities would have decreased. Instead, wealth inequities increased and the gap between rich and poor widened; wealth, simply, trickled UP --not down! Blinded by the right, the GOP saw no people of any color but a whiter shade of pale.
The most pernicious effect of GOP economic policy is the effect of declining opportunity, a corollary of declining in wealth among all but the very rich.It is merely rhetorical to ask: why does the GOP seem to repeat ad nauseam utterly failed strategies that have never been shown to work? The answer is simple: the GOP sales pitch is what David Stockman called a 'Trojan Horse'.
Like everything else GOP, tax cuts are sold disingenuously. GOP tax cuts always do precisely what GOP insiders know they will do, that is, they enrich the GOP base! It's a payoff.
receive tax cuts totaling almost half a trillion dollars. The $477 billion in tax breaks the Bush administration has targeted to this elite group will average $342,000 each over the decade. This is a calculated, deliberate transfer of wealth, legalized theft!

If tax cuts had worked as Reagan-heads predicted, more people would have joined the middle class. In fact, the reverse occurred: many in the 'middle class' joined those in the lower quintile! If tax cuts had stimulated the economy, inequalities would have decreased. Instead, wealth inequities increased and the gap between rich and poor widened; wealth, simply, trickled UP --not down! Blinded by the right, the GOP saw no people of any color but a whiter shade of pale.
The most pernicious effect of GOP economic policy is the effect of declining opportunity, a corollary of declining in wealth among all but the very rich.It is merely rhetorical to ask: why does the GOP seem to repeat ad nauseam utterly failed strategies that have never been shown to work? The answer is simple: the GOP sales pitch is what David Stockman called a 'Trojan Horse'.
The wealthy have always used many methods to accumulate wealth, but it was not until the mid-1970s that these methods coalesced into a superbly organized, cohesive and efficient machine. After 1975, it became greater than the sum of its parts, a smooth flowing organization of advocacy groups, lobbyists, think tanks, conservative foundations, and PR firms that hurtled the richest 1 percent into the stratosphere.
--Steve Kangas, The Origins of the OverclassOver a ten-year period, the richest Americans—the best-off one percent—are slated to

Only those already rich beyond almost everyone's ability to imagine will benefit [See: The L-Curve; L-Curve: The Video]. Bears repeating: this is planned! This is deliberate! This is by GOP design and conspiracy! This is a nation's privileged and crooked feeding upon the carcasses of those left behind by GOP profligacy, crookery, waste, and outright theft!
By 2010, when (and if) the Bush tax reductions are fully in place, an astonishing 52 percent of the total tax cuts will go to the richest one percent—whose average 2010 income will be $1.5 million. Their tax-cut windfall in that year alone will average $85,000 each. Put another way, of the estimated $234 billion in tax cuts scheduled for the year 2010, $121 billion will go to just 1.4 million taxpayers. That's less than half the population of Houston.
Although the rich have already received a hefty down payment on their Bush tax cuts—averaging just under $12,000 each this year—80 percent of their windfall is scheduled to come from tax changes that take effect after the year 2005 and beyond.
By 2010, when (and if) the Bush tax reductions are fully in place, an astonishing 52 percent of the total tax cuts will go to the richest one percent—whose average 2010 income will be $1.5 million. Their tax-cut windfall in that year alone will average $85,000 each. Put another way, of the estimated $234 billion in tax cuts scheduled for the year 2010, $121 billion will go to just 1.4 million taxpayers. That's less than half the population of Houston.
Although the rich have already received a hefty down payment on their Bush tax cuts—averaging just under $12,000 each this year—80 percent of their windfall is scheduled to come from tax changes that take effect after the year 2005 and beyond.
1968 was the year in which measured postwar income was at its most equal for families. The Gini index for households indicates that there has been growing income inequality over the past quarter-century. Inequality grew slowly in the 1970's and rapidly during the early 1980's. ...Generally, the long-term trend has been toward increasing income inequality. Since 1969, the share of aggregate household income controlled by the lowest income quintile has decreased from 4.1 percent to 3.6 percent in 1997, while the share to the highest quintile increased from 43.0 percent to 49.4 percent. Most noticeably, the share of income controlled by the top 5 percent of households has increased from 16.6 percent to 21.7 percent. Over the same time period, the Gini index rose 17.4 percent to its 1997 level of .459.
What is to be said of an entire class of people who are happiest when others are miserable?
—Income Inequality, Census Bureau
Another “benefit” of a recession is that it purges the excesses of the previous boom, leaving the economy in a healthier state. The Fed's massive easing after the dotcom bubble burst delayed this cleansing process and simply replaced one bubble with another, leaving America's imbalances (inadequate saving, excessive debt and a huge current-account deficit) in place. A recession now would reduce America's trade gap as consumers would at last be forced to trim their spending. Delaying the correction of past excesses by pumping in more money and encouraging more borrowing is likely to make the eventual correction more painful. The policy dilemma facing the Fed may not be a choice of recession or no recession. It may be a choice between a mild recession now and a nastier one later.
--Does America need a recession?The article quoted conveniently leaves out the millions who never fully recovered from the Reagan 'depression' of some two years following his tax cut, nor does it address the careers lost when the .dotcom bubble burst. If you happen to be among that top sliver of the population that earns more than the remaining 95 percent then --sure --recessions are gooood for you! For every one else, they stink!
On the one hand, environmentalists and those with a sound spiritual foundation rightly point out that over consumption is the cause of so many problems, from plundering the planet's resources to obsession with materialistic satisfactions.
On the other hand, two-thirds of the gross domestic product in the United States (and similarly elsewhere) is composed of personal consumption expenditures, by households; and the lower your income, the more of your income you tend to spend, rather than can save. Those two Econ 101 facts mean that the economy is naturally "demand sided" -- not "supply sided," as Reagan and the other big-business boys have had so many believe -- and that regressive taxes, taking more of the income of those at the bottom than at the top -- the opposite of what progressive taxes do -- are not only unfair but also unwise, "killing the goose that lays the golden eggs."
Doug Drenkow, Producer, Barry Gordon from Left Field, LAAny credit given the GOP is unfounded. The administration of Ronald Reagan should have been the wake up call. The GOP has presided over worse economic growth married to increased federal spending at least since World War II. Reagan's tax cut of 1982 was followed by a depression of some two years. GOP types counter that following the recession, the economy rebounded with a boom.
At the end of two years of negative growth, in fact the worst "depression" since the crash of 1929, Americans were lucky that the economy had merely resumed an anemic 3 percent growth rate -- nothing to write home about. Big corporations could write off many if not most losses but individuals and families, as usual, were stuck on bottom with the tab. Many never really fully recovered.
The intellectually bankrupt GOP can be counted on to repeat failed strategies expecting a different outcome. Bush stays a failed course amid warnings that our nation is falling apart at the seams heading for third world status and catastrophe.
The warnings come amid the valid assessment that Bush's tax cut for the rich failed to make good on two empty promises: it did not trickle down or prime the economic pump and it did not pay for itself as Bush himself had promised it would. Just one year after Congress bowed to Bush and passed the tax cut of 2001, the Brookings Institution would write:
The official federal budget outlook has deteriorated dramatically since early 2001, due to last year's tax cut, the economic slowdown, and the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. In addition to the pressures from the long-anticipated increase in entitlement spending as the nation ages, the government now also faces growing spending needs for defense and homeland security. These trends imply that future taxes must rise, future spending outside of defense and the elderly must decline, or obligations to the elderly and to defense be reduced.
But GOP supply side, trickle down economics also promises more opportunity, a growing economy, more jobs.
—Alan Auerbach, William G. Gale, and Peter R. Orszag, June 2002, The Budget Outlook: Options for Restoring Fiscal Discipline, Brooking Institution
Some in Washington say we had to choose between cutting taxes and cutting the deficit….Today’s numbers show that that was a false choice. The economic growth fueled by tax relief has helped send our tax revenues soaring. That’s what has happened.Bush knows that's not what happened. Any idiot knows that's not what happened. The GOP knows that's not what happened. What happened is an increasingly tiny elite got special treatment. Everyone else got screwed over. Wealth has never trickled down and there is no "higher pie". A Treasury Department analysis refuted Bush directly, confirming in its analysis what many experts and Bush critics had been saying all along: tax cuts do not come remotely close to paying for themselves. [PDF] . In other words, the two promises of "trickle down" theory are dead wrong: wealth does not trickle down and tax revenues do not increase to make up the short fall.
—George W. Bush
Bush either lied or was stupid or both
We haven't seen incompetence on this scale since Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Ronald Reagan or Bush Sr. (all Republicans, need I remind?)
The time has come to bury forever two tired, old, worn-out GOP shibboleths: 1) Wealth does not and never will trickle down; 2) there is no invisible hand!
We haven't seen incompetence on this scale since Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, Ronald Reagan or Bush Sr. (all Republicans, need I remind?)
The time has come to bury forever two tired, old, worn-out GOP shibboleths: 1) Wealth does not and never will trickle down; 2) there is no invisible hand!
In the meantime, check out these budget deficits below, caused primarily by profligate tax cuts which have never stimulated the economy and have, in fact, never trickled down. Notice that the worst deficits --like terrorism --are worse during GOP regimes.
The terms "liberal" and "conservative" are all but meaningless in the world apres Bush. Both terms already mean something different than they did in the 19th Century. For example, British economist John Maynard Keynes was until very recently scorned by the right wing; his brand of economics was called "liberal" and he was simplistically, perhaps, simple-mindedly, associated with Marx. Yet, Keynes took issue with Karl Marx on key points. "I don't want a social revolution", Keynes said. He went on to characterize poverty as a "...dysfunctional threat" to a capitalist system which he favored. Fact is, Keynes, for all his notoriety, was conservative.
Nevertheless, that Keynes denounced "poverty" is enough to earn him the enmity of modern conservatives who obviously like the feelings of superiority they experience when millions of others are without jobs and scrambling to feed themselves or, as Bush put it, to "...put food on your families".
It is Keynes' use of the phrase "...extending the traditional functions of government" that inspires conservatives to cross themselves and wear garlic. It was by "extending" those traditional functions that Keynes believed unemployment could be eliminated. This is, of course, anathema to laissez-faire throwbacks like Ron Paul whose economic thinking is stuck in 19th Century mud. The same conservatives are not bothered by "extensions of government" effected by Reagan, Bush Sr., and now the Shrub. Ronald Reagan's program would have been thought "liberal" had the same program been advocated by a Democrat. As Richard Nixon committed the nation to deficits of truly "liberal" proportions, he famously said: "We are all Keynesians now".
The GOP invoke the name of John Maynard Keynes in vain.
According to supply-side theory, these actions should have nudged the economy in the right direction, not plunged it into the worst recession in 40 years. Other problems involve timing: Reagan's first tax cuts went into effect in 1982, but this was also the summer that the Federal Reserve Board slashed interest rates and expanded the money supply. Most economists believe the Fed, not Reagan, was responsible for the following recovery. Finally, the recession of 1990 began four months before Bush broke his "no new taxes" pledge. The recession began in July 1990; Bush signed his tax increases into law in November 1990.
And supply-siders are careful to note that Reagan's was the longest peacetime expansion since World War II. In truth, the Kennedy-Johnson expansion was longer: 106 months compared to Reagan's 92.1
Moreover, the Fed's "peace time expansion" following Ronald Reagan's "depression" of almost two years was uneven. The worst income disparities in American history had already been triggered. As if by design, Reagan's rich base got even richer; everyone else lost ground. They are still losing ground despite an all-to-brief respite in Bill Clinton's second term. The GOP has ruined the American economy, perhaps forever. The budget shown below --your money squandered by Bush.
--The Reagan Years
The terms "liberal" and "conservative" are all but meaningless in the world apres Bush. Both terms already mean something different than they did in the 19th Century. For example, British economist John Maynard Keynes was until very recently scorned by the right wing; his brand of economics was called "liberal" and he was simplistically, perhaps, simple-mindedly, associated with Marx. Yet, Keynes took issue with Karl Marx on key points. "I don't want a social revolution", Keynes said. He went on to characterize poverty as a "...dysfunctional threat" to a capitalist system which he favored. Fact is, Keynes, for all his notoriety, was conservative.
Nevertheless, that Keynes denounced "poverty" is enough to earn him the enmity of modern conservatives who obviously like the feelings of superiority they experience when millions of others are without jobs and scrambling to feed themselves or, as Bush put it, to "...put food on your families".

The GOP invoke the name of John Maynard Keynes in vain.
When Democrats practice Keynesian economics, it works. When the GOP does it, the nation slides into recession or depression as the rich get rich off the carcasses left behind. Check the chart! The reason for that is the fact that GOP "tax cuts" enrich an already elite. GOP knowledge of 'Keynes' is limited to its pronunciation.
The biggest spending "liberals" are the GOP, yet, unlike "big spending Democrats" whose deficits were accompanied by handsome and egalitarian growth, GOP big spending is invariably associated with depression, stagflation, outsourcing and rising unemployment! If this is done deliberately to enrich cronies, then the GOP leadership should be tried en masse for criminal conspiracy, pilloried as crooks, liars and/or incompetents.
Reagan had been our biggest spending liberal, tripling the national debt, running up historically high deficits, doubling the size of the Federal Bureaucracy. Bush has now put Ronald Reagan in the shade and achieved even less good --if that's possible! None of the GOP theories worked as planned because none of their theories benefited working Americans in fact.
The biggest spending "liberals" are the GOP, yet, unlike "big spending Democrats" whose deficits were accompanied by handsome and egalitarian growth, GOP big spending is invariably associated with depression, stagflation, outsourcing and rising unemployment! If this is done deliberately to enrich cronies, then the GOP leadership should be tried en masse for criminal conspiracy, pilloried as crooks, liars and/or incompetents.
Reagan had been our biggest spending liberal, tripling the national debt, running up historically high deficits, doubling the size of the Federal Bureaucracy. Bush has now put Ronald Reagan in the shade and achieved even less good --if that's possible! None of the GOP theories worked as planned because none of their theories benefited working Americans in fact.
Reagan had in mind "extending the traditional functions of government" but only in order to benefit the wealthy and the corporate. When FDR extended the traditional functions of government, the nation experienced what Paul Krugman has called the 'Great Compression', arguably the most egalitarian period in American history. Sadly, it didn't last nearly long enough.
Even the GOP cannot ignore the effect of the Iraq war on the US economy. But, as John Dean points out, business folk, normally considered the GOP base, are just as fed up with the war as are most other, normal Americans. No one can now deny the fact that the war against Iraq has very nearly defeated the US economy, now on the brink of collapse.
Google the title: "Terrorism is always worse under GOP Regimes". That was originally my article and it would appear that it has gone "viral". I am grateful that those who have graciously published it on hundreds, if not thousands of blogs and other sites are kind enough to link back to the original which is parked right here on this cowboy's ranch. Let us hope that another irrefutable truth goes viral: the Republican party is bad for a good economy!
The idea that by cutting a robber baron's taxes, the economy will boom is just plain stupid on its face. The robber baron class has it all their own way anyway. More money in the hands of those who spend it, thus driving the economy might have a stimulus effect. But cutting taxes for privileged elites has never, ever in any way, put money into the hands of those who need the money and would, in fact, circulate it.
Even the GOP cannot ignore the effect of the Iraq war on the US economy. But, as John Dean points out, business folk, normally considered the GOP base, are just as fed up with the war as are most other, normal Americans. No one can now deny the fact that the war against Iraq has very nearly defeated the US economy, now on the brink of collapse.
Google the title: "Terrorism is always worse under GOP Regimes". That was originally my article and it would appear that it has gone "viral". I am grateful that those who have graciously published it on hundreds, if not thousands of blogs and other sites are kind enough to link back to the original which is parked right here on this cowboy's ranch. Let us hope that another irrefutable truth goes viral: the Republican party is bad for a good economy!
The idea that by cutting a robber baron's taxes, the economy will boom is just plain stupid on its face. The robber baron class has it all their own way anyway. More money in the hands of those who spend it, thus driving the economy might have a stimulus effect. But cutting taxes for privileged elites has never, ever in any way, put money into the hands of those who need the money and would, in fact, circulate it.
GOP tax cuts have never, ever trickled down!
In fact, the opposite has always occurred: wealth has trickled up! Those already rich have gotten richer still! I've got the stats to prove it and some of them are posted here. The 'middle class' must be slow learners. Most were not 'rich' enough to have qualified for Ronald Reagan's tax cut of 1982. No one I know benefited from it. At the end of a recession of two years, many 'middle class' had fallen into the bottom quintile, three or four rungs down the ladder, never to pull out again though they had paid dearly for the 'privilege' of joining Reagan's 'new poor'. Their crime? Not rich enough to qualify for GOP tax cuts!
Until now, China has had an interest in keeping the U.S. ponzi scheme propped up --they sell billions to U.S. citizens via Wal-Mart, the economic Kudzu that ate America.
Since a Chinese sub popped up undetected in the middle of the U.S. fifth fleet, it has been apparent that the honeymoon is over. The rest of the world had kept the U.S.S dollar afloat not because the dollar or the economy was strong but because they were not. China now leads the world in dumping dollars. The phrase "debtors death spiral" is used to denote what happens when consumers borrow to cover only the interest on previous loans. New debt compounds old ones and bankruptcy is just around the corner. The rest of the world is little better off. They cannot afford not to keep us afloat. What would happen to China if Wal-Mart suddenly went belly-up?
It is because Iran is accepting Euros for oil --not 'nukes' --that the country is now a target of the war criminals inside the Bush White House!
If this were mere recession staring back at us from a fun house mirror, it might be shrugged off. After all, the GOP has always loved recessions and benefited from them. A clue is found in the work of conservative Austrian-born economist Joseph Schumpeter who regaled his Harvard students in the mid-1930s with a pithy observation about how economic depressions actually benefit certain social and economic classes.
The legendary talk show host Brad Crandall (WNBC, deceased, 1991) said of the "Big Apple" that it was more properly a cow to be milked by Albany. We are Bush's cows though he is but a phony cowboy. What we spend does not circulate. It trickles up and out to China and India and the robber barons of big oil, i.e, Dick Cheney's consortium of oil thieves and war mongers.
Gore Vidal was correct: the Pentagon, which now, as the enforcement arm of the Military/Industrial complex, is an economic black hole. Our GDP, inflated by military spending, does not reflect the fact that we haven not been a net producer of real jobs nor a net exporter of "made in the U.S.A." products since Ronald Reagan sold us down the river to fascists.
Until now, China has had an interest in keeping the U.S. ponzi scheme propped up --they sell billions to U.S. citizens via Wal-Mart, the economic Kudzu that ate America.
Between 1989 and 2003, the ever-increasing US trade deficit with China has led to about 1.5 million jobs that either moved overseas or never were created in this country as production shifted to China, according to a report released Jan. 11, 2005, by the US–China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC), a congressionally appointed panel. The pace of job losses has picked up since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001, with about one-third of the total, or 500,000, occurring in the past three years.
Lower Wages for US Workers
By supporting foreign-made goods on such a massive scale, the company that trumpets its All-American image is creating incentives for corporations to destroy good jobs in the United States.
By purchasing such a large amount of goods produced in China, Wal-Mart indirectly supports continued workers’ rights abuses by Chinese authorities.
- As the world’s largest company with sales of $288 billion in 2004, Wal-Mart exerts a strong downward pressure on wages, and not only for its own workers. Its sheer size and buying power gives it the ability to influence wage rates of its competitors and suppliers, including manufacturing and construction companies.
- Wal-Mart pressures its suppliers through a policy that says the price Wal-Mart will pay and will charge shoppers must drop each year for basic products that don't change. To survive in the face of the retail giant’s pricing demands, suppliers have had to lay off employees and close US plants in favor of out sourcing products from overseas.
--Wal-Mart's Imports Lead to US Jobs ExportsMeanwhile, don't miss a Washington Post report that shows how Wal-Mart pits suppliers against one another and squeezes them for the lowest price. The result is that factories respond with longer hours and/or lower pay. Wealth, as we have learned the hard way, trickles UP --not down. The robber baron will always make up his losses out of your ass. In China, the workers have no choice: China forbids independent trade unions. That is a policy not unlike that of the US GOP and Ronald Reagan, specifically, who is not fondly remembered for his effective War on Labor and his ineffective war on terrorism and drugs. [See also: The Peace Tree]
Since a Chinese sub popped up undetected in the middle of the U.S. fifth fleet, it has been apparent that the honeymoon is over. The rest of the world had kept the U.S.S dollar afloat not because the dollar or the economy was strong but because they were not. China now leads the world in dumping dollars. The phrase "debtors death spiral" is used to denote what happens when consumers borrow to cover only the interest on previous loans. New debt compounds old ones and bankruptcy is just around the corner. The rest of the world is little better off. They cannot afford not to keep us afloat. What would happen to China if Wal-Mart suddenly went belly-up?
It is because Iran is accepting Euros for oil --not 'nukes' --that the country is now a target of the war criminals inside the Bush White House!
If this were mere recession staring back at us from a fun house mirror, it might be shrugged off. After all, the GOP has always loved recessions and benefited from them. A clue is found in the work of conservative Austrian-born economist Joseph Schumpeter who regaled his Harvard students in the mid-1930s with a pithy observation about how economic depressions actually benefit certain social and economic classes.
Chentleman, [sic ] you are vorried about the depression. You should not be. For capitalism, a depression is a good cold douche.Everyone who is not an initiate into the cult of gopperism gets douched. The administrations of Reagan, Bush and Bush are like lab experiments that prove the hypothesis: GOP policies are designed to benefit an increasingly tiny elite or, as Bush called it, "my base."
--Joseph Schumpeter, Economist, Harvard University Lecture, circa 1930s
"During the late-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in America, as labor unions organized and gathered power, as socialism grew in popularity among working and other oppressed peoples, industries owned by Rockefeller, Morgan, Harriman, Carnegie, and others, began hiring their own police forces and goon squads to infiltrate labor unions and spy on the political and personal activities of union organizers for the purpose of bringing arrests and convictions and eliminating all socialist activity in the nation. The most notorious example was the Homestead Strike of 1892, when Pinkerton agents killed several people while enforcing the strikebreaking measures of Henry Clay Frick, acting on behalf of Andrew Carnegie."
--Carolyn Baker, PhD, US Government Targets American Dissent - Part IThis is no mere recession but complete collapse.
As feared, foreign bond holders have begun to exercise a collective vote of no confidence in the devaluation policies of the US government. The Federal Reserve faces a potential veto of its rescue measures.
Asian, Mid East and European investors stood aside at last week's auction of 10-year US Treasury notes. "It was a disaster," said Ray Attrill from 4castweb. "We may be close to the point where the uglier consequences of benign neglect towards the currency are revealed."
The share of foreign buyers ("indirect bidders") plummeted to 5.8pc, from an average 25pc over the last eight weeks. On the Richter Scale of unfolding dramas, this matches the death of Bear Stearns.
Rightly or wrongly, a view has taken hold that Washington is cynically debasing the coinage, hoping to export its day of reckoning through beggar-thy-neighbour policies.
--Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Foreign investors veto Fed rescue, UK TelegraphBush, meanwhile, seems unconcerned, perhaps, like Nero, fiddling as Rome burns. Then again, the GOP 'class' has always benefited from US recessions, depressions, and other economic catastrophes.
- Recessions, though not caused by declining stock markets, are always accompanied and often predicted by a plunging stock market. Republicans sell out at the peak, taking their profits. Enough selling will trigger the plunge; less knowledgeable investors begin to follow suit from fear but too late. Last man out loses.
- Having taken their profits on the upside, a depressed market is but an opportunity for the rich Republican to get back in at lower prices. Guess who sells at the lower price: the poor schmuck who is 180 degrees out of phase and can only dream of being a rich Republican. In reality, those he aspires to join are exploiting him.
- Very knowledgeable investors make money "selling short", buying "put options". These investors get peak prices for stocks even as the price declines. Illegal insider information is executed with "calls" and "puts." The perpetrators of 911, for example, made millions, possibly billions, selling short the stocks of UA and AA. I defy anyone to come up with an 'innocent' explanation. The recipients of those profits had guilty foreknowledge of 911 --an inside job! The name 'Buzz' Krongard comes up in connection with a known terrorist organization: the CIA.Now --a planned financial meltdown might have presented the same opportunities. Historically, 'elites' have always emerged richer, stronger from recessions. On the other side of Ronald Reagan's recession of some two years, the rich had gotten richer while the middle class was all but wiped out. The ill-effects of that recession are still seen in the decline of middle class neighborhoods, the permanent loss of manufacturing base and the jobs it created.The profits and volume were most certainly outside norms, proof that those executing the options had precise foreknowledge of the attacks. Those making those profits had "guilty knowledge" of the attacks; they were at the very heart of a murderous conspiracy.
- Unemployment always goes up in a recession. At the end of a longer recession, companies have the luxury of hiring from a larger labor pool at lower wages and/or salaries. Some companies --citing hard times --may reduce benefits, cut vacation or sick time. Big business must hate good times; it is only during times of full employment that workers have any leverage at all. Offhand I can think of only two times in history that have come close: the Clinton years, and, interestingly, Europe after the Black Death. The labor supply had been depleted by plague. Employers were often forced to accede to worker demands for better conditions, money, a place to live! Serfs had been freed and it marked the beginning of the end for Feudalism and set the stage for 'corporate feudalism', an age in which we still labor and suffer.
- Admittedly, many businesses go belly-up during recessions. While lip service is given to 'free markets' and Adam Smith's 'invisible hand', die hard robber barons hate the 'free market'. They prefer 'monopoly' when they can create one and 'oligopoly' when they can't. Free competition among many sellers is the last thing they want. Recessions are welcomed. It's the 'cold douche', a ruthless flush, so beloved by Schumpeter and the robber barons of American capitalism.
- Don't expect recessions to bring down prices. More often, higher prices are the light that is seen at the end of the long, dark tunnel. In other words, those businesses fortunate enough to survive a 'downturn' are in the enviable position of raising prices on the other side. Higher prices benefit businesses that manage, even with government help, to stay in business during a recession. So much for laissez-faire capitalism. Those fortunate businesses now make more money per unit produced and will do so with fewer employees. The world is not so kind to everyone else, primarily smaller businesses and entrepreneurs, freelancers, and worker bees. Prices, we learned in Economics 101, are determined by supply and demand. If the demand is such that the market is quite willing to pay any price for it (prescription drugs, gasoline, certain rents) then demand is said to be inelastic.
- At the expense of over-simplifying, consumer demand is the arbiter of price only in markets characterized by diffuse competition. Recessions militate against a market of this sort, weeding out all but 'privileged' businesses, primarily those with juicy government contracts or GOP cronies in office. Only in the textbook model, is it assumed that the oligopolist's market demand curve becomes less elastic at prices below a certain point. In markets characterized by the continuing decline in the number of 'sellers', it is obvious that there are fewer motivations for oligopolists to reduce prices. In such a market, the oligopolist (an aspiring monopolist) makes more money selling fewer units at higher prices than could be earned selling more units at lower prices. How many people are out of a job makes no difference to the American right wing for whom Scrooge is their abiding inspiration.
"Are there no workhouses? Are there no prisons...then let them die and decrease the surplus population."
—ScroogeFor 'one brief shining moment' in Bill Clinton's second term a trend begun with Ronald Reagan not only slowed but reversed. The robber barons are not concerned that as a result of preferential treatment given them by the GOP they had starved the market for their consumer junk. America doesn't seem to be manufacturing anything anymore anyway. Steel, cars, and electronic geegews are made in Japan; oil is 'stolen' in Iraq; programming is done in India; and the shelves at Wal-Mart are stocked by China. Detroit neighborhood look like ghost towns. Nor can I image Pittsburgh exporting steel to the world. Pittsburgh was already on the rocks when I was a kid.
The legendary talk show host Brad Crandall (WNBC, deceased, 1991) said of the "Big Apple" that it was more properly a cow to be milked by Albany. We are Bush's cows though he is but a phony cowboy. What we spend does not circulate. It trickles up and out to China and India and the robber barons of big oil, i.e, Dick Cheney's consortium of oil thieves and war mongers.
Gore Vidal was correct: the Pentagon, which now, as the enforcement arm of the Military/Industrial complex, is an economic black hole. Our GDP, inflated by military spending, does not reflect the fact that we haven not been a net producer of real jobs nor a net exporter of "made in the U.S.A." products since Ronald Reagan sold us down the river to fascists.
It isn't like the democrats aren't in on it. It's the old good cop bad cop...but nothing changes. Only the rate of declines slows under the dems. It's really a one horse show. If the dems were the answer, bush would have been impeached in January of 06
The Democrats are, lately, lined up for booty. As Rick Blaine said of crooks in Casablanca: "I object to a cut-rate one!"
Still the difference is this: Democrats are just incompetent, petty crooks. The GOP is EVIL INCARNATE!
The Democrats, likewise, have a better history. Jimmy Carter is demonized by the GOP BECAUSE he was among the very best Presidents economically in the twentieth century. Job Growth under Carter beat ANY GOP President since WWII. The GOP will change the subject whenever Carter is mentioned. They like to talk about 'stagflation' --whatever the hell that's supposed to be. In fact, in every LEGITIMATE economic category, Carter beats the pants off Herrs Reagan, Bush and Bush!
When the brutalization is over people in the US will be eating dirt and sleeping in filthy crowded shelters and alleys begging to work all day for some stale bread.
This is the future you will inherit. This is and has been the plan since 1980. Can you see where you are headed?
What is to be done? To fix this system is to continue living in the same nightmare. Change must be total and sweeping. This way lies the destruction of all your dreams and those of your soon to be spanish speaking off spring.
You don't have to believe me it will be in your face very soon.
Mfskinner said...
Change must be total and sweeping.
Revolution! Thomas Jefferson said: "...That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,..."
In his "General Principles of Guerilla Warfare", Che Guevara wrote:
"People must see clearly the futility of maintaining the fight for social goals within the framework of civil debate. When the forces of oppression come to maintain themselves in power against established law; peace is considered already broken. "
Bush broke the peace and has waged treasonous war against the people of the US as well as Iraq. All upon a pack of malicious lies!
Regime changes begins at home! A new broom sweeps clean.
It's time to round up the criminals and bring them to justice. I'm talking about the terrorists and criminals that occupy the White House and their complicit enablers in the courts and congress!
Banana Republicans, I like to call them. Ever wonder why they suck up to far right christians? Religion is the only thing stopping the poor from murdering the rich.
Anonymous said...
Ever wonder why they suck up to far right christians? Religion is the only thing stopping the poor from murdering the rich.
And over the last thirty years or so, religion has not been enough to make the enablers of robber barons feel safe. They live isolated lives in GOP-style Potemkin villages surrounded by several rings of gated security. Already they are laid seige to.
An economics professor years ago said something to the effect of "just wait for the peasantization of America." This seems to be what you're getting at, albeit in a more eloquent way.
Don't forget there's a more sinister aspect, as increasing numbers of prisons are being built, whole town-prisons like the one they built in Texas to house "illegal immigrants" which houses complete families including infants. And they're revving up the mentality of slaves/idiots/protoplasm who cheerlead the absolute worst-case response from a dead-hearted public. And they keep working hard on a pretext to jumpstart more war, preferably with Iran, as if they want to bring about Armageddon. All of which is mindless.
Omyma said...
Don't forget there's a more sinister aspect, as increasing numbers of prisons are being built, whole town-prisons like the one they built in Texas to house "illegal immigrants" which houses complete families including infants. And they're revving up the mentality of slaves/idiots/protoplasm who cheerlead the absolute worst-case response from a dead-hearted public.
Indeed, Texas is Bush's proto-fascist state, the embryo of which is seen in Houston, TX. Concentric rings of opulence guarded by increased security at each level. There are phony lakes and golf courses, of course. Outside the 'castle' walls --the hoi poloi will be left to fend for themselves as best they can. And when they cannot they will be shuffled off to FEMA concentration camps or the high-tech, sci-fi super prisons being built in Texas right now. They might as well create the sign now: "Abandon hope all ye who enter here!" Over the FEMA camp gate it should read: "Arbeit Macht Frei"
The KNIVING FOXI GOP gameplanners have theyr game-plans together, theyr fraudulent anti-democratic policies are more or less institutionalised, home security they call it.
They opened up all theyr secretive Machiavellian registers and rev theyr propagandist MSM engines to decide on a topic for the day, they do this every day.
Last weeks Reverend Jeremy Wright was chosen as a modus-operandi to install the fear for the GOP lords into Obama, and of course, Brithney Spears stays in the picture with her Tibettan outlooks these days.
All the while time is ticking away, second by second hour after hour, days and weeks and months go by towards the November Elections for wich the GOP-CONSPIRACY has the most elaborate and sophisticated anti-democracy game-plan, they proved theyr strategy and tactics with the outcome of the 2000 and 2004
Above link is the urgent message I refer to when I ask,
I've just send in a comment with an Michael Parenti internet-link, wich dous not open directly from your 'comments-section'. Is there a reason for that?
Can you, will you make it possible to directly open links provided by commenters?
Anonymous said...
I've just send in a comment with an Michael Parenti internet-link, wich dous not open directly from your 'comments-section'. Is there a reason for that?
Will this help?
Thanks Len,
Your alteration helped the link to open!
Do you know Michael Parenti, have you read his work?
Here's a link to one-other of his Essay's.
Notes from an INTP:
You'll not get any closer to
the truth about what's afoot
with Bush's GLOBALIZATION, and
this looming food crisis, than
my below thoughts and links
((copy and send to friends
and colleagues; and note
The Third-Way push of
socialism/capitalism to
equalize the world's
economies has caused
this looming food
Socialist/communist leftists
have captured capitalism
and enslaved it to EQUAL/
FAIR outcomes.
Of course, you'll have to
think more deeply to find
the truth.
Read and learn the truth:
What we are facing in 2008
is a Third-Way (socialist/
conspiracy to equalize the
world's economies, as preface
to installing one-world
government; a plan hatched
during the 1940s GATT
formulations, which were
socialist/communist, in
Keep in mind that there is
no PEAK OIL crisis, only a
decades-long, purposeful
cap on searching and drilling
and refining for oil, in order
to put the world in crisis-mode.
Using food to produce fuel
is part of the conspiracy to
generate food riots, in order
to destabilize governments;
and this so-called "war on
terror" is also part of the
secret plan, although its
primary beneficially is Israel
in the exchange of blood
and treasury for oil--as
payoff for protecting Israel
from an ever-threatening,
encircling Islamic Arabism.
The secret plan?: to create
one-world government under
This is a conspiracy-driven
dismantlement of the West's
financial underpinnings,
for a certain purpose: TO
for future installation of
one-world government.
I've provided all the details
in my essay, "Planned
Destruction of America"
(linked below), which is my
report on Lt. Col. Archibald
Roberts' 1968 booklet: "The
Anatomy of a Revolution".
Study my essay, then write as
if we're all being led down
a path to hell on Earth by
secretive, elite movers and
shakers on the Left and Right
(path to hell aka "Third-Way
Global Economic Socialism").
Read and learn and teach:
The EU and the coming North
America Union are products of
the 1940s GATT formulations,
and very few analysts are
aware of it ((GATT, NAFTA,
and CAFTA are socialistic
attempts at equalizing global
economies, in order to in-
stall one-world government
under THIRD-WAY Global
Economic Socialism)).
My missive to Ron Paul's
staff, regarding my view that
this financial crisis is not
by happenstance nor
mismanagement, but BY
The Honorable Ron Paul is
ignorant of an ongoing conspiracy
to topple, financially, the West,
in order to equalize the world's
economies; for building one-world
government under GLOBAL ECONOMIC
SOCIALISM. // The conspiracy
began in the 1940s with the GATT
formulations. // Ask why Greenspan
had violated his chairmanship
duties by advising prospective
home buyers to take out an ARM.
// Ask why Greenspan had sent out
fed regulators to warn banks that
they'd be charged with RACISM
if they didn't loosen home
loans for minority, HIGH RISK
home buyers. // Ask why Greenspan
recently, TRAITOROUSLY, had
advised OPEC oil producers to
de-link from the U.S. dollar. //
Greenspan - the FEDERAL RESERVE
- has embarked on a purposeful
set of monetary policies designed
to destroy the West's financial
underpinnings. // Read about
the WHO, the HOW, and the WHY
of it in my below article
(first one):
Planned Destruction of America
Corporate America: What Went Wrong?
This one helps to confirm efforts to PURPOSELY trash America's
financial underpinnings:
Oil is payoff for the West's efforts at
providing PROXY COMBATANTS for Israel—
for protecting Israel from expanding,
encircling Islamic Arabism; a Jewish
nation-state having supporters throughout
the West willing to destroy the entirety
of Western civilization for Israel's sake.
"Because many nations' agricultural
production will decline under NAFTA
and GATT, in becoming dependent on
the more productive nations' capacity
to export cheaper product to them,
they'll become gravely vulnerable to
any of the exporting nations' food-
production declines, possibly resulting
from bad weather conditions or bad
economies. "Free trade" in food sets up
a looming catastrophe (read my essay,
GATT: Ubiquitous Treason). Wouldn't such
worldwide economic interdependence
necessarily set the stage for a worldwide
economic collapse should any one nation
seriously falter? Such a worldwide collapse
would make America's Great Depression
appear like good times. Why aren't the
NAFTA and GATT crafters arguing for more
economic independence for nations - for
rugged individualism among nations, rather
than building this One World interdependency
that their brand of "free trade" necessarily
The NAFTA Debacle (1995)
Woodrow Wilson was a democrat and he sold the US to European bankers at the urge of Colonel House.
Clinton is as responsible as Harding and Coolidge as the irresponsible debt fuelled boom happened when he was in office. As did the dotcom bubble.
Wheres the mention of Kennedy's tax cuts for the rich in 1961?
Anonymous said...
Clinton is as responsible as Harding and Coolidge as the irresponsible debt fueled boom happened when he was in office. As did the dotcom bubble.
Clinton's was not a "debt fueled" boom. The federal budget surplus for fiscal year 2000 amounted to at least $230 billion; he left office with a suplus of about $559 billion --about what Bush has BLOWN UP IN SMOKE, BODIES, AND HARZARDOUS CHEMICALS in Iraq! That's not to mention his other idiocies to include no-bid contracts as payoffs to cronies. In other words, bribery and pork!
Moreover, I have reams and reams of the government's own stats to prove that wealth has never 'trickled down' during GOP regimes. Rather, the opposite. Tax cuts, which benefit ONLY the rich, are simply inexcusable. But GOP tax cuts NOT ONLY benefit the rich, they HARM everyone else. They are beyond the pale. This is institutionalized theft, a planned and deliberate redistribution of wealth and income to those who need it least --if at all!!!!!!!
This is, in fact, what the Bush administration is all about. Economically, EVERY Democrat since WWII has outperformed every GOPPER.
About the bubble -- I don't have a lot of sympathy for greedy, corporate bastards who put a lot of money in fairy tales. It was GWB whose tax cuts benefited those robber barons --not Clinton! Those hurt most by the bust were those whose IT jobs got 'outsourced' to China. The worst was yet to come and, under Bush, it has.
I've already written thousands of pages about 'debt fueled booms' and GOP economic incompetence, greed and outright theft! And I'm not in the mood to duplicate that effort in a tiny comment box. It is sufficient to say that the myth of 'debt fueled booms' --in other words, 'trickle down' theory --is all GOP!
The GOP --NOT Democrats --must bear the responsibility for running up debts, deficits, and depressions. Ronald Reagan's tax cut of 1982, for example, DID NOT trickle down and there was NO BOOM --debt fueled or otherwise. Growth under Reagan was pathetic.
Same goes for Herrs Bush and Bush, the lesser!
The GOP loves to demonize Carter. In fact, Reagan can't carry Carter's shit! Carter beat Reagan in job growth and about every other economic index despite GOP efforts to pin on him what was then the GOP label du jour --'stagflation'!!
Stagflation, my ass!!
Carter presided over greater job creation than ANY GOP 'prez' since WWII.
Bub, is that a type-o in the 2nd paragraph, "1982 Bush tax cuts" s/b "1982 Reagan tax cuts"?
Big Dan, it sure is a typo...thanks for the proof read : ) I have made the correction in the main body.
Don’t believe one optimistic word from any public figure about the economy or humanity in general. They are all part of the problem. Its like a game of Monopoly. In America, the richest 1% now hold 1/2 OF ALL UNITED STATES WEALTH. Unlike ‘lesser’ estimates, this includes all stocks, bonds, cash, and material assets held by America’s richest 1%. Even that filthy pig Oprah acknowledged that it was at about 50% in 2006. Naturally, she put her own ‘humanitarian’ spin on it. Calling attention to her own ‘good will’. WHAT A DISGUSTING HYPOCRITE SLOB. THE RICHEST 1% HAVE LITERALLY MADE WORLD PROSPERITY ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. Don’t fall for any of their ‘humanitarian’ CRAP. ITS A SHAM. THESE PEOPLE ARE CAUSING THE SAME PROBLEMS THEY PRETEND TO CARE ABOUT. Ask any professor of economics. Money does not grow on trees. The government can’t just print up more on a whim. At any given time, there is a relative limit to the wealth within ANY economy of ANY size. So when too much wealth accumulates at the top, the middle class slip further into debt and the lower class further into poverty. A similar rule applies worldwide. The world’s richest 1% now own over 40% of ALL WORLD WEALTH. This is EVEN AFTER you account for all of this ‘good will’ ‘humanitarian’ BS from celebrities and executives. ITS A SHAM. As they get richer and richer, less wealth is left circulating beneath them. This is the single greatest underlying cause for the current US recession. The middle class can no longer afford to sustain their share of the economy. Their wealth has been gradually transfered to the richest 1%. One way or another, we suffer because of their incredible greed. We are talking about TRILLIONS of dollars which have been transfered FROM US TO THEM. All over a period of about 27 years. Thats Reaganomics for you. The wealth does not ‘trickle down’ as we were told it would. It just accumulates at the top. Shrinking the middle class and expanding the lower class. Causing a domino effect of socio-economic problems. But the rich will never stop. They just keep getting richer. Leaving even less of the pie for the other 99% of us to share. At the same time, they throw back a few tax deductible crumbs and call themselves ‘humanitarians’. Cashing in on the PR and getting even richer the following year. IT CAN’T WORK THIS WAY. Their bogus efforts to make the world a better place can not possibly succeed. Any 'humanitarian' progress made in one area will be lost in another. EVERY SINGLE TIME. IT ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT WORK THIS WAY. This is going to end just like a game of Monopoly. The current US recession will drag on for years and lead into the worst US depression of all time. The richest 1% will live like royalty while the rest of us fight over jobs, food, and gasoline. So don’t fall for any of this PR CRAP from Hollywood, Pro Sports, and Wall Street PIGS. ITS A SHAM. Remember: They are filthy rich EVEN AFTER their tax deductible contributions. Greedy pigs. Now, we are headed for the worst economic and cultural crisis of all time. Crime, poverty, and suicide will skyrocket. SEND A “THANK YOU” NOTE TO YOUR FAVORITE MILLIONAIRE. ITS THEIR FAULT. I’m not discounting other factors like China, sub-prime, or gas prices. But all of those factors combined still pale in comparison to that HUGE transfer of wealth to the rich. Anyway, those other factors are all related and further aggrivated because of GREED. If it weren’t for the OBSCENE distribution of wealth within our country, there never would have been such a market for sub-prime to begin with. Which by the way, was another trick whipped up by greedy bankers and executives. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. The credit industry has been ENDORSED by people like Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGenerous, Dr Phil, and many other celebrities. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. Now, there are commercial ties between nearly every industry and every public figure. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. So don’t fall for their ‘good will’ BS. ITS A LIE. If you fall for it, then you’re a fool. If you see any real difference between the moral character of a celebrity, politician, attorney, or executive, then you’re a fool. No offense fellow citizens. But we have been mislead by nearly every public figure. WAKE UP PEOPLE. THEIR GOAL IS TO WIN THE GAME. The 1% club will always say or do whatever it takes to get as rich as possible. Without the slightest regard for anything or anyone but themselves. Reaganomics. Their idea. Loans from China. Their idea. NAFTA. Their idea. Outsourcing. Their idea. Sub-prime. Their idea. High energy prices. Their idea. Obscene health care charges. Their idea. The commercial lobbyist. Their idea. The multi-million dollar lawsuit. Their idea. The multi-million dollar endorsement deal. Their idea. $200 cell phone bills. Their idea. $200 basketball shoes. Their idea. $30 late fees. Their idea. $30 NSF fees. Their idea. $20 DVDs. Their idea. Subliminal advertising. Their idea. Brainwash plots on TV. Their idea. Vioxx, and Celebrex. Their idea. The MASSIVE campaign to turn every American into a brainwashed, credit card, pharmaceutical, love-sick, celebrity junkie. Their idea. All of the above shrink the middle class, concentrate the world’s wealth and resources, create a dominoe effect of socio-economic problems, and wreak havok on society. All of which have been CREATED AND ENDORSED by celebrities, athletes, executives, entrepreneurs, attorneys, and politicians. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. So don’t fall for any of their ‘good will’ ‘humanitarian’ BS. ITS A SHAM. NOTHING BUT TAX DEDUCTIBLE PR CRAP. In many cases, the 'charitable' contribution is almost entirely offset. Not to mention the opportunity to plug their name, image, product, and 'good will' all at once. IT MAKES THEM RICHER. These filthy pigs even have the nerve to throw a fit and spin up a misleading defense with regard to 'federal tax revenue'. ITS A SHAM. THEY SCREWED UP THE EQUATION TO BEGIN WITH. If the middle and lower classes had a greater share of the pie, they could easily cover a greater share of the federal tax revenue. They are held down in many ways because of greed. Wages remain stagnant for millions because the executives, celebrities, athletes, attorneys, and entrepreneurs, are paid millions. They over-sell, over-charge, under-pay, outsource, cut jobs, and benefits to increase their bottom line. As their profits rise, so do the stock values. Which are owned primarily by the richest 5%. As more United States wealth rises to the top, the middle and lower classes inevitably suffer. This reduces the potential tax reveue drawn from those brackets. At the same time, it wreaks havok on middle and lower class communities and increases the need for financial aid. Not to mention the spike in crime because of it. There is a dominoe effect to consider. IT CAN'T WORK THIS WAY. But our leaders refuse to acknowledge this. Instead they come up with one trick after another to milk the system and screw the majority. These decisions are heavily influensed by the 1% club. Every year, billions of federal tax dollars are diverted behind the scenes back to the rich and their respective industries. Loans from China have been necessary to compensate in part, for the red ink and multi-trillion dollar transfer of wealth to the rich. At the same time, the feds have been pushing more financial burden onto the states who push them lower onto the cities. Again, the hardship is felt more by the majority and less by the 1% club. The rich prefer to live in exclusive areas or upper class communities. They get the best of everything. Reliable city services, new schools, freshly paved roads, upscale parks, ect. The middle and lower class communities get little or nothing without a local tax increase. Which, they usually can't afford. So the red ink flows followed by service cuts and lay-offs. All because of the OBSCENE distribution of bottom line wealth in this country. So when people forgive the rich for their incredible greed and then praise them for paying a greater share of the FEDERAL income taxes, its like nails on a chalk board. I can not accept any theory that our economy would suffer in any way with a more reasonable distribution of wealth. Afterall, it was more reasonable 30 years ago. Before Reaganomics came along. Before GREED became such an epidemic. Before we had an army of over-paid executives, bankers, celebrities, athletes, attorneys, doctors, investors, entrepreneurs, developers, and sold-out politicians to kiss their asses. As a nation, we were in much better shape. Strong middle class, free and clear assets, lower crime rate, more widespread prosperity, stable job market, lower deficit, ect. Our economy as a whole was much more stable and prosperous for the majority. WITHOUT LOANS FROM CHINA. Now, we have a more obscene distribution of bottom line wealth than ever before. We have a sold-out government, crumbling infrastructure, energy crisis, home forclosure epidemic, 13 figure national deficit, and 12 figure annual shortfall. The cost of living is higher than ever before. Most people can't even afford basic health care. ALL BECAUSE OF GREED. I really don't blame the 2nd -5th percentiles in general. No economy could ever function without some reasonable scale of personal wealth and income. But it can't be allowed to run wild like a mad dog. ALBERT EINSTEIN TRIED TO MAKE PEOPLE UNDERSTAND. UNBRIDLED CAPITALISM ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT WORK. TOP HEAVY ECONOMIES ALWAYS COLLAPSE. Bottom line: The richest 1% will soon tank the largest economy in the world. It will be like nothing we’ve ever seen before. The American dream will be shattered. and thats just the beginning. Greed will eventually tank every major economy in the world. Causing millions to suffer and die. Oprah, Angelina, Brad, Bono, and Bill are not part of the solution. They are part of the problem. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MULTI-MILLIONAIRE HUMANITARIAN. EXTREME WEALTH MAKES WORLD PROSPERITY ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE. WITHOUT WORLD PROSPERITY, THERE WILL NEVER BE WORLD PEACE OR ANYTHING EVEN CLOSE. GREED KILLS. IT WILL BE OUR DOWNFALL. Of course, the rich will throw a fit and call me a madman.. Of course, they will jump to small minded conclusions about 'jealousy', 'envy', or 'socialism'. Of course, their ignorant fans will do the same. You have to expect that. But I speak the truth. If you don’t believe me, then copy this entry and run it by any professor of economics or socio-economics. Then tell a friend. Call the local radio station. Re-post this entry or put it in your own words. Be one of the first to predict the worst economic and cultural crisis of all time and explain its cause. WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE.
re. Deacon on his "secret plan to create one-world government under GLOBAL ECONOMIC SOCIALISM".
That's the ticket 'Deacon', falsely blame socialism for all the deregulated corporate greed of capitalism responsible for the world's economic woes! Beware of the Conspiracism that abounds now from economic right Neolibs [Neoliberals & Neolibertarians] like Deacon here falsely blaming 'socialism' [making bogus use of 'third way' terminology] for our present day dire economic crisis.
There is no socialism when workers do not control the means of production. 'Socialism for the wealthy' is not socialism, it's corporatism, the economic right policy of FASCISM. Government corporatism, the economic policy of fascism, particularly the free wheeling free market hoax from the deregulation of corporate greed that began during the Reagan-GOP admin, can easily be identified as the direct cause of this economic crisis just as Len Hart repeatedly cites with Reagan era economic statistics here in his article.
re. Deacon in "What we are facing in 2008 is a Third-Way (socialist/communist/capitalist) conspiracy to equalize the world's economies, as preface to installing one-world government; a plan hatched during the 1940s GATT formulations, which were socialist/communist, in effect.
Again Deacon there is no socialism when the workers don't control the means of production, much less an authoritarian left version of it in 'communism' when economic right authoritarian governments like the US fully embraces capitalist corporatism, the economic policy of fascism.
Origins of the term Third Way:
"The term "Third Way" has been used to explain a variety of political policies and ideology in the last few centuries." Meaning the term 'Third Way' has been repeatedly used in a fraudulent or bogus manner just as Deacon attempts to do here in justifying his 'evil socialist NWO plot'...
"The Third Way was used by politicians in the 1990s who wished to incorporate Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan's projects of economic deregulation, privatization, and globalization into the mainstream centre-left political parties. Here we learn the 'Third Way' was used as a ploy to disguise the corporatist economic capitalist policies of Reagan.
"The Third Way rejects both socialism and laissez-faire approaches to economic governance, but chiefly stresses technological development, education, and competitive mechanisms to pursue economic progress and governmental objectives". Here we find 'The third way' rejects the evil 'socialism' Deacon claims to be inherent within it.
The Third Way has "been heavily criticized by many social democrats and democratic socialists in particular as a betrayal of left-wing values". And its no wonder because it the 'third way' is far from socialism, and if anything, it's a term used as a ruse to disguise the corporatist economic right political ideology of Fascism!
For the real cause of this economic crisis, read Chomsky's article here "Anti-Democratic Nature of US Capitalism is Exposed". Chomsky directly puts the blame for this economic disaster on US Neoliberals [and/or Neolibertarians] in our 1-party system, the 'business party'.
re. Deacon in "The Honorable Ron Paul is ignorant of an ongoing conspiracy to topple, financially, the West, in order to equalize the world's economies; for building one-world government under GLOBAL ECONOMIC SOCIALISM."
When will ‘neolibs [Neoliberal and NeoLibertarian] authors stop falsely blaming ‘socialism’ for the economic crisis in America caused by corporatism?
Economic Right Neolibs and Neolibertarians like Deacon here keep insisting on referencing the now $8 Trillion in corporate bailouts as some awkward economic ideology called ‘socialism for the rich’ when they need to just call it what it is as CORPORATISM - the economic policy of FASCISM! Welcome to the Final Stages of the Bush-NeoCon Fascist Coup : Do YOU Support the Economic Policy of Fascism?
"Is this the US Congress or Goldman Sachs Board of Directors?" Asks a sole Liberal in 'de House' in rejecting Bailout. Predatory Mortgage Lenders' Partner in Crime: Or How the Bush Admin Stopped the States From Stepping In to Help Consumers....
There’s no such thing as socialism in a capitalist driven economy! There's no such thing as socialism when workers do not control the means of production! The intentions of Marxism are the opposite of the economic Fascism we see today and say in the 20s and 30s from totalitarian [authoritarian] right system of governments basing their economy on capitalism. These bail outs are an intentional Bush-GOP fascist economic government coup transferring unprecedented power to the Executive Branch by placing vast amounts of public funds in the form of our tax dollars into the hands of the global corporate banking elite. That is not a Socialist or Communist left economic ideology, but a fascist right economic ideology called corporatism. The economic policy of Fascism IS Corporatism which is also the preeminent defining characteristic of Fascism.
The Bush-GOP government’s now $8 trillion dollars in corporate bail outs takes US taxpayer dollars and invests it into a growing list of financial corporations that went bankrupt from corruption caused by bipartisan [primarily republican] government deregulation of corporate greed increasing for decades now since the Reagan-GOP administration. For these bailouts to be a form of communism [authoritarian socialism] or socialism the US government would need to be fully intent on owning, controlling and/or creating [not just hold for transfer, or sale] financial corporations and their assets in perpetuity. The sole intent by Bush-GOP and government is only to free up, or ‘nationalize’ public funds in the form of US tax dollars for use by the financial or banking industry.
These bailouts fully adopt the very same economic policies of corporatism embraced by Italian and German Fascist governments back in the 1920s, 30s and 40s. Famous Italian historian Gaetano Salvemini identified corporatism as an economic policy of fascism in 1936 that makes taxpayers responsible to private enterprise, because “the State pays for the blunders of private enterprise. Profit is private and individual. Loss is public and social."
We've seen it all before. This present economic disaster is in many ways similar to the Great Depression and its causes in GOP's Hoover allowing the robber barons of the 20s to decimate the middle class just predominantly the republican party allowed corporate greed to flourish, bankrupted the fed government and grow an immense war debt greater than all wars but WW2. Wall Street's Corporatist Plot to Seize the White House: Facing the Corporate American Roots in American Fascism. Bush Family Fraud for 4 Generations [video-text]: From supporting US enemies Abroad & Defrauding US From Within. GW Bush Vision for America: SWF Flash Movie on all 14 Elements of all Fascist regimes evidenced in Bush's America. George W Bush, the Neocons, and The Nazi Ties That Bind. The Fascist Plot to Seize Washington : The Nazi Hydra In America. Flash Video about the Bush Family Nazi Collaboration: Bush Family wealth stems directly from supporting 3rd Reich Nazis. 30 MB Download of Bush Family role in Fascist Plot to Kill FDR & Install Fascism in US. The Ghost of FDR's VP Wallace Warns 'It [Fascism] Can Happen Here' : 'The Danger of American Fascism' by Wallace. Nazification of Germany & USA: Side by side comparison of matching steps by Germany's Hitler & America's BusHitler.
FDR "We will have a liberal democracy, or we will return to the Dark Ages": Eleanor forsees 21st century Hitlerian abuse of Liberals. A Dramatic Flash Movie on a Far Right TheoFascist Texas GOP PlatformA Reminder of Why US invaded Iraq: Dramatic Flash Movie of well documented, repetitive Bush-GOP Admin LIES.
re. Deacon in "The EU and the coming North America Union ..... are socialistic attempts at equalizing global economies, in order to in- stall one-world government under THIRD-WAY Global
Economic Socialism."
I'm surprised Deacon's mention of this evil 'North American Union socialist NWO conspiracy' didn't claim the 'new Amero currency' as already being printed! The Amero coin you see represented as 'real' from the US Fed on a host of websites warning of a 'New World Order' [NWO]like this one here, with an article written by the proven phony conspiratist Sorcha Faal, and also used here in a Hal Turner video of some bogus $800 Billion US shipment of New 'Ameros' to China are all fake. These are fake or fantasy Ameros minted by a private company, and not coined by the US Fed or US mint.
These regional economic 'unions' of nations are surely no 'evil socialist economic plot'. If anything, they give an undue 'free market' 'comparative economic advantage' [review your college level economics courses, if any at all Deacon] to multi-national corporations within these regions.
Deacon, like most any conspiracists, relies on many common fallacies of logic as a distinct narrative form of scapegoating in his conspiracism; in this case the demonization of 'socialism' and its 'new world order' to justify constructing these scapegoats as wholly evil, while reconstructing the scapegoater, himself, as the hero for warning us of the evil 'secret' NWO socialist conspiracy plot.
Understand Conspiracism is a narrative form of scapegoating that portrays an enemy as part of a vast insidious plot against the common good. Conspiracism assigns tiny cabals of evildoers a superhuman power to control events, and frames social conflict as part of a transcendent struggle between Good and Evil from making incredible leaps of logic, such as guilt by association, in analyzing evidence.
It seems fully evident to me that this Christian 'Deacon' [a Protestant layman who assists the minister] is attempting to halt the "Death of the Evangelical Roots of Free Market Economics in GOP Politics" [a Len Hart article] in perpetuating Protestant Greed as Godly for an imaginary Protestant Sky God who is apparently very greedy....
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