WASHINGTON — Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan writes in a memoir that the Iraq war was sold to the American people with a sophisticated "political propaganda campaign" led by President Bush and aimed at "manipulating sources of public opinion" and "downplaying the major reason for going to war."McClellan, 40, includes the charges in his book, "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception," that delivers a harsh look at the White House and the man he served for close to a decade. He describes Bush as demonstrating a "lack of inquisitiveness," says the White House operated in "permanent campaign" mode and says he was deceived by some in the president's inner circle about the leak of a CIA operative's name.He accuses former White House adviser Karl Rove of misleading him about his role in the CIA case. He describes Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as being deft at deflecting blame and calls Vice President Dick Cheney "the magic man" who steered policy behind the scenes.McClellan, who was a tight-lipped defender of administration aides and policy, stops short of saying Bush purposely lied about his reasons for invading Iraq, writing that he and his subordinates were not "employing out-and-out deception" to make their case for war.But in one chapter, "Selling the War," he alleges that the administration repeatedly shaded the truth and that Bush "managed the crisis in a way that almost guaranteed that the use of force would become the only feasible option."McClellan resigned from the White House on April 19, 2006, after nearly three years as Bush's press secretary. Michael D. Shear, Ex-aide Scott McClellan says Bush misled the US on warIt was several years ago the so-called Lancet study estimated Iraqi civilian deaths as a result of Bush's war at about 655,000. An estimate as of this week is some 1.2 million! Under law, EACH death is one count of murder in the indictment that should be forthcoming against those who would defraud a nation, the world in order to wage a war whose true purpose was the theft of oil. I've been saying this for years and taking the heat when idiots --inspired by Fox and Limbaugh --were burning Dixie Chick CDs and waving flags from an SUV. Chicken hawks! Lately, I've gotten a lot of support.
George Bush lied to the American public in starting his war with Iraq is that the liberal columnists who have accused him of doing this merely make this point, and then go on to the next paragraph in their columns.With all due respect, Vince, regulars to this blog know that I've been making that case for years. Welcome to the club. Now --who will take this case to a Grand Jury? An indictment now would be timely.
Only very infrequently does a columnist add that because of it Bush should be impeached. If the charges are true, of course Bush should have been impeached, convicted, and removed from office. That's almost too self-evident to state. But he deserves much more than impeachment.
I mean, in America, we apparently impeach presidents for having consensual sex outside of marriage and trying to cover it up. If we impeach presidents for that, then if the president takes the country to war on a lie where thousands of American soldiers die horrible, violent deaths and over 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, including women and children, even babies are killed, the punishment obviously has to be much, much more severe.
That's just common sense. If Bush were impeached, convicted in the Senate, and removed from office, he'd still be a free man, still be able to wake up in the morning with his cup of coffee and freshly squeezed orange juice and read the morning paper, still travel widely and lead a life of privilege, still belong to his country club and get standing ovations whenever he chose to speak to the Republican faithful. This, for being responsible for over 100,000 horrible deaths?* For anyone interested in true justice, impeachment alone would be a joke for what Bush did.--Vincent Bugliosi, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder
Critics of 'conspiracy theories', just shut up! Labeling is no substitute for critical thinking skills. We are not talking about 'conspiracy theories'. We're talking about the hard evidence --admissible in court --that will get the arch criminal George W. Bush indicted, tried, convicted and sentenced for the crime of mass murder!
What you sew is what you reap
Bush father interviewed by the BBC when asked about the invasion of Iraq his answer was his son done the right thing, 60 million Americans voted twice for a man who had no success whatsoever during his entire life. and above all he is directly involved in the attack of 911. believe or not OBL has nothing to do with it.
The first sentence of your article says it all. "The time has come to indict George W. Bush for murder."
This morning I was watching The Today Show's coverage of McClellan's book. Their news repeaters kept insisting this was the first time somebody from within the Bush Admin. had made accusations of this sort.
I guess the accusations are only credible if you're a Neocon or a conservative Republican.
Scotty will be a guest on The Today Show tomorrow. I hope he drops a bomb in the Republicans lap.
Maybe then the torturers, and murders of the Bush Admin. will be brought to justice.
I know it's wishful thinking but a guy can wish can't he?
Yet another tell-all book from another LOSER!!
Why don't these people tell the complete Truth in their books?
Would someone at least write the facts behind Bush's "election".
There was a $6 Trillion surplus when Bush took office...where is it now?
The reason it took so long for him to be declared president is, he is NOT the president.
Any country that is Sovereign, does NOT have presidents, they only have Kings and Queens or Supreme Rulers, which is the truth behind what Bush has achieved...he is not the president of the US, he's already gone on live TV to announce on Apr 1 2002, that he is a dictator and the US is under Martial Law.
Wakey, wakey America.
Anonymous said...
and above all he is directly involved in the attack of 911. believe or not OBL has nothing to do with it.
Damn straight the SOB is!!! A first year law student could make the case against him right now. Thanks for your comments.
Anonymous Troubled Texan said...
Scotty will be a guest on The Today Show tomorrow. I hope he drops a bomb in the Republicans lap. Maybe then the torturers, and murders of the Bush Admin. will be brought to justice.
Shrub MUST be brought to justice or there IS NO justice. Simple as that. Thanks for your comments...it's good to hear from a fellow Texan. I am sure I don't have to tell you what harm Bush has done to the state of Texas in every way. His 'governorship' was a fuckin' disaster from EVERY standpoint. I am still pissed about his education frauds in Houston, his war ON the environment, the deals he cut with DeLay, the wink and nod given Enron! Shrub MUST be brought to justice or there IS NO justice. Simple as that.
My ancestors were in Texas before Stephen F. Austin got there. As far as I'm concerned, Bush is a carpet bagger.
Anonymous said...
Would someone at least write the facts behind Bush's "election".
There was a $6 Trillion surplus when Bush took office...where is it now?
Good question! Not only is terrorism ALWAYS worse under GOP regimes (FBI Stats prove it) but any credit given the GOP on fiscal or economic issues is just plain stupid. The GOP --Bush in particular-- has proven itself utterly crooked, incompetent, lying bastards. They have bankrupted the nation. The worst economic news is yet to come. Still --I got scuttlebutt just this morning that Bush will bomb Iran in a couple of months.
The bastard needs to be removed and inducted NOW!!!
On your latest comment.
"I got scuttlebutt just this morning that Bush will bomb Iran in a couple of months."
For the last couple of years I've been hearing the same thing.
What are your sources telling you?
Is George W going to hit Iran before he leaves office?
Tony Benn: A Million or More Dead: The destruction of Iraq continues; its people killed amidst bombings and atrocities, a million or more dead, many more than two million driven from their homes, the social and economic infrastructure shattered. In Afghanistan the US military is spending $65,000 a minute and there are four times as many air strikes than in Iraq.
roubled Texan said...
Is George W going to hit Iran before he leaves office?
There's also some net buzz about it --an article that claims Bush promised Olmert that the US would either strike Iran or join an Israeli strike. There may be enough in the public record to do a 'story'. If so, I will will follow up.
Ekk said...
Tony Benn: A Million or More Dead: The destruction of Iraq continues; its people killed amidst bombings and atrocities, a million or more dead, many more than two million driven from their homes, the social and economic infrastructure shattered.
Thanks for posting that! Here's a link to a video in which Tony Benn Beats John Bolton to a Pulp
If you like seeing NEOCON idiots made to look like the utter fools and fuck-ups that they are, you will probable enjoy that vid.
Hi, Len:
An unfortunate aspect of this is that so many Americans have been so desensitized to clear evidence of mass murder and war crimes, by the kind of crackpot pseudo-pragmatism that not only Republicans, but the Cold War style of Democrats, have been selling since the end of WWII. It's been going on for so long that most people aren't old enough to remember when people thought any differently. (I.E., it's OK if Americans do it; America is God's nation, and we can seldom if ever do wrong; Americans have a divine right to world hegemony; and so forth.) I wouldn't say that a clear majority thinks that way, or else Bush's approval rating would exceed 23%. But in between, there are a lot of people who just sort of follow trends and don't have many original thoughts.
Anyway, it's so late in the game that I think it's obvious that Bush will skate. It will be a question of how history assesses him -- if our honest historians get the chance to.
Manifesto Joe said...
But in between, there are a lot of people who just sort of follow trends and don't have many original thoughts.
Certainly, there is an entrenched attitude that if Nazis do it, it's a war crime but if Yanks do it, it's all fine and good. But --I sense a sea change. Americans are staring at the prospects of utter financial collapse. The GOP enjoyed the complacency that was bought off with relative prosperity --even if were only the very, very rich who benefited most. Those days are over. I suspect attitudes will change very quickly. In any case, Joe, we have to continue working to bring the criminals to just whatever the polls may say.
Seems some things just never change... todays' situation was eloquently described by a Franch writer in 1850 or so ... pen name Gearge Sand ...
" ... there is a lack of hands to work the land but every profession has a host of aspirants; where human beings, hideously massed together around palaces, crawl and lick the footprints of the rich; where enormous capital, accumulated in accordance with the laws of social wealth ... in a few men's hands, is the prize in a never ending lottery of avarice, immorality, and ineptness ... in this country of lewdness and misery, of vice and desolation, in this civilization, rotten to its very roots, you want me to be a loyal citizen? You want me sacrifice my will, desires, imagination to its needs, being either its dupe or its victim, so the penny I might toss to a beggar will end up in a millionaire's coffers?"
The purpose of the war was not for oil. That was a byproduct. The purpose for the war was and is to establish a greater Israel. We could have bought a lot of oil for a couple of trillion dollars.
That little bastard knew this while he was part of the Bush propaganda machine. he still deserves the same treatment all traitors get.
pilgrimtom wrote...
. in this country of lewdness and misery, of vice and desolation, in this civilization, rotten to its very roots, you want me to be a loyal citizen? You want me sacrifice my will, desires, imagination to its needs, being either its dupe or its victim, so the penny I might toss to a beggar will end up in a millionaire's coffers?"
That sums up my feelings precisely! When the US government stops stealing from the working and the poor to enrich a tiny elite, perhaps I will feel differently.
robertsgt40 said...
The purpose of the war was not for oil.
No ...the war is not about Israel. Bush and his cronies don't give a shit about Israel. Israel is a tool and, likewise, 'they' are Israel's tool! A circle jerk, in other words. For Bush, it's about oil and empire.
Anonymous said...
That little bastard knew this while he was part of the Bush propaganda machine. he still deserves the same treatment all traitors get.
Indeed, the 'little bastard' has earned a place in the dock in the Hague.
It's about oil for a greater
Zionists have been twisting
politicians around their little
finger for over a century now.
It is nothing new.
That proves that Zionists are fanatics; it doesn't disprove that Dick Cheney, Bush, the MIC invaded Iraq for the oil. I still say ---Bush could give a shit about Zionism. He's in it for the power, the oil and Jeff Gannon. He USES Israel in order to get the fundie base that believes "Israel" is God's chosen country. I grew up with that crap. I also grew with with West Texas oil barons. I knew Bush Sr and interviewed him. All they care about is world domination and an oil-based fascist "New World Order". Now --if Israel is willing to play ball, they will kiss Olmert's ass to do so. Israel is a tool. When it ceases to be a 'tool' perhaps, even, a puppet state, it will be dropped like a hot potato.
Now --do zionists have influence! Of course they do! Undo influence, of course. But that doesn't't mean that Bush is in the least bit interested in any theology but oil!
Well ...maybe Satanism!
Barbara (Pierce) Bush is a descendent
of Frankline Pierce
Pierce is the only American president
whose name appears on the charter of
a synagogue."
Solomon Bush is a celebrated war hero of the American Revolution.
The URLs in my last
post did not come out
so I put them in HTML
Franklin Pierce
Die with Love Letters from Israeli Girls
Die with Love Letters from Chabad Lubavitchers
Medal of Honor given to
Chabad Lubavitcher Messiah By GW Bush
Talmud school days
Cashed Forum Discussion
Images In Perspective
The idiot, Nancy Pelosi said, "Impeachment is off the table." What a joke. Demorats are just like Repugs - liars. The Dems lied to be elected in 2006, making all kinds of promises, none of which they have kept. Bush, Cheney and regime are war criminals by any definition; however, they have "friends in high places," so they will never be prosecuted. This is what America has become - a country run by "crooks and liars."
Two Texas guys reachin' for the short hairs in a hissin' contest?
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