There is probable cause to indict Larry Silverstein, Marvin Bush, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and others inside the Bush administration for mass murder in connection with the so-called 'terrorist attacks' of 911! Conan Doyle's character Sherlock Holmes said: "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth!"
Every other explanation but 'controlled demolition' is, rather, easy to eliminate.
Every other explanation but 'controlled demolition' is, rather, easy to eliminate.
- Many of the alleged hijackers are still alive. 'Raptured'?
- Steel has never and will never melt in kerosene fires.
- At the Pentagon, here was just enough debris to fill up NO more than a few wheelbarrows; certainly, an airliner of almost any type would have left behind much, much more wreckage.
- No piece of Flight 93 was found at its 'crash site' in PA. This is truly a miracle without precedent. On 911, we are expected to believe, the laws of physics were suspended.
As a reporter, I covered my share of disasters to include the crashes of aircraft --military and commercial. I have yet to see a crash that left NO wreckage, deaths but yet NO bodies! Bush's ludicrous cover story is eliminated with its lies! The 911 Commission Report reads like a high school paper, a work of implausible and un-imaginative fiction. What remains is the probable cause that George W. Bush and the cabal of criminals that make up his so-called administration pulled off 911 as a cover for the many crimes of this administration. Who benefited from 911? The most obvious beneficiaries are Bush, who found in 911 an opportunity to become a dicatator; Larry Silverstein who made out like the bandit he is; and a small army of 'short sellers', linked to Buzzy Krongard! They made fortunes short selling airline stocks. Guess which airlines!
The three essential ingredients of a criminal indictment can be proven of an indictable Bush gang --method, motive, and opportunity! The Bush gang had all three.
If the 9/11 attacks were orchestrated or at least deliberately allowed by the Bush- Cheney administration and the Pentagon, then the motivation to cover up this murderous and treasonous act would be unlimited. No expenditure of time and money would be considered too great." Professor David Ray Griffin --The True Story of 9/11: Part IVWhat follows is not a summation to the jury following their trials for mass murder. That comes later after the gang has been indicted, imprisoned until trial for the crimes of mass murder and high treason. It is, rather, the 'probable cause' to begin an official investigation of the crime of 911. Typically, a 'defendant' may be arrested in the course of committing a crime. Certainly, the Bush gang are committing crimes as we write. We have had to wait too long, however, for 911 justice. Things are not so straight forward when the suspect claims to be the President of the United States. Criminal cases that attract media attention --and this is most certainly one of them --involve protracted and complicated investigations. In this case, there has been no investigation. Attempts by the President to prevent or obstruct investigations of the crime are, themselves, crimes of 'obstruction of justice' and destruction of material evidence, specifically evidence that was ordered hauled away from the scene of the crime and sold to foreign buyers.
Investigations are generally conducted by the FBI. Clearly --the FBI dare not begin of its own volition an investigation of George W. Bush and his administration. If it had been attempted, we may never know about it until someone writes his/her memoirs. Impeachment, a political remedy, is reserved for the Congress, timid and intimidated. Just recently, an attempt by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) to impeach Bush was all but quashed. Congress is reluctant to challenge the entrenched Bush cabal and its supporters in the Military/Industrial complex and allies on K-Street. The people themselves must force the hand of justice. By law, any Federal Grand Jury now convened can begin an investigation of any thing it wants and may subpoena anyone it pleases in the pursuit of that investigation.
It would appear that Bush will escape justice unless such a 'run-away' Grand Jury musters up the courage to subpoena the members of this conspiracy and put them under oath. The many lies and inconsistencies that will surface will break the case 'wide open' and members of the tightly knit Bush regime will keep the world entertained by 'ratting on one another.
A federal grand jury has the power to serve a subpoena on any person within the United States. Thus, both US citizens and visitors to the US may be compelled to testify and/or provide physical evidence. A federal grand jury also has the authority to subpoena US citizens and residents abroad. Federal law currently does not grant grand juries the power to subpoena non US citizens and residents abroad. However, in the wake of the attacks of September 11 and the fear of further attacks, every possibility exists that Congress will elect to extend the reach of grand jury subpoenas.It is important to get the liars under oath in front of a Federal Grand Jury. By law, any Federal Grand Jury now convened can begin now to subpoena members of the Bush gang of criminals. Such a panel may begin now to investigate Bush's heinous crimes against the people of America, the people of New York, and, specifically the some 6,000 people whose murders Bush continues to cover up with a series of deliberate acts which are themselves violations of Federal Laws involving lies about the nature of the crime, obstruction of justice and a history of efforts by the Bush administration to destroy evidence (a federal crime), quash inquiries and intimidate the media. Only guilty people do that!...
Will we hear about the grand jury investigation(s) of the attacks? Will this be like the grand jury Kenneth Starr used to investigate the Clinton-Lewinsky relationship? Notwithstanding grand jury secrecy, the public learned quite a lot about what the grand jury investigating the Clinton-Lewinsky relationship was doing. This information came from two sources: leaks from those involved with the investigation and statements by witnesses subpoenaed by the grand jury. Neither of these is likely to occur with the grand jury or the grand juries investigating the September 11 attacks. The witnesses in the terrorist investigation(s) could, like the witnesses in the Clinton-Lewinsky investigation, reveal the fact that they testified before a grand jury and describe what they said in their testimony. The law of grand jury secrecy does not apply to grand jury witnesses, only to prosecutors, grand jurors, court reporters and others who assist with a grand jury investigation. Witnesses subpoenaed to testify about the September 11 attacks are, however, far less likely to let it be known that they have testified before the grand jury; those who were associates of the terrorists will keep silent because of a fear of retaliation. Others will no doubt keep silent out of respect for the investigation, on the theory that revealing their testimony might help the targets of the investigation escape justice. It is also possible that a federal court could order a witness to remain silent about the fact that he or she testified and about the substance of their testimony until the investigation has concluded; the US Supreme Court has held that witnesses cannot be forever barred from disclosing this information, but the Court would likely uphold requiring a witness to remain silent until the investigation was complete. -- Using a Grand Jury to Investigate 911
An innocent and legitimate 'President' would have insisted upon a complete and thorough investigation. Bush, rather, covered it up. Innocent people are not motivated to cover-up crimes!
Numerous engineers, construction experts, and physicists have questioned Bush's official and utterly inadequate official conspiracy theory of 911. Experts in the field of 'controlled demolition' most certainly know one when they see one. On 911, newscasters --Dan Rather and Peter Jennings --called the collapses of both towers 'controlled demolitions". No other 'explosion', no other method of demolishing a building (wrecking balls, et al) look like 'controlled demolitions'. Only 'controlled demolitions' look like 'controlled demolitions'. The rapid collapses of the Twin Towers look like a 'controlled demolitions' because they were 'controlled demolition'. Many people will not accept that but for emotional and illogical reasons --misplaced ''patriotism'', blind loyalty to the criminal Bush, fear of facing the consequences of having a mass murderer occupy the White House. Their reasons have nothing to do with science, logic or observation.Their's are emotional and irrational responses based upon the inability to accept unpleasant truths, the human proclivity to reject out-of-hand cold hard facts that are inconsistent with cherished myths, deeply held lies and/or comforting fairy tales. The GOP --a party which embraced Ronald Reagan because he "made us feel good about ourselves" was, therefore, ripe for exploitation by venal GOP politicians. Let's take a look at what the experts say about the controlled demolitions of WTC. It must be pointed out that Building 7 is exempted from the following remarks. We know that Building 7 was a controlled demolition. Building 7 is a textbook example of how controlled demolitions look as are the falls of the Twin Towers.

Silverstein: WTC 'pulled'
Silverstein says 'it was pulled following his discussion with firefighters. Why? What had been kept in building 7 that murderers and other politicians would want it pulled? A 47-story skyscraper, it was 'shrouded in secrecy'. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani had a 'bunker', a 'command center' on the 23rd floor. Offices included the IRS, the CIA, the Secret Service, the Securities and Exchange Commission. It is suspicious that on the very day of the attack, Giuliani, had 'set up shop out of harm's way. What did he know and when did he know it? Put him under oath in front of a Federal Grand Jury.
At the time of its destruction, Building 7 housed documents relating to numerous SEC investigations. The files for approximately three to four thousand cases were destroyed, according to the Los Angeles Times. Among the destroyed documents were ones that may have demonstrated the relationship between Citigroup and the WorldCom bankruptcy.--The Mysterious Leveling of Building 7Many 'controlled demolition' experts have claimed that the twin towers of the WTC were controlled demolitions. These experts should know one when they see one!
- Demolition experts say that the manner in which Twin Towers of the WTC collapsed is explained only by Controlled Demolition. It is doubtful that soft-bodied, aluminum airliners could have even penetrated the tower exteriors as was described by the government 9/11 Commission Report. The towers fell in only 11 seconds --a fact that utterly disproves the early 'pancake' theory. [See: Debunking Novas Pancake Theory of WTC]. ONLY a 'controlled demolition' is consistent with a fall of only 11 seconds. Put another way: ONLY a 'controlled demolition' explains a fall of only 11 seconds. Even if one allows a half second for each floor, the 'pancake' theory requires about 45 seconds for a complete collapse . If the collapse of the towers took only 11 seconds, then it was, in fact, a controlled demolition. There is no other explanation.
- The 911 Commission statement that “the [WTC] core was hollow” is simply a bald-faced lie as photos taken of WTC construction back in 1970 prove conclusively. The core is fully visible as the construction photo above shows. The official conspiracy theories claim that soft-bodied aluminum airliners penetrated 9 feet of concrete and 4 rows of 4-ft-square steel girders. We are expected to believe as well that soft-bodied aluminum airliners penetrated the steel outside girders and the two rounds of 47.4 ft wide steel that made up the inside core! It didn't happen. The 911 Commission expects us to believe that the 'core' didn't even exist. The 911 Commission lied to you! The 'videos' even depict a helicopter 'flying backward' over what has been described as the 'real NY skyline' video. I've been editing video tape since video tape was more than two inches wide. Now I use state of the art non-linear equipment. There are compelling reasons to be suspicious of videos that depict physical impossibilities. The only explanation for that is: fakery! In this case, government fakery and bald-faced lies!
- The fires of WTC could never have gotten hot enough to have melted the steel and thus cause the collapse of either tower! The 'melting of steel' requires a sealed blast furnace for 2 hours! Jet fuel burns at 1,700 degrees --NEVER higher! The commission stated that the burning desks, plastics, and paper melted the steel! Steel melts only melts at temperatures of 2700 degrees for more. Items like desks, plastics, and paper, which burn at about 450 degrees, have never, ever at any time in history melted steel! The WTC fires burned up in about 15 seconds. Steel would not have weakened at a mere 1700 degrees and it is doubtful that the steel girders would weakened sufficiently to collapse in only 15 seconds even at much higher temperatures. At some point, when it was clear that the 'official' cover could no longer be maintained, Bush loyalists and other liars changed their stories, denying that 'molten steel' had been found at the scene of the crime, i.e, the wreckage of the Twin Towers. In fact, the molten steel, had been found at the sites for a period of some six weeks. It was photographed and reported by New York firefighters. The presence of molten steel is consistent with a controlled demolition. The firefighters, said the pro-Bush liars, had merely mistaken molten 'aluminum' for 'molten steel'. There are several fatal flaws in those assertions, this 'second' cover story. First, molten steel explains the tower collapse and is consistent with observed facts; a 'melted aluminum theory, however, is inconsistent with observed facts and raises yet another complication for Bush advocates to explain away! Secondly, many Bush proponents have claimed that the aluminum bodied airliner that they believe crashed the Pentagon merely 'vaporized'. Certainly --no melted aluminum was found there! If that had been the case, then, why are we to believe that the planes that crashed WTC left behind 'melted aluminum' rather than 'vaporizing' into thin air many believe happened at the Pentagon.
Bush proponents were motivated to sell an alternative version of events. The presence of 'molten steel' disproves the official theory and indicts Bush. Official conspiracy theorist were faced with a big hole that required plugging and fast!
What was found at WTC was molten steel and the firefighters reported that it lasted for weeks. Their observation is absolutely consistent with the laws of physics and chemistry and it is entirely consistent with the testimony of reliable witnesses to the attacks and aftermath of 911. As many sites have reported, fire has never, ever brought down a skyscraper. And, it is plain enough, that fire did not bring down the WTC. Significant fires are documented to have burned for hours and yet failed to bring down steel skyscrapers, notably, Madrid, in 2002, where a fire burned for some 19 hours. All floors were involved. At the end of 19 hours, the steel frame remained in place. There is yet additional proof that the fires --said to have been hot enough to melt steel --were not and did not! There are photographs of people standing in the very holes that had been --presumably --punched by the airliners. If the Commission's report were true, people could not have been standing there. They most certainly would have already burned to death.Most of the jet fuel burnt outside the buildings, a fact clearly seen in numerous videos of the South Tower. After impact, a flammable mist would have spread throughout the floor, igniting and exploding --as is plainly seen --outside the building. If the fires were as hot as the 911 Commission report would have you believe, then how are the recoveries of some body parts, papers, and passports to be explained? Jet fuel fires are brief and were brief on 911. The laws of physics did not change to accommodate the lies of the arch-criminal --Bush! Numerous experts have stated that if some 10,000 gallons of fuel, spread evenly across a floor, would be consumed by fire in less than five minutes. Clearly, then, the 'official theory' (that the fires burned for a very long time, building up heat, enough to melt steel) is utter nonsense. The fires could not and did not burn so long. Heat did not 'build up' in violation of the law of science. As fires dissipate, they cool and die. The back smoke seen in every video is proof that the fires had cooled. Smoke from hot fires is white! Again --Bush and the 911 Commission presumes to rewrite the laws of physics and there attempts to do so indicts them. It is, I believe, probable cause to suspect them of heinous crimes. It is the clever murderer who concocts a believable cover, a credible alibi. It is an incompetent fool --like Bush --who can't get his stories straight! It doesn't say much for the educational level of the typical American, that Bush --an idiot --has managed to fool millions with an absurd conspiracy theory that is more full of holes than a slice of swiss cheese! - Many witnesses reported smoke near the bottom just before the collapse. Others reported 'explosions' just before the airliners were 'said' to have hit. Some writers have claimed to have film of bombs going off in the WTC basements. Certainly, those reports are consistent with remarks by firefighters who were at the scene. Why weren't these people interviewed? What was the origin and purpose of the explosions?
- Marvin Bush, head of security, ominously shut down security cameras two weeks prior to the WTC demolitions. Two weeks is probably enough time to 'wire' the buildings for a controlled demolition.
There are numerous other glaring holes in 911 officialdom. Most of it, I've already dealt with. For example, I've always found the fact that six of eleven hijackers are still alive to be a big hole in the official lie. My source for that information is none other than the venerable BBC who interviewed the six alleged 'hijackers' AFTER 911!
It is also extremely convenient that most girder pieces were seen to have been 'cut smooth' at 'an angle' and at just the right length for loading up and hauling away. It was Bush who ordered the steel sold off to China and elsewhere, an act of obstruction of justice and evidence tampering for which Bush should be indicted and prosecuted!
Until the myths and lies of Bush's official conspiracy theory are sorted out, the truth will be forever lost. Time is not on our side. Every day that Bush is not prosecuted for his crimes increases the odds that he will have gotten away with murder. Every crime is a matter of method, motive and opportunity.
Now that we have a pretty good handle on what did not happen (Bush/911 Commission 'conspiracy theory''), let's take a look at existing motives for bringing down the buildings. The WTC was built in 1970, an experiment in 'controlled environment'. There were no windows. By the time they were destroyed, vent ducts in the Twin Towers were filthy and clogged with mold. The air was unfit to breath. Steel beams were covered with un-removable asbestos. The situation was unfixable amid millions of dollars in law suits for lung cancer, mesothelioma and leukemia. The new owner --Larry Silverstein --had obviously concluded that the buildings would have to come down anyway. Clearly --it would have been a controlled demolition. Again --anyway! Clearly --controlled demolition had been planned from the day Larry Silverstein took possession of his 'white elephants'.
Put Silverstein before a Federal Grand Jury. Put it to him that the towers were going to have to come down by controlled demolition --anyway! Get his 'explanation' under oath!
Compare his story to the verifiable fact that Silverstein made out like a bandit on 911. Ask him about that and get his answer while he is under oath. Demolishing the WTC would have cost him millions, if not $billions$! But --conveniently --just a few weeks before 9/11, Larry Silverstein took out several $billions$ in insurance, double indemnity clauses for terrorist attacks. A Federal Grand Jury must get his explanation while he is under oath!
He demanded and received 'double indemnity' for each of 3 buildings though one of them, we know, was 'pulled'. Building 7. Ordinary folk, in other words, those not worth millions, those not friends or co-conspirators with arch criminals like George and Marvin Bush, would have already been indicted, convicted and thrown into a Federal hell hole awaiting execution for the capital crime of mass murder! Bushies and their friends walk!
But ...maybe not!
There is no statute of limitations on mass murder. There will always be the threat of a runaway Grand Jury looming above the heads of Silverstein, Cheney, Bush the acting President and Marvin Bush the brother whose position as head of 'Security''at the WTC makes him a prime suspect. Method! Motive! Opportunity!
Another interesting bit of evidence that proves that someone had accurate foreknowledge of the attacks: 911 Mayor Rudi Guilliani stated on camera that 'he had been warned to get out of the towers'. They were going to fall, he had been told! [See:Firefighter: Giuliani 'ran like a coward on 9/11']
Now that we have a pretty good handle on what did not happen (Bush/911 Commission 'conspiracy theory''), let's take a look at existing motives for bringing down the buildings. The WTC was built in 1970, an experiment in 'controlled environment'. There were no windows. By the time they were destroyed, vent ducts in the Twin Towers were filthy and clogged with mold. The air was unfit to breath. Steel beams were covered with un-removable asbestos. The situation was unfixable amid millions of dollars in law suits for lung cancer, mesothelioma and leukemia. The new owner --Larry Silverstein --had obviously concluded that the buildings would have to come down anyway. Clearly --it would have been a controlled demolition. Again --anyway! Clearly --controlled demolition had been planned from the day Larry Silverstein took possession of his 'white elephants'.
Put Silverstein before a Federal Grand Jury. Put it to him that the towers were going to have to come down by controlled demolition --anyway! Get his 'explanation' under oath!
Compare his story to the verifiable fact that Silverstein made out like a bandit on 911. Ask him about that and get his answer while he is under oath. Demolishing the WTC would have cost him millions, if not $billions$! But --conveniently --just a few weeks before 9/11, Larry Silverstein took out several $billions$ in insurance, double indemnity clauses for terrorist attacks. A Federal Grand Jury must get his explanation while he is under oath!
He demanded and received 'double indemnity' for each of 3 buildings though one of them, we know, was 'pulled'. Building 7. Ordinary folk, in other words, those not worth millions, those not friends or co-conspirators with arch criminals like George and Marvin Bush, would have already been indicted, convicted and thrown into a Federal hell hole awaiting execution for the capital crime of mass murder! Bushies and their friends walk!
But ...maybe not!
There is no statute of limitations on mass murder. There will always be the threat of a runaway Grand Jury looming above the heads of Silverstein, Cheney, Bush the acting President and Marvin Bush the brother whose position as head of 'Security''at the WTC makes him a prime suspect. Method! Motive! Opportunity!
Another interesting bit of evidence that proves that someone had accurate foreknowledge of the attacks: 911 Mayor Rudi Guilliani stated on camera that 'he had been warned to get out of the towers'. They were going to fall, he had been told! [See:Firefighter: Giuliani 'ran like a coward on 9/11']
Bush must think we are all bloody stupid and we have been to let him get away with it! See: The Blood on Bush's hands In 2007, the so-called "Purdue Study" consisted of a cute, slick animation showing the collapse of the World Trade Center towers on 9/11. It was a great piece of computer animation. I can tell you that anyone with a computer and 3DS Max can animate almost anything and make it look convincing. The Purdue Study has nothing to do with reality. However slick, an animation showing soft aluminum wings slicing through hard steel proves nothing! Disney animated a mouse! Does that make Mickey real? The study had claimed to be independent but, in fact, it was federally funded, conducted by individuals linked directly to the Pentagon and the White House. The Purdue study was intended to back up the 'findings' of the 2005 National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) report. It is just an animated version of official lines and bullshit. No animation is able to disprove the melting point of steel! No animation --however slick --will change the laws of physics. In fact, the depiction of soft aluminum slicing through hard steel REQUIRES an animation. It will NEVER be photographed for real! And it will never be photographed 'for real' because it has never, ever happened and will never happen because it defies the laws of physics and could never be duplicated under lab or 'controlled' conditions simply because it is utterly impossible! Typically, the New York Times applauded the bullshit study as "a counterpoint to the conspiracy theories promulgated by such outspoken figures as Rosie O’Donnell". In fact, the first conspiracy theory to surface was that of Bush, his paid liars and shills, the establishment media and exemplified by the NYT and an entire industry that depends utterly upon the Military/Industrial complex for its living. All of these people are willingly involved in the propagation of official conspiracy theories, officials lies, official propaganda, official bullshit! I repeat: there is probable cause now to indict George W. Bush for the crime of 911. I've been criticized for having taken that position. Here is clue: I am no longer in the education business. And I don't take threats --veiled or otherwise --lightly! Comments will be moderated for this post. Labels and ad hominems won't get by me! Obvious lies or 'scripts' won't get by me! GOP plants won't get by me! If you insist upon wasting space and time, get your own blog and knock yourself out! If you try to post your venom, prepared GOP propaganda or right wing crap here, it won't get by the moderation! I no longer waste my time with fools, Bush plants, idiots, and GOP script pushers, shills, or agents! If you are one, you have to live with your sorry self.
“ We ought to find the people who are doing this, take them out and shoot them. Really. You take them out, they are traitors to this country, and shoot them. You have a problem with that? Deal with it. You shoot them. You call them traitors, that’s what they are, and you shoot them dead. I’ll pay for the bullets.” - Michael Reagan, 6-10-08“ How about you take Mark Dice out and put him in the middle of a firing range. Tie him to a post, don’t blindfold him, let it rip and have some fun with Mark Dice.” - Michael Reagan, 6-10-08Millions of freedom-loving people around the world support the 9/11 Truth Movement. Reagan wants them executed.
Michael Reagan advocates the mass murder of 9/11 Truthers
"If you try to post your venom, prepared GOP propaganda or right wing crap here, it won't get by the moderation! I no longer waste my time with fools, Bush plants, idiots, and GOP script pushers, shills, or agents!"
Thank you, Len. This is your electronic living room, and I like the house rules. Please keep your informed rants coming, and keep the corp-whores away! There are plenty of sources of stupidity on the intertubes, and this ain't one of them.
Something I have wondered about since I heard L. Silverstein on video declaring that he told whomoever to "pull it" (in reference to WTC7), is how do you just decide to "pull it"? Doesn't it take some time to set up a controlled demolition? Are tall building built with demolotion materials built into them, so that you can just decide at some point that you want to pull them? I would like to see some study of how long it would take to install whatever materials (thermite?) are required to pull a building. I wonder how long it took them to install these materials and why no one noticed what was going on.
Something I have wondered about since I heard L. Silverstein on video declaring that he told whomoever to "pull it" (in reference to WTC7), is how do you just decide to "pull it"? Doesn't it take some time to set up a controlled demolition? Are tall building built with demolotion materials built into them, so that you can just decide at some point that you want to pull them? I would like to see some study of how long it would take to install whatever materials (thermite?) are required to pull a building. I wonder how long it took them to install these materials and why no one noticed what was going on.
This is one of the big reasons net neutrality is doomed.
Once the internet becomes a series of FOX News and Disney-style sites, all record of these events will be swept away.
This is a big hole in the main$tream narrative, Cowboy. The same people that are going to make ATT and Verizon immune to all liitigation for wiretapping are going to use the telcoms to ensure nothing troubles their beautiful minds in the future.
marain said...
Something I have wondered about since I heard L. Silverstein on video declaring that he told whomoever to "pull it" (in reference to WTC7), is how do you just decide to "pull it"? Doesn't it take some time to set up a controlled demolition?
Indeed! In another part of the story, the point is made that Marvin Bush had a 'window' of about two weeks in which to 'prep' the Twin Towers. It would have taken perhaps that long to prep 7. That fact indicts Silverstein. You don't just say 'pull it' and --VOILA -- it is done. That it was pulled, therefore, indicts Silverstein.
kelley b. said...
This is one of the big reasons net neutrality is doomed. Once the internet becomes a series of FOX News and Disney-style sites, all record of these events will be swept away.
I saw two interesting articles just this morning. One is on Yahoo --Americans use Net to look beyond sound bite ---it's an optimistic view of the net as a source for more in-depth reporting.
The other --Google Is Giving Us Pond-Skater Minds --makes the point that 'Google' is making us intellectually lazy.
I tend to use the net as described by the Yahoo article. As for 'pond-skater' minds, that had been a characteristic of the American mentality long before Google came along. Google will NEVER replace my books and shouldn't. But I could never maintain a library capable of the scope and access I get from Google.
Having said that, I daresay, one wil find more articulate American speech and better writing styles in pre-WWII American speakers or writers. The language had begun dumbing down long before Google came along.
911 Truthers seek to encourage the general population to support an international/non-neocon dominated investigation of the 911 atrocity; an open process that is well funded and has subpoena power. This mass murder has never been properly and publicly investigated. Existing forensic evidence relative to dust and metallic sphere chemical analysis casts real doubt on the official NIST and FEMA building collapse theories. ( page 22)
In our system of government (as if that means anything anymore), it is a jury that is the finder of fact. In this mass murder case, there has been no discovery, no presentation of evidence, no direct testimony and no cross-examination. We have had to settle for a flawed, incomplete and self-contradictory 911 Commission public report that made damn sure that no one would be held accountable.
Planned trials of accused terrorists allegedly responsible for the 911 attacks will be in secret. Published testimony will be censored due to “national security” concerns. Confessions obtained under torture will likely be introduced into evidence. The death penalty will follow and, like Saddam, dead men tell no tales. There will be no further public disclosure of the money trail, or of the unusual insider trading (short selling UA, AA, etc.) hours before the attack that made several “unknown” entities tens of millions.
With all the lies this administration has spewed over the past seven years, why anyone would give them the benefit of the doubt on anything is beyond me. And in the case of the 911 atrocity, there is ample room for doubt.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Planned trials of accused terrorists allegedly responsible for the 911 attacks will be in secret. Published testimony will be censored due to “national security” concerns. Confessions obtained under torture will likely be introduced into evidence. The death penalty will follow and, like Saddam, dead men tell no tales. There will be no further public disclosure of the money trail, or of the unusual insider trading (short selling UA, AA, etc.) hours before the attack that made several “unknown” entities tens of millions.
Such trials violate every principle of international law to which the US is bound ---whether Bush likes it or not!
I urge readers to this blog to support the '911' investigation that you write of while ORGANIZING to oppose the 'trials referred to above. The opposition to these trials should plan forward to bringing the Bush administration to trial at the Hague for this outrage to international law and the numerous other WAR CRIMES that Bush has already committed.
It pains me every time I hear DICK and GEORGIE referred to as "cowboys" since the pair of them together wouldn't amount to a pimple on a real cowboy's ass...what they are is one generation removed white oilfield trash...and I say that with all due respect, since I have a lot of friends who have worked in the "patch" at one time or other... We put Martha Stewart behind bars for a hell of a lot less than what these greedy thugs have done..
colorado coolaid said...
It pains me every time I hear DICK and GEORGIE referred to as "cowboys" since the pair of them together wouldn't amount to a pimple on a real cowboy's ass.
Me too! Neither of these ass wipes could carry a real cowboy's shit! They're not 'cowbys'; they are horses asses.
Anonymous your comments are the most accurate I have read in all the time I spent trying to understand how legal discovery could be disrespectfully blocked and thwarted after evil 9/11 attacks. Then I read that the case Judge has conflict of interest. I was trying to find other persons to write synthesis article or book with to get answers to as yet unanswered questions about all participants in 9/11 attacks and the roles they played. I wish I could work with person that has similar take on 9/11 terror attacks. I am neither neo con, liberal or other being that has investment in other than the truth.
Anonymous, marain, want to write a book together and solve the unanswered questions of 9/11? I have not been able to find
SMW said...
I read that the case Judge has conflict of interest. I was trying to find other persons to write synthesis article or book with to get answers to as yet unanswered questions about all participants in 9/11 attacks and the roles they played. I wish I could work with person that has similar take on 9/11 terror attacks
Please keep the 'Cowboy' updated as to your progress. I really hope that this issue is not allowed to die! I hope that indictments are brought against Bush, Rummie, Powell, Rice et al! Clearly --this was an inside job and any co-conspirator in this CAPITAL CRIME of mass murder, terrorism and high treason should face the LEGAL consequences.
indicting them will not serve justice they have no problem lying under oath
the lowest of the low...
Anonymous, I hope they are indicted but ONLY if the get an honest judge to try them. If they should support the 'official story' consisting as it does of NUMEROUS DEMONSTRABLE LIES, it would be easy enough to add numerous charges of perjury to those of mass murder, terrorism and high treason. Bring it on!!!!!!!!!
why post it, i can get it past the robot--lol
It is a crying shame that such sorry ass son of bitches can get by with murder,especially if they have friends like dikie cheney an george bushy--now if it were a poor white boi,he wud av alreddi been in prison---
Larry Silverstein also killed lots of civilians in his black water scheme with dikie cheney and george bushy--just to make money--how low can a prez go--no wonder the government covers up crap--they are really guilty of every crime in the book,I say put them in the joing fer the rest of their life and then some
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