The US was the creation of Northern commercial interests and remains so today. For those who wield power, the campaigns are a light diversion in which mock debates are held about things that don't matter. When the dust has settled, the power brokers still broker power, the slaves are still lashed to the wheel. Every four years you are thrown a bone to gnaw on until another bone is thrown you four years hence! John McCain came dangerously close to saying something meaningful when he said we may stay in Iraq for 'ten thousand years'! Just words? Obama said that the decision to invade Iraq was 'the most important foreign-policy decision in a generation' --'just words'! Unless he means that it was a bone-headed, fascist decision that has bankrupted the nation, destroyed the Constitution, enslaved the American and the Iraqi peoples, enriched the rich, and resulted in the murders of over one million Iraqi civilians. Why didn't he say that? Perhaps, that's not what he meant! Perhaps, it's all just words! Sure the so-called candidates talk about 'Iraq' but in buzzwords, fashionable but meaningless phrases, Pentagonese and 'cute speak'! 'Cute speak' is 'pre-fab', 'lego' language, clauses and phrases assembled on-the-fly: one from column 'A', one from column 'B', one from column 'C'.

That Americans actually talk like that proves that almost every child was left behind but managed to get a job regurgitating banalities on TV. It's 'cute speak', it's called 'failing upward'. Does anyone really know what the candidates positions are? Has anyone bothered to ask Obama if he will rescind the very real harms done by Bush upon the Constitution? Has anyone bothered to pin McCain down on just when and how he intends to rob seniors of Social Security?
How does either candidate feel about the fact that, by decree, habeas corpus has been denied as an essential point of law in the US? It is that real and definable issue less important than the more reported facts that McCain is gray and Obama is dark tan? Or the other non-issues making 'You Tube': McCain said 'cunt' and Obama stole 'just words'! So what? Are they not 'just words'?Have either McCain or Obama said anything worth stealing, anything about 1) the criminal manner in which we got into Iraq; 2) how we get out; 3) war crimes trials for those who got us there? Past this point, neither candidate has ever really said anything at all. Just words! That the candidates are speaking in 'code words' may not be their fault entirely. The public has spoken via 'focus groups' and 'studies'. The candidates are just telling you what 'you' have said 'you' want to hear: just words! You want to hear meaningless platitudes, slogans, and claptrap. You WANT to hear bullshit! Keep in mind, however, that it was Albert Speer who said that the Third Reich was erected upon utterly meaningless platitudes --'just words'.
Among the few politicians who dared address real issues with real and meaningful words was John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. It was bad enough that America died on November 22, 1963, it died again on June 5, 1968. It has died daily since. And since that time politicians have feared to use real language to describe real issues in real terms for real people since. It's all just words! Very few --like Sen. Paul Wellstone --did But they, too, are dead.
The darker places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis. --Dante AlghieriThe government of the US has become a fraud upon the electorate, a dictatorship which every four years pretends to be a republic. Just words, apparently! No one dares reveal the truth that the 'emperor' is naked. No one dares speak above the level of buzzwords or slogans. Fewer remember what 'truth' sounds like. Critical thinking skills were 'left behind' among the many children left behind in Texas under Bush!
One of the most interesting and harmful delusions to which men and nations can be subjected, is that of imagining themselves special instruments of the Divine Will.Even as I write, Bush is trying to justify to the nation his having arrogated unto himself the powers of a dictator. All this was foreseen by our founders and statesmen. Bush thought them 'just words'! Consider the following warning from the venerable Joseph Story, whose commentaries on the Constitution have guided Supreme Court justices since the Marshall court.—Bertrand Russell, Ideas that Have Harmed Mankind
§ 1486. The propriety of admitting the president to be commander in chief, so far as to give orders, and have a general superintendency, was admitted. But it was urged, that it would be dangerous to let him command in person, without any restraint, as he might make a bad use of it. The consent of both houses of Congress ought, therefore, to be required, before he should take the actual command. The answer then given was, that though the president might, there was no necessity that he should, take the command in person; and there was no probability that he would do so, except in extraordinary emergencies, and when he was possessed of superior military talents.--Joseph Story, Commentaries on the ConstitutionBush's fallacious refutation of the vernerable Joseph Story is a highly revelatory remark that has been attributed to Bush.
The Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper!Just words!!' Now --there is some disagreement about whether or not he said it. It doesn't matter. If he didn't say it, he might s well have! His every action proves that he believes the Constitution to be either 'just a goddamned piece of paper' or --worse --'just words'!Bush often appropriates the language of the old west without understanding it or its significance. He's not a real cowboy. He's a phony. But --today --it doesn't matter. It's 'just words'. When he is impeached, Bush may very well barricade himself in the White House, claiming that he is "Commander-in-chief", that he is not subject to a mere order from Congress, that he is not subject to a "goddamned piece of paper"! He might get away with it because 'just words' will have lost the power to motivate 'the people' to the defense of the only republic they ever had, will ever get! Republic! Just a word I suppose. See how insidiously the establishment has defeated you. They robbed you of the power inherent in the ONLY weapon you had against them: just words!—George W. Bush
Fuzzflash sez...
Powerful writing, Len. Gore Vidal was right all along, but you say it with more passion.
LH: "In four years, many words are said and inversely fewer mean anything. Do the math. The campaigns are but a sop to public delusions that the US is a 'Democracy'."
GV: "Our only political party has two right wings, one called Republican, the other Democratic. But Henry Adams figured all that out back in the 1890s. 'We have a single system,' he wrote, and 'in that system the only question is the price at which the proletariat is to be bought and sold, the bread and circuses. ............
The tragedy of the United States, thus far in this century, is not the crack-up of an empire, which we never knew what to do with in the first place, but the collapse of the idea of the citizen as someone autonomous whose private life is not subject to orders from above............
Since the reading skills of the American people are the lowest in the First World, the general public is always prey to manipulation by television. This means if you want to demonize drugs or the Arabs or the Japanese, you do so openly in the media...The oligarchy does not care whether the citizens make themselves sick with drugs or not. What government wants is simple: total control. If this can be got by dispensing with the Bill of Rights, then that's a small price(for them)to pay...........
Congress no longer declares war or makes budgets. So that's the end of the constitution as a working machine."
However, amigo, on an either/or basis, I'd prefer to see The Kid get up. If Club Imbecile can do so much damage in seven years, maybe when Obi gets to be capo di tutti capi, he'll be of a mind to be makin' some repairs.
Unfortunately at this stage all we have is hope which, nebulous though it may be, is better than nothin'. Indeed the downfall has already begun, and unless Americans get off their butts en masse and demand back what has been stolen from them, the joint is well and truly fucked.
Thanks for the encouragement and your thoughts, Fuzz.
Fuzzflash sez...
Quoting Vidal the only question is the price at which the proletariat is to be bought and sold
As to be expected, Vidal hit the nail on its head.
However, amigo, on an either/or basis, I'd prefer to see The Kid get up. If Club Imbecile can do so much damage in seven years, maybe when Obi gets to be capo di tutti capi, he'll be of a mind to be makin' some repairs.
I agree. McCain is simply not a rational choice! He is more of the same to infinity. It's possible that Obama has 'signaled' his base that things will change, as in, undoing Bush specifically.
If so, I missed it. The right wing is much better at dog whistle cants. It's how they maintain power. 'We' might 'evolve' a network, but it's not there yet.
we have is hope which, nebulous though it may be, is better than nothin'. Indeed the downfall has already begun, and unless Americans get off their butts en masse and demand back what has been stolen from them, the joint is well and truly fucked.
Americans have not yet faced up to reality. What lies just 'round the corner is NOT a mere S and L crisis. Americans have not yet grasped what is meant by the term 'utter financial collapse'! It's just words!
Hey Len,
I'm a big admirer or your writing, and I think more people should be doing what you are doing. I'm just a guy who's waking up to what is really going on around us. I always thought things were really screwed up. I never understood money when it seemed to me that we were perfectly capable, as a race, of feeding every person and not just some.
I wrote an angry rant to the admin (not directed towards the admin just angry in general) over at dailyscare.com the other night because I couldn't find a way to contact you other than a comment and I'm still a little unsure about posting angry things like what I wrote in such things as comments. I know I have a right to be angry, I just don't want to seem like a dumbass when I haven't really ever been involved much in anything political before. I don't know if they read it or not though. Or maybe they did and thought I was a lunatic of some sort.
Anyway, I really appreciate what people like you are doing, sir. I only wonder what it will really take before MOST people realize what is happening to them. I've tried to talk to people about what I think, and what I've read, about the political state of the world today but for the most part they really don't seem interested at all in even hearing it. I call it the disease of 'shiny things'. They'd rather play with their new iPhone or whatever it might be.
I'd really like to help if I can, in whatever way. I can write. I can think fairly well I believe. It's disheartening sometimes is all to think "Man, what do I do?" I'd like to inflame people, they should be so angry.
I've been doing a LOT of reading lately. I mean things like the opinion of a medical doctor that believes small nuclear bombs were used on our own people, with a ton of evidence and experience to back it up. I saw a picture of some of the beams of the WTC sheared off in straight lines. My god, these things running our government don't even qualify as people anymore. They nuked us. For fucksake they NUKED us!!! And as bad and horrific a thing as that is, they've done many more horrific things just as bad.
What will it take? What can I do?
If there's any way you can do it, I'd really appreciate an email or some sort of contact. I understand you are a busy man, and please keep doing what you are doing. My email is the same as my google ID, datimmay@gmail.com. And if you can't or don't want to I can completely understand why it's not something you put out in the open. I just want to do something, and I need to be helping other people who already believe the same thing. I can't do anything just by myself about this situation.
Regards and much respect,
datimmay said...
I'm just a guy who's waking up to what is really going on around us. I always thought things were really screwed up. I never understood money when it seemed to me that we were perfectly capable, as a race, of feeding every person and not just some.
'Waking up to what is really going on around us' is a never-ending process.
I know I have a right to be angry, I just don't want to seem like a dumbass when I haven't really ever been involved much in anything political before.
You have every right to be angry and every right to express that anger. These issues are beyond 'right' vs 'left' which I believe is a false dichotomy to begin with. The 'establishments', both right and left, in various nations though out the so-called 'Cold War' benefited from and exploited this false dichotomy. The only classifications that make sense to me are those which define governments by the 1) the origin of their powers 2) the manner in which the 'power' is maintained; and 3) the manner and degree to which the 'people' are engaged.
The 'powers' that control the apparatus of state and economy in America are, for example, arbitrary. Power resides in about one percent of the population.
The 'Democracy' that we are said to enjoy is an illusion. Although the Constitution states flatly that 'people' are sovereign, the 'government', in fact, represents but about one percent of the population.
I only wonder what it will really take before MOST people realize what is happening to them. I've tried to talk to people about what I think, and what I've read, about the political state of the world today but for the most part they really don't seem interested at all in even hearing it.
I understand completely what you say. I think what you have encountered is symptomatic of the fact that only this tiny 'ruling elite' of about 1 percent of the population seem to count. Most of the rest of us understand this if only intuitively. Some, like Gore Vidal, Naomi Campbell, Paul Krugman, Ted Rall, Paul Craig Roberts et al (I am sorry to have left anyone out) have performed Herculean labors. I salute, commend and support these good folk.
... the disease of 'shiny things'.
I'd really like to help if I can, in whatever way. I can write. I can think fairly well I believe. What will it take? What can I do?
Write! Grab a space on blogspot! Put a blog title on it and send me the URL. I will link back to your blog.
I saw a picture of some of the beams of the WTC sheared off in straight lines.
There are several smoking guns that utterly DISPROVE the 'official conspiracy theory'. That's one of them.
The real problem facing this nation is the somnulence of the citizenry. I have tried, through blogging and in my real-world life, to get people to wake up. I have used topics which should resonate with people - such as economic issues for "conservatives" - and yet despite having had success in a few instances, most of them rush back into that safe security offered by their favorite "just words" and the facts be damned.
Paris Hilton has been dragged into the campaign and American history by John McCain as an example of empty-headed fluffiness. Despite the rebuttals offered by Ms. Hilton and her mother, McCain may well have inadvertently revealed yet another truth about current-day America: We are T.S. Eliot's Hollow Men. We are Devo. We are empty of meaning. We are "just words" ourselves.
I see little hope for any meaningful change prior to the collapse of the American economy. Once the collapse occurs, it will be too late.
Hi Len, I just wanted to say I think your essays are phenomenal and among the very best on the web. And the links you provide to us truth seekers is like telling the treasure hunters ware the mother load of gold is. But unlike the treasure hunters who would hoard their welth, yourself and too few others seek to share the truth and spread it around, because unlike gold, there is enough truth for everyone. Unfortunately most people are searching for and would rather have the gold, only to end up with poverty and lies. But for those of us who seek the truth the choice is obvious. Alas, truth be known, the truth is more than just a bunch of words to the truth seekers. So I salute you and thank you for sharing it.
" WORSE THAN McCAIN ", by Mike Whitney.
Excerpt; " Don't be fooled, Obama could turn out to be worse than McCain, much worse. No one doubts that he is brighter and more charismatic than the irritating senator from Arizona. And no one underestimates his Pied-Piper ability to galvanise crowds and stir-up national pride.
But what good is that? Obama works for the same group of venal plutocrats as Bush; a fact that was made painfully clear just last (week) when he voted to approve the new FISA-Bill that allows the president to continue spying on American citizens with impunity.
Obama is a constitutional scholar; he understood what he was voting for.
And with that;
He was sending a message to his supporters that they don't really matter; that what really counts is the small gaggle of powerful corporatists who run the country and believe the president is above the law.
That's what Obama's FISA-vote really meant ".
Obama's HOPE & CHANGE-ROUTINE is a trap for FOOLS as much as McCain's WAR & OF-SHORE-DRILL-ROUTINE is a trap for the STUPID, the U.S. is in a NO-WIN situation. And when the election-dust settles, one of these insignificants shall be the next president who will swear an oath, with one hand on the bible, to up-hold and defend that de-graded GODDAMNED piece of paper, also called THE CONSTITUTION.
There's something really rotten in the U.S. state of Alice's wonderland.
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