At a time when Wall Street is proven to be sick, crooked, bloated, corrupt, and voracious, McCain proposes to force young workers to trust Wall Street with their money. Meanwhile, Wall Street will be bailed out --at your expense --and no one bothered to ask your opinion! It's the most draconian legislation since George Bush declared himself a dictator and declared the Constitution 'just a goddamned piece of paper!
Like the rest of the GOP, John McCain uses the Orwellian terms 'privatize', 'privately managed accounts', etc to describe what amounts to the dismantling of Social Security --the ONLY government program that works.
McCain calls Social Security 'an absolute disgrace!' It is --in fact --the government's only unqualified success. His plan to force younger workers to trust Wall Street with their savings will be another AIG disaster --but McCain will give workers no choice. It is literally 'your money and your life!'
Would you patronize a doctor if he told you: "just keep on doing whatever it is that makes you sick!" Meanwhile, Dr. John tells you in effect: "let's just keep on sending your money up to Wall Street! They need it more than you do!"
The annual report of the Social Security system's trustees reveals a system in pretty good financial shape. In fact, it would take only modest injections of money to maintain that system's current benefit levels for at least the next 75 years. Other reports, however, appear to portray a system in deep financial trouble. For example, a 2002 Treasury study, described on Tuesday in The New York Times, claims that Social Security and Medicare are $44 trillion in the red. What's the truth? --New York TimesSocial Security is in even better condition than the Times have described. According to the Treasury study --there is NO Social Security crisis.
Here's a hint: while even right-wing politicians insist in public that they want to save Social Security, the ideologues shaping their views are itching for an excuse to dismantle the system. So you have to read alarming reports generated by people who work at ideologically driven institutions -- a list that now, alas, includes the U.S. Treasury -- with great care.First, two words -- ''and Medicare'' -- make a huge difference. According to the Treasury study, only 16 percent of that $44 trillion shortfall comes from Social Security. Second, the supposed shortfall in both programs comes mainly from projections about the distant future; 62 percent of the combined shortfall comes after 2077. .--PAUL KRUGMAN, Social Security ScaresWhat McCain will not tell you is that the source of the 'crisis' is the shortfall caused by Bush's tax cuts --not Social Security. Krugman reminds that Social Security --"unlike the rest of the federal government" --actually runs a surplus! The GOP has always coveted the 'surplus'. The GOP has always schemed to get its mitts on it. The downside of this success is that GOP leeches have fought a war of naked aggression with looted Social Security revenues.
Another problem is Bush's tax cut. It benefits only the very, very wealthy. Unless you are among Bush's 'base', in fact, an elite of just one percent of the nation, you are screwed. The lingering effects of Bush/GOP incompetence will continue to be the source of real problems and real crises. That will continue to be the case until GOP crooks and liars are shown the door, hanged for mass murder, or hauled before the ICC at the Hague.
McCain's record on this issue is full of lies and distortions based on the GOPs disingenuous philosophy of 'laissez faire' --deregulation and weakened consumer protections. McCain calls his proposed theft of Social Security --'reform' and wrote an article in which he praised banking deregulation and promised the same for the health insurance industry. [What has either industry done for you lately?] Is McCain senile or just out of touch?Is he aware that the people of the US are now 'bailing out' the Wall Street fat cats? Nevermind! Just keep on doing whatever makes you sick!
In the meantime, send McCain a message! Bombard his hide out..uh...headquarters. Tell him in all caps:
You might also remind the fuzzy cheeked idiots in your congressman's office that Paul Krugman was right and prophetic when he said that the biggest risk facing Social Security was and remains 'political'. McCain's demoguogery is proof of it. As Krugman asked "Will those who hate the system use scare tactics and fuzzy math to bring it down?" Of course they will! It's the GOP way!This just in: John McCain says that war critics should be thrown out of the country.
McCain: Throw War Critics Out of the Country!

- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part I, Police States Begin With False Flag Attacks
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part II, A Climate of Fear is Maintained
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part III, In Fascist Dictatorships Telling the truth becomes a crime
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part IV, the state forces an 'existential' choice
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part V, Public Opinion Becomes Irrelevant
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part VI, The government places itself above the law
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part VII, The Government Denies 'Due Process of Law'
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State Part VIII: Atrocities are justified with lies, myths or propaganda

Spread the word

Whether you want to call it fascism or corporate feudalism or whatever term you come up with, the coup d'êtat seems to be a fait accompli. The moment to mount resistance, whether it be with a national strike or with torches and pitchforks, seems to have come and gone. And so it ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
On the other hand, as I know you're fond of saying, it's never too late to do the right thing.
I am seeing a lot of outrage on the internet...calls for huge demonstrations. Many are going to the demonstratons 'armed'.
Might I remind --the FEDERAL THUGS who will attack you are ARMORED to the teeth. Little .22s will simply bounce off them. Another reminder --student demonsters were fired upon and killed at Kent State. Earlier, the US military under the command of Gens. McArthur and Patton attacked WWI veterans encamped on the mall in DC. That is public property, by the way!
The way to protest Washington DC is to encircle it with 18 wheelers and SHUT DOWN every major interchange.
Bush calls this a 'SERIOUS CRISIS'.
The term 'serious crisis' is GOP-speak for: OUR PONZI SCHEME has collapsed and WE WANT YOU TO PICK UP THE TAB.
Fuck Bush and fuck his Ponzi scheme.
Get yourself a good Delaware tax lawyer! STOP FEEDING THE BEAST.
Your web-site is increasingly difficult to open and close, it stucks and stammers go's blind re-opens and get stuck again. My 'un-educated guess' is that there's a problem with a/some video's. One video starts, the 'procecuting G.W. Bush, with Colleen Costello at the R.H. Jackson Conference, the Free live streaming video by Unstream! without me starting it!
It's a real drag to scoll up and down also.
Oké that's one.
McCain is losing it big-time, did'nt say he had his marbles together in the first place, but now it's sinking in with a majority of the U.S. public watching and hearing his 'ad-hoc' stammering lies one after the other. Yesterday he suddenly decided to postpone the debate with Obama, today he's changing his mind again(great McCain Poster; McCain's CHANGE, EVERY DAY AND EVERY HOUR?!) This shadow of a man belongs in a mental-hospital probably in a straight-jacket! Comes to mind that under the G.W. Bush doctrine the whole U.S. is rapidly becoming a homeland-security mental institution.
And remember cowboy, keep on riding your mustang!
The latest gossip I heard yesterday floored me. A friend commented; ‘What is wrong with Social Security is the number of abortions performed in this country each year. Why, last year alone …… At this point, I put a stop to this and said’ ‘bull shit! Why don’t you do the math and use your own head. As long as the United States has a positive population growth, Social Security cannot be in trouble. What about all the illegals that pay Social Security and will never see a dime of benefits. What happens to all that money?’ At this point, I realized I had let my mouth run away with me again and made a friend mad and more obstinate than ever, that he was right. The fact that he knows I will not talk about abortion is no excuse for my out burtst.
There is one obvious draw back to my argument and that is the wage shrinkage for the lower 90% of this country.
I forget which Ray gun taxed, Medicare or Medicaid, but there was a separate deduction, apart from Social Security. When congress helped big pharma out and re-wrote the law lumping Medicare and Medicaid together, what happened to all that money, that had already been collected?
tiago said...
There is one obvious draw back to my argument and that is the wage shrinkage for the lower 90% of this country.
Social Security is the ONLY govt program to run a surplus --a SURPLUS that is coveted by the GOP. The GOP HATES SS because it does not enrich their fat cat constituencies. They also hate it because it is the lasting legacy of FDR! If the GOP could pull it off, it would dig up FDR so that they could assassinate him! The GOP is just not rational.
At last --Social Security cannot be compared with other programs which have NEVER paid their own way and never will. The 'bail out', for example is more GOP PORK. Under Bush's threat of 'the sky is falling, the sky is falling', the Congress will be stampeded into ceding to Bush near absolute powers.
That being the case ---one MUST ask: have the elections been called off yet?????????
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