Vatican Flaunts Gross Hypocrisy, calls Democrats "A Party of Death"
A 'religion' responsible for millions of deaths over hundreds of years labels 'democrats' a 'party of death'. Selective memory or deliberate lie?The Vatican --of course --has a really 'great' record on 'death'!I am being sarcastic. The Prefect of the Vatican's Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature has accused the U.S. Democratic party of "transforming itself into a party of death”. Raymond Burke, former Archbishop of St. Louis, lashed out at high profile Catholics — vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — for misrepresenting Church teaching on abortion.--Vatican labels U.S. Democrats ‘party of death’
Was it not Pope Urban who exhorted impoverished Europeans to commit mass murder and atrocities throughout the Middle East in what are now called the 'Crusades? Historical accounts describe knee deep blood rushing like rivers through the streets of Jerusalem.How many innocent folk were burned because someone in the Catholic Church 'DEEMED' them to be heretics or witches?The current Pope Benedict XVI, formerly Josef Ratzinger, is accurately described as a hard-line enforcer of Church dogma, responsible for persecuting and suppressing what is called "liberation theology" in Latin America. He worked to ban, censor or excommunicate "liberal clerics" throughout Europe and North America. It earned him some labels including: “Der Panzerkardinal” and “grand inquisitor”.And what was that spot of bother about how the Vatican supported Hitler and did precious little to prevent a Holocaust?Isn't it the Vatican that is responsible for the spread of aids in South America and Africa because it forbids the use of condoms?And, more recently, the Vatican is calling DEMOCRATS the 'party of death' when --in fact --it was the GOP regime of George W. Bush that invaded a sovereign nation upon a pack of lies, committed mass murder and in the process prosecutable war crimes, crimes against humanity and heinous torture in violation of EVERY international prohibition. Where was the Vatican outrage? Where is it now?Sure --Bush had some Democratic support in the Congress which ought to be dealt with with lots of primary losses and forced resignations.
But to call the 'Democrats' a party of death is just plain stupid --deliberately misleading --when in fact it is the GOP that is no longer a political party, it's a crime syndicate and a kooky cult to boot!Note to the Vatican: do a fact check! You're NOT infallible and you don't speak for any God that I believe in.The Vatican would do well to practice what it preaches! The Vatican would do well to address the issue constructively as opposed to throwing around epithets in areas where the church is utterly without credibility.Given the billions who have either been murdered, killed, maimed tortured or otherwise just trashed in the name of 'God', perhaps the world would be better off without the Catholic church, or, for that matter 'religion' itself. Clearly --religion, rather than being the source of salvation, is invariably the rationalization by which religious, self-righteous bigots rationalize and perpetrate mass murder in the name of 'God'. I don't think 'God' approves. I don't think 'God' approves of 'religion'!
fuzzflash sez...
Len, I'm shocked!!
Merciful heaven, who would have ever thoght that Holy Mother Church would be guilty of "palling around with" a Party of Death? What next, tea for two, Joey "The Rat" Ratzinger and Ossie Bin Laden in The Vatican gardens?
Meanwhile, The Kid is powering along towards being POTUSed-up next January. Since America is, well this is no time for euphemisms, broke, BHO may of necessity have to consider "decoupling" the MIC because The Fed can't afford to pay for deemed hegemonic imperatives in future. Unless of course Blackwater Mercs will cop drachmas for their charitable endeavours.
Should MIC operatives come calling on high-powered and cashed up International Merchant Bankers sometime soon, those operatives may be disconcerted by tastefully mounted office signs:
"Please no not ask for credit as refusal may offend"
Len, have been busy as a beaver on speed lately helping to get a blog up in Oz for polital junkies and tragics(comme moi)in the run up to Nov 4 and the Jan inauguration. The site's really starting to hum now so I figured it would be nice to share the good news with you and some of the old crew who gave me the inspiration and encouragement that something like that was possible.
So although I've not commented much of late it's grand to know that there's always a spare seat on the porch for a "fellow traveller":)
I am a Catholic and I do understand the corruption within the Church. It goes far beyond what you printed here.
As to the Holocaust, why is it that most people do not realize, it was not only Jews that were killed, there were Gypsies for one, but what of the number of Catholics and Priests that were killed. And I don’t care if Hitler shook hands with a renegade Bishop or Cardinal. They should have been de-frocked.
In the Mass, there are three readings from the Bible, two from the Old Testament and one from the Gospels. I always wondered, if I am a Christian, what the hell am I doing in the Old Testament. None of Christ’s teachings can be found there. Yet when I hear most Christians turning to the ’10 Commandments’, I become disgusted. Jesus said; I bring you the new and everlasting covenant. That is the Covenant I am to follow. To me, the most important of those three laws is; ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’
And as a Christian, why must I obey the laws of the Levites. I am not a Jew.
There was so much paganism introduced into the early Church and carried over into the Middle Ages. None of this has been cleansed from the teachings. One example; Dante’s inferno and the different levels of Hell. When hell come from a Hebrew word for being ‘dead’. Yet, when the saying the Rosary, ‘Jesus save me from the fires of Hell, is recited.
One of the covenants, (laws), of the Church is that we will obey the laws of the Country in which we dwell. This does not include the Church or Pope dictating civil laws for every one. What the Pope is doing here is the same as Bush’s far right ‘Christians’, (Palin one example) wanting to tear down the separation of the Church and State.
Before Mass, we recite; ‘I confess to you, my brothers and sisters that I have sinned in what I have done and not done.’ Even a Priest has to go for confession once a year to a Bishop, and so forth up the line. But, a Pope has no one to confess to and he has certainly sinned. As Jesus said; Let ye without sin cast the first stone. This Pope is a sinner and he throws boulders.
Conservatives of the classic Euro-Burkean type are believers in institutions that have stood the test of time. That is supposed to be the evidence of their merit.
Tell that to all those one-time altar boys who were buggered by their local priest, not to mention the victims of pograms throughout history. If there is one durable institution that classic conservatives are hard-pressed to defend, it's the Roman Catholic Church. The poet Baudelaire referred to it as "an ancient whore."
I love this -
So..the man with the HUGE GOLD CROSS and other assorted goodies on his outfit is decrying the pursuit of wealth while sitting on top of one of the largest private stashes of loot ever.
It's like a weapons manufacturer claiming guns are evil. Sorry it's too late/early and the analogies aren't flowing but sheesh :D
Da Fuzz man sez...
Meanwhile, The Kid is powering along towards being POTUSed-up next January. Since America is, well this is no time for euphemisms, broke, BHO may of necessity have to consider "decoupling" the MIC because The Fed can't afford to pay for deemed hegemonic imperatives in future.
I would support the dismantling of the MIC --but Pentagon employees and those dependent upon Pentagon contracts are the only folk who have jobs now. I believe that is one of the characteristics of a police state. Gore Vidal was --as he always is --right again!
Congrats on Politic 101. I have some exploring to do. In the meantime, there is a link to your excellent work on the Cowboy's blogroll.
So although I've not commented much of late it's grand to know that there's always a spare seat on the porch for a "fellow traveller":)
There always a spare seat if not barbecued spare ribs and longnecks. Welcome back, podnuh!
tiago said...
There was so much paganism introduced into the early Church and carried over into the Middle Ages. None of this has been cleansed from the teachings. One example; Dante’s inferno and the different levels of Hell.
I was confused early on and said "to hell with it!" I haven't darkened the door of a church since that time. And whenever I am in the company of a 'fundie' evangelist, I keep all the li'l children locked up and safely out of site and my hand on my wallet. Otherwise --religion is a wonderful thing.
Let ye without sin cast the first stone. This Pope is a sinner and he throws boulders.
That's the problem with so-called 'Christian religions' in general. They just appropriated the trademark but apparently never bothered to read the fine print. Like, say, the Sermon on the Mount.
Manifesto Joe sez...
The poet Baudelaire referred to it as "an ancient whore."
And, indeed it is! Not that US baptists are any better.
timking sez..
So..the man with the HUGE GOLD CROSS and other assorted goodies on his outfit is decrying the pursuit of wealth while sitting on top of one of the largest private stashes of loot ever.
Wisdom may not be infinite...but hypocrisy sure is!
Americans aren't known for their memory skills, but try this one:
In late 2002 and early 2003, the Vatican was getting hammered for all of the priest pedophile stories hitting the media and rightly so.
Things got so hot that one of the leading pedophile enablers, Cardinal Law of Boston, scooted out of the country one step ahead of a grand jury to flee to the Vatican and hide behind the pope's skirts.
All of that disappeard in late March, when Junior launched the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq.
Poof, all of those priest pedophlie stories vanisihed from the media, to be replaced by scenes of gore dressed up to look like a Rambo and John Wayne takes on the Muzzies pic.
No wonder the Vatican is so in love with the Republicans, they gave the altar boy sodomizers a place to hide.
Greg Bacon said...
No wonder the Vatican is so in love with the Republicans, they gave the altar boy sodomizers a place to hide.
Until it nurtures some moral authority --which I suspect it NEVER had --the so-called 'Church' might be well-advised to keep its mouth shut! We have more than enough lying hypocrites in the US of A. We don't NEED the Vatican.
fuzzflash sez...
Congrats,Len, you scored the primo position on Mike's blog round up on C&L for this post.
And thank you for including us on your blogroll. I'm chuffed honored and humbled. Reciprocity will be swift.
greg bacon and manifesto joe, with you all the way in what you both say.
Indeed, where was the Church during the invasion of Iraq? Oh yeah. Condemning it. I remember JP2 impotently railing against George Bush's invasion. Alas, when God spoke to George he said, "Go for it, George. It's something you want to do, therefore it's the right thing to do. Bugger the truth, bugger the consequences, just go for it!" Then George's God slithered away.
When the the Pope throws himself prostrate on the ground and begs humanity for forgiveness for the atrocities committed during the Spanish Inquisition. . then he will have a right to speak on anything relating to life and death.
Until then I would like him and his spokespeople to shut up.
Just another Violent Middle Eastern Religion.
Why are the religions of the god of abraham (god, yaweh,allah) so murderous and hateful? But this does not mean that (g,y,a) is the same. Religion has almost nothing to do with (g,y,a). And what it does is most likely coincidence.
The catholic church(cc) is a provably false religion.
(a) if cc is a true religion ->
(b) the pope is infalible
pope: ~the sun goes around the earth~
(and lets kill lots of people who disagree. But not Galileo)
this is false so (b) is false.
proposition: a -> b,
observation: b is false, ergo:
'b -> 'a
so (a), the cc is a false religion.
And, to paraphrase Douglas Adams, "The cc disappears in a puff of logic."
(The pomposity is just for fun)
E Pleb Neesta
Blessed are the cheese makers.
Ian said...
Indeed, where was the Church during the invasion of Iraq? Oh yeah. Condemning it. I remember JP2 impotently railing against George Bush's invasion.
If the Church had not already squandered its last scintilla of credibility by institutionalizing the practice of buggering kids, its opposition to George W. Bush --whom JP thought was the Anti-Christ --might have carried some weight. It is the CC, I believe, that made the Faustian bargain and in the process lost its moral weight.
Plisko said...
When the the Pope throws himself prostrate on the ground and begs humanity for forgiveness for the atrocities committed during the Spanish Inquisition.
And the Holy Inquisition, as well. "HOly Inquisition"!! What a contradiction in terms!
Anonymous said...
Just another Violent Middle Eastern Religion. Why are the religions of the god of abraham (god, yaweh,allah) so murderous and hateful?
I doubt that there is time to 'breed out' those genes before they will have destroyed our species.
If the Church had not already squandered its last scintilla of credibility by institutionalizing the practice of buggering kids...
Enough already. Buggering young boys has a long and noble tradition within the church and even predates the church, heir as the church is to the excesses of the Roman empire. Alas, it has an almost equally long tradition of being exposed, as evidenced by The Canterbury Tales and The Decameron.
Tradition or no --it's a prosecutable crime! So is lying about it.
But Catholics should not feel 'picked on'. I've been equally critical of the 'mass idiocy' that passes for American protestants, primarily, the fundies like Falwall, Robertson and their kiss ups in Congress.
A plague on ALL their houses.
I see the comments section has become a debate over sexual deviation, (deviation from whose standard, pray tell). If you are going to condemn an organization, (be it religion or otherwise), for deviance of certain members, you’d have to condemn every damned organization in the world, including our Congress and this ‘administration’, (regime is a better word).
But, that is not my bitch. My bitch is that I haven’t received your posts via e-mail for some time now. I’m barely computer literate and can’t seem to find a way to subscribe again. Visiting your site to stay up dated is an experience for my computer, (Alley Oop threw the damned thing away and I’m a dumpster diver).
tiago sez...
I haven’t received your posts via e-mail for some time now. I’m barely computer literate and can’t seem to find a way to subscribe again.
You must have been subscribed via Feedbliz. You should find a menu label that says: "Subscribe" and under that a button labeled: "Subscribe to the Cowboy"
Just type in your email address and hit submit. That should do the trick.
If --after I have published a new article you are still not getting the post --let me know. At that time, I will set up a 'temp' email on google or excite to which you can then email your addr confidentially. I will manually add you to my personal email address book which I do not share.
Thanks for letting me know. Ordinarily, feedblitz is very reliable.
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