by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy
The government case against Lee Harvey Oswald consisted of a single bullet --the so-called 'magic bullet'. Surely --the government knew it had a problem. The 'magic bullet' could not have been placed at the scene of the crime. If the case were heard today, the 'magic bullet' still cannot be placed at the scene of the crime. Without the 'magic bullet', the government has no case against Oswald. 'No case against Oswald' means:
- 1) Oswald would have walked;
- 2) the murder of JFK was not the work of a 'lone gunman'.
- Oswald, therefore, died for the sins of a junta that --with the death of JFK --seized power in the United States. That is why things have not been the same in the United States since our brightest hope was was dimmed forever on a Dallas street in full view of a horrified world! Lee Harvey Oswald was murdered so that he would be tried in absentia in the media. It is was not merely convenient but necessary that Lee Harvey Oswald be murdered before he could talk.
They government either found a 'magic bullet' or the government planted it! They planted it!
The government needed a magical bullet that did the work of six ordinary, non-magical, run-o-the mill, every day bullets most which got beat up and deformed in the line of duty. 'Magic bullets' are above all that.
Arlen Specter is credited with concocting the theory that a single 'magical' bullet could smash bone and cartilage but nevertheless emerge with nary a scratch! Arlen Specter would pull a pull a 'magical theory' out of thin air and an equally 'magic bullet' out of his ass.
The government had a problem!
Lee Harvey Oswald would have to be tried for the crime of murdering the President. For quite some time in our history, those charged with crimes were given trials. The government had not yet figured out that if you just call them a bad name (terrorist) you can dispense with all those niceties.
Someone, somewhere was alarmed! What if Lee Harvey Oswald should get a real lawyer, or a good lawyer or --worse --a real good lawyer!? What if LHO should get a trial and be acquitted? What if Lee Harvey Oswald proved his charge that he was just a patsy! Worse ---what if the public were convinced that LHO was --indeed --a 'patsy'!?
Connections: Al Capone, Nixon, Johnson
At this time a sleazy strip club operator and erstwhile mobster who had once run errands for Al Capone and may have worked for Richard Nixon obliged the government by putting aside their fears. Jack Ruby would silence Lee Harvey Oswald even as he implicated Lyndon Johnson in the death of JFK.
Dead men are not put on trial. It is no mere coincidence that Jack Ruby --the man who had shut up Lee Harvey Oswald --had been a a Richard Nixon 'asset'. A little known memo supports the charge that Ruby was Nixon's personal spy, or more accurately, one of several.
The 1947 memo, found in 1975 by a scholar going through a pile of recently released FBI documents, verifies everything we know about Ruby and Nixon. Undercover work for the young Congressman Nixon would have been in keeping with Ruby's history as a police tipster and government informant. In 1950, Ruby gave closed-door testimony to Estes Kefauver's special Senate committee investigating organized crime. Committee staffer Luis Kutner later described Ruby as "a syndicatelieutenant who had been sent to Dallas to serve as a liaison for Chicago mobsters." In exchange for Ruby's testimony, the FBI is said to have eased up on its probe of organized crime in Dallas and in 1959, Ruby became an informant for the FBI.By the time the Warren Commission released its voluminous 'cover story', it was clear that by murdering Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby had saved the government from having to prove its kooky theory that a single 'magic bullet' was solely responsible for seven wounds to two people: JFK and John Connally. It's absurd on its face!
--The Plot to Silence the Truth
Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts, of what occurred, my motives. The people had, that had so much to gain and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world.
Reporter : Are these people in very high positions Jack ??
Jack : Yes.
Why has nobody seen this footage at the time it was shot? Because certain people with enough power didn't want you to see it. Just like they didn't want you to see the Zapruder film. Imagine what would have happened if the american public was shown just both of these films.
--Files on JFKSo --who killed JFK? Whoever sanctioned the 'hit' on JFK were 'these people' (Ruby's words). They had what Ruby called 'ulterior motives'. 'These people' had much to lose by any defense that Oswald might have made. 'These people' had every reason to shut Oswald up. In fact, he was shut up for good.
Well, you won't see me again. I tell you that a whole new form of government is going to take over the country, and I know I won't live to see you another time.
--Jack Ruby, Statement to Warren Commission
The government's case against Oswald would have to succeed or fail upon whether or not it could convince a jury that a single bullet had created created some seven wounds in both JFK and John Connally. A 'single' bullet would have had to change course several times to account for the several wounds in both JFK and John Connally.
Now U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania, Arlen Specter, was at the time an ambitious junior counsel for the Warren Commission. It was Specter who originated and championed the theory that a single 'magic' bullet had done the work of a conspiracy. Henceforth, the word 'conspiracy' is verboten in those cases in which it may be certain that there was a conspiracy.
The government was saved further difficulties due to timing. Oswald was, of course, long dead by the time of the so-called 'investigation'. Had Oswald gone to trial, it is doubtful that the government would have had such a theory just waiting in the wings to be rolled out. And if it had, it would most certainly have been hammered by any competent defense attorney. Would the 'state' have dared to put Oswald on trial and thus expose their lies to rigorous cross examination? Would the 'state' have dared to let a 'hot dog' defense attorney make them look like liars or fools of lying fools? Would they state have risked losing an attempt to get a conviction? Would the state have risked a public expose of mere lies, cover stories and baseless conjecture? Of course not! And, of course, they didn't!

The 'chain of evidence' had been broken.
There is no evidence placing the magic bullet in Dealy Plaza at the time of the crime. It is doubtful that the 'magic bullet' had ever penetrated bone or flesh. A growing chorus -some 45 years after the event --says that Lee Harvey Oswald was the fall guy for a CIA/Government crime that most certainly amounts to high treason.
The 'magic bullet', credited with miracles yet to be duplicated and cannot be placed at the scene pf the crime. Yet the 'magic bullet' is marked in evidence by the Warren Commission. Every other bullet marked in evidence by the Warren Commission is seriously deformed, damaged, twisted or smashed. Every other bullet so marked can be connected to Dealy Plaza. For every other such bullet there is a chain of evidence that must meet the standard of a court.
Yet it is the 'magic bullet with nary so much as a dent that is said to have done the work of some six or seven other bullet/fragments in evidence. One wonders where those bullets came from! They look like they struck something hard like bone. The 'magic bullet' --by contrast -- looks like it was fired through crepe paper if fired at all.
With the untimely death of Lee Harvey Oswald, the government was saved the trouble of having to prove its case. Lee Harvey Oswald had been shut up for good. He would never have the chance to convince a jury hat he was, as he had said, 'a patsy'!
Patsies are supposed to 'take a fall'
But Lee Harvey Oswald was no ordinary patsy. Even if he had not spilled the beans, his case would have been thrown out of court by an honest, competent judge. Even if he had not revealed secrets that higher ups intended to keep secret, the dismissal of charges against him would have have forever denied a dishonest Warren Commission a chance to rewrite history and put an official label on it. The masterminds of high treason had already decided that it was much easier to murder a talkative patsy than it would have been to buy off an unpredictable judge.
The question then is why is the 'state' so dogmatically adamant about the 'magic bullet theory'? As Shakespeare put it: 'methinks they protest too much!' The government is organized and invested in the cover stories. Warren Commission critics, by contrast, are dispersed throughout the populace.
The 'state' theory is handed down from above and defended with all the powers of the 'state'! Now --if the 'state' or agencies of the state, say, the CIA, FBI, were in any way 'embarrassed' by the facts, efforts by said agencies are completely understandable.
The guilty always try to cover up their crimes
Of all Warren Commission exhibits of 'bullets' and/or bullet fragments, only one --CE 399 --is very nearly pristine. Every other exhibit is mangled, smashed, and/or deformed to such an extent that the untutored eye might not recognize them as bullets or bullet fragments. Many of these 'exhibits' have a documented history, i.e, a 'chain of evidence' sufficient to make them admissible evidence had the case against Lee Harvey Oswald ever gone to court.
The 'state's case' i.e, the 'official theory' does not follow from the evidence. The state's case then as now rests upon the flagrant dismissal of real evidence recovered at the scene but upon a fanciful ex post facto 'cover story' invented by Arlen Specter. The government chose to cherry pick its evidence and when that didn't work, they would simply invent a cover for which there is, in fact, no evidence whatsoever.
Anyone wishing to defend the government's position must:
- cite proof that the magic bullet was at the scene of the crime at the time of the assassination.
- prove that CE - 399 was the fatal shot. There is no evidence to that effect. The government has merely asserted a 'theory'. And because Oswald was 'conveniently' murdered, the government's hand was never forced; it never had to put up or shut up!
"The thing I am concerned about, and so is [Deputy Attorney General Nicholas] Katzenbach, is having something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin."
--FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, speaking on the telephone to Johnson aide Walter Jenkins two hours after Oswald was murdered by Jack Ruby, HSCA Report, vol. III, pp. 471-73. (The Warren Commission -- charged with determining the truth in the JFK assassination -- relied upon Hoover's FBI as its primary investigative arm.)
"We have not been told the truth about Oswald."
--Senator Richard Russell, former Warren Commission member, conversation with researcher Harold Weisberg in 1970, Whitewash IV
The official version of the assassination of President Kennedy has been so riddled with contradictions that it is been abandoned and rewritten no less than three times. Blatant fabrications have received very widespread coverage by the mass media, but denials of these same lies have gone unpublished.
Photographs, evidence and affidavits have been doctored out of recognition. Some of the most important aspects of the case against Lee Harvey Oswald have been completely blacked out. Meanwhile, the F.B.I., the police and the Secret Service have tried to silence key witnesses or instruct them what evidence to give. Others involved have disappeared or died in extraordinary circumstances.
It is facts such as these that demand attention, and which the Warren Commission should have regarded as vital. Although I am writing before the publication of the Warren Commission’s report, leaks to the press have made much of its contents predictable. Because of the high office of its members and the fact of its establishment by President Johnson, the Commission has been widely regarded as a body of holy men appointed to pronounce the truth. An impartial examination of the composition and conduct of the Commission suggests quite otherwise.
The Warren Commission has been utterly unrepresentative of the American people. It consisted of two Democrats, Senator Russell of Georgia and Congressman Boggs of Louisiana, both of whose racist views have brought shame on the United States; two Republicans, Senator Cooper of Kentucky and Congressman Gerald R. Ford of Michigan, the latter of whom is a leader of his local Goldwater movement and an associate of the F.B.I.; Allen Dulles, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, and Mr. McCloy, who has been referred to as the spokesman for the business community. Leadership of the filibuster in the Senate against the Civil Rights Bill prevented Senator Russell from attending hearings during the period. The Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, Earl Warren, who rightly commands respect, was finally persuaded, much against his will, to preside over the Commission, and it was his involvement above all else that helped lend the Commission an aura of legality and authority. Yet many of its members were also members of those very groups which have done so much to distort and suppress the facts about the assassination. Because of their connection with the Government, not one member would have been permitted under U.S. law to serve on a jury had Oswald faced trial. It is small wonder that the Chief Justice himself remarked that the release of some of the Commission’s information “might not be in your lifetime” Here, then, is my first question: Why were all the members of the Warren Commission closely connected with the U.S. Government?
If the composition of the Commission was suspect, its conduct confirmed one’s worst fears. No counsel was permitted to act for Oswald, so that cross-examination was barred. Later, under pressure, the Commission appointed the President of the American Bar Association, Walter Craig, one of the supporters of the Goldwater movement in Arizona, to represent Oswald. To my knowledge, he did not attend hearings, but satisfied himself with representation by observers.
In the name of national security, the Commission’s hearings were held in secret, thereby continuing the policy which has marked the entire course of the case. This prompts my second question: If, as we are told, Oswald was the lone assassin, where is the issue of national security? Indeed, precisely the same question must be put here as was posed in France during the Dreyfus case: If the Government is so certain of its case, why has it conducted all its inquiries in the strictest secrecy?
--Bertrand Russell, Nobel LaureateAdditional resources:
This is not a matter of proof, facts, or rational argument. This is a matter of idealogy.
Numerous political murders that are so "in your face" as to defy logic have been perpetrated in this country since it's very beginning.
In the modern era,( that is in the times in which mass opinion might be manipulated by print), anyone with curiosity was shunted off with a "tale", the tale may be of illness,(President Taylor was poisoned by the Slave interests),it may be,(the most common), a lone -pick one- nut, anarchist,etc.
The public recognises that they are powerless to have any influence upon the "leadership" which controls these tales, and in any event, most are conditioned to trust the Great Men who guide the destiny of the Republic.
This faith in "leaders" and the surrender of decision making to "experts" is encouraged by the myths of "democracy" and all the other redwhiteandblue crap which is fed to the mob.
This is backed up by terror.
At the end of WWI the industrialized world was hit by a wave of socialist revolutions, Most of which were put down with great bloodshed and violence.
In the U.S., the Palmer raids and other actions against "Reds" gutted the left, and the left in this country never recovered.
The postwar policy of a warfare state being continued was a boon to the corporate interests, and these interests have tightened their control, systematically destroying labor, real civil rights reform and most socially responsible actions,(like health care).
The belief system makes any doubts about the purity of national motives suspect, and we now are in a time in which anyone might be sent to the gulag, for security reasons.
The anxiety created by doubting the "leaders" is more than most are prepared to deal with, as religion, race, wealth are all mixed into a great mass of conflicting belief systems which sustain the status quo.
Any enquiry into the crimes of the system will most likely be ignored by the mob, as they are too frightened to think clearly.
Don Smith
Don sez...
The belief system makes any doubts about the purity of national motives suspect, and we now are in a time in which anyone might be sent to the gulag, for security reasons.
Jack Ruby warned: '...a whole new form of government is going to take over the country'.
And it is pretty clear to me that Ruby was telling the truth. Ruby was right and the man he murdered was, likewise, 'right'. He WAS a patsy.
After JFK was murdered every warning IKE left us re: the MIc was arrogantly ignored; civil liberties came under attack; anyone exercising free speech was marginalized and/or discredited for daring to attack US 'adventures' in Viet Nam et al. Most recently, daring to criticize Bush's folly in Iraq would make of you a target for Humvee Hot Dogs and SUV suck ups. The Dixie Chicks were reviled and Cindy Sheehan was no longer the loving mother of someone killed in Iraq. She became a 'traitor'!
I say enough of this shit!
I am giving Obama his 'first one hundred days'.
After that --we need to start thinking about how we go about 'abolishing' this government as both Che and Thomas Jefferson said we must when the government itself has 'broken the peace'.
"We are asked to believe that a bullet would go through John Kennedy, pause in mid-air, change direction, and wound Governor Connally in several places–something Connally never believed–and reappear perfectly intact wedged into the flap of a stretcher in Parkland Hospital, supposedly having fallen out of Connally’s body but obviously pushed into the flap by hand.
We are asked to believe that only three shots were fired when in fact six bullets were noted: one that entered the president’s throat and remained in his body; the second extracted from Governor Connally’s thigh; a third discovered on the stretcher; a fourth found in fragments in the limousine; a fifth that missed the president’s car by a wide margin, hitting the curb according to several witnesses, and wounding onlooker James Thomas Tague on his face; a sixth found in the grass by Dallas police directly across from where the president’s vehicle had passed.
The Secret Service took possession of the presidential limousine, ignored reports in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (12/1/63) that there was a bullet hole in the windshield, and rejected all requests to inspect the vehicle. We are asked to believe that the inside of limousine, a trove of physical evidence, was then quickly torn out and rebuilt, with no thought of covering up anything.
We are asked to believe that Kennedy’s autopsy was innocently botched and his brain just accidentally disappeared. The X-ray purporting to be Kennedy’s head now shows a rear entry wound, different from the rear exit wound all the pathologists saw. Someone cropped the jaw out of the picture, so there is no opportunity to determine by dental identification if the X-ray really is the president’s."
From Michael Parrenti's"Defending The Gangster State"
Don Smith said...
"We are asked to believe that a bullet would go through John Kennedy, pause in mid-air, change direction, and wound Governor Connally in several places–something Connally never believed–and reappear perfectly intact wedged into the flap of a stretcher in Parkland Hospital, supposedly having fallen out of Connally’s body but obviously pushed into the flap by hand.
And it was the Discover Channel, I believe, that came up with yet ANOTHER complication: Conally, they say, was seated nearer to the center of the limo seat and was --thus --'in line' to receive all the various 'apparent' changes of direction.
This is simply disinformation, a violation of Occam's Razor, an unecessary complication that, in legal terms, ASSUMES facts not in evidence. Specifically --it ASSUMES that Conally was seated thus! I found numerous clear, high rez photos of the limo from the National Archives and published on JFK Lancer. Conally was NOT seated as the Discover Channel would have you believe.
The only evidence of his being so seated is the nature of the wounds --but if that is their position, the argument becomes yet ANOTHER fallacy: the circulus en probando.
As I have told these folk: any one with a free download --BLENDER --can create EQUALLY beautiful animations of anything that they might imagine. But because they can animate it does not mean that is is real or that it happened that way. After all, Walt Disney became very, very rich by animating a mouse. But it does not prove that Mickey really piloted a steamboat.
My favorite suspicious deaths of the sixties - MLK and Thomas Merton, within months of a scheduled meeting between these two great peace movement leaders. Had they met and united their respective movements, we might be living in a much better world today.
If the 'magic bullet' and patsy scam can work once, let's try it again.
That surely must have been some of the thinking behind the demolitions of the 3 WTC towers.
Real 'Change' often requires violent action and why not go with the tried and true.
I am giving Obama his 'first one hundred days'.
After that --we need to start thinking about how we go about 'abolishing' this government as both Che and Thomas Jefferson said we must when the government itself has 'broken the peace'.
Here here! Let's not accept "fascism LITE" from Obama! Let's make sure he's not working for the rest of the masters of the universe that it seems they all are, to some extent.
And the corporate media is involved in everything. Every single thing. It couldn't happen without being under the umbrella of a corrupted media.
1% of the richest are really running this country, and they are globalists who don't really care about America. Does Bush really care about America? No! Even the NYTimes and WaPo are corrupted. Any media run by a corporation is corrupted.
The 1% trot their agenda they want on ANBCBSNNX, their media, their megaphone. Why is William Kristol always on TV??? Why is Henry Kissinger on TV all the time?
Answer those questions...
Think about it: those guys were never elected to anything and they're on TV all the time selling the 1%ers' infomercial. That's all it is: an infomercial for the 1%.
kenny's sideshow said...
If the 'magic bullet' and patsy scam can work once, let's try it again.
And with 911, the 'Patsy' was Bush's old oil partner and CIA asset --Bin Laden. Bin had the advantage of, perhaps, being already dead or, in any case, a VIRTUAL person, known to Americans ONLY by way of electronic images.
For all we know, he never really existed. He could be a hologram. Americans would never know the difference.
Big Dan said...
1% of the richest are really running this country, and they are globalists who don't really care about America.
They care about America as a farmer cares about his COW which he milks and exploits and, when it no longer gives milk --slaughtered for the offal.
That's what WE are to this 'elite'. WE are the OFFAL!
I think an important element of this story is the existence of the MK Ultra program of 'psychic driving' aka brainwashing; it was probably used on Oswald and almost certainly on Sirhan Sirhan.
The MK Ultra program was based on techniques gleaned from the Nazis through Operation Paperclip and refined at McGill University in Montreal Canada. These are undisputable facts - Canadian citizens who were unwitting test subjects of the program successfully sued the government for their abuse.
YouTube: MK Ultra
Paperclip was the brainchild of CIA Director Allen Dulles, and could accurately be characterized as putting Nazi war criminals in key positions in CIA.
" Dulles was fired from the CIA by Kennedy in 1961 over Operation Northwoods, a proposed covert CIA operation aimed at gaining popular support for a war against Cuba by framing Cuba for stage real or simulated attacks on American citizens "
A simple analysis of means, motive and opportunity puts Dulles #1 with a bullet on any list of suspects in the Kennedy assassination. (grim pum intended) That he was on the Warren Commission and in a position to control the information examined by that bunch of hacks (including Gerald Ford and Arlen Specter) is a travesty of the highest order. As Don Smith rightly points out, we are asked on many points to believe things that lead to only one logical conclusion. Whoever you think pulled the trigger, there could have been no cover-up without the express collaboration of agencies within the federal government, most prominently the CIA and FBI.
SadButTrue said...
I think an important element of this story is the existence of the MK Ultra program of 'psychic driving' aka brainwashing; it was probably used on Oswald and almost certainly on Sirhan Sirhan.
I recently watched the remake of 'Manchurian Candidate' with Denzel Washington. Long ago, I had seen the original.
Of the two, I like the more recent better. It presents a scenario about which factions inside our government would have no scruples. The best espionage/spy thrillers are the ones thatare most credible.
Paperclip was the brainchild of CIA Director Allen Dulles, and could accurately be characterized as putting Nazi war criminals in key positions in CIA.
Indeed! Dulles' decision has had the effect of rendering the judgments of Nuremberg moot, products of a show trial. That is a tragedy. Justice Jackson had hoped that a series of convincing convictions of high ranking Nazis would make it very hard if not impossible to get away with similar crimes in future years. Clearly --Jackson could not have foreseen a Bush administration seizing near dictatorial powers upon a fraud, having at its disposal weapons still on the drawing boards of the Third Reich. WE became the Fourth Reich. Thank you, Dulles, you S.O.B.
Whoever you think pulled the trigger, there could have been no cover-up without the express collaboration of agencies within the federal government, most prominently the CIA and FBI.
You and Don are absolutely correct. The very existence of a 'cover story' is evidence of a 'cover up' that had been planned well in advance.
"I am giving Obama his 'first one hundred days'.
After that --we need to start thinking about how we go about 'abolishing' this government as both Che and Thomas Jefferson said we must when the government itself has 'broken the peace'."
Good luck with that.
Only a minority is aware of the loss of liberty, freedom is being able to choose between a Big Mac and a Whopper.
Ol' Karl Marx held that "class consciousness" was needed for action against the status quo.
I only see "unconsciousness", and that in abundance.
Armed rebellion is futile, as the state has weapons and drugs which will crush any foolish enough to raise arms againstr the Empire utterly.
The only hope is education, and given the level of literacy and religious jingoism here, that is a long way down the road.
I speak out because silence is complicity.
I take part in very few boards as most are drinking the kool-aid of status quo "liberal/conservative " manipulation.
Few places try to find what the true nature of our situation may be.This site seems to be one of them.
Don Smith
Don Smith sez...
Only a minority is aware of the loss of liberty, freedom is being able to choose between a Big Mac and a Whopper.
That's why education is given only 'lip service' in America. An informed population is a revolutionary threat!
Ol' Karl Marx held that "class consciousness" was needed for action against the status quo.
Again --it is the American elite class that has made killed their golden goose. Their policies have created one of the most inequitable societies in world history. The current crash will make everyone 'class conscious' just as the GOP feared a revolution in America during the thirties. This is a bit of history of which I have original sources and 'first hand' sources.
I only see "unconsciousness", and that in abundance.
Millions will achieve consciousness and quick in a bread line.
Armed rebellion is futile, as the state has weapons and drugs which will crush any foolish enough to raise arms against the Empire utterly.
Armed rebellion is always futile when on entrenched powers have weapons. Armed rebellion --unless overwhelming force is on your side --only empowers the entrenched establishment. But firearms are not the only weapons available. Ghandi brought down an empire.
The only hope is education, and given the level of literacy and religious jingoism here, that is a long way down the road.
Education, sadly, is an low priority and as long as the 'state' controls it, it is simply a method by which propaganda is disseminated.
I speak out because silence is complicity.
I take part in very few boards as most are drinking the kool-aid of status quo "liberal/conservative " manipulation.
Few places try to find what the true nature of our situation may be .This site seems to be one of them.
You are absolutely right about the false dichotomy of left vs right. It's all bullshit. As I have said a million times --if my 'rights' are done violence by the state, what difference does it make to me if that violence is done by the right or by the left, by Bush or by Stalin, by Hitler or Pol Pot? Not one damn bit of difference! The enemy of 'people' is the 'state' be it 'right' or 'left'.
The elite intend to depopulate the planet with a bioweapon when they have all the technological infrastructure in place and no longer need human slaves to enable their luxurious lives of leisure. Yes, in general you are a slave even if you earn 6 digits a year or more, as you are still a cog in the economic slavery machine, managing lower ranking slaves either directly or indirectly through the false economy.
The depopulation event will happen when they have a) all the keys to biological immortality worked out to extend their lifespans indefinitely and reverse the aging process and b) the infrastructure in space to repel destructive asteroids from entering the biosphere and making the earth uninhabitable for them.
The moment is coming soon, when these goals will have been accomplished.
So none of this matters, and the elite is not concerned about slaves becoming aware of what they have done in recent history, or even aware of what they are about to do.
Enjoy life while you still can.
Anonymous said...
I know of at least one person who feels that "if you haven't checked your spelling, why should we believe that you've checked your facts?"
And I know of an entire era in which the most literate considered spelling to be a matter of personal preference. This era produced Ben Johnson, Christopher Marlowe and someone you may have heard of: William Shakespeare which was, in his times, often spelled Shakeshaft, Shakspeer, Shakespare, Shahkspair, Shakespeer, Schacspeir, and Shackespere, among many other variations.
The bard's own children, Susanna
(1583) and the twins Hamnet and Judith (1584) are even baptized under the name Shakspere --not Shakespeare.
Mssr. Shackeshafte is but one example. You will find spelling variations even within a single author's work --Pepys (peeps, pipes), for example. The word 'chain' was often spelled 'chyne' or 'chane'.
In fakt, I have considuhred uzing Elizabethan, ideosinckratic speling as an nduhkator of mah mud.
Thanks Len for staying on the issue of the Kennedy assassination. Obviously a lot more going on there than we were first told--especially when you start digging into it. Once you travel far down the rabbit trail it's hard to return home. So many elements of the official account just do not make sense, as you pointed out. I am still amazed that no mainstream historian or scholar has an issue with Ford moving the bullet hole around. That is blatantly misrepresenting evidence in a murder investigation. Oh well, they went for a political solution and not the truth for they were in fear of opening up too many cans of worms.
George Bailey said...
Thanks Len for staying on the issue of the Kennedy assassination. Obviously a lot more going on there than we were first told--especially when you start digging into it.
I never believed the WC bullshit! For years, it was difficult to get 'alternative' views. It has been forgotten that CBS tried to re-enact the single gunman theory and FAILED badly even though their gunman, on a tower to simulate the sixth floor window, was even close to the target which was moving even more slowly than JFKs limo.
People forget that! And I am quite sure CBS, perhaps pressured, has destroyed their tapes. It was 'presented' as a I recall by Dan Rather.
Once you travel far down the rabbit trail it's hard to return home. So many elements of the official account just do not make sense, as you pointed out.
'They' get away with it because 'they' control the axis of K-Street/MIC and they are supported the 'heirs' of J.P. Morgan, i.e, the banking/financial establishment. As a part of the MIC, the CIA is the covert arm. Clearly --CIA operatives were in Dallas that day. Lee Harvey Oswald was absolutely correct: he was a patsy. It's the modus operandi.
I am still amazed that no mainstream historian or scholar has an issue with Ford moving the bullet hole around. That is blatantly misrepresenting evidence in a murder investigation.
There is only one motive for tampering, manipulating or lying about 'evidence' and that motive is summed up in a single word: GUILT!
You are absolutely right about that. Clearly --those in on the murder as well as those who could be prosecuted as 'accessories after the fact' were in a position to destroy evidence, and re-write the WC. And those who did so are guilty participants in the government conspiracy to murder a President.
Oh well, they went for a political solution and not the truth for they were in fear of opening up too many cans of worms.
The truth would have HANGED half or more of the US government for the crimes of murder, high treason and obstruction of justice. Now --they've done it again with 911.
As I have said: the US government is an illegitimate criminal conspiracy. It's origins as such are a matter of debate. It's easy enough to trace its 'birth' to the era of J.P. Morgan, the banks, the trusts.
But, in a larger sense, it began much earlier. The so-called 'Revolutionary War', for example, was not a mere war of independence. It was, in fact, a war with the British Empire for control of the 'American West'. It was in that war that the US government perpetrated its 'second' GENOCIDE --the eradication of the Native American tribes. I am a survivor of that act of genocide and grew up hearing part of that history as it was related by my great-grandparents to their descendants. My Grandparents may be compared to Holocaust survivors in that they survived the 'Trail of Tears' --just one act of genocide among MANY that were perpetrated by the government of the United States.
An even earlier genocide involved the enslavement and the mass murder of the black race.
Around 1973-74 there was a man who toured collage campuses giving a presentation on the JFK cover up.
He showed the Zapruder film for the first time to audiences plus a detailed account of a re-enactment of Oswald's impossible shots from the book depository.
I saw him at MTSU in Murfreesboro, TN and it was standing room only with some turned away.
Do you recall who this may have been?
kenny's sideshow said...
Around 1973-74 there was a man who toured collage campuses giving a presentation on the JFK cover up.
He showed the Zapruder film for the first time to audiences plus a detailed account of a re-enactment of Oswald's impossible shots from the book depository.
Sorry, kenny, this is the first I've heard of it...but I sure wish I knew more. I'll try to find out what I can.
Having said that, making that kind of presentation in 73-74 might earn one a visit in the middle of the night. And still might!
I have never believed the WC report. I may have mentioned that CBS news re-enacted the assassination with an expert in a tower. The effort failed miserably. Sadly, I have not been able to find video of the CBS program which was presented by Dan Rather, long before he became an anchor.
The man I mentioned that gave the JFK presentations in 1974 may have been journalist Bob Katz of the Assassination Information Bureau.
kenny's sideshow said...
The man I mentioned that gave the JFK presentations in 1974 may have been journalist Bob Katz of the Assassination Information Bureau.
I googled terms: "Bob Katz, journalist, JFK, assassination" and got the same page you listed. Great work and thanks, Kenny. Looks like I've got my homework assignment.
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