Dare we hope that all the dirt will be revealed? And what revelations it will be! Think of the subpoenas —the records of Dick Cheney's super secret meetings with Enron, Exxon-Mobil et al. Every hole in the official 911 conspiracy theory might be plugged. We might learn how building 7 was readied for a controlled demolition inside of an hour when such a precise job normally takes weeks of careful preparation by experts. We might learn what Bush knew about Saddam's weaponry though he pressed for war against Iraq anyway.
In short, dare we hope that the truth about treason and subversion in high places might be revealed to the world?
Concurrently, there are suggestions that the GOP impeach Bush, jettisoning the baggage in time for the mid-terms. According to the Washington Post, notable GOP pollsters have all but pronounced the Bush "Presidency" caput.
Pollster Suggests Bush Moves Might Be Too Little, Too LateA GOP impeachment of Bush may be attractive for yet another reason. At present, GOP candidates are spending time and money running away from Bush. But even jettisoning Bush may not help. After all, Republicans themselves are complicit in Bush's failed big government policies —the exponential increase in the national debt, the exploding deficit, a failed war that Bush refuses to pay for by taxing the very elite rich that have benefited most from it. As John Yewell, writing for Yahoo news, put it: "Whereas the party of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi lacks unity, Republicans have too much."By Eric Pianin and Chris Cillizza
The recent White House shake-up was an attempt to jump-start the administration and boost President Bush's rock-bottom approval ratings, but have those efforts come too late to salvage the presidency? A prominent GOP pollster thinks that may be the case.
"This administration may be over," Lance Tarrance, a chief architect of the Republicans' 1960s and '70s Southern strategy, told a gathering of journalists and political wonks last week. "By and large, if you want to be tough about it, the relevancy of this administration on policy may be over."
A new poll by RT Strategies, the firm headed by Tarrance and Democratic pollster Thomas Riehle, shows that 59 percent of Americans disapprove of Bush's job performance, while 36 percent approve —a finding in line with other recent polls.
Tarrance said it would be extremely difficult for any president to bounce back this late in his administration and reassert influence on Capitol Hill when his approval rating barely exceeds his party's base support and half of all adults surveyed said they "strongly disapprove" of his performance. An overwhelming 73 percent of independents disapprove of Bush's performance, and two-thirds of those "strongly disapprove."
'Toons by Dante Lee; use only with permission
I'd say its all over but the bitchin' (and investigations of course)
It is possible, at least I think they are capable of a move like that...but so much has been outed on this group it would be unwise, they have missed their window for such a move. Martial law or not, they would have a hard time holding on to power at this point...not many trust these guys anymore, and they know it. But, I do believe they are very unstable, and anything is possible.
And there is the ever present possibility of the military splitting on this whacky bunch, if we got into a radical situation. I would expect that at least half of our military is not crazy, Christ...all the tax dollars that head in that direction, one would hope some common sense does exist somewhere in that culture.
BenMerc, I suggest you check out the recent history of Myanmar (Burma), where the democratically elected president was imprisoned by the unpopular military junta ruling that country. Those who protested (university students, etc) have been killed in large numbers. Google for it. And remember, Burma is the country that taught Orwell all about what is now called "Orwellian" (see the book, "Finding George Orwell in Burma," by Emma Larkin, or read Orwell's first novel -- "Burmese Days," and then let meknow how far we are from such).
No matter how much has been "outed on this group," a bigger pile remains to be uncovered and/or validated. From BushCo's POV, it might be unwise for them NOT to declare martial law. And do you really think our military will stand up against BushCo's mercenaries?
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