Here's the development that pulls the rug from beneath Bush. The Shi'ite bloc has quit the Iraqi government.
How many of us woke up as cockroaches this morning? If you did, you may be forgiven. We live a Kafakesque world of absurd news, inmates in charge, certifiable loons making laws and policy. I am referring to the illegitimate regime of GWB. We are strangers -not in a strange land - but in our own.Sadr bloc quits Iraqi government
Firebrand Shiite cleric’s bloc pullout will herald a new power-struggle within Iraq's Shiite majority.
BAGHDAD - The political bloc of firebrand Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr on Monday formally declared its withdrawal from Iraq's beleaguered ruling coalition, at a Baghdad news conference.
The hardline Shiite preacher -- who has not been seen in public for months -- was angered last week when protests failed to persuade Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to set a date for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.
Sadr's six ministers and 32 lawmakers form the biggest single bloc in Maliki's fragmenting coalition, but the prime minister would be able to cling to power if he keeps the support of smaller Shiite and Kurdish groups.
What right now has Bush to expect US troops to lay down their lives in defense of an illegitimate regime? For the clueless: the answer is found in the history of Viet Nam, where, for more than a quarter of a century, the US wasted some 58,000 American lives in defense of illegitimate regimes, tin-horn dictators and ambitious wannabes.
Here's the story as it appeared in the LA Times this morning even before the defection became fact:
A key Shi'ite Muslim bloc in Iraq's government vowed yesterday to quit over Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's refusal to set a timetable for the withdrawal of US troops, a move that would further weaken the country's leadership at a time of soaring sectarian violence.The Bush administration speaks another language. Their terms "insurgency" and "war on terror" are intended, designed to deceive.
The threat was made on the heels of another bloody day in the capital, where at least 37 people died in bombings that underscored the challenges of a US-Iraqi security plan now in its third month. The victims included 17 Iraqis killed in a market in a Shi'ite-dominated neighborhood, where two car bombs exploded nearly simultaneously. As people fled the chaos, mortar rounds rained down. Fifty people were wounded.
I have called it Bushspeak, sometimes gopspeak. Bush claims to "support the troops" but that lie was revealed when Bush announced that US troops will serve an additional three months active duty in a war zone -Iraq. This desperate measure indicates that the volunteer rate is down. Who will risk his/her life to perpetrate war crimes for George W. Bush? People vote by staying home -an "election" that GWB cannot steal.Benn to criticise 'war on terror'
Hilary Benn is running in Labour's deputy leadership contest
President George W Bush's concept of a "war on terror" has given strength to terrorists by making them feel part of something bigger, Hilary Benn will say.
The international development secretary will tell a meeting in New York the phrase gives a shared identity to small groups with widely differing aims.
And Mr Benn, a candidate for Labour's deputy leadership, will confirm that UK officials will stop using the term.
The White House coined the phrase after the attacks of 11 September 2001. Mr Benn will say: "In the UK, we do not use the phrase 'war on terror' because we can't win by military means alone.
Bush will one day ask himself how he will prosecute a war that no one will fight. Boycott the war. Don't volunteer. Let Bush just try to re-instate the draft. Bring it on!
Others have already said no to Bush. Having fired all his generals "on the ground", Bush now wants to create a "war czar" to oversee Iraq and Afghanistan, perhaps others that may be in the works. Three four star generals have already said thanks, but no thanks to the new position.
War czar? Isn't that Robert Gates? What about "Commander-in-Chief"? Will Bush step down to accommodate a Czar? What additional wars will need a czar? Iran? Venezuela? Syria? Massachusetts? Texas is safe. It's already occupied by Republicans.
Let's take this another logical step. Perhaps Bush will want to create the position of "Decider" and, perhaps, a Decisions Department? What decisions can only be made by a bona fide decider? Will no one else be allowed to decide anything?
The American political landscape has become intellectually arid. There is no breath to be taken. It was learned that John McCain had no plan "B" before he had no plan "A".
I have no Plan B. If I saw that doomsday scenario evolving, then I would try to come up with one. But I cannot give you a good alternative because if I had a good alternative, maybe we could consider it now.Yesterday was too late. Now is too late. Later will have been too late.- Doggerel from John McCain
Then there is Paul Wolfowitz, the NEOCON, who apologized for paying off his "girl friend" with a much higher paying job, a raise twice as large as allowed by bank rules.
I believe in the mission of this organization, and I believe I can carry it out. This is important work, and I intend to continue it.He likes the work and, obviously, the money. Send him your resumes with pix. Emphasize your specialties.
Despite the unflinching support of NEOCONS back home in the Bush admin, Wolfowitz is in trouble. As in another unfolding scandal, the real story will be told with emails. From them an interesting tale will be pieced together. The pressure will mount. This weekend, Hilary Benn, Britain's Secretary of State for International Development, said that "... the scandal had damaged the (world) bank".
Wolfowitz is, meanwhile, lobbying the world bank's chief beneficiaries in Africa. The gentle reminders of "...progress in debt cancellation" might seem innocent enough. But are they? Is there not the implication that debts will not be cancelled should Wolfowitz lose his job. Is this not a Nazi tactic?
Here's an interesting paragraph that I found while scanning the news this AM:
There comes a moment in the life of every dictator when the mask of respectability slips and he reveals the ugly face of tyranny.Yes, I thought it was describing Bush. But it wasn't Bush this time. Rather, the paragraph described Vladimir Putin who had been, until now, careful to "preserve a semblance of legality" even as his soul buddy Bush never bothered.
-Kasparov's Arrest Spells Trouble
But it is troublesome that the paragraph might have been about Bush. It could just as well describe the many moments --most since Katrina --when the "mask of respectability" slipped away to reveal Bush's smirking chimp face for what it is: a venal dictatorship.
Too late to make my article about the passing of Kurt Vonnegut, I found this review of Vonnegut's last book:
He is at his angriest and most satirical when looking around at George W Bush's America. A sleazy "keystone-cops style coup" by failed Yale students, an addiction to oil, the "progress" of war, a nation that has moved beyond all humanness and reason led by three men named "Bush, Dick and Colon". All these things have left him feeling a stranger in a land he once fought for, a man now asking, "who the hell's country is this anyway?"-A Man Without a Country", Kurt Vonnegut
The Existentialist Cowboy
War Crimes
Pardon me as this is not the right space as such, but more the right time:
ACTION ONE: Please call, email, fax Your STRONG PROTEST of Holt's H.R. 811, As Soon As Possible as the U.S. House returns this Monday, April 16th, and may try to fast track Holt's H.R. 811 again.
Go To Election Defense Alliance's Action Page:
Rep. Charles A. Gonzales (D-TX 20th)
Phone: (202) 225-3236
Fax: (202) 225-1915
E-mail Webform: http://gonzalez.hous...
Other members of the committee: http://www.electiond...
The House Reconvenes Monday, April 16.
Let's greet them with whirring FAX machines pouring out citizen opposition to H.R. 811.
Prior to Spring recess, the HCA was trying to "fast track" H.R. 811.
An unprecedented outpouring of citizen protest stopped them in their tracks. Keep FAXING and pouring it on until Congress gets the message:
(Keep the unitary executive OUT of elections)
(The Holt bill supports them)
(Currently 85+% of our votes are counted in secret, with no citizen oversight)
Copy and Forward this Page Widely with this Link: http://www.ElectionD...
ACTION TWO: Please call, email, fax Your STRONG SUPPORT of Burnam's HB 3894. In Texas, it is extremely important we pass this bill, Rep. Burnam's 3894 Hand Counted Papers 2007 in THIS session (which ends at the end of May 2007) because the next session of the Texas Legislature isn't until January 2009-which is AFTER the 2008 Presidential Election.
Go To:
Find Contact Information for your Texas Representatives at:http://www.fyi.legis...
THE most important action to take right now, is to contact your House Representative by visiting their Capitol office and/or mailing or faxing a personal letter urging him/her to sponsor HB 3894 (the bill for Hand Counted Paper Ballots 2007) NOW! Please go to our newly overhauled website at www.voterescue.org for contact information and an overview of the bill. When you receive a favorable reply, please let Karen Renick, Director, know at 496-7408 as soon as possible.
From: http://www.blackboxv...
The truth about the Holt Bill (HR811)
Paper ballots may not matter if white house appointees are put in charge of elections. They can end run the Holt Bill any time they want, in many different ways.
The Holt Bill, HR811, permanently funds putting elections under the control of four White House appointees (the "EAC").
This structural change will permanently alter the checks and balances of our representative democracy.
One of the very first acts the EAC did in 2004 was to try to arrange for the cancellation of elections in crisis situations. We need a paper ballot, but we cannot afford to have this perilous structural change accompany it. This is dangerous. Kill the bill.
Brad Blog
A press release from the office of Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) begins:
"In the wake of a news report that the Election Assistance Commission altered its findings to overstate the pervasiveness of voter fraud, U.S. Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) today asked the Senate Rules and Administration Committee to look into the matter. Menendez has written Committee Chairwoman Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), expressing his concern over the revelations and asking her to examine the process by which the EAC report was produced. Menendez maintains that the use of the EAC to advance a political agenda is a blow to the integrity of the electoral system and that an investigation into the motivations behind the panel's report is warranted."
PFAW, MoveOn, and Common Cause among others after seeing the above problem of partisanship with the Election Assistance Commission, may now want to retract their curious support for Holt's HR 811 and join the majority of their own membership to move against Holt's HR811. Let's see what they do. But, much more importantly, let's see what their members do.
Sample Letter and Talking Points
Warn Congress: H.R. 811 is The Patriot Act of Elections
To the Honorable
I write in opposition to the Holt Bill, H.R. 811, which promises "increased voter confidence" but actually perpetuates secret vote-counting by computers while handing centralized control of federal elections to four White House appointees.
Because it requires a computerized text conversion device in every polling place, H.R. 811 would actually require electronic voting machines, effectively ruling out noncomputerized voting methods such as handcounted paper ballots.
Iran is playing with Europe and USA... And we are doing nothing. Why?
Nice cartoon here:
It's official, folks. The head of The World Bank is a nepotist, a chiseller, a warmonger and a pussy hound. He is also a charter member of the Project for a New American Century, has appalling dress sense, and has long caried the a torch for The Imbecile and The Outfit.
How could she (the paramour) schtupp a guy who has bucks to burn, yet is too mean or stupid to buy himself a new pair of socks? And it's not just the socks. He's too fucken tight to find a decent hairdresser let alone a good barber. Paul would rather pat his mat down with spit instead, prior to photo ops.
The sacrifices a girl's gotta make to hold down an honest job. Da noive of da guy! How could he make her look so cheap?! This would never have happened in Mrs. Portnoy's day. There were standards back then. No one ever complained that HER son was a schlemiel. A jerk-off maybe, but NEVER a schlemiel.
They say you can always safely blame the mother in these cases. Such a dissapointment that Paulie turned out to be. Coulda had anyone, but bangs his secretary, gets super-guilty about it, and offers her a job like she's some sorta Missus Mussolini.
And now the world and his wife have made Wolfowitz for the cheap punk that he always was. Hope Paulie’s main squeeze sells her story to Stern. Be great to see how mean-spirited he was on the domestic front.
“Whaddya mean I need a new toothbrush! This one’s still perfectly tufted up.”
Don’t ya just love it when your World Bank Supremo is all class?
(Enemy Combatant stole my google site password. These people have no shame. Mais, c'est moi, fuzzflash)
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