
We know that a crime was committed on 911. George W. Bush, of course, quashed all investigations before they could begin. Since when are crimes not investigated? Since the ascension of Ronald Regan who similarly got away with Iran/Contra, an act of treason if there ever was one. Treason, in this case, being "aiding and abetting" an avowed enemy of the United States as defined by the US government itself.
It is not too late, however, to begin such an investigation. There is no statute of limitations on mass murder. Congress should appoint and empower a special prosecutor with whatever authority is needed to subpoena George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice et al. Rumfeld, by the way, is already on record referring to the shooting down of Flight 93 and also to a missile --not an airliner --crashing into the Pentagon. Powell, meanwhile, has already apologized for having presented to the UN a pack of lies about Iraq's alleged WMD. Now is the time to pressure a criminal conspiracy that shows many signs of falling apart. Now is the time to go for the jugular -and the truth -about what this partisan, criminal conspiracy has done to subert the rule of law in this nation.
Critics of 911 officialdom need not tolerate quietly the absurd, blanket criticisms of "conspiracy theorists". Aside from being ad hominem attacks, they merely label. Bush "theories", meanwhile, insult the intelligence of every American with the most absurd official conspiracy theories to ever come down the pike.
If "conspiracies" did not exist, most crimes would be petty except perhaps murder and egregious assaults. Conspiracies are rather common. The law books are full of them. Google or Findlaw the word "conspiracy". You will find at least 200 years of precedent and case law having to do with "conspiracies". I daresay most crimes are conspiratorial in nature. What is a gang, if not a conspiracy? Apparently SCOTUS never got the Bush memo that "conspiracies" do not exist. It might have spared the justices a lot of time deciding cases about something that is said not to exist. Even Bushies felt constrained to posit the existence of a vast conspiracy -al Qaeda! Why are Bush theories, full of gaping holes, logical inconsistencies, and misstatements of fact, given such great weight when Bush is known to have lied about everything else?
Read this first: 70 Reasons to Doubt the official conspiracy theory. Then read Maureen O'Farrell.
Sept. 11 commission co-chair Lee Hamilton's prediction that another terrorist attack is all but certain, for example, when combined with concerns about George W. Bush's imperial ambitions, creates the kind of speculation the founding fathers engaged in, long before FOX News was there to pooh-pooh concerns about tyrannical designs.Let's make something clear at the outset: probable cause that George W. Bush committed a crime is NOT a "theory" of any sort. It is what it is: probable cause, a minimum legal standard that must be met before an arrest and charge. Secondly, I am less interested in any theory, including the official one, than I am in finding the evidence that only a real investigation can turn up. I am interested in the admissible evidence that will prove beyond reasonable doubt that Bush is guilty of the crimes that may be charged him should such an investigation proceed. First, the big holes in Bush's set of official and often contradictory theories:
And though predictions and conspiracy theories are often speculative and contrived, it must be remembered that the term "tin foil hat" has its roots in historical fact and the tendency to tag a "gate" onto scandals proves that some conspiracy theories do, in fact, turn out to be true.--Maureen Farrell, Top 10 'Conspiracy Theories' about George W. Bush, Part 1
- Jet fuel cannot burn hot enough or long enough to melt steel. [See: Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?]
- No steel building has ever fallen from fire --but on 911 not one, not two, but three buildings fell into their footprints within seconds of beginning descent.
- The "hijackers" said to have piloted 757's into the twin towers couldn't even fly Cessnas, let alone airliners.
In Bush's case, the official conspiracy theory explains nothing. Official theories are constantly papered over with new but inadequate hypotheses and, in the end, nothing said by the Bush gang explains anything at all. Nothing at all can be verified in any way. Nothing at all said by Bush about 911 can be believed. That nothing at all can be verified is convenient for Bush but it hardly exculpates him. Lack of evidence itself may not be evidence of guilt but lack of evidence because investigations were quashed or obstructed is something else again.
Had there been any truth to the official conspiracy theory, identifiable wreckage and a black box would have been recovered from the Pentagon. Rumsfeld inadvertently told the truth; he referred to a a "missile" [his word] that struck the Pentagon. That would, of course, explain no black box. It would also explain the lack of airliner wreckage. See how simply "truth" explains what is left inexplicable with lies. Simply, no airliner struck the Pentagon. It is the very vindication of William of Occam.
In the meantime, check the official Arlington National Cemetery Web site. None of those buried in connection with 911 were positively identified. Unknown "ashes" were said to have been hijackers! Oh really? Then why did they not show up on the Flight manifest? Show me some admissible evidence that said hijackers were even on board.
It's time for Bush to put up or shut up or, better, give himself up to Federal Marshalls! If Bush and his PNAC buds are innocent, then Investigate 911! What have innocent people to fear from a fair, complete and real investigation? It's time to put Bush, Marvin Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condolezza Rice, and John Ashcroft under oath. There is probable cause now to have the lot of them arrested by Federal Marshalls. There is probable cause to begin an investigation of the Bush White House for the mass murder of US citizens.
It's all an unbelievable series of incredible and fantastic coincidences. I wonder --what are the odds that the brother of occupant of the Oval Office would just happen to be in charge of WTC security at a time when wild al Qaeda "evil doers" were plotting to bring down the very buildings for which which Marvin was responsible.Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United
by Margie Burns
George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.
The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a 'completion contract' to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center 'up to the day the buildings fell down.'
It also had a three-year contract to maintain electronic security systems at Dulles Airport, according to a Dulles contracting official. Securacom/Stratesec also handled some security for United Airlines in the 1990s, according to McDaniel, but it had been completed before his arriving on the board in 1998.
McDaniel confirmed that the company has security contracts with the Department of Defense, including the US Army, but did not detail the nature of the work, citing security concerns. It has an ongoing line with the General Services Administration - meaning that its bids for contracts are noncompetitive - and also did security work for the Los Alamos laboratory before 1998.
...Marvin Bush joined Securacom when it was capitalized by the Kuwait-American Corporation, a private investment firm in DC that was the security company's major investor, sometimes holding a controlling interest. Marvin Bush has not responded to telephone calls and e-mails for comment.
KuwAm has been linked to the Bush family financially since the Gulf War. One of its principals and a member of the Kuwaiti royal family, Mishal Yousef Saud al Sabah, served on the board of Stratesec.
The managing director at KuwAm, Wirt D. Walker III, was also a principal at Stratesec, and Walker, Marvin Bush and al Sabah are listed in SEC filings as significant shareholders in both companies during that period.
Marvin Bush's last year on the board at Stratesec coincided with his first year on the board of HCC Insurance, formerly Houston Casualty Co., one of the insurance carriers for the WTC. He left the HCC board in November 2002.
This just in from the Daily Scare:
A related development. Michael Moore now says that he wants to get to the bottom of 911.New Study from Pilots for 9/11 Truth: No Boeing 757 Hit the Pentagon
By Jim Fetzer
A study of the black box data provided by the government to Pilots for 9/11 Truth has confirmed the previous findings of Scholars for 9/11 Truth that no Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on 9/11. "We have had four lines of proof that no Boeing 757 hit the building," said James Fetzer, founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth. "This new study by Pilots drives another nail into a coffin of lies told the American people by The 9/11 Commission".
The new society, an international organization of pilots and aviation professionals, petitioned the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) under the Freedom of Information Act and obtained its 2002 report on American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 that, according to the official account, hit the ground floor of the Pentagon after it skimmed over the lawn at 500 mph plus, taking out a series of lamp posts in the process. The pilots not only obtained the flight data but created a computer animation to demonstrate what it told them. ...
Excellent 9/11 Resources:What some have called War corporatism, I call fascism or Nazism. It goes far beyond mere "conspiracy theories", a label designed to confuse and distract. The real culprit is called the Project for the New American Century. As pointed out, their goals are hardly secret but that does not excuse them any more than Hitler's boast that he had waged war on the Jew in full view of the world could have expiated him from the execution that most surely awaited him. My definition of "war corporatism" is simple: Bush, indeed the US government, is in the death business. Just as Adolf Hitler partnered with the likes of I.G. Farben, Thyssen and Krupp, the US government has partnered with the big defense contractors to make of war a racket. Face up to the undeniable implications: the US government, under Bush, is a criminal enterprise. That, not a raggedly band of terrorists up in the hills, is why the towers fell on 911.
The Bush/Cheney Holocaust in Iraq: Criminality, Immorality, Incompetence and Desperation
70 Reasons to doubt
Washington Post and MSNBC Reveal Growing Power, Prestige of the 9/11 Movement
BBC Article Titled "The 9/11 Conspiracy Movement"
Time Magazine Explores 9/11 Conspiracies and Poll Showing Many Believe 9/11 Cover-up
CNN Gives Major Coverage to 9/11 Cover-up in March 2006 With Charlie Sheen, Others
Ex-FBI Chief Accuses 9/11 Commission of Cover-up in Wall Street Journal
New York Times article on 9/11 movement, 9/11 polls, 9/11 convention
Association of Influential Scholars Challenges 9/11 Commission Results - Miami Herald
Los Angeles Times Questions Official 9/11 Story in Revealing Interview
ABC News: US Military Planned to Orchestrate Terrorism Against US Citizens as War Pretext
get a life
It's amazing how pervasive personal and politcal prejudice can allow otherwise rational human beings into beleiving the most insane and ridiculous fabrications, formed to somehow impart a sense of self-importance and faux-wisdom to said individual. I can only hope that the majority of people in this world are honest enough with themselves to use sound and reasonable judgement before spouting out similar, utter garbage. To make the gigantic leap that the current administration, which seems incapable of succeeding in firing even a few attorneys, can successfully organize and implement such a massive conspiracy to perfection boggles the mind. I am so very sorry that our education system failed you, and that you have warped it to make yourself feel more intelligent and useful than the rest of the world.
I cite the following as an example, a specimen, if you will, of the ilk whom I hold responsible for the emergence of fascism in America.
Anonymous said...
get a life
In reply: I have a life. But I am truly sorry you don't, and won't have a life worth living under Bush.
When and if you return to this board, have something to say.
Excellent summary, but you left out evidence that's on the White House web site itself in which Bush has implicated himself in 9/11 by lying (twice!) about seeing the first plane hit the WTC on 9/11 which was impossible because there was no live video feed of the first attack! See censored.strategicbrains.com/BushAnd911.cfm.
No doubt there's much more incriminating evidence like this that would be uncovered by a proper investigation, but as you pointed out there hasn't been a proper one yet.
Notice how your lame 'critics' like "Jason" can't come up with a single logical counterargument or refute any of your facts presented? The best he can do is "To make the gigantic leap that the current administration, which seems incapable of succeeding in firing even a few attorneys, can successfully organize and implement such a massive conspiracy to perfection boggles the mind". This is an argument? Obviously all the incriminating evidence that exists clearly illustrates that the Bush mass murder spree WASN'T handled "to perfection"! No, the best he can muster is illogical deflection and personal attacks, so characteristic of right-wingers who have no rational arguments to offer. Oh, he's "so sorry the education system failed you", what a dipshit. He's playing "good German" and may even think he means well but to defend and support mass murder is little better than being a mass murderer oneself. Unfortunately there are so many stupid people like him in denial that there is great inertia that must be overcome before Bush and his co-conspirators can be brought to trial. Keep up the good work on doing so though, and know that there are literally millions of others out there doing the same, as best they can.
As regards culpability, a RICO suit has been filed in Fargo District court by a group of forensic economists...the 'follow the money' people' used to track money laundering and other aspects of large crimes. They state in the preamble to their case (see it at www.hawkscafe.com)
they can prove a large group of government officials, moneymen, and mobsters are responsible for a number of false flag events, like the OKC bombing, flight 800 disaster, and 9-11, to name just a few. The defendants list includes
GHW Bush, both Clintons, Al Gore, John Kerry and wife Theresa, Guilianoi, Fred Thompson, members of Carlyle group, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, the Cosa Nostra, most members of the 9-11 Commission, three PM's of Canada: Chretien, Mulroney, and Martin and some international figures like Kofi Annan of the UN. Intersestingly, the list does NOT include GW Bush, Cheney or Rumsfeld. Check it out!!!
I think there are large gaping holes in the official 9/11 theory. The lack of "terrorist" names on flight manifests, the eerie emptiness of 4 flights on a perfect morning, the lack of evidence of a plane at the pentagon, the blatant lies about a bunch of suicide-pilots deciding to fly their plane into the ground in Pennsylvania because some passengers were making noise in the corridor (huh?) and so on. But I have to say that the "fuel won't melt steel" argument kind of came undone for me when a truck crashed into a bridge in Oakland, CA a few weeks ago and burned hot enough to collapse the bridge.
Anonymous said...
Excellent summary, but you left out evidence that's on the White House web site itself in which Bush has implicated himself in 9/11 by lying (twice!) about seeing the first plane hit the WTC on 9/11
That's in my archives. Try clicking on the label "911". But this cannot be repeated enough. Thanks for the always needed reminder.
Notice how your lame 'critics' like "Jason" can't come up with a single logical counterargument or refute any of your facts presented?
It's pathetic, really! But I know the mentality well.
Brad said...
As regards culpability, a RICO suit has been filed in Fargo District court by a group of forensic economists...the 'follow the money' people' used to track money laundering and other aspects of large crimes. They state in the preamble to their case (see it at www.hawkscafe.com)
Thanks for the link. I've heard of this but have not had time to get into the details. Thanks for sharing with us.
Evelyn said...
I think there are large gaping holes in the official 9/11 theory. The lack of "terrorist" names on flight manifests, the eerie emptiness of 4 flights on a perfect morning, the lack of evidence of a plane at the pentagon, the blatant lies about a bunch of suicide-pilots deciding to fly their plane into the ground in Pennsylvania because some passengers were making noise in the corridor (huh?) and so on.
Indeed! And that is a good summary of your own. I have more links than I can track. I had begun a database against which I could write SQL queries...but, unfortunately, a major "crash" wiped out my files.
A regular here is Damien who has done a superb job of organizing the existing verifiable knowledge base with regard to 911. You can access one of his sites at 79 Reasons to Doubt...it's on my blogroll.
Again, welcome all. And thanks for sharing with us. It is heartening to know that America is awakening to Bush's murderous fraud.
Jason said...
It's amazing how pervasive personal and political prejudice can allow otherwise rational human beings into believing the most insane and ridiculous fabrications, formed to somehow impart a sense of self-importance and faux-wisdom to said individual.
What a meaningless fusillade! And still you fail to address a single point raised.
I can only hope that the majority of people in this world are honest enough with themselves to use sound and reasonable judgement before spouting out similar, utter garbage.
That, too, is my hope. When that happens criminals like Bush will have been convicted and sentenced.
To make the gigantic leap that the current administration, which seems incapable of succeeding in firing even a few attorneys, can successfully organize and implement such a massive conspiracy to perfection boggles the mind.
To desire a REAL investigation of a crime is NO leap!
I am so very sorry that our education system failed you, and that you have warped it to make yourself feel more intelligent and useful than the rest of the world.
Sorry to disappoint you but the educational system succeeded admirably. I am not so optimistic about an apres Bush system based upon faith-based initiatives. Check the archives of the Houston Chronicle. It was all a hoax and Bush embraced it.
You're a braver man than I am , Len, but your assessment of 9/11 is as valid as anybody else's - and certainly at least as valid as the official explanation. Personally, I've come to the view that a larger aircraft of some description likely hit the Pentagon (too many witnesses) but I'd still like to see all the evidence. Everything else is dodgy (including the anthrax attacks)
There are three fundamental reasons why people can and should demand a new inquiry for 9/11:
(1) A senior US Government official has admitted that a foreign nation has been identified as complicit in the events of 911.
(2) There are significant evidence discrepancies surrounding all aspects of 9/11 that have not been adequately addressed by FEMA, NIST or the 911 Commission.
(3) The American people can demand any inquiries they like of their government, at any time, for any reason consistent with the Constitution.
A senior US Government official has admitted that a foreign nation has been identified as complicit in the events of 911.
Senator Bob Graham, Head of the 911 Joint Congressional Inquiry from Feb - Dec 2002, was interviewed on the PBS Lehrer Hour in Dec 2002:
"I was surprised at the evidence that there were foreign governments involved in facilitating the activities of at least some of the terrorists in the United States.... I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing -- although that was part of it -- by a sovereign foreign government ... It will become public at some point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from now." (1 2)
The implications of this claim are quite profound. It means that the 19 hijackers were not operating in isolation. There was a support base, and others - beside the 19 terrorists - who were aware of the impending attacks.
There it is, folks.... a person who should know what he is talking about is telling anyone who cares to listen that there were a lot more people than the 19 terrorists behind 9/11 going right up to the leadership of a sovereign foreign government. Those are his words, not mine. [no, it wasn't Iraq or Iran...that's just political crap spun by the Bushies]
And you do want to know who those people are, don't you? Don't you? You are not going to betray your fellow Americans by allowing these criminals to go free, are you? So why aren't you ringing your Congressman and screaming to know which country helped the terrorists?
So let's look at which country it might be:
Pakistan paid bribes to keep their name out of the 911 Report. (1 2)
Sen. Graham went on to write a book in which he strongly suggested Saudi Arabia helped the terrorists. After all, 16 of the 19 hijackers got their visas through Jeddah, a CIA entry point for jihadists coming to the US for military programs.
And then there were all those Israeli "art students" (ie spies) watching the 19 hijackers. (1 2 3 4)
Take your pick. But understand this: many more people than 19 hijackers knew 9/11 was happening. The American people are entitled to know who they are and what they did.
Glad you jumped into this one, Damien.
About whatever it was that hit the Pentagon, Michael Moore makes the point that there are hundreds of cameras trained on the Pentagon and running all the time. That was so on 911. All of them were confiscated. Moore wants ALL of those images released. That might go a long way toward resolving that issue. One thing is certain --that funny little white plume seen on that funky animated GIF is NOT a 757.
Now --if those cameras and files have been destroyed by the FBI it becomes an official case of obstruction of justice.
As is often the case, obstruction of justice may turn out to be the best case that will ever be made. In order to bring that case, an official investigation must begin. That fact would most certainly have motivated Cheney and Bush to quash investigations before they could begin.
At this point, our only hope of getting a real investigation of 911 may be through the Grand Jury system. Here is a great link: Using a Grand Jury to Investigate the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks. What is often called a "runaway" Grand Jury could be useful right now.
As pointed out in the article, Federal grand juries played a central role in the investigations of the Oklahoma City bombing, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and the bombing of two US embassies in Africa.
I want to know why a Federal Grand Jury was not convened to investigate 911.
As for involvement by foreign governments. Gore Vidal fingered Pakistan early on. See The Enemy Within by Vidal.
Another "usual suspect" is Saudi Arabia, clearly hip deep in the BCCI fraud. I would hope that someone will, at some time, expose the entire Houston/Saudi axis of evil. Bush is a product of that. The closest thing I've seen is a long series of detailed articles by a journalist for the Houston Chronicle and, though I met him once a long time ago, I cannot recall his name.
There are some articles on the web: A question of complicity, 9/11: The BCCI Connection, Financial Scams and the Bush Family, Bin Laden's Brother-in-law Had Close Ties to Bush
Great breakdown of the issue. I'm glad to have stumbled upon your blog.
As a Marxist, I continue to find myself stunned that the biggest difficulty with this issue breaking through into public consciousness more deeply seems to be those on the left who refuse to examine the evidence in a material way.
Yet that evidence makes it all so clear, as you show here.
In Solidarity!
MUMIA in 2008
Welcome John,
You write...
As a Marxist, I continue to find myself stunned that the biggest difficulty with this issue breaking through into public consciousness more deeply seems to be those on the left who refuse to examine the evidence in a material way.
That's always bothered me as well. I grew up with a different tradition. I am, admittedly, old enough to remember when "working men" tended to be, if not Marxists, left-leaning and pro-labor. Labor did not always win against ruthless bosses, but at least they put up a fight. Perhaps, as Bobby McGee would have put it, "freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose".
It's time to change the paradigm. Right now the GOP is on the defensive and I would like to keep them there.
The GOP is NOT a political party, it's a crime syndicate. OR, it is a criminal conspiracy. Political party? No!
Existentialist Cowboy: Hi, my friend, good blogger you have !! I bet that right-wingers don't even know what 'existentialism' is. Don't worry about Jason and others who told you to get a life, our tasks as Neo (Keano Reeves) is to wake them up.
On another note: Neocons were not even smart, in perpetrating 9-11, for example, if i was Bush, i wouldn't leave Washington, DC. I mean the absentee of Bush on 9-11 is a sole cause not to blame Bush, but at least to suspect that Bush was one of the intellectual perpetrators of 9-11. Along with many other smoking guns like NORAD-Apathy and negligence to deffend the USA
I mean even Haiti's armed forces would get deffensive and shoot any thing in the air that would be near Haiti's government and important buildings.
And how can USA the most modern nation in the world didn't shoot any of the 4 planes (that alone is spooky indeed)
take care and keep fighting the imperialists
duarte1 said...
Existentialist Cowboy: Hi, my friend, good blogger you have !! I bet that right-wingers don't even know what 'existentialism' is.
LOL Good one, duartel.
Don't worry about Jason and others who told you to get a life, our tasks as Neo (Keano Reeves) is to wake them up.
Indeed, it is! There's is a fragile mental construct of various and often contradictory lies. They believe whatever makes them feel good about themselves. Ronald Reagan, they said, made them "feel good about ourselves". Maybe they ought NOT to feel good about themselves. Uncle Ronnie was the "feel good" President. He made people feel good about being self-absorbed, stingy bigots.
On another note: Neocons were not even smart, in perpetrating 9-11, for example, if i was Bush, i wouldn't leave Washington, DC. I mean the absentee of Bush on 9-11 is a sole cause not to blame Bush, but at least to suspect that Bush was one of the intellectual perpetrators of 9-11. Along with many other smoking guns like NORAD-Apathy and negligence to deffend the USA
Indeed, the neocons were not smart. Whether they realize it or not, the whole 911 thing is unraveling like a cheap tapestry. "NEOCONISM" will not survive the whirlwind. The polls cannot measure the backlash; they cannot measure just how much this cabal is hated right now.
I mean even Haiti's armed forces would get deffensive and shoot any thing in the air that would be near Haiti's government and important buildings. And how can USA the most modern nation in the world didn't shoot any of the 4 planes (that alone is spooky indeed)
Indeed, duartel, the holes in the "official conspiracy theory" are big enough to drive a Mac truck through.
take care and keep fighting the imperialists
You can count on that, my friend! Welcome to the "Cowboy".
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