Bush's recent remarks about World War III may be ominous. On NBC's Today Show, Air America's Rachel Maddow warned against interpreting those remarks to mean that only the GOP can be trusted to keep the US out of World War III. Bush may not have been warning of World War III but threatening it. There is always the possibility that World War III is already begun.
Iran is slated to become just another front in an Orwellian perpetual war, perpetually empowering a failed and incompetent administration. Bush may get by with a little help from his friends --Bin Laden and al Qaeda. It's no coincidence that only George Bush, the Military/Industrial Complex, and big oil would benefit from a second terrorist attack. A "second terrorist attack" on US soil would be entirely too convenient to be credible.
A second terrorist attack would --conveniently --allow George W. Bush to achieve an agenda communicated to his base in code words. A second terrorist attack would "justify" the dropping of Nukes on Iran especially if can be said --true or not --that "terrorists", on Iran's behalf, had "nuked" a US city or military installation.
A second terrorist attack would complete a coup d'etat begun even before the tragic events of Sept 11, 2001. I refer to an attack of GOP "brownshirts" in Florida effectively ending a recount of ballots. The recount would have spelled defeat for Bush's radical, extremist GOP. It had to be stopped.
Bush assumed under a cloud of suspicion an office that he said would be easier had it been a dictatorship. Later, following, the events of 911, he would quip: "I just hit the trifecta!" Bush's coup was all but complete when the Fox Network, Bush's propaganda arm, announced for Bush on election night. Later, September 11 scared the Democratic opposition in Congress. But as objections were raised to provisions of the Patriot Act, a second attack, a wave of Anthrax letters, would terrorize the Congress into submission. One wonders --if Sen. Jeffords had not defected, announcing his "independence" of the GOP, would 911 have happened?
The Pentagon has become little more than a huge, bureaucratic mechanism by which your tax monies are channeled into the coffers of thousands of "military contractors", all of whom would be out of job in times of peace. A second terrorist attack will keep Blackwater USA employed though they do a better job of making new enemies for America than they've done "securing" Baghdad, the scene of bloody chaos!. They are simply a gang of highly paid cutthroats operating outside the law. Nevertheless, they are symptomatic of the fact that making war has become America's number one export. Uncle Sam is hooked on war and Bush needs another fix.
Meanwhile, the dollar continues it's precipitous decline. Those suffering most from the dollar's decline are the nation's poor and middle classes. A balance of trade deficit will correct itself, but Bush is content to let those who can least afford it pick up the tab. His elite base have already moved their assets. They will watch the dollar fall from afar.
At some point, the middle class will fall off the ladder, leaving an increasingly tiny and absurdly rich elite to rule over or warehouse a growing throng of those who can no longer afford to live in gated communities, who can no longer afford even a modest apartment, who can no longer afford a modest car, let alone an SUV.

The utter collapse of the dollar means that everyone who works for a living is vulnerable to incarceration in a FEMA "work" camp! During Ronald Reagan's "depression" of some 18 months, many middle class families found themselves out of work and out of their homes. They slept under bridges and overpasses in Houston. Did the GOP learn all the wrong lessons from that experience? Did they learn only that people can be warehoused? Is this yet another lesson Bush learned from his Grandfather Prescott Bush and Adolf Hitler?
Of all the charges that may be leveled at George W. Bush and his Nazi gang, it cannot be said that they did not plan ahead. There will be a place for those who cannot afford a chemically induced happiness in Bush's Brave New World. The fate of New Orleans is the nightmarish vision of America's future. There is no relief for those who will most certainly be left behind to escape as best they can the streets, the gangs, the back alley shelters. The alternative is a gulag of hideous camps.
The origins of Bush's utterly failed regime are economic. Not only is terrorism always worse under GOP regimes so, too, the economy. The GOP response to America's declining industrial base made the problem worse. Reagan, for example, all but destroyed the labor movement even as American "high tech" was exported in lieu of cars and steel. US jobs went abroad; US workers stayed at home to get shafted by Bush Sr and, later, the Junior Shrub. For a very brief period in Clinton's second term, the widening chasm between rich and poor abated. Alas, the reprieve was too short to undo the harm done by Reagan, Senior and now the defective sprout.
It is no coincidence that the fall of the dollar coincides with a rise in the price of oil, the new "gold" that Bush has gone to war to control. As a result, the business of the US has become war. It has become the means by which the GOP makes payoffs to its minions in the military/industrialist complex. It is no coincidence that as the dollar falls, the Bush regime ratchets up the rhetoric. It is no coincidence that as the price of oil goes up, so do the fortunes of those hoping to gain control over the world's supply of oil.
As long as the world believed that the US economy was fundamentally sound, it would support the dollar as a convenient international currency. After all, businesses in Europe and the Far East wished to sell products to Americans. They could do so only if the dollar were, in fact, worth something. The cracks in the dam began to show by the time Nixon took the US off the gold standard, in effect, a promise to redeem paper with gold. Clearly, if the US were suddenly expected to "cover" every dollar with a gold coin, Ft. Knox would arm itself against a run on the bank not seen since the Great Depression.
The magnitude of this slow but growing crisis did not become apparent until the Arab's called attention to the US weakness with the oil embargo of the 1970's. It shook the world and traumatized the US. Nothing was learned. The Ronald Reagan administration exploited a sense of malaise with an Orwellian term -- stagflation. It was perhaps the creation of yet another but more recent addition to the GOP-speak lexicon: Islamofascist or al Qaeda in Iraq!
A second terrorist attack would breathe new life into Bush's quest to gain control over the world's oil supplies and thus, the price of oil. The Joint Chiefs of Staff, in fact, conceived and approved a heinous plan to launch a secret war against our own country, a ruse to dupe Americans into supporting a war of aggression against Cuba.
Code named Operation Northwoods, the plan, which had the written approval of the Chairman and every member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called for innocent people to be shot on American streets; for boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba to be sunk on the high seas; for a wave of violent terrorism to be launched in Washington, D.C., Miami, and elsewhere. People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked. Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro, thus giving Lemnitzer and his cabal the excuse, as well as the public and international backing, they needed to launch their war.More recently:
The idea may actually have originated with President Eisenhower in the last days of his administration. With the Cold War hotter than ever and the recent U-2 scandal fresh in the public's memory, the old general wanted to go out with a win.
--Body of Secrets, James Bamford, Doubleday, 2001, p.82 and following, Scanned and edited by NY Transfer News.
"There is only one politically serious explanation of this now-indisputable fact: powerful forces within the US military/intelligence complex wanted a terrorist incident on US soil in order to create the needed shift in public opinion required to embark on a long-planned campaign of military intervention in Central Asia and the Middle East. Whether or not they knew the scale of the impending attacks and what the precise targets would be, they acted in such a way as to block the arrest of known terrorist operatives and allow them to carry out their plot."To the degree that our own government contemplates anything of this sort, it is illegitimate. To the extent that Bush is involved personally, he is to be considered a traitor, a self-declared enemy of the people. Indeed, Bush has claimed that he has the authority and the power to wage war on Americans.
--Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, Army intelligence officer
Because the bill was adopted with lightning speed, barely anyone noticed that it empowers Bush to declare not just aliens, but also U.S. citizens, "unlawful enemy combatants."These are the acts of a tyrant. None of the "powers" Bush has assumed are legitimate; none are granted him in the Constitution. Nor has Bush demonstrated that the alleged terrorist threat, having grown worse statistically as Iraq descended into chaos and civil war, is anything more than a creation of US imperialism, blow back as a result of CIA bungling or, in fact, direct actions by the CIA.
The Military Commissions Act of 2006 governing the treatment of detainees is the culmination of relentless fear-mongering by the Bush administration since the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Because the bill was adopted with lightning speed, barely anyone noticed that it empowers Bush to declare not just aliens, but also U.S. citizens, "unlawful enemy combatants."
Bush & Co. has portrayed the bill as a tough way to deal with aliens to protect us against terrorism. Frightened they might lose their majority in Congress in the November elections, the Republicans rammed the bill through Congress with little substantive debate.
--Bush Claims Power to Wage War on American Citizens, Marjorie Cohn, Professor, Thomas Jefferson School of Law
It must always be kept in mind that there is a necessary minimum without which the establishment and consolidation of the first center is not practicable. People must see clearly the futility of maintaining the fight for social goals within the framework of civil debate.By that high standard, the regime of George W. Bush is illegitimate; Bush's occupancy is thus impeachable and prosecutable. Bush's occupancy of the Oval Office is a Constitutional crime.When the forces of oppression come to maintain themselves in power against established law, peace is considered already broken.
--Guerrilla Warfare, Chapter One: General Principles of Guerrilla Warfare, Che Guevara,
Che was not so "revolutionary". Our own Thomas Jefferson anticipated that principle in 1776 when he, Samuel Adams and a band of "revolutionaries", "conspiracy theorists" and "liberals" accused the regime of George III of waging unjust "war" against his subjects in the colonies.
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.In other words, the peace had already been broken. What was, in fact, a colonial war of separation became revolution in the world of ideas. Jefferson's ideas influenced an entire generation of French revolutionaries who dared to take up the cause of freedom. [See: The Influence of American Ideas upon the French Revolution, 1785-1800. by Conor Cruise O'Brien, Author(s) of Review: David A. Grimsted]
--Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson
It is a lesson that George W. Bush, the CIA, the Pentagon never learned. Bush, his Neocon friends, the robber barons of big oil and the CIA are increasingly counter-revolutionaries. The word conservative does not mean the conservation of American freedom. It means, rather, the conservation and acquisition of obscene wealth by means of aggressive war. The word "liberal", by contrast, means "free" or, more precisely, "pertaining to a free person". Never run away from the word "liberal" again. Rather, stuff it up the GOP's fascist ass!
The proposition that terrorism is the inevitable result of imperial aggressions explains Bush incompetent economic policies as well as America's fascist tilt. That terrorism is always worse under GOP regimes is a demonstrable, statistical fact. The CIA creates terrorism two ways by indulging it as a tactic and by inspiring it with its excesses. The legacy of Blackwater USA, an international terrorist organization, will have inspired generations of "terrorists" resorting to a tactic against which top down fascist regimes are impotent.
It's time to fire the Bush administration, his supportive gang, and his army of militaristic bureaucrats for whom keeping their jobs is their only job. This government remains illegitimate until a fair and unfettered election can be held. I am not optimistic that that will happen in the foreseeable future, or even our lifetimes. Until then and for as long as Bush wages war on the people of the US, it is the right of the people to abolish this government.
Thomas Jefferson, were he alive, would agree. The body of the Declaration of Independence is a laundry list of crimes and abuses attributed to George III. The Declaration of Independence is an indictment of a king. A similar indictment of the current George will be even longer and will include even more heinous abuses. It's time for Bush to go! He must submit to arrest and trial for capital crimes. There is a cell awaiting him in the Texas prison system, the hell holes that most certainly inspired Abu Ghraib.
Bush gave the game away. Americans were told that the attack on Iraq was about "terrorism", nevermind that "terrorism" is both created and made worse by US imperialist policies and CIA skullduggery. The rest of the world knows the truth of it. As Rome attacked Dacia for its gold, the US attacked the world for control of its oil.
Next up? 'The Ricky and Rudy Show' live from Texas - where the hair is big and the B.S. even bigger?
"To Hair and To Hair Not"
FuzzFlash sez...
Suberb essay, Len, highlighting the grim progress of Uncle Sammy's lustful devotion to Moloch and Mammon.
LH: "A second terrorist attack would complete a coup d'etat begun even before the tragic events of Sept 11, 2001. I refer to an attack of GOP "brownshirts" in Florida effectively ending a recount of ballots. The recount would have spelled defeat for Bush's radical, extremist GOP. It had to be stopped."
My bloody oath it did, but the piss-weak Dems and the lily-livered Gore gave their imprimatur to Bolton and his Gopper Brown-Shirts' actions in FA 2000, by ostensibly not having the stones to oppose them on The Hill, but in truth being complicit in the whole putrid scam from Skull and Bones days to the current bunch of Blue cowards sporting poultices of greenbacks protruding from their holes.
Where the fuck are people like Buenaventura Durruti when you need them!? Here was a guy who knew how to put the wind up Fascists. Al Gore, despite his lunge at environmental redemption which is to be applauded and supported, would not have fit to sit his Falstaffian frame down at the same table as Benny.
Pourquoi? Because Al Gore and his Party ratted-out the principles of Jeffersonian Democracy on which this once great nation was founded.
Meanwhile downunder in Oz, there are 34 sleeps till our Federal Election and the gloves have come off. I've become a habitue of a couple of the better(no brain-no service)psephological/political blog sites till E-day when we turn The Imbecile's South Pacific arsewiper into a mionor historical speedbump.
That Benny, geez the little people loved Benny. It was not only in Catalonia that they paid homage to Benny, half a million people showed up at his funeral after he was run over by a truck in 1936. Franco's people couldn't believe their luck because Benny put freedom's fire into paysano bellies and gave leadership to them in the same fight that confronts us today.
The U.S. middle class has sat ignorantly for over 30 years like the metaphorical frog in the pot of water, being cooked by degrees. Now, since Jan. 2001, a crypto-fascist apparatus has been put into place, and it could easily become not crypto, but very overt, in a short time if the middle class woke up and finally tried to fight back. I am fearful what will happen, but I think the time will come when Americans will discover that these thugs won't cede any power without a deadly fight, and they have most of the weapons.
But it is good to see people who have seen this coming and have armed themselves, intellectually speaking. Thanks for your work, Len.
Len, you have a terrific blog! I admire your creativity. It offers a thought-provoking, always interesting look at our country.
I have a favor to ask: Would you please remove the link you have under "Resources" in the sidebar to my big band blog, The Palomar?
Your link creates a problem for me on this "Who Links to Me" page:
Many of the links to The Palomar come from The Existentialist Cowboy. Every time I check to see who is linking to me, I have to scroll through pages of links from your web site. As much as I appreciate you linking to The Palomar, you could save me a lot of time by removing the link.
Thank you, Len!
George Spink
The Palomar
Glenn Gould's versions of miscellaneous preludes and fugues are also really wonderful. The BWV numbers are 933-938, 899, 902, 902/1a, 902 (fughetta), 924-932, 952, 961, 953, 895, 900. These are on CD 2 of 2 CDs released by Sony as Bach: Partitas BWV 825-830, Preludes & Fugues, SM2K 52 597. I love Bach and Glenn Gould does some of the best renditions in the world.
Thanks for your continued excellent work, Len. I missed you there for a few days, but I guess everybody needs a break now and then.
All the best,
FuzzFlash sez...
Where the fuck are people like Buenaventura Durruti when you need them!? Here was a guy who knew how to put the wind up Fascists.
I confess --I had to dust off some nearly forgotten history. Thanks for bringing up Benny! His is a name that must not be forgotten. The following quote is attributed to him: "There are only two roads, victory for the working class, freedom, or victory for the fascists which means tyranny. Both combatants know what's in store for the loser. We are ready to end fascism once and for all, even in spite of the Republican government."
""No government fights fascism to destroy it. When the bourgeoisie sees that power is slipping out of its hands, it brings up fascism to hold onto their privileges.""
That describes the GOP reaction to the post WWII era, the most egalitarian era in US history. Clearly, the elite would have none of it. Every GOP Prez since Eisenhower has had but one overarching mission: conserve or enlarge privilege.
Quotes are "quotes" because they cut away the bubble wrap in a single slice. Che, Jefferson, Voltaire, Murrow, Brecht, Bill Shakespeare, even the famous fashion photographer Richard Avedon have waxed so eloquently and, of course, so existentially. My favorite from Avedon: "You can't expect another man to carry your shit!" Someone should have told Bush. Brecht: "A man who does not know the truth is just an idiot but a man who knows the truth and calls it a lie is a crook". Voltaire: "I have no other name but the name that I have made for myself". Brilliant! Shakespeare: "A plague o' both your houses!" And, of course, Che and Jefferson as already quoted. Binny makes my "A" list.
Manifesto Joe said...
The U.S. middle class has sat ignorantly for over 30 years like the metaphorical frog in the pot of water, being cooked by degrees. ...Americans will discover that these thugs won't cede any power without a deadly fight, and they have most of the weapons.
The American bourgeousie still bow down to the god of willfull ignorance. Both Brecht and Avedon might have had them in mind. The world carries their shit and they don't want to know about it.
marain said...
Glenn Gould's versions of miscellaneous preludes and fugues are also really wonderful. The BWV numbers are 933-938, 899, 902, 902/1a, 902 (fughetta), 924-932, 952, 961, 953, 895, 900. These are on CD 2 of 2 CDs released by Sony as Bach: Partitas BWV 825-830, Preludes & Fugues, SM2K 52 597. I love Bach and Glenn Gould does some of the best renditions in the world.
Thanks for the tips. Gould was incredible. I used to like the way he "slouched" over the the keyboard so inelegantly. Horowitz, by contrast, was equally gifted but seemed the eptitome of elegance as he strode out to the Grand. I don't like arbitrary categories as they are unfair to people like Gould and Horowitz --still, Horowitz' sparkling Scarlatti and Gould's definitive Bach are musts for anyone who loves music.
George, I removed that link. I cannot imagine why it is still showing up on your reports.
Len said: "George, I removed that link. I cannot imagine why it is still showing up on your reports."
I've noticed that it always takes time before such change are detected by the spiders/engines used by Technorati and Who Links To Me. So, George Spinks, be patient.
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