ISRAEL has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons.The debate about whether "waterboarding" is or is not "torture" is another GOP red herring. Waterboarding was practiced by the Spanish Inquisition precisely because it was torture! Anyone who denies waterboarding is torture should prove it's not by publicly submitting themselves to it. That just might end another stupid obfuscation by the GOP. Then again, it doesn't really matter what it's called --especially by the liars of Bush's illegitimate regime. By any defintion, it is a violation of Due Process of Law and the various international conventions to which the US is bound. At last, waterboarding is only one of numerous atrocities carried out at Abu Ghraib, one of numerous US gulags. There is no evidence that US practices --in secret --have changed in response to exposes by Seymour Hersh et al. Chances are, as long as Bush continues to stink up the White House, the US is, as we write, carrying out a program of US sponsored, cold-blooded murder, torture and other crimes at taxpayer expense. Count on it!
Two Israeli air force squadrons are training to blow up an Iranian facility using low-yield nuclear “bunker-busters”, according to several Israeli military sources.
The attack would be the first with nuclear weapons since 1945, when the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Israeli weapons would each have a force equivalent to one-fifteenth of the Hiroshima bomb.
I have yet to find anything in the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, or the various treaties to which the US is bound by law and convention that gives anyone in the US --including persons who call themselves "President" --a right to violate the persons of anyone. There are numerous laws which bind the US to the Geneva Convention despite unconstitutional attempts by both Bush and Congress to exempt Bush from Geneva but only after he had already violated it! The statute, in effect at the time Bush committed the crime, makes Bush a war criminal, subject to prosecution for capital crimes. Congress may change the law but the Constitution forbids they "back date it".
No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.Now --can we please get on with the capital crimes trial of George W. Bush?--Article 1, US Constitution
Bush is a Bigger Threat Than "Terrorists"!!
The World Wide Campaign to
Bring Bush's War Criminals to Trial
The Movement to Bring Bush to Justice

And --today --we learned that the cowardly Democrats have confirmed yet another "torturer" as Atty General. Democrats, this is not good enough. How about the American people boycott this election and hold an alternative election? How about the people form a legitimate government under the law? At present, a lawless gang occupies Washington. What do the Democrats in Washington propose to do about it. I learned early in my broadcasting career that one was either a part of a solution or part of the problem. The cowardly Demos are quickly becoming a part of the problem, if not co-conspirators!'King' Bush no longer honors right that dates to Middle Ages
Mike Aivaz and Nick Juliano
Published: Friday November 9, 2007
Newly confirmed Attorney General Michael Mukasey will not rein in President Bush, who views himself as having the nearly unchecked executive power of a monarch, Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) says.
"Are we just going to have another attorney general that's just going to kowtow to the king -- the president. I'm sorry I get those terms kinda confused here when I'm talking about Bush; I don't know if he's king or president," Harkin told his colleagues from the Senate floor Thursday.
"According to the last attorney general (Bush) was king, and maybe this one believes the same thing, he can do whatever he wants to," Harkin continued. "But even in 1215, the King of England was held to the standard of habeas corpus. I guess we want to turn the clock back to before the Magna Carta."
Harkin spoke shortly before the Senate voted to confirm Mukasey as attorney general, after the nominee weathered criticism of his refusal to declare waterboarding illegal torture. The Iowa Democrat criticized that position and the nominees refusal to commit to the notion that detainees in the war on terror -- including American citizens -- deserve habeas corpus guarantees, which require that anyone in captivity be charged with a crime or released. ...
Now from the department of "Big Frickin' Deal"!!!
I am unimpressed! Democrats could have ended this war but haven't. The attitude is typified by Hilary who obviously believes that "Anti-war nut jobs" have no place to go.Democrats To Tie War Funding, Pullout
The AP reports, "Under pressure to support the troops but end the war, House Democrats said Thursday they would send President Bush $50 billion for combat operations on the condition that he begin withdrawing troops from Iraq." The proposal, "similar to one Bush vetoed earlier this year, would identify a goal of ending combat entirely by December 2008."
The Politico notes Speaker Pelosi "told reporters yesterday that the new proposal "would leave a small force in the country to pursue Al Qaeda, protect US interests and train Iraqi security forces." The New York Times says the plan "is certain to be opposed in the House by many Republicans as well as some strongly antiwar Democrats who want tougher restrictions on the president." The Hill notes Republicans "attacked Democrats for going to the well once again with votes calling for a withdrawal of troops." The measure "also caught many Democrats off guard. In the early afternoon, most legislators interviewed said they hadn't seen the legislation, even some who were actively trying to obtain a copy." ...
In the meantime, it's time for Bush's criminal regime to put up or shut up! It's time Democrats grew a spine! It's time that the people of the US overthrew this government and replaced it with a lawful one under the Constitution.
In the meantime, Democrats have helped Bush get another torturer appointed to Attorney General. Bush will not have improved his horrible, criminal record with his appointment of 66 year old Michael Mukasy can be expected to follow the the example set by John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales, two liars remembered for their contempt for the laws they swore to enforce and uphold. Congress has failed to find redemption.
Mukasey, 66, a former federal judge from New York, told senators he considers waterboarding "repugnant," but he could not categorically say whether the technique amounts to torture, which U.S. and international law bans.
(CBS) Waterboarding, a controversial interrogation technique that simulates drowning, dates back to at least the Spanish Inquisition, and has been used some of the world's cruelest dictatorships, according to Human Rights Watch.The single shred of good news:
Forms of waterboarding vary but generally consist of immobilizing an individual on his or her back - head inclined downward - and pouring water over the face to induce the sensation of drowning.
Other techniques include dunking prisoners head-first into water, as was used by Chadian military forces in the mid 1980s. The Khmer Rouge, responsible for the deaths of approximately 1.5 million Cambodians during the 1970s, strapped victims on inclined boards, with feet raised and head lowered, and covered their faces with cloth or cellophane. Water then was poured over their mouths to stimulate drowning.
Waterboarding, long considered a form of torture by the United States, produces a gag reflex and makes the victim believe death is imminent. The technique leaves no visible physical damage.
Republican presidential candidate John McCain, who was tortured as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam, considers waterboarding a form of torture. McCain has been quoted as saying that waterboarding is "no different than holding a pistol to his head and firing a blank."--CBS News, Waterboarding: Interrogation Or Torture?
As I wrote yesterday, this move by Kucinich puts more heat on Democrats than on the GOP. We know the GOP to be crooked war whores but we expected more from Democrats. Perhaps we should not have. We were taken for granted by a party that drinks from a poisoned well, a party that thinks we have no place to go.U.S. Hawks Dive For Cover
Dennis Kucinich didn't vote for the 2002 resolution to invade Iraq. Several Democratic senators who voted for that resolution and who are currently presidential contenders for the 2008 election have expressed regrets; the only candidate who has not done so is Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, amazingly the current Democratic front-runner. ...

US image problem
US atrocities
Indict Bush
Bush Corruption
Spread the word:

OK, you have a lot going on in this post...First, I have no doubt that Bush and cronies will use Israel to start a war with Iran. Its par for the course (See Lesser of Two Evils for my [latest] thoughts on US foreign policy.)
One way or another, our government is desperate for an excuse for war. The WMD, Terrorist, "Be Afraid!" ploy is utterly played, so "Don't be a racist, Save Israel" ought to work for a little while.
Mukasey's confirmation came as no shock, but certainly with dismay to me. I was however, actually under the impression that he would denounce torture tactics such as waterboarding after his confirmation. He gave the impression that he was walking a fine line (playin' politricks - yawn!) in order to get the confirmation. That is to say, he was hinting that he would denounce torture, but without saying it and upsetting The Decider.
I won't hold me breath, however.
The Democrats have proven to be a bigger disappointment than ever, and I doubt the spine will ever show itself (I'm sure there's one under there somewhere)and Pelosi is on everyone's nerves, left, right and even the way-out-there crowd. I'm thinking re-election isn't in her future.
Every Democrat seems to be in love with Clinton.
I have to say, I don't want another Clinton in the white house. Its not that she's not good, or that the Clintons were that bad - but it'll be how many years of Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton? Time for something different....
Bush is guilty of capital offenses. He is a murderer. In his 2003 State of the Union Address he said that over 3000 "suspected" al Qaeda operatives had been killed outside the rule of any law - "they are no longer a problem for our friends and allies". "Suspects" murdered. No trials, no apology, nothing.
Bush is prepared to murder innocent civilans quite knowingly and especially his critics. In the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan Al Jazeera's Kabul office was bombed by an American 'smart bomb' in what was officially described as an accident. Journalist Ron Suskind spoke to US military sources who confirmed, however, that the bombing was deliberate, to "send a message" to the media organisation. The order almost certainly came from the White House.
In a further incident in April 2003, during the Iraq invasion, Al Jazeera's Baghdad office was hit by a US missile, killing one person and wounding another. The network's chief editor said: "Witnesses in the area saw the plane fly over twice before dropping the bombs. Our office is in a residential area and even the Pentagon knows its location." (On that same day the Baghdad office of Abu Dhabi television was also hit).
Finally, two British officials were charged under the Official Secrets Act for leaking a classified memo to the Daily Mirror where it is alleged that Pres. Bush, in an April 2004 meeting with Tony Blair, had discussed bombing the headquarters of Al Jazeera in Qatar. Blair reportedly talked him out of it. Now Qatar is a US ally and the journalists are civilians. The claim appears to have some substance since the officials have been charged and they would have been unlikely to leak a false claim in the face of such serious consequences. So there you have it...Bush planned to murder innocent civilians in a country allied to the US who were just going about their daily business. Sounds like attempted murder to me.
...and we haven't even touched on his war crimes.
anok and damien,
Unless a miracle occurs, the US is lost. I no longer have any hope for the US, as long as Bush is free.
I will keep on blogging --though I've come to the conclusion that only direct action will make any difference whatsoever.
Bush might not have pulled this all off. I expected nothing less (or more) from him. The biggest disappointment is the absolute lack of opposition, the kiss up nature of the Democratic party, the spineless rollover, the rough fuck with not even a thank you, was it good for you, let's have a smoke.
Indeed, Damien, for some time I was afraid that I was the only one who had written about Bush's "confession" that he had ordered summary executions. It was in his State of the Union Address of 2003, as I recall.
Put another way --the Congress has abandoned its duty under the Constitution. It might as well resign and go home.
Until Bush leaves office we are sunk as a country and a people that much is clear. Maybe other powers that be (other than the wingnuts) will be dismayed at the ecomonic downturn and do something about it. It's the best we can hope for at this time. I am sorry to say that Congress and the American people are not keeping up their end of the deal in the running of our democracy. How else can Bush and his troop of fellow nut jobs be allowed to do all that they have done?
Hitler did a little dance just outside the train car after his humiliation of France. I suspect Bush is likewise surprised by how easy it all was, perhaps, even a bit disappointed for not having had to torture Democrats. They just gave up.
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