Dennis Kucinich Takes House Floor, Moves to Impeach Dick Cheney for Lying to the American People
Kucinich has drawn a bead on a known criminal, possibly a traitor. Cheney has no hope of shoring up popular support. He is universally reviled, perhaps even by the GOP. One hopes Bush sticks his neck out for Cheney. An extended neck is vulnerable.
This move is, as well, a strong message to Democrats. That message is simply this: we, the people, support Kucinich and we will oppose appeasers who have emasculated the Democratic party and, by doing so, left the American people in the lurch to fend for themselves in Bush's increasingly tyrannical rule.
Kiss-ass Democrats will find Kucinich's move divisive and they would be correct. It will and ought to divide the Democratic party into those who will lead this nation into a new day, what Lincoln would have called a "re-birth of freedom" as opposed to those suck-up Democrats who seem determined to march into hell with George W. Bush and this gang of traitors and liars.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Marjorie Cohn, NLG President,; 619-374-6923
Heidi Boghosian, NLG Executive Director, 212-679-5100, ext. 11
James Marc Leas, NLG member who drafted the resolution, 802 864-1575 or 802 734-8811
November 5, Washington, D.C. The National Lawyers Guild voted unanimously and enthusiastically for the impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney at its national convention in Washington, DC. The resolution lists more than a dozen high crimes and misdemeanors of the Bush and Cheney administration and "calls upon the U.S. House of Representatives to immediately initiate impeachment proceedings, to investigate the charges, and if the investigation supports the charges, to vote to impeach George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney as provided in the Constitution of the United States of America."
The resolution provides for an NLG Impeachment Committee open to all members that will help organize and coordinate events at the local, state, and national level to build public participation in the campaign to initiate impeachment investigation, impeachment, and removal of Bush and Cheney from office without further delay.
The resolution calls on all other state and national bar associations, state and local government bodies, community organizations, labor unions, and all other citizen associations to adopt similar resolutions and to use all their resources to build the campaign demanding that Congress initiate impeachment investigation, impeach, and remove Bush and Cheney from office.
The full text of the resolution can be found at ... lution.pdf
National Lawyers Guild President Marjorie Cohn said, "The war of aggression, the secret prisons, the use of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, the use of evidence obtained by torture, and the surveillance of citizens without warrants, all initiated and carried out under the tenure of Bush and Cheney, are illegal under the U.S. Constitution and international law.”
Founded in 1937 as an alternative to the American Bar Association, which did not admit people of color, the National Lawyers Guild is the oldest and largest public interest/human rights bar organization in the United States. Its headquarters are in New York and it has chapters in every state.
Congressional switchboard flooded by impeachment calls
"We need to run newspaper ads in the major national and regional papers to energize and recruit concerned persons. This needs lots of money.We need your help now. Click to make an urgently needed donation right now."The impeachment movement is at a critical moment. In response to Congressman Dennis Kucinich's attempt to force a discussion and vote on the impeachment of Dick Cheney, the Congressional switchboard was overwhelmed by a flood of calls from impeachment supporters. We must maintain this high level of activity. You can help. ImpeachBush wholeheartedly supports the impeachment of Dick Cheney (House Resolution 333), as well as George W. Bush and all other high officials guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Below is a recap of yesterday's impeachment showdown on the House floor.- Ramsey Clark
House tied in knots over resolution to impeach Cheney
Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, is trying to impeach Vice President Cheney for what he describes as "high crimes and misdemeanors" before the invasion of Iraq.
Right after the proposal was read on the House floor this afternoon, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer stepped forwarded and tried to convince lawmakers to table the bill.
"Impeachment is not on our agenda. We have some major priorities. We need to focus on those," Hoyer told Fox News.
Update at 3:39 p.m. ET: We thought that the vote to table was over -- the clock said 0:00 -- but lawmakers are still switching things around and Kucinich is within a few votes of getting his bill to come up for a vote.
Update at 3:43 p.m. ET: At least 149 Republicans have voted in favor of considering the impeachment resolution. Hoyer's motion, which would have blocked a vote, looks like its going to fail by at least 31 votes.
Update at 3:53 p.m. ET: The 15-minute vote began at 2:53 p.m. ET. It's been an hour, and they're still voting. The tally stands at 170-242 right now. Hoyer needed 218 votes to push the bill off the agenda.
He's 72 votes short.(As an OD reader later pointed out, Hoyer was 48 votes short, not 72 as we said at the time. Supporters of the measure had a 72 vote lead. We apologize for our mathematical ineptitude.)Update at 4:02 p.m. ET: Hoyer's motion failed 251-162. The House is now voting on whether to vote on whether the resolution should be sent to the Judiciary Committee.
Update at 4:25 p.m. ET: The vote to decide to vote (yes, you read that correctly) just ended. By a 218-194 margin, the House has to vote on whether to send the resolution to the Judiciary Committee. That's happening right now.
Update at 4:30 p.m. ET: Perhaps we should pause to explain. When most Republicans unexpectedly -- and on orders of GOP leadership, the AP is reporting -- switched sides and voted against tabling the measure, they essentially forced Democrats to keep talking about it on the floor. Tabling the measure would have killed it.
Debate over Cheney's impeachment is in direct opposition to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's wishes. She has repeatedly said an impeachment of Cheney or President Bush is off the table. Thus, failing to table this measure is a essentially a jab in Pelosi's ribs.
"We're going to help them out, to explain themselves," Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, told the AP of the impeachment's supporters. "We're going to give them their day in court."
Update at 4:32 p.m. ET: The House just voted, 218-194, to send the resolution to the Judiciary Committee. That should end today's debate -- but it does keep the resolution at least technically alive.
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Wow, this is the best news I've seen in I don't know how long!!! Thank you so much for posting all this, Len.
marain said...
Wow, this is the best news I've seen in I don't know how long!!!
Kucinich seems to have timed this very well. Last time I check, Hilary was slipping. That's just fine with me.
I hope they move quickly, I recently read today on Buzz Flash, an article stating how and listing the Countries considering no longer using the dollar. We need a change faster then yesterday!
O we could be facing martial law by that qroup!
I knew I liked Kucinich. He's wacky, he says whats on his mind, he doesn't seem to "play" politics, and he's finally made the move everyone has been clamoring for - to impeach Darth Vader, I mean Dick Cheney.
When I read your comment I thought, for a moment it said "Hilary was sleeping not slipping. Does it really matter though? ;)
Thanks for blogrolling me, by the way - and sorry I haven't had the time to properly respond. Your blog is great, and added to my list!
Thanks Anok...I am proud to blogroll you. Keep the great work. I like your comments about Hilary --slipping or sleeping? Ummm perhaps both. And I heartily agree about "not playing politics". Of the field in either party, it seems only Kucinich and Gravel have had the courage to talk about issues.
Len, I recently read an interesting article which states when oil is being purchased by euros, there will be excess dollars used by other countries, which will no longer be need by these Countries and it will be payment due. Sine we do not produce any goods to give them it appears that might happen? I'm sorry I did do not have the link, searched for it but unable to locate it.
Diane, makes sense. don't worry about the link. I will track it down. But, if you should happen to find it, cool. That's essentially America's problem. The rest of the world was only propping up the buck so that they could sell us stuff. If the dollar is worthless, the rest of the world will be stuck with a lot of merchandise for which there is a shrinking market in the US. Worthless bucks don't buy much. My article of a couple of months ago about Wal-Mart is a case in point.
len, what is happening with this?
Kucinich is the only candidate with any cojones!
Did you know a Congressional candidate has announced their support for effort to remove Pelosi as Speaker, clearing the way for impeachment?
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