Reagan is a study in complexity. He believed in balanced budgets but never submitted one; feared a nuclear apocalypse but built a huge stockpile of weapons; preached family values while presiding over a dysfunctional family.The story is about the talks Reagan held with the Soviet Union's Mikhail Gorbachev at Reykjavik. It was Gorbachev who first put total nuclear disarmament on the table. It was Ronald Reagan, indebted to his radical base, who blinked.
If, that is, the ensuing “Great Society,” to borrow a term from JFK’s successor, Lyndon Johnson, were laid low by a nuclear attack on an American city (or seven, if al Qaeda had its way).This is the territory into which Gorbachev launched his most daring raids. First, in 1985, he announced that the Soviet Union would no longer deploy intermediate-range nuclear forces (INFs) in Eastern Europe. Later that year, he proposed that both his country and the US slice their nuclear arsenals in half.The next year, at the memorable Reykjavik summit, Gorbachev got Ronald Reagan to agree in principle to his plan for removal of all INFs from Europe, as well as to draw them down worldwide. Caught up in Gorbachev’s enthusiasm, Reagan expressed a willingness to join Russia in eliminating all nuclear weapons in 10 years.In the end, though, Reagan clung to his blankie, the Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars). Gorbachev feared SDI would lead to nukes in space, not to mention leave the Soviet defense establishment with the impression he’d been played. Their dreams of saving the world came crashing back down to earth.Reagan was a typical Republican, that is, he said many things and did the opposite. That's because every Republican has two stories to tell: one they tell to their base via "code words" like "family values"; the other, they tell to the world. This second category often consists of lies and pure BS. In this case, Reagan had talked the talked ---world peace, nuclear disarmament, etc. When Gorbachev raised the stakes --total nuclear disarmament --Reagan suddenly recalled his base, the clique, the Military/Industrial complex, the moneyed class that "brung 'em"! He blinked!--It’s not a new JFK we need in Obama, but the next Gorbachev
Here is what Reagan himself said about the threat of nuclear war.
The Russians sometimes kept submarines off our East Coast with nuclear missiles that could turn the White House into a pile of radioactive rubble within six or eight minutes. Six minutes to decide how to respond to a blip on a radarscope and decide whether to unleash Armageddon! How could anyone apply reason at a time like that? There were some people in the Pentagon who thought in terms of fighting and winning a nuclear war. To me it was simple common sense: A nuclear war couldn't be won by either side. It must never be fought. Advocates of the MAD policy believed it had served a purpose: The balance of terror it created had prevented nuclear war for decades. But as far as I was concerned, the MAD policy was madness.So, if that's how Ronald Reagan really felt about nuclear madness, why did he blow what is perhaps our last chance at peace? The answer is simple. Reagan was not his own man.--Ronald Reagan, The Official Site
There were early warning signs that Reagan was utterly incompetent but Reagan was held to a much lesser standard than Jimmy Carter, whose regime was the butt of universal and planned, top-down derision by the GOP.
February 2: Reagan testifies to the Tower Board for a second time. His testimony is inconsistent and confused. The Board pointed out Reagan hadn’t known about August shipment of anti-tank missiles, but Reagan had said he DID know. When asked for an explanation, Reagan picked up a briefing memo he had been provided and read aloud: "If the question comes up at the Tower Board meeting, you might want to say that you were surprised."It is perhaps because the US media, during the Reagan's years, stopped doing its job of informing the population that the myth persists: Reagan's tax cuts were the foundation of a generation of American prosperity. The facts are these: 1) The regime of Ronald Reagan is characterized by anemic overall growth. 2) Jimmy Carter ranks second only to LBJ in over economic growth among American post-war Presidents. It is a myth, if not a deliberate GOP lie, that Reagan is among the best US Presidents in the category of job creation. He is, in fact, among the very worst:
The US trails the rest of the world in many key areas. Space prevents my posting the official figures in every category. The general conclusion is valid: under Reagan, the US began a descent into third world status, a trend now aggravated by Bush who lately likes to compare himself to Lincoln ! Stop me! My sides are hurting! It is because he was successful that Jimmy Carter is reviled today. The GOP will never tell the truth about Democratic successes just as it can be counted on to lie about its own failures. Reagan's following remarks not only sound hollow today, they are indicative of just how out of touch was Reagan as he presided over the demise of American industry.
Job Growth Per Year Under Most Recent Presidents
Johnson 3.8%
Carter 3.1
Clinton 2.4
Kennedy 2.3
Nixon 2.3
Reagan 2.1
Bush 0.6You might be surprised to learn that the United States has long had the lowest tax rates of any industrialized nation. And how does the level of taxation compare to each nation's standard of living? There are three general ways to measure standard of living: earning power, purchasing power and individual worker productivity. The U.S. has lost its lead in
the first and is losing its lead in the other two.Earning power is defined as GDP per capita, or how much the average citizen earns in a year. It is an important statistic because it measures how advantageously nations trade on the global market. After the Second World War, the U.S. was number one for 40 years. But in the mid-80s, the U.S. suddenly began dropping down the list.
1991 Earning Power2
Switzerland $35,490
Japan 27,300
Sweden 26,900
Denmark 24,230
Norway 24,150
Finland 24,110
United States 22,550
Canada 20,840
Germany 19,830
Netherlands 19,310
See: The Reagan Years, Steve Kangas
The great dynamic success of capitalism had given us a powerful weapon in our battle against Communism - money. Moreover, incentives inherent in the capitalist system had given us an industrial base that meant we had the capacity to maintain a technological edge over them forever.In fact, the history of how the US lost its lead in automotive manufacturing, electronics, steel production and almost every other "heavy" industry is largely a history of the Reagan years. It is essential reading.--Ronald Reagan, The Official Site
Nice fact sheet on the stats Len.
I also think you hit it on the head when you say why the gop despised Carter so much, despite some dysfunction and confusion reminiscent of his administration, (or the perception of) he accomplished much, and that pissed the wingers off. Also, do not forget he is the only president that presided over and helped achieved an actual lasting piece between the rivalry of Egypt and Israel, something that the following four presidents have not even come close to achieving with any of the other nations in the region.
I think if Carter would have had another term, life today may have turned out much different then it is, I believe we would have a much more advanced, decent society, on many levels, if in fact the nation would have followed many of the leads Carter was responsible for. One to mention, you know, is the "Human rights " movement, that in fact had a hell of allot more to do with putting pressure on the Soviets, and others, then anything "Hollywood Ron" had come up with.
To see what we are now doing with concerns to human rights issues has got to make Carter weep, Canada just put the United States on the human rights (offender) watch list...how nice, and the current dip-shit preznit runs around looking for legacy in his final hours. Also notice how it was just "plastered" all over the media's front pages these past few days (have you found this in any MS papers?).
On another front, I wonder where we would be today, if in fact we would have followed the lead of Carter's insights into the development of alternative energies. We certainly would not be tied up in an Iraqi civil war figuring out where our next "pipeline" needed to get off.
Also a sad foot note to the Carter legacy, is the fact that I believe he was somewhat shunned by many democrats at the time the "Reagan revolution" picked up steam. I seem to recall, as the hostage incident deteriorated, not many had his back, and this abandonment proliferated or seemingly qualified the gopper slurs on Carter, either because they were politically afraid and or to weak kneed to stand against the tide of propaganda that was unleashed, certainly none came to his side. Carter is the perfect example of our media and top party plus their corporate elites "disappearing" any progressive effort and or legacy.
Glad to read your acknowledgment of one of the few decent presidents this nation has produced this past century, in speaking about jimmy Carter's successes. We certainly have heard enough about his surmised failures and foibles from the various right wing hit men over the years.
Thanks, anonymous. Like you I am fucking fed up with the right wing spin, lie, and noise machine.
Carter was, in fact, among the nation's best presidents in every area.
I will debate any right winger, any day, any time...middle of the street, high noon!
Yes -- Obama is not what we need -- but who else is there who can be elected? Nobody. That's why we have to work outside the system, and dismantle the political machinery. We (the people) have LOT of work ahead of us.
__Blue Pilgrim
On Carter: The last two years of his term brought the only reduction, Reduction! of imported oil. No wonder he was ridiculed: The "stupid oil men" Eisenhower warned us about (they killed his successor in less than four years after his speech btw) were in charge by then.
On Reagan: As someone that lived in California under Reagan's governorship, we had our state income taxes triple and our world class free community college system dismembered by this brain-addled bonzo.
But, according to his supporters he made everyone "feel good" about 'Murica.
So, the lesson here is that by electing Bush and ignoring where Texas stood in important stats (like education, job creation, etc), America is reaping exactly what they deserve.
That is, IF the elections aren't entirely tainted, which I also strongly suspect they are.
I wonder: What will be the trigger point, the flash point, that makes old baby-boomers like me put away the keyboard, and pick up a "broom" to sweep D.C. clean.
I watch in DISGUST the Dems stand and give The Torturer Bush ovations. Damn them all.
A rope, a tree (with HUNDREDS of branches), a July 4th celebration along the Potomac, a Key Bridge hanging party sounds real fine about now.
Gorbachev had already removed ICBMs from Eastern Europe. He negotiated in good faith; Reagan in bad faith. Gorbachev was a responsible leader; Reagan was a liar. Spec Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh clearly thought him guilty of treason in connection with Iran/Contra! And he was!
I don't hate Reagan. I hate his fucking sorry ass record of lies and incompetence.
And see my new article: Ronald Reagan is still dead.
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