President Bush's plan to forge a long-term agreement with the Iraqi government that could commit the US military to defending Iraq's security would be the first time such a sweeping mutual defense compact has been enacted without congressional approval, according to legal specialists.After World War II, for example - when the United States gave security commitments to Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, and NATO members - Presidents Truman and Eisenhower designated the agreements as treaties requiring Senate ratification. In 1985, when President Ronald Reagan guaranteed that the US military would defend the Marshall Islands and Micronesia if they were attacked, the compacts were put to a vote by both chambers of Congress.By contrast, Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki have already agreed that a coming compact will include the United States providing "security assurances and commitments" to Iraq to deter any foreign invasion or internal terrorism by "outlaw groups." But a top White House official has also said that Bush does not intend to submit the deal to Congress.I had wondered why I am so bored with the primary process, this field of candidates, the coverage, the speeches, what passes for debate. I am bored because it's all as beside the point as the medieval debate about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin! It might as well have been scripted and given what I've learned about political consulting --it is scripted! I've heard all the talking points in focus groups. I can predict every question and every answer. This 'election' is for show! This election is a sop to those who have not gotten the news: American Democracy is over. Bush rules by decree. If he should decide to hang around, who's 'gonna' throw him out? The Military? Nope! The Congress? Nope! The Supreme Court? Stop me! My sides are hurting! Everyone is just playing their roles. It is as if the candidates of both major parties had a conference and decided: we won't talk about how George W. Bush has ended, perhaps forever, the rule of law in the United States. Constitution: R.I.P! You won't know what you had until it's gone. Unless something is done, you will just have to get used to more stories about how innocent folk get tasered, jailed, or roughed up for daring to practice 'free speech'. Get used to a permanent US presence in Iraq! Get used to Bush's evil smirk! Get used to GOP bullshit! Get used to being spied on at the mall, in your car, even at home with devices that can literally see through walls. Those devices exist. Everyone, it seems, from Bill Maher on Larry King Live to Virginia Tech Professor Theodore Fuller, believes Bush will be remembered as the very worst President in US history. Fuller's list includes the perpetual nature of Bush's obvious failure in Iraq. It includes Bush's failure to reform Social Security, though I am suspicious of efforts to "reform" what is, in fact, the Government's only success story. What I have not heard except via the 'blogosphere' is why! The 'why' should top the list and should have been blazened atop every major daily in the nation. Instead, the truth is whispered if at all: Bush destroyed the very concept of the "rule of law" and, more specifically, "Due Process of Law" because he is the tool of America's moneyed 'elite'.
It's not that they lied about justifications for war, but in their failure to allow oversight into the processes that produced those lies. It's not in the firing of federal attorneys and the refusal to substantiate the firings, but in the pure partisanship of their actions. It's not their countless refusals to comply with subpoenas from Congress or Freedom of Information Act from the people, but in their arrogated stance, setting themselves above the requirements themselves.Once when challenged for his unwillingness to submit to the rule of law in an obvious snub of the Constitution, Bush screamed, "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"And thus our Constitution has now become what Bush has made it. This annihilation of the foundational document of our republic was orchestrated by a president who swore an oath of honor to protect it, a devout Christian who promised to restore honor and integrity to the Oval Office.Congress, in its acquiescence and subservience, is equally culpable. When Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced, "impeachment is off the table," she not only absolved Bush of all previous transgressions but paved a figurative superhighway for any to come. There's a reason Congress's approval ratings are even lower than the administration's.Bush could not have put himself above the law without help from Republicans of all stripes as well as timely betrayals and sellouts by key Democrats. Without effective opposition, Bush-Cheney have enabled a "unitary executive"! A dubious doctrine without precedent in American history, it is the belief that the "President" is above regulation, above oversight or supervision, above the decisions of the courts, including the Supreme Court, above laws passed by Congress, above all responsibility to the people.--Michael Abraham, Bush's legacy is the end of law
"[Since Watergate] I have repeatedly seen an erosion of the powers and the ability of the president of the United States to do his job. ... One of the things that I feel an obligation [to do] ... is to pass on our offices in better shape than we found them to our successors."I submit to Bush, Cheney, their NEOCON base, the Republican party, and assorted enablers inside the Democratic party that this "doctrine" is utter bullshit! Not even European monarchs --at the very height of their power and influence --could boast or wield such power.It is ironic that at the height of his "power", Bush is among the least popular "Presidents" in American history. What then is the source of his power? Bush, addressing a gathering of well-heeled Republicans and other representatives of corporate power called them "his base". And --so they were. 'They' are an increasingly tiny elite which alone benefits from GOP tax cuts and the enrichment of the Military/Industrial complex.--VP Dick Cheney, [Interview with Cokie Roberts] New York Times, Recent Flexing of Presidential Powers Had Personal Roots in Ford White House, SCOTT SHANE. January 2002,
The influence of the cabal begins at Yale, where Skull and Bones has appropriated university funds for its own use, leaving the school virtually impoverished. Skull and Bones' corporate shell, the Russell Trust Association, owns nearly all of the university's real estate, as well as most of the land in Connecticut. Skull and Bones has controlled Yale's faculty and campus publications so that students cannot speak openly about it. "Year by year," the campus's only anti-society publication stated during its brief tenure in 1873, "the deadly evil is growing."The year in the tomb at Yale instills within members an unwavering loyalty to Skull and Bones. Members have been known to stab their Skull and Bones pins into their skin to keep them in place during swimming or bathing. The knights (as the student members are called) learn quickly that their allegiance to the society must supersede all else: family, friendships, country, God. They are taught that once they get out into the world, they are expected to reach positions of prominence so that they can further elevate the society's status and help promote the standing of their fellow Bonesmen.The movies have discovered Skull and Bones. The most recent entry, The Good Shepherd, directed by Robert de Niro, explores a symbiotic relationship between Yale's super secret Skull and Bones and the equally secret CIA. Another thriller advertises itself with a Hollywood logline: A secret society so powerful, it can give you anything…at a price., the subtitle to The Skulls, a new thriller by Rob Cohen.--Alexandra Robbins, George W. Bush and the Brotherhood of Death, 'Secrets of the Tomb' Skull and Bones, the Ivy League, and the Hidden Paths of Power
Interestingly, both CIA and Skull and Bones are called "brotherhoods". Both apparently control those inside by compromising them. Both exhibit all the characteristics of kooky cults. In all, the individual is subordinated to the group. The Faustian term for this is "selling your soul". There are more prosaic descriptions but none as accurate. Both "Skull and Bones" and its ally, the CIA, are evil cults. [See: Ronald Reagan is Still Dead!, and The Role of the Psychopath in the Generation of Global Evil] The Good Shepherd is an Academy Award-nominated 2006 film directed by Robert De Niro and stars Matt Damon and Angelina Jolie. The main story lines are credible and set against historical events. If it is not literally "the untold story of the birth of counter-intelligence in the Central Intelligence Agency", it is most certainly true in terms of the relationship of Skull and Bones to the CIA and in terms of the evil, pernicious effects both have had on the US, indeed, the world!
The film is most powerful when it traces the common origins of the CIA and the Skull and Bones and compares the dark results of both. I defy any rational person not a part of either cult to watch this movie and resist the conclusion that both the CIA and the Skull and Bones are evil organizations, cults in fact, that have harmed this nation, the people, the rule of law, and civilization itself. Down with both!
The following is a video playlist beginning with a trailer for the film "The Good Shephard", followed by two clips from a well-sourced documentary series exposing the Skull and Bones cult, and, at last, "We Do", the Simpsons brilliant lampoon at every cult from Bilderberg, Tri-Lateral Commission, to Skull and Bones: An addendum: writer Alexandra Robbins recalls her 'encounter' with a bonesman.
"Who controls the British crown?""Who keeps the metric system down? " "We do! We do. . . "" Who holds back the electric car? Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star? We do! We do. " Certainly, Skull and Bones does cross boundaries in order to attempt to stay out of the public spotlight. When I wrote an article about the society for the Atlantic Monthly in May 2000, an older Bonesman said to me, “If it’s not portrayed positively, I’m sending a couple of my friends after you.” After the article was published, I received a telephone call at my office from a fellow journalist, who is a member of Skull and Bones. He scolded me for writing the article—”writing that article was not an ethical or honorable way to make a decent living in journalism,” he condescended —and then asked me how much I had been paid for the story. When I refused to answer, he hung up. Fifteen minutes later, he called back.Timely updates: Just recently, Northcom, announced on their web site its readiness to implement martial law in the US.
“I have just gotten off the phone with our people.” “Your people?” I snickered.
“Yes. Our people.” He told me that the society demanded to know where I got my information.
“I’ve never been in the tomb and I did nothing illegal in the process of reporting this article,” I replied.
“Then you must have gotten something from one of us. Tell me whom you spoke to. We just want to talk to them,” he wheedled. “I don’t reveal my sources.”
Then he got angry. He screamed at me for a while about how dishonorable I was for writing the article.
“A lot of people are very despondent over this!” he yelled. “Fifteen Yale juniors are very, very upset!” I thanked him for telling me his concerns.
“There are a lot of us at newspapers and at political journalism institutions,” he coldly hissed. “Good luck with your career”—and he slammed down the phone.--Alexandra Robbins, Secrets of the Tomb
USNORTHCOM’s official response to Commission on National Guard and Reserves Final Report
February 1, 2008
PETERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. -- U.S. Northern Command’s primary mission is Homeland Defense, and the command stands ready to respond to any homeland defense or civil support mission requirement.
“The U.S. military absolutely has the capacity to respond to potential threats within our nation today. It will get better in this coming year and continue to improve beyond that,” said Gen. Gene Renuart, USNORTHCOM commander.
Established in 2002 as a result of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, USNORTHCOM has dramatically expanded DoD’s focus on all aspects of Homeland Defense, including planning and exercising, as well as organizing new headquarters and units that are specifically tailored for domestic response....
---USNORTHCOM’s official response to Commission on National Guard and Reserves Final Report
Hannity’s Afternoon MeltdownAdditional resources
Boy, oh boy. Something is happening with the ‘true’ conservatives on AM Talk Radio. I tuned into Hannity see what had happened today and the guy just went off on what can only be described as a lick-spittle tirade! Apparently Rich Galen wrote a piece today and noted how conservatives tearing down McCain is basically doing the liberal media’s work for them. It is a fair if slightly exaggerated point to make, especially after years of the right tearing down El Presidente Jorge Bush for disagreeing with them.But something inside Hannity snapped over this and he was in the throws of insanity. He claimed those who question his actions are pompous, arrogant, hanger-ons who are simply trying to angle for jobs in the new administration and have sold their principles for money. And he was just getting started! The most hilarious (and pathetic) part came where he declared himself and other angry and raving talk show hosts the future of America! You could almost see him stand up and salute himself.Clearly Hannity and his sharp-tongued friends are not as able to take criticism as they are at dishing it out (with insults and demeaning undertones). Geez, it was just one man’s view of the coalition self-destructing. I think what was most bizarre was how he kept trying to claim he was upbeat and things were great through out his tirade (Dude, there was so much anger and hurt I don’t know who you think you are kidding?). He also started the whole thing by claiming he got all these media calls today - as if to prove to himself he is still relevant. He then went on to say he had the power of the airwaves and people in DC better be careful or he would close their access. The threats were really something else and went on for quite a while. ...
- By way of Crooks and Liars: How George torpedoed Jeb's presidential hopes and sank the family's political dynasty.
- New CIA Protocol to Legalize Torture
- Philip Roth: 'Bush Is Too Horrendous To Be Forgotten'
- Bush believes he is above the law
- Who Controls the CIA Controls the Media
- MSNBC/Today Show:‘Secrets of the Tomb’
"Bush believes himself to be above the rule of law, the authority of Congress and the courts."
"it's all as beside the point as the medieval debate about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin!"
The separation of powers and the checks and balance they presumably provide are mooted if all three branches of government are weighing in on the same side of the scales. The high hopes held out a year ago of that changing with a Democratic majority in Congress have been dashed as they too have weighed in on the side of continued corporate rule against the wishes of 'We, the people.' The partisan courts present an even bleaker prospect than even the prostrate posture of the Dimocrats.
The presumed authority of the Constitution of the United States of America rests on there existing some body that is willing to defend its precepts, to the death if necessary. In the event that Congress and the courts drop the ball, the people themselves were presumed to be prompted into indignant action by the failsafe of the fourth estate. Regrettably, the mainstream press is co-opted to an even greater degree than the aforementioned.
The ideas of democracy and freedom upon which the nation was founded are admirable in theory. Sadly, it brings to mind the observation,
"In theory, theory and practice are much the same thing. In practice, they are very different."
SadButTrue said...
The presumed authority of the Constitution of the United States of America rests on there existing some body that is willing to defend its precepts, to the death if necessary.
"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It's just a goddamned piece of paper!"
I'm pretty sure Skull and bones actually exists and I am equally sure that they are elite and many members hold positions of power.
Having said that however, I question just how much power or influence they actually weild, or, if they truly have a formal agenda.
At any rate they need to be stripped of power just to be safe
I've lost the link but apparently they own most of the land on which Yale sits. They are very influential largely because they are vowed to support and promote each other into positions of political power.
I think most Americans are treating the Bush regime as a storm to ride out. I think that is a regime. People need to raise more hell and resist.
The Bush Crime Family and the NeoCons may well have a "long term plan" for Iraq.
But America's plans for that sad, destroyed nation are dependent on what the East Asians want, in any case.
If the central banks of China and Japan decide to stop propping up America's Ponzi scheme economy, then our ruling junta won't have a dime to fund America's military adventures.
I realize I'm not the only Chomsky-reading progressive to mention all this.
But one issue that I haven't seen anyone else raise is this: would it really be such a bad thing if America's economic power collapsed?
If that happened, there would be no more Iraqs and no more Vietnams. No more military industrial complex. No more billions for Halliburton and Bush's billionaire buddies.
Is all this a bad thing?
True, there would be a second Great Depression (or worse) in America. But for a lot of working class Americans, things are ALREADY sh*tty. It really can't get a lot worse the way things are now.
And who knows, perhaps another Great Depression would lead to a second New Deal for America.
I've long maintained that America's real problem these days is not individual politicians. It's the money-corrupted, rotten-to-the-core system in which our leaders have to operate.
The real problem is the system itself. The system must replaced if we are to ever once again have a real democracy in this nation that truly represents the people, instead of the ruling oligarchy.
libhom said...
I think most Americans are treating the Bush regime as a storm to ride out. I think that is a regime. People need to raise more hell and resist.
That's probably true and most certainly a serious mistake. Bush is fundamentally different from every other bad or incompetent President. Many other Presidents (Nixon, for example) may have differed with specific parts of the Constitution, but Bush is absolutely alone with respect to the utter conempt with which he holds the Constitution, indeed, the very concept of "popular sovereignty", duty or accountability to the people. Listern up, folks! This is not business as usual. Bush is a greater threat to the US than was Charles I a threat to jolly ol' England.
hizzoner said...
I'm pretty sure Skull and bones actually exists and I am equally sure that they are elite and many members hold positions of power.
Indeed! Cults of any stripe create "artificial personalities" among members. These characteristics are found in the GOP as a whole. Much less so with Democrats about whom Will Rogers said: "I am not a member of any organized political party! I am a Democrat!"
Marc McDonald said...
The Bush Crime Family and the NeoCons may well have a "long term plan" for Iraq.
Of that we can be sure. My interest in the "details" of their plan is 1) the degree to which we can document it; 2) how much of that plan may be admissible as evidence when George W. Bush is charged with capital crimes domestically and war crimes in an international tribunal.
damien said...
I've lost the link but apparently they own most of the land on which Yale sits. They are very influential largely because they are vowed to support and promote each other into positions of political power.
Good point! S and B is more likely to get rid of Yale than Yale of S and B.
I would favor an audit of S and B.
And who knows, perhaps another Great Depression would lead to a second New Deal for America. -- I don't see your scenario occurring, Marc McDonald. There is no FDR waiting in the wings, and the ruling class will sell the same economic snake oil even more forcefully. A cowered middle class will conservatively clutch at their lies. How many lies about the Iraq war has the admin been able to maintain so far? Rather than a New Deal we are likely to see a new Reich. Certainly the ruling class is quite happy with that idea if you've been following all their preparations for military rule. I suspect this is going to get very ugly. We may get a world war just to distract an unsettled populace.
Some good news, Len. There are Aussie moves afoot to bring our former PM John Howard up on war crimes charges. Way to go!
Fuzzflash sez...
To some degree I share Michael Abraham's despair, but there's a lot of hope around here. We blog on because we can and we must.
Ironically because we don't do Faust's dance with Mephisto, we remain free in our souls while our brothers and sisters toil obliviously, slaves all in cerebral sweatshops, beasts of imperial burden doomed to consume, wither inside and die like cattle in an abbatoir who smell death too late, just prior to the thump that delivers it.
Len, always made Hannity for a rod-walloping fuck-wit, hubris and hyperbole his stock in trade.
Wonderful to see you dug The Good Shepherd. It's superb cinema all right.
"Get out while you still can, Edward, while you still have a soul."
Btw, I searched the web for a couple of hours trying to get a look at a free screenplay of the movie. Could any of you good and more cyber-adroit folk please point me to where I can glom it gratis?
Fuzz, I am sure you've already tried
And, indeed, they have Good Will Hunting but not the Good Shepherd.
I would like to do an analysis of that script myself. When I find it, I will post the link here.
They who scemed and plotted the downfall, the extermination of 'WE, THE PEOPLE', have triumphed!
"WE" must slay this dragon or perish in dispair,
Damien wrote...
Some good news, Len. There are Aussie moves afoot to bring our former PM John Howard up on war crimes charges. Way to go!
Great news, Damien. Keep us posted.
OBLOMOV. said...
"WE" must slay this dragon or perish in dispair,
About three generations have grown up thinking "Nazis" were no longer a threat! Well --they are! As Pogo said: "We have seen the enemy and it is us!"
It's exactly right that this is just like Stuart England. The king is again saying he's above the law and Parliament. The difference is, this time Charles I is winning- the he's winning with the help of the Parliamentarians.
Anonymous said...
It's exactly right that this is just like Stuart England. The king is again saying he's above the law and Parliament.
Where is Cromwell when you really need him?
How many in the government and military violated their oaths which state that they are to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic?
I'd say that tally includes just about all of them.
Hunter S. Thompson was put on a Secret Service watch list after he told a group of churchgoers he was lecturing that if they really believed in the principles they espoused that they would march on down to the White House and stomp that son of a bitch (G.W. Bush) to death.
The trashing of the Constitution is so incredibly blatant that certainly someone is deserving of being stomped yet by the time that tipping point is reached (if ever) it will be far too late.
LanceThruster said...
The trashing of the Constitution is so incredibly blatant that certainly someone is deserving of being stomped yet by the time that tipping point is reached (if ever) it will be far too late.
Stomping is better than nothing. But --I think the English had the better idea: a scaffold, a block, and a French hatchet man!
What really amazes me is the degree to which most Americans just don't 'get it'! I suppose they think freedom consists of nothing more than watching the Superbowl. What's really tragic is that these oblivious Americans will live out their lives only to die never knowing or understanding what they lost when they simply would not oppose Bush or make a statement for 'freedom'.
If only the people of this country had enough balls to drag Dubya and his entire band of criminals into the street and chop their heads off!
As long as BushCo wants to drag us all back to the Dark Ages, hell, lets start with a good old fashioned beheading ... His!
Anonymous said...
As long as BushCo wants to drag us all back to the Dark Ages, hell, lets start with a good old fashioned beheading ...
There is enough probable cause in the public record right now to try George W. Bush for capital crimes. I am confident that when he forced to stand trial for those crimes, he will most certainly be found guilty.
My Dearest Len Hart, please make a direct E-Mail adress avalable, I've some nice things to send!
But I'm old and weary and not the best in understanding the ways and moves on the internet to contribute my finests video and documentary contributions.
You have my E-Mail adress, so send me your?
Thank you, Jacob Roodenburg.
I must have lost your info in a major computer crash I had recently.
Here is an email address that you can use.
After I have received an email from you, I will reply with a 'real' one that I check often.
Brotherhood of the bell always stuck in my mind re skull and bones
The US has troops in Germany and Japan since WWII. The US has troops in Cuba and the Phillipines since the Spanish American War. The US even still has troops in Alabama.
However, the US Constitution gives the President the authority and RESPONSIBLITY for international affairs, including treaties and foreign relations.
When Bush, or any other President of either party arranges with a foreign government to quarter American troops in another country it is entirely within his designated authority and responsiblity. President Jefferson sent troops to Tirpoli, now called Libiya.
It's fine to bash Boush, though it gets awfully boring, but there are real issues that Americans need to address. Getting sidetracked on phony partisan issues takes weight off the real problems that both of the Parties work on together.
Catch more of The World According to Bob at: http://bobstruth.blogspot.com
Dear Len,
As much as I know is what I know!
Many more much I do not Know!
Therefore I came to your BLOG!
So, you can proclame yourselve, but I'm a CARPENTER and you are A, kind of newly discouvered intellectual morralist ass-hole?
There's a way to meet, O-KE.
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