It's bad enough that those courageous enough to oppose Bush's rise to dictatorship are attacked and impugned by the right wing! That is to be expected. But the propagation of fallacies and nonsense by those who should know better is intolerable.
A recent 'editorial' by Buzzflash, which is ordinarily to be commended for keeping a watchful eye on Bush's nefarious machinations, seems to have completely missed the point with regard to the so-called '911 Truth Movement'.
This article may be considered an 'open letter' to Buzzflash where I respond to their comments in italics.
We have often taken issue with the 9/11 Truth Movement because it takes the fact that there are many unanswered questions about 9/11 and tries to answer them with often bizarre speculation.It is fallacious to refer to a movement of many with the word 'it'! There are many positions by many free thinking individuals throughout what is conveniently called the '911 Truth Movement'. To apply a single position to every person demanding a complete and unbiased investigation of a crime that was in fact never properly investigated is absurd, unfair and fallacious.
---Conspiratorially Speaking: United Flight 93 and 9/11
In the many papers that I have read by David Ray Griffin et al, the focus is primarily on the demonstrable 'holes', lies and fallacies that are found in various conspiracy theories put forward by Bush, Powell, Rumsfeld, et al as well as the 'official account' put forward by the 911 Commission.
Certainly, some members of the '911 TruthMovement' have concluded that because only the Bush administration actively sought to cover up, prevent and in many instances quash investigations of 911, then it is reasonable to conclude that 911 was an inside job. Else --why cover it up? But to attribute that position to every Bush critic is unfair and fallacious.
It may be true to state that the so-called 'Truth Movement' began with Griffen's still un-refuted paper entitled:
The Destruction of the World Trade Center: Why the Official Account Cannot Be True
Popular Mechanics and MSM propagandists tried to marginalize this paper because they could not refute it! Last time I checked, steel still will not melt or weaken at temperatures less than 2795ºF. The science upon which Griffin based his paper is simply beyond the meager intellectual capacity of idiots like Bill 0'Reilly to comprehend, let alone refute. Simply, if steel will not melt at kerosene fire temperatures, then the official theory of 911 is a monumental fraud! Photos of people walking around, waving distress flags, in the hole in the North Tower where some 10,000 gallons of jet fuel was said to have been burning is absolute and irrefutable proof that the fires were never hot enough nor did they last long enough to have brought down the towers.
Bushies might wish we would forget WTC7 about which Larry Silverstein himself said 'it was pulled'. Certainly, no airliner hit it. The dinky fires were unimpressive, less inflammatory than the rhetoric describing them. Even if the kerosene had damaged and caused the twin tower fires, that was not the case at WTC7. So --why did WTC7 collapse if not from dinky, unimpressive, fires here and there? Occam's Razor demands the common sense conclusion: it was 'pulled' and therefore prepared weeks, possibly months, in advance! Just as Silverstein said it was.
This bears repeating: if WTC7 was pulled, then the official conspiracy theory is nonsense.
The 'movement', therefore, deals with the gaping holes, fallacies, lies, and inconsistencies with the 'official conspiracy theory'. The 'movement' demands a complete, fair and competent investigation of the crime of 911 --an investigation that was, in fact, never begun.
911 was a crime still actively covered up by Bush. To conclude that because one demands a complete and thorough investigation of 911, he/she must, therefore, believe 911 to be an inside job is unfair and fallacious. In my case, I have concluded that 911 was, indeed, an inside job and for good reasons which I have outlined elsewhere. But it does not follow that because I so believe then everyone connected with a 'movement' is likewise convinced.
Buzzflash stated flatly that '911 was not an inside job', an obvious attempt to shift the burden of proof. The dictum in both logic and debate is: those who assert must prove! It is Bush who asserts the theory --the so-called 'official conspiracy theory'. The burden of proof is on Bush to prove it. It is Bush's job to prove the OFFICIAL conspiracy theory involving some 19 Arabs who were most certainly not capable of piloting any aircraft of any size, seizing control of four large airliners armed only with box cutters. Reams can be written in refutation of this absurd theory, but it is enough, here, to point out its absurdity on its face.
Whenever a 100 ton airliner crashes anywhere at anytime for any reason, there is left behind some 100 tons of debris. The debris found at the Pentagon could have been carted off in several hand-toted wheelbarrows. Airliners of any size do not vaporize nor do they pop into parallel universes, worm holes or rabbit holes. It's time to get fuckin' real, folks! Bushies think you are too stupid to get wise to them.
The Space Shuttle Columbia crashed into the Stratosphere at some 24,000 MPH, yet left identifiable debris and body parts over three states. Unlike Flight 93, that wreckage was recovered and identified. It did not get sucked into another dimension nor did it shape-shift into a tiny hole.
...but it was something that probably could have been prevented in August of 2001 if Bush and Rice had listened to a CIA warning about Al-Qaeda preparing hijackings in the U.S. But Bush and Rice did nothing -- absolutely nothing -- to put airports on a heightened security alert. Then Bush --at the very least --is an accessory to mass murder. Some case law:
The State concedes there was not sufficient evidence to convict the defendant of first-degree murder based on premeditation and deliberation, and it was error to so charge. There was evidence, however, that the defendant was an accessory before the fact to first-degree burglary, as we shall demonstrate later in this opinion. The killing was done during this burglary, which killing would be felony murder. State v. Simmons , 286 N.C. 681, 213 S.E.2d 280 (1975), death sentence vacated , 428 U.S. 903, 49 L. Ed. 2d 1208 (1976).If Bush participated in the destruction of evidence after 911, then he is an accessory after the fact.
Section 3. Accessory after the factBut 911 is not a run-o-the-mill act of violence to which Bush is prima facie an accessory after the fact. 911, enabled by Bush inaction 'before the fact' is, therefore, an act of high treason. That changes everything:
Whoever, knowing that an offense against the United States has been committed, receives, relieves, comforts or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his apprehension, trial or punishment, is an accessory after the fact.
Except as otherwise expressly provided by any Act of Congress, an accessory after the fact shall be imprisoned not more than one-half the maximum term of imprisonment or (notwithstanding section 3571) fined not more than one-half the maximum fine prescribed for the punishment of the principal, or both; or if the principal is punishable by life imprisonment or death, the accessory shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years.
The Supreme Court sustained a conviction of treason, for the first time in its history, in 1947 in Haupt v. United States. 1299 Here it was held that although the overt acts relied upon to support the charge of treason--defendant's harboring and sheltering in his home his son who was an enemy spy and saboteur, assisting him in purchasing an automobile, and in obtaining employment in a defense plant--were all acts which a father would naturally perform for a son, this fact did not necessarily relieve them of the treasonable purpose of giving aid and comfort to the enemy.The reality is that the Bush White House covered up much about 9/11, including its own incompetence.
--See: HAUPT v. U.S., 330 U.S. 631 (1947)
Indeed! Bush ordered the destruction, sale or removal of most of the evidence prior to investigation. Last time I checked, 911 was a crime. This willful cover up of a crime IS a crime. In this case --'obstruction of justice' at the very least! Certainly, 'accessory after the fact'.
Brush up your history of Watergate. Whether or not Nixon was complicit in the plot depended upon what he knew and when he knew it, an issue central to the special prosecutor's investigation. Similarly, much of Bush's complicity in 911 depends upon what he knew and when he knew it. If Bush had any knowledge whatsoever of any plot by anyone at any time and failed to act upon it, he should be prosecuted to the letter of the law!
How much we don't know. But we do know that -- if you recall -- Bush would only be interviewed by the 9/11 Commission (which was stacked with white-washers) with Cheney at his side, and with no notes or minutes taken, and with their not being sworn in under oath, and with the "interview" occurring in the Oval Office. That sort of scenario does not inspire a great deal of credibility.
Indeed, it does not! We might have known what we now 'don't know' had there been various investigations that Bush either overtly and deliberately quashed or failed to support. One is culpable who is aware of an imminent murder and despite being in a position to prevent it does nothing! If I were a juror considering a capital crimes indictment against GWB, I might be swayed not only by Bush's failure to act but his overt actions to quash! I might be inclined to return: guilty as charged!
Late July 2001 (B): David Schippers, noted conservative Chicago lawyer and the House Judiciary Committee's chief investigator in the Clinton impeachment trial, later claims that FBI agents in Chicago and Minnesota contact him around this time and tell him that a terrorist attack is going to occur in lower Manhattan. According to Schippers, the agents had been developing extensive information on the planned attack for many months. However, the FBI soon pulls them off the terrorist investigation and threatens them with prosecution under the National Security Act if they go public with the information.
--Verifiable Research on 9/11Now --if you don't believe 'Verifiable Research', call up David Schippers and ask him directly. That's called journalism. If Bush had foreknowledge of this type and failed to act, then he is at least guilty of being an accessory before the fact. An additional charge of high treason might be prosecuted due to the fact that '911' was, in fact, an act of war against the people of the US.
But on a scale of 1 to 10, BuzzFlash would put it at an 8 likelihood that Flight 93 was indeed downed by an American missile.
Perhaps Buzzflash missed it when Donald Rumsfeld referred on video tape to the 'missile' that hit the Pentagon and the 'missile' that shot down Flight 93.
In the meantime, Buzzflash would do well to represent fairly the positions of the 911 truth movement as a whole. Buzzflash would do well to consider the implications of the Bush administration's order to sell off WTC steel to China, for example, an act that makes Bush --prima facie --an accessory to mass murder after the fact! The destruction of that evidence alone should have been enough to land Bush in the dock in a Federal Courtroom. Now --my position is that innocent folk rarely cover up capital crimes nor have an interest in doing so. The cover up of capital crimes is something that is invariably done by those who commit them!
Len, have you not noticed that something has changed in the last six months to a year? Suddenly supposedly progressive sites and pundits have changed direction towards establishmentarianism. Of course, Daily Kos has been that way for years. But now all Buzzflash cares about is promoting Obama. Obama - who is by no stretch of the imagination a progressive. Juan Cole never gets tired of promoting Obama and of attacking anyone who thinks the US just might attack Iran (as it obviously is going to do). Jim Lobe calls Petraeus at Centcom a victory for the realists. No, sorry, that was Helen Cobban who said that. It was Jim Lobe who created some fantasy idea that Condi and Gates are realists who were stymied by 911, even though Gates has never been anything but a yesman and wasn't even around in the administration on 911, and Condi pushed harder than anyone for the Iraq war.
It's all very weird. It's like suddenly the insanity of the last 8 years is being normalized because a Dem MIGHT win the White House. Suddenly it's becoming painfully evident that all the outrage was partisanship, not real concern about the Constitution, about peace, about other silly things that mean nothing to the Oligarchy.
If you want to find the real netroots, don't look at major sites. Not even buzzflash. Not even Counterpunch. MAYBE Znet is still for real, but I doubt it, because they too snear at anyone who questions the 'official story' about 911.
One thing is absolutely and undeniably clear: the Bush administration let 911 happen in a demonstration of negligence that one has to do backflips to see as somehow unintentional. Now, when that's your starting point, it's hard to discount any possiblity of direct involvement on the part of the administration. And anyone who denies that is a LIAR. L-I-A-R.
That means Paul Street is a Liar. That means Alexander Cockburn is a Liar. That means Markos is a Liar. I could go on and on.
The Rabbit Hole is deep. That's all there is to it. It's very deep.
workshop said...
Suddenly supposedly progressive sites and pundits have changed direction towards establishmentarianism.
Excellent point! I sought out the 'net' because TV had sold out to punditry. FOX is the worst, of course, but that doesn't make CBS, ABC or PBS great. All are just different flavors inside the same ol' box.
I am concerned with substance and issues. I am sick of media reducing political reporting to a calling a horserace.
There is something incredibly naive about it all. Having trashed the Constitution, Bush has no incentive to ever leave the White House. Why should he? Who's gonna throw him out? Federal Marshals? Who pays them? If the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader asked Bush to vacate the White House, would he do so? Shouldn't we suspect Bush to declare a national emergency and stay! Would the cowards in Congress run to cover their asses?
Secondly, why is anyone confident that the next election won't be stolen again? I've yet to see that issue addressed! Where is a shred of evidence to support the idea that the next elections will be free and fair.
McCain shoots off his mouth about being in Iraq for 10,000 years! Is the fix already in? Apparently, the polls mean nothing to this guy. He doesn't give a shit what we think.
The Rabbit Hole is deep. That's all there is to it. It's very deep.
That is absolutely correct! Buzzflash, for example, just assumes the validity of the Bush cover story. No questions!
It is IRRATIONAL not to question EVERYTHING put forward by an administration that has lied about everything else. It is irrational to believe that when nothing but lies have been told us that Bush's version of 911 is gospel!!!!! Simply irrational, possibly mass insanity.
Isn't it a wonderful country where people like Len Hart can post whatever they want, anytime they want?
I think there's a lot of fear on what we call (for lack of a better word) the left when it comes to looking at 9/11. There's this sense of being marginalized for so long, and wanting to avoid appearing like "kooks." But that's really just playing into the rightist game, don't you think?
I tend to focus, like the Cowboy, on the case itself and how full of holes it is, rather than speculation about who did it or how. The point is that with something as important as 9/11, it's criminal to just brush it off without really examining the official version. Anyone who does soon learns that the official version stinks.
Anonymous said...
Isn't it a wonderful country where people like Len Hart can post whatever they want, anytime they want?
Indeed! And I am doing what I can to keep it that way. It was only a few years ago that the Dixie Chicks very nearly lost a promising career because they DARED to speak a simple truth!
Chris Dashiell said...
I think there's a lot of fear on what we call (for lack of a better word) the left when it comes to looking at 9/11. There's this sense of being marginalized for so long, and wanting to avoid appearing like "kooks."
In Houston, I knew Tom DeLay and the money behind him --Bob Perry et al. I saw up close how the 'right wing noise machine' grinds out the propaganda and works deliberately to marginalize dissent. In a key but vulnerable district, for example, the very same machine that much later 'swift-boated' John Kerry cranked out a smear campaign that literally destroyed the career of a diligent public servant.
I tend to focus, like the Cowboy, on the case itself and how full of holes it is, rather than speculation about who did it or how.
That's a good strategy. It's enough now to pin these bastards to the wall with the letter of the law. Whatever his other crimes, there is enough in the public record alone to send Bush to jail.
911 is a good example. The burden of proof is on Bush to prove a stupid, cockamamie, outlandish theory. 19 Arab hijackers, my ass!! Bush wants secret trials because the sorry, lying bastards propping him up could not possibly prove a case in court.
Video response:
A truly excellent article. And, as far as complicity, there is no doubt about it.
"Isn't it a wonderful country where people like Len Hart can post whatever they want, anytime they want?" - anon
As it is because of "people like Len Hart" and many others, now and through out time that freedoms have been demanded, fought for and achieved. Dignity, justice and human progress have rarely come from any other ilk, certainly not from the jingoistic graft ridden failures of conservatism and it's decadent procurers.
WindHarps said...
A truly excellent article. And, as far as complicity, there is no doubt about it.
Thanks, windHarps, and thanks also for the vid URL. May I take this opportunity to urge 'Cowboy' regulars to check out your You Tube collection: WindHarps
benmerc sez...
Dignity, justice and human progress have rarely come from any other ilk, certainly not from the jingoistic graft ridden failures of conservatism and it's decadent procurers.
Thanks, benmerc. In a phrase: you just can't turn your back or take your eyes off this pack of Jackals for a second! I've often written harshly of my native state for allowing it to happen. In fairness, however, this ilk seems to have just taken over the state. The Bush family, for example, certainly has NO Texas 'pedigree'. They would be more at home inside the walls of Skull and Bones.
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