Clearly --the police powers of established 'government' anticipate that the GOP will steal another election. Cops and troops probably know what we are left to fear: another GOP attack on the Constitution, Democracy and legitimate government.
Police departments in cities across the country are beefing up their ranks for Election Day, preparing for possible civil unrest and riots after the historic presidential contest.Another stolen election is cause for 'civil unrest'. Another stolen election destroys the very legitimacy of government. Another stolen election is the only way McCain gets into the White House. Another stolen election is --in fact --a treasonous 'coup d'etat'.
Public safety officials said in interviews with The Hill that the election, which will end with either the nation’s first black president or its first female vice president, demanded a stronger police presence.
Some worry that if Barack Obama loses and there is suspicion of foul play in the election, violence could ensue in cities with large black populations. Others based the need for enhanced patrols on past riots in urban areas (following professional sports events) and also on Internet rumors. --Police Prepare for Unrest
Normally, a coup does not seek to destroy the basic structure of the existing government, which is more typical of a revolution or a war for liberation. Instead, Luttwak explains, those undertaking a true coup d'etat "want to seize power within the present system, and [they] shall only stay in power if [they] embody some new status quo supported by those very forces which a revolution may seek to destroy." 6 (Emphasis in original.)The framers of the US Constitution did not make the DC bureaucracy 'sovereign'. The Constitution, rather, establishes as a matter of law that it is the people who are 'sovereign'.
In other words, the coup takes advantage of the governmental structure itself, as well as the bureaucratic nature of modern governments. There is an established hierarchy, an accepted chain of command, and standard procedures that are followed when instructions come down this pipeline. So long as the instructions come from the appropriate source or level of authority, they will almost always be followed even if from a new, and illegitimate, holder of that authority.--John Dee, Coup 2K

Where a government has come into power through some form of popular vote, fraudulent or not, and maintains at least an appearance of constitutional legality, the guerrilla outbreak cannot be promoted, since the possibilities of peaceful struggle have not yet been exhausted.--Che Guevara, Chapter I: General Principles of Guerrilla WarfareBut --another stolen election --may be pressing the issue. Again, Che Guevara put it this way:
"When the forces of oppression come to maintain themselves in power against established law, peace is considered already broken.--Che Guevara, Chapter I: General Principles of Guerrilla WarfareThomas Jefferson had said the same thing in the Declaration of Independence:
...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it. --Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of IndependenceJefferson was not just writing pretty words. Like Che, Jefferson was a revolutionary. He meant every word. Unlike modern, primarily conservative 'politicians', Jefferson was literate. He had, to paraphrase Churchill, gotten into his bones the structure of an English sentence.
Certainly --the peaceful resolution of the disputed 'election' of 2000 was subverted by a gang of GOP 'brownshirts' who rioted and attacked vote re-counters in Florida. The act violated US criminal codes. It was, in fact, an act of 'seditious treason' under US law. No one was arrested. No one was prosecuted. The fix was in.
The peace was broken with that act and the Bush government merely confirmed its illegitimacy with its every blatant and arrogant violation of the Constitution and US Federal statutes and its overt determination to rule by decree. If it was difficult to believe at the time that the GOP was stealing the government, that fact was made clear in retrospect with Bush's every decree, his every blatant, overt disregard for the very principle of the ''rule of law".
I will be surprised if the GOP allows a peaceful transition to a Democratic regime. I hope I am proven wrong. Having gone to so much trouble to trash the Constitution --a 'goddamned piece of paper' --Bush, in cahoots with the endemically crooked and treasonous GOP, are sure to attempt another coup d'etat! The idiot --Sarah Palin --does not reassure one when she calls for 'divine intervention' to reverse the GOPs recent precipitous decline into oblivion.
Palin is turning into a prophet now as she expects God to intercede on Nov 4 and turn the election to the GOP. “It is that intercession that is so needed,” she said. “And so greatly appreciated.Whenever a fascist idiot expects 'divine intervention', I am predisposed by experience and skepticism to grab a gun with one hand and my wallet with another. I don't 'smell' divine intervention. I smell GOP rats, white-shirted thugs, clean shaven criminals, vote machine hackers, and idolatrous pundits spinning the science of statistics, pushing the frontiers of probability theory, subverting the Constitution, trashing the rule of law, thumbing their snotty noses at Jefferson and Madison....
Sarah Palin told Dr. James Dobson of “Focus on the Family” that she is confident God will do “the right thing for America” on Nov. 4.
Dobson asked the vice presidential hopeful if she is concerned about John McCain’s sagging poll numbers, but Palin stressed that she was “not discouraged at all.”--Palin: God will do the right thing on election day

- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part I, Police States Begin With False Flag Attacks
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part II, A Climate of Fear is Maintained
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part III, In Fascist Dictatorships Telling the truth becomes a crime
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part IV, the state forces an 'existential' choice
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part V, Public Opinion Becomes Irrelevant
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part VI, The government places itself above the law
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part VII, The Government Denies 'Due Process of Law'
- Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State Part VIII: Atrocities are justified with lies, myths or propaganda

Spread the word

We had a bloody coup d'état in Dallas, on November 22, 1963.
Strangely enough, George H. W. Bush was in Dallas that day, riding herd on the CIA.
Within a year, we had the false-flag attack on the US destroyer in the Tonkin Gulf and the MIC had the war it wanted.
In 2000 we had a bloodless coup d'état, staged in Florida and the Supreme Court, who subverted the law and intervened on George W. Bush's behalf.
Within a year, the false-flag attack of 9/11 just "happened," and the wars for Empire and Israel gang got what they wanted.
Two coups, two false-flags and several wars, with the Bush Crime Family at the heart of both.
I don't believe in those kind of coincidences.
Greg Bacon said...
We had a bloody coup d'état in Dallas, on November 22, 1963. Strangely enough, George H. W. Bush was in Dallas that day, riding herd on the CIA.
Greg, I have reams of documentation on that. I've been keeping my powder dry. I will put it this way: both us know who 'supervised' the state murder of JFK.
Indeed, Florida was a coup d'etat. Bloodless, but NOT non-violent. There was enough violence to make it a case of what US Codes call "Seditious Treason". And, the 'ring leaders' are a matter of public record. They were paid by the Bush campaign.
There's also the matter of Grandpa Prescott Bush who tried to pull off a fascist coup d'etat to replace FDR with a fascist dictatorship.
These MFs will not ride off quietly and peacefully into the sunset.
Where is the story about a combat brigade being pulled from Iraq? Thanks
I found it. Simply uneffingbelievable
One of Palin's tics is the weird use of the passive tense. Rather than 'I need a miracle', she says 'it is so needed and appreciated'! Weird and creepy.
Jesus del Norte said...
Where is the story about a combat brigade being pulled from Iraq? Thanks
It was originally reported by the Army itself in the Army Times.
You can also find my stories about that and related developments at:
Evidence that Bush Will Exploit 'Crisis' to Declare Martial Law
werkshop said...
One of Palin's tics is the weird use of the passive tense. Rather than 'I need a miracle', she says 'it is so needed and appreciated'! Weird and creepy.
Excellent point. I've noticed over the years that the GOP and similar ilk, indeed, use the language differently. Some of the techniques are actually taught in GOP 'campaign schools'. I know. I attended one once and obtained a GOP 'campaign manual'. Among other tidbits, they teach the use of LEFTIST propaganda tactics, specifically, Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals'.
Your mention of their use of the passive voice is very interesting. Thanks for point it out. The 'passive voice' seems designed to relieve them of the RESPONSIBILITY that is implied is they should actually say 'We need...' or 'we do etc...'.
To say that something 'is needed...' is like Hitler saying that 'the elimination of the Jews is, like, sooooo needed, you know?"
I especially like your last paragraph Len illustrating your truly wonderful abilities as a 'Word Smith'!
I too explored some potential outcomes from an increased GOP Vote Tampering Margin over the 2000 and 2004 elections to cover the Obama 8-10 'point spread' here in What happens if GOP increased their 2008 Vote Tampering Margin? Riots? Martial Law? REAL Culture War?
Note that the indubitable Greg Palast has asserted It’s Already Stolen!
I don't know how many people are aware of it but metropolitan police departments have Joint Terrorist Task Forces staffed with the local agency people and FBI agents.
I know in the NYPD there are people in the Intelligence Division (which is headed by a former colleague of Bob Gates) who hold crypto clearances and clearances above top secret. Some of them are reservists who are assigned to Army Intelligence units. In Memphis, the day Dr. King was murdered there were Army intelligence units IN ADDITION TO a Memphis detective assigned to the King detail who was an Army intelligence agent in the reserves who had been activated without notifying his police bosses.
The CIA has extensive contact with major police departments and it would not surprise me at all if members of the reserves assigned to the police department have been activated and were told to not notify their PD supervisors. In the event of disturbances, the civilian authorities will be superceded by federal personnel and these people will already be in place to run things without skipping a beat.
Either this election will go as Cliff Arnebeck suggests http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv4kRG9ne_g -- the good government Democrats, Independents and Greens will overwhelm the 27% who still think of themselves as Republican;
Or, it will go as GOP whistleblower IT expert Stephen Spoonamore says -- with Mike Connell still on McCain's staff, it is already stolen. Republican Spoonamore says that the GOP wanted e-voting to steal elections but now foreign governments will be hacking and the winner will be determined by the best hackers. He says that if the GOP wins the hacking competition, McCain will win 51.2 percent with three electoral votes over Obama, and it will be a stolen election.;
Or, it will go even worse, horribly with Bush declaring martial law against Americans as Naomi Wolf warns. She says the only safe thing to do is ask every DA in the country to arrest George Bush for the crime of staging a coup.
And, if this happens now (or impeachment) before the election, I would ask us all to correct history and restore our Democracy, by asking Gore and Kerry to finally claim their wins and assume office.
This would quickly turn everything around. This would be easier than trying to deal with a Bush declaration of martial law with his own "homeland" Brigade whether before, during or after the election. This would be easier than dealing with a third stolen election with a McCain "win" allegedly provided by Mike Connell. (And, Obama has not addressed for his own sake nor Democracy's, McCain's current staffing of Mike Connell who is dodging a subpoena about his middle man computer hosting role in 2004 Ohio. It expands in 2008: from Bev Harris: http://www.opednews.com/articles/New-results-middleman-spot-by-Bev-Harris-081016-741.html
New results middleman spotted - FL, KS, IL, CA, CO, NC, SC, NY, NM, TX)
To all District Attorneys in the Nation;
Please, arrest George W. Bush for the crime of staging a coup. For any additional guidance, look to Vince Bugliosi's book, The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. Please save the rule of law, our democracy, our economy and our climate from these tyrants.
All Americans
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gv4kRG9ne_g ;
from Arnebeck: "The same people who stole 2000, 2004 are still in business and are actively engaged in a plan to steal 2008,"
Spoonamore makes valid points about the people who have been implicated in much of the election thefts such as, "they are religious extremists." He names those who know about stolen elections and he insists that the only way to protect this election is with paper ballots, hand counted.
It’s a network, people.
Electronic voting machines are a national security threat.
The genie is out of the bottle….
Fifty ways to steal an election.
Mike Connell: Bush IT Guru
The Rapp Family: Ohio election cover-up.
Evangelicals and voting machines.
Paper ballots please.
McCain/Palin will win by theft.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s07oi2G_K4c People should doubt the vote, it’s being stolen.
quoting Naomi:
I think again most urgently arrest the criminals.
That is the most urgent thing.
To recognize it is a state of emergency.
This is not business as usual.
There is not going to be an election as usual.
If he can declare on October 3 that he's going to engage in martial law, if people don't do what he wants, why on earth would he hand over the power to Barrack Obama, the Presidency, the election?
That is crazy thinking. That is denial.
And, we have to snap out of it.
Naomi Wolf also suggests impeachment:
"Who can arrest the President?"
"The Attorney General can arrest the President after he leaves or after impeachment."
[Note: Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi has asserted it is possible for District Attorneys around the country to charge President Bush with murder if they represent districts where one or more military members who have been killed in Iraq formerly resided.]
"Given the danger do you advocate impeachment?"
"Yes. President Bush struck down Posse Comitatus -- which has prevented, with a penalty of two years in prison, U.S. leaders since after the Civil War from sending military forces into our streets -- with a 'signing statement.' He should be impeached immediately in a bipartisan process to prevent the use of military forces and mercenary forces against U.S. citizens"
"Should Americans call on senior leaders in the Military to break publicly with this action and call on their own men and women to disobey these orders?"
"Every senior military officer's loyalty should ultimately be to the Constitution. Every officer should publicly break with any illegal order, even from the President."
"But if these are now legal. If they say, 'Don't obey the Commander in Chief,' what happens to the military?"
"Perhaps they would be arrested and prosecuted as those who refuse to participate in the current illegal war. That's what would be considered a coup."
"But it's a coup already."
from Naomi:
The Battle Plan III: Deployment and Its Dangers
Air Force Colonel Antoon notes further:
I am not a constitutional scholar. But history, which we as Americans ignore at our own peril, clearly suggests that martial law trumps civil law. As I said, and as you have written, I believe we are in great peril if we have American troops who have been trained to "destroy the enemy ... in close combat" patrolling American streets. Posse Comitatus is essential because American soldiers are not trained for such things as civil disobedience -- they are trained to kill. The US military "Warrior's Creed" clearly states: "I stand ready to deploy, engage and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat.
Battle Plan Actions:
1. Wake up. Resist the temptation to yield to denial. This is exactly as bad as it sounds. Tell everyone you know. Even our representatives do not understand this. I reported the deployment in Baltimore last week -- the head of the city council had heard nothing about it. A citizen told me tonight that when John Kerry was in Massachusetts a few days ago, when told of the First Brigade's deployment, he said he had not heard of it.
2. Groups like the Center for Constitutional Rights, The National Lawyers Guild and the ACLU are our army now. They are our leadership in the legal fight while we fight in the trenches. We need to at least quintuple their budgets IMMEDIATELY. They need to hire enough brigades of lawyers to get us out of prison and to fight these abuses. Fundraisers for them and write them the biggest checks you can NOW.
Impeach Bush now
Dear District Attorneys,
Please, arrest Bush now for staging a coup.
Bush Step Down.
Al Gore and John Kerry Step Up.
I am quite concerned about election theft as the meme that continues to reverberate in the MSM is that McCain is closing the gap in the polls. This seems intended to provide cover for when the theft goes through (with the armed power of the state for back-up when things get ugly).
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