Only the guilty or accomplices are sufficiently motivated to cover up a crime. 911 was a crime. The entity bearing most if not all of the responsibility for the cover up of this crime of mass murder and high treason is the U.S. Government itself with help from Citizen 'Lucky' Larry Silverstein.
If the government participated in any way with either the planning, the crime or the cover-up of this crime against a sovereign people, then the government is no longer legitimate and those ordering these crimes against the people are subject to the penalty of death. This government, to paraphrase Thomas Jefferson and our founders at the Constitutional Convention must be replaced.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.Round Up the Usual Suspects
--Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence
The 'usual suspects' are those having method, motive and opportunity. Those ordering the cover-up top the list of suspects, at the top: George W. Bush who most certainly gave Dick Cheney the green light, the wink, the nod, the back slaps on behalf of Dick Cheney's co-conspirators who must, as beneficiaries of this heinous crime, bear their fair share of the responsibility.
- Bush is personally responsible for his order to destroy physical evidence of mass murder and/or high treason destroyed. Bush's orders are crimes in themselves and evidence of his complicity in the very crimes that they were intended to cover up.
- Bush opposed the creation of the 911 Commission and worked to subvert it when it was created.
- Bush warned against 'outrageous conspiracy theories' when, in fact, it was his administration that offered up the most outrageous conspiracy theory of them all: a ludicrous story that reads like a re-write of Ala Baba and his 40 thieves.
- It is the pernicious legacy of 911 that it was exploited by Bush, the GOP, the U.S. right wing to silence dissent, to silence America.
The Bush attack on Iraq was --on its face --a war of naked aggression in violation of US Codes, Title 18, Section 2441. Bush should be required to prove his baseless assertion that Iraq posed an imminent threat, an impossible task in light of:
- the 'dodgy dossier'
- UN reports denying that WMD existed
- US failure to find the alleged WMD
- Dick Cheney's pre-war plans to carve the oil fields of Iraq among oil industry partners et al.
- Attack Iraq upon a 'caltalyzing event'
- Seize the oil fields of the middle east.
Johnny Cochran said: "If it does not fit, you must acquit!" Likewise, if there is no wreckage, the Bush cover story falls apart. Similarly, if there is no wreckage traceable to a 757, then you must discard the Bush official conspiracy theory. The house of cards has already collapsed.
If a 757 had crashed the Pentagon, the wings would have been found on the Pentagon lawn. They were never found!
If a 757 had crashed the Pentagon, two huge titanium/steel alloy engine rotors, each about 12-15 ft in diameter, would have been recovered; they were, after all, designed to withstand the intense heat inside jet engines. Those rotors were never found. Don't let anyone tell you that they 'vaporized'!
If a 757 had crashed the Pentagon, wreckage totaling about 60 to 80 tons would have been recovered, and, as was the case at Lockerbie and every other airliner crash, re-assembled as a part of a real investigation. Matter does not disappear, vanish, or pop through wormholes at speeds less than that of light. It's an elementary principle: the conservation of matter and energy. Nevertheless, upon orders from George W. Bush no such investigation was ever undertaken.
Only one engine compressor rotor was found. It is about one third the size of each of two rotors that would have been found had a 757 crashed the Pentagon. High rez photos of this single rotor are available on the internet.
It is, however, just about the right size to have been left behind by a U.S. Global Hawk, a payload carrying missile that was, in fact, flown from the west coast to Australia (where it was landed) all completely by remote control. I urge the Rolls-Royce company to come forward; identify this wreckage from the high rez photos which survived. Bushco, of course, ordered the real thing destroyed or disposed up along with everything else that was recovered on the Pentagon lawn. [The U.S. Global Hawk above, painted or 'shopped', to look enough like an AA airliner to have crashed the Pentagon. It has one rotor. Only one rotor was found!]
Where Were the 'Dead' Hijackers?
That no one knows is a big and fatal hole in the 'official conspiracy theory' of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and fellow conspirators Larry Silverstein, Condo Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, and schlemiels throughout the so-called "Jewish Lobby" on K-street!
Craig [Bonesman Greg Craig] concealed the financial funding for 9/11 that was tied to the Deutsche Bank and an Israeli Mossad company on German soil named International Consultants on Targeted Security, which is tied directly to an East German DVD cargo company named Seehafen Rostock, which is owned by none other than 9/11 co-conspirator, Israeli Mossad asset Larry Silverstein who had an AIG insurance policy on the World Trade Center twin towers on the day of 9/11 itself.If Arab hijackers were known by name and additionally 'known' to have been on board Flt 77, it is reasonable to conclude, therefore, that they were autopsied as were other victims. But where were their bodies? Where are their names on the only official, admissible document relating to the crash of Flt 77: the official autopsy report? There are --in fact --no Arab names whatsoever on the only official list of victims, the official autopsy report that was released to Dr. Olmsted in response to his FOIA request.
-- Skull and Bonesman Greg Craig Indicted
Let's consider a few of these anomalies that render the official theory not only impossible but ludicrous. The belief in it should embarrass anyone claiming to be a skeptic, humiliate any 'scientist' failing to point out the astronomically improbable succession of miracles that are required for such a thing to happen. Are you reading this Michael Shermer? What was that about skepticism?
To believe Bushco's 'not ready for Vegas' routine:
- You must believe that a 757 crashed into the Pentagon and disappeared without a trace, a violation of the laws of physics, specifically, the conservation of matter and energy.
- You must believe that soft aluminum can penetrate hard steel despite the fact that if that were so Wenger would make the blades of its Swiss Army knives of Aluminum. They don't!
- You must believe that for some weird and un-recorded reason airlines decided to press into service flights that had not/were not scheduled to fly (mothballed) for some six months.
- You must believe that Arab hijackers were either 'raptured' or jumped out of Flt 77; there are absolutely no Arab names on the official autopsy report, no hard or admissible evidence that they ever existed.
- You must believe the aluminum body of a 757 vaporized as no scrap traceable to an airliner of any sort was ever found at the Pentagon.
- You must believe that Hani Hanjour got on board without a ticket and without creating any kind of suspicion prior to his boarding. Perhaps he made himself invisible!
- You must believe that Hani Hanjour, like David Copperfield, walked through a closed door! NTSB data released via an FOIA proves that the cabin door was never opened during the flight. How did Hani get in? For that matter --how did he get on board? There is, in fact, no evidence whatsoever that he did! Nor is his name or the names of any other 'terrorist/Arab' to be found on the only official list of passengers --the OFFICIAL autopsy report.
- You must believe that Flt 77 managed to manifest itself in two places at the same instant: NTSB puts Flt 77 at some 200 ft above the Pentagon at the time of impact.
- You must believe that because no fuselage traceable to a 757 was ever found at the Pentagon, it must have 'vaporized' in the heat.
- You must believe that the source of that heat was greater than that on the surface of the sun itself --some 10000 degrees F. Al will not vaporize at temperatures less than 11000 degrees F!
So --which is it? Were they DNA ID'd? Or did the Aluminum fuselage vaporize?
Which is it?
It cannot be both ways! In fact, it is neither! This merely proves how utterly ludicrous is this theory and more so because seemingly 'intelligent' people have succumbed to this utter crap!
Conan Doyle's character Sherlock Holmes said:
"When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however implausible must be the truth!"You can eliminate the 'official conspiracy theory of 911' as being utterly impossible. That it is also ludicrous and insulting to intelligent people merely belabors the point.
Silverstein had Method, Motive and Opportunity.
Of itself, this aspect of the story is worthy of several books. The curtain rises upon a despondent, ugly gnomish schlemiel named 'Lucky' Larry Silverstein who is, interestingly, on record, video tape to be precise, saying in fact that WTC 7, his property, was 'pulled'. 'Pulled' means 'controlled demolition'. Controlled demolition means that the building so 'pulled' was prepped carefully in advance. In advance of what? A pretext! A cover! Lucky Larry was not just lucky. No one rolls the dice on a bet of several billion bucks. Lucky Larry was not lucky, just crooked!

Within a mere six weeks of his purchase, Larry doubles his insurance policy. Just six weeks later, Lucky Larry sees his property destroyed in an act of precise timing not witnessed since Moses (or was it God) parted the Red Sea. Within six weeks, Lucky Larry sees his property, his white elephant, his money pit, utterly destroyed. So far, Lucky Larry is on a roll and has gotten away with it.
Silverstein's 911 insurance payoff is estimated at some 17-billion-dollars. Let me repeat that: that's BILLION dollars! But IF 911 had NOT occurred, Silverstein would most certainly have lost his schlemiely ass. The May 2001 issue of Business Ins. mag reports that critical money hemorrhaging at the white elephants of the WTC plagued by low vacancy rates and the utter lack of modern communications. Larry's decision to take out a 99-year-lease on WTC makes absolutely no sense unless he knew something that few others knew. Indeed, Lucky Larry took over the rest of the World Trade Center on July 24th, 2001--a mere 6 weeks before 911.
The previous owner was the New York Port Authority which had carried a grand total of 1.5 billion dollars of insurance for all of the buildings. Lucky Larry, upside down at the the time, demanded, got, 3.5 billion worth of insurance, payable in cash if the WTC were to be destroyed. It was destroyed and Larry was seen smiling on 911.
I am naming names. There is probable cause to arrest and charge Lucky Larry right now! Many another less well-connected crook has been indicted upon much less 'probable cause' in other cases. But --as we have learned --911 is a special case which suspended habeas corpus, the burden of proof, the rule of law, indeed, the Constitution itself!
Lucky Larry just happened to have been a very close personal friend of Benyamin Netanyahu, a radical zionist credited with having invented the "war on terror" back in 1979. Netanyahu is on record celebrating the 911 attacks! This man is a friend??
- Some facts about 911: NO STEEL BUILDING has ever collapsed due to fire
- NO steel building has ever 'just weakened' to the point of collapse.
- the presence of nano-thermite has been confirmed and peer-reviewed by some 20 or so physicists
- Physicists have like-wise confirmed that 'steel' was --in fact --turned to dust at WTC on 911.
I am not an 'anomaly theorist'. The word anomaly, often used by Bush partisans and official theorists, does not prove or support Bush's official conspiracy theory of 19 hijackers. Anomaly is a cop out! There is no record, no proof, no evidence that any alleged hijacker ever got on any flight on 911. Chalking it all up to 'anomaly' is a cop out that neither explains nor proves anything.
The Washington Post said that Hani Hanjour did not have a ticket. Then how did he get on baord Flt 77? For that matter, how did he get off? There is no wreckage traceable to ANY 757 at the pentagon. NONE. Nor are there any Arab names on the official autopsy report! Explain that! Are Arabs magicians or something? Are we expected to believe that Muslims were raptured by a Christian 'God'?
About New York --WTC 7 was not struck by airliners; yet its collapse was reported by the BBC before it occurred. But why did it collapse? It was prepared well in advance as any CD expert will tell you is required. Who else but Silverstein could have taken out the insurance policy on this property?
We need to hear the whole story about what happened on 9/11/01. But no one is going to give it to us. This is my story, which is at least plausible and probably quite more than that. I am sure it is not perfect and would welcome new, more relevant facts or corrections. Here are the kinds of people necessary to carry out the plot that I have just described:Also see: Dean T. Hartwell: Misdirection: Following the Plot, Execution and Cover-up of 9/11 Crimes
Obviously, 9/11 was the result of much planning. No one, not even those who support the official theory, disputes that this event was the result of a conspiracy. And those who conspire are criminals. We need to find those who fit the typical definition of a criminal suspect, those who had the means, the motive and the opportunity to commit the crime: Means ± They had to have the ability to jam or confuse air defense, schedule simulations,directly influence or control mass media, control public opinion and federal courts over a close election (2000) to ensure George W. Bushs installation as president, place explosives and/or usenew technology to demolish WTC buildings.
They had to belong or sympathize with groups like PNAC, the Project for the New American Century (which wanted a ³New Pearl Harbor´ to give the government latitude to start perpetual wars), declare our enemy (Osama bin Laden, Muslims, Arabs, etc.), unite the nation behind the radical neo-con/PNAC strategy, and put the public in emergency mode where they are susceptible to drastic measures like Patriot Act. Opportunity ± They needed to take advantage of one day when the plan came together without warning to everyone but them. Who has all three of these factors? ± One person has all three factors without a doubt and should be the leading suspect: then-Vice President Dick Cheney. He also had access to help from several groups of people, such as neo-conservatives and Mossad agents, who had access to airports and airplanes used in the plot. So, what was their plan? Obviously, we cannot go inside their minds as they prepared the plot, but we can look back at what happened and surmise their intentions.
The Plan The plotters used a handful of intelligence agents to board or pretend to board specific flights and who secretly went to operation center to fake cell phone calls to family and friends of the fake passengers. They made sure enough people were killed at the World Trade Center and Pentagon by explosives and/or other devices to scare the public into accepting ³retaliation´ on new enemies like Afghanistan (whom the Bush Administration had already secretly planned to invade). They covered up evidence that contradicts official story, for example by feeding information to the mass media about specific planes, passengers, etc. They may have used mock funerals (based on the Operation Northwoods plan) to convince the public of plane passenger deaths.
Dean Hartwell, Misdirection: The Real Terrorists Copyright 2010
I would like to bring to the Department of Justice's Criminal Division the evidence,names named Federal Violation codes,along with the Media,a couple of thousand people,and outline I would like to report a Crime and see where it goes.If they turn me away without registering my complaint that constitutes malfeasance,and obstruction of Justice and will be held liable.What do you think?
Len, I would like to have a list of names and their ties to the events that transpired on 9/11/01,in other words a solid block of evidence that would stand up in court such as vidieo presitations sworn testimonies,eye witnesses,and all the experts affiliated with the various Truth movements,the Federal violation codes addressing each of the charges,and a couple of thousand people including the media ...then I will walk into the Department of Justice and report the Crime,if they fail to register my complaint that constitutes malfeasance,also Obstruction of Justice...both of which are punishable and we will have that on tape for the World to see!What do you think?
I wish someone would light a fire under JD's ass! The fact of the matter is that crimes including MASS MURDER and HIGH TREASON were perpetrated and --I believe --that the 'gang' that did it was called THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION!
Bush himself most certainly gave the thumbs up not being capable of having planned the whole thing himself.
It was Conan Doyle who said: "When you have eliminated the impossible what remains however implausible MUST be the truth!:
And the truth is this: Bush, Rice, Powell, Rummie and numerous others could be indicted and tried right now upon the probable cause that they indicts them. I believe that mass murder and high treason on this scale warrants the death penalty.
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