The biggest hole in the official conspiracy theory i.e, the 'hijacked airplanes scenario', is the fall of WTC 7. WTC 7 was not hit by an aircraft of any sort and is, therefore, beyond explanation by the 'official conspiracy theory'. Was it simply forgotten by the perps? Perhaps it was hoped no one would notice that a 47 story building fell for no apparent reason. You can also rule out the sporadic fires, hardly sufficient to effect a controlled demolition.
Why, indeed, did it fall? It was, in fact, pulled as 'Lucky' Larry himself said. His words!
As as explanation for the events of 911, you can eliminate the 'official conspiracy theory of 911'.
As numerous articles here and elsewhere have proven, the official conspiracy theory of 911 is utterly impossible. That it is also ludicrous and insulting to intelligent people belabors the point. Getting to the truth of 911 requires that everything said by Bush and company and, likewise, the ex post facto contructs found in the both the 911 Commission and the NIST reports be eliminated. Trashed! Even members of the 911 Commission, specifically, John Farmer. now disown their own work.
In John Farmer’s book: “The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America’s Defense on 9/11″, the author builds the inescapably convincing case that the official version... is almost entirely untrue...Conan Doyle's character Sherlock Holmes said:
The 9/11 Commission now tells us that the official version of 9/11 was based on false testimony and documents and is almost entirely untrue. The details of this massive cover-up are carefully outlined in a book by John Farmer, who was the Senior Counsel for the 9/11 Commission.
Farmer, Dean of Rutger Universities' School of Law and former Attorney General of New Jersey, was responsible for drafting the original flawed 9/11 report.
Does Farmer have cooperation and agreement from other members of the Commission? Yes. Did they say Bush ordered 9/11? No. Do they say that the 9/11 Commission was lied to by the FBI, CIA, Whitehouse and NORAD? Yes. Is there full documentary proof of this? Yes.
Farmer states...“at some level of the government, at some point in time…there was an agreement not to tell the truth about what happened... I was shocked at how different the truth was from the way it was described …. The [Norad air defense] tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public for two years. This is not spin.”
The 9/11 Commission head, Thomas Kean, was the Republican governor of New Jersey. He had the following to say... “We to this day don’t know why NORAD [the North American Aerospace Command] told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth. . . " When Bush's own handpicked commission failed to go along with the cover up and requested a criminal investigation, why was nothing done?
9/11 Commission member and former US Senator, Bob Kerrey, says, "No one is more qualified to write the definitive book about the tragedy of 9/11 than John Farmer. Fortunately, he has done so. Even more fortunately the language is clear, alive and instructive for anyone who wants to make certain this never happens again."
With the only "official" 9/11 report now totally false, where do we go from here? Who is hurt by these lies? The families of the victims of 9/11 have fought, for years, to get to the truth. For years, our government has hidden behind lies and secrecy to deny them closure.--The 9/11 Commission Rejects own Report as Based on Government Lies
When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however implausible must be the truth!What remains can be summed up in two words: 'Inside Job'.
--Sherlock Holmes
Silverstein had Method, Motive and Opportunity.
This aspect of the story is worthy of several books. 'Lucky' Larry Silverstein is on record, video tape to be precise, saying in fact that WTC 7, his property, was 'pulled'. 'Pulled' means 'controlled demolition'. If you don't believe me, ask a firefighter or someone who 'pulls' buildings professionally. Controlled demolition means that the building so 'pulled' must be prepped carefully in advance. In advance of what? In this case --a pretext! A cover! Lucky Larry was not just lucky, he was crooked! No one rolls the dice on a bet of several billion bucks.

Within a mere six weeks of his purchase, Larry doubles his insurance policy. Just six weeks later, Lucky Larry sees his property destroyed in an act of precise timing not witnessed since God parted the Red Sea for Moses. Within six weeks, Lucky Larry sees his property, his white elephant, his money pit, utterly destroyed. So far, Lucky Larry is on a roll and has gotten away with it.
Silverstein's 911 insurance payoff has been estimated at some 17-billion-dollars. Let me repeat that: that's 17 BILLION dollars! But IF 911 had NOT occurred, Silverstein would most certainly have lost his ass. The May 2001 issue of Business Ins. mag reports critical money hemorrhaging at the white elephants of the WTC plagued by low vacancy rates and the utter lack of modern communications.
Larry's decision to take out a 99-year-lease on WTC makes absolutely no sense unless he knew something that few others knew. Indeed, Lucky Larry took over the rest of the World Trade Center on July 24th, 2001--a mere 6 weeks before 911.
The previous owner was the New York Port Authority which had carried a grand total of 1.5 billion dollars of insurance for all of the buildings. Lucky Larry, upside down at the the time, demanded and got, 3.5 billion worth of insurance, payable in cash if the WTC were to be destroyed. It was destroyed! Larry was seen smiling on 911.
There is probable cause to arrest and charge Lucky Larry right now!
Many another less well-connected crook has been indicted upon much less 'probable cause'. But --as we have learned --911 is a special case which suspended habeas corpus, the burden of proof, the rule of law, indeed, the Constitution itself!
Lucky Larry just happened to have been a very close personal friend of Benyamin Netanyahu, a radical zionist credited with having invented the "war on terror" back in 1979. Netanyahu is on record celebrating the 911 attacks! This man is a friend??
- Some facts about 911: NO STEEL BUILDING has ever collapsed due to fire
- NO steel building has ever 'just weakened' to the point of collapse.
- the presence of nano-thermite has been confirmed and peer-reviewed by some 20 or so physicists.
- Physicists have likewise confirmed that 'steel' was --in fact --turned to dust at WTC on 911. That fact alone proves that the controlled collapses on 911 were NOT the work of Arab terrorists.
I am not an 'anomaly theorist'. The word anomaly, often used by Bush partisans and official theorists, does not prove or support Bush's official conspiracy theory of 19 hijackers. Anomaly is a cop out! Simplistically, anomaly means 'deviation or departure from the normal or common order, form, or rule', in other words, 'unexplained'. Fact is, if it remains 'unexplained', it is only because few dare to speak the truth while others --the guilty, for example --have an interest in promoting the lies and suppressing the truth. Clue: the truth about 911 explains everything! And the truth is: there is no record, no proof, no evidence that any alleged hijacker ever got on any flight on 911. Chalking it all up to 'anomaly' is a cop out that neither explains nor proves anything.
The Washington Post said that Hani Hanjour did not have a ticket. Then how did he get on baord Flt 77? For that matter, how did he get off? There were NO Arab names on the official autopsy report! Explain that! Are Arabs magicians or something? Are we expected to believe that Muslims were raptured by a Christian 'God'?
Recently, reasonable doubt has been raised that Flight 77 even flew on 911. Records of the Bureau of Transportation Safety (BTS) indicated that both Flights 11 and 77 were 'mothballed' and had been for a period of some six months! That certainly explains the lack of wreckage traceable to an airliner at the Pentagon. It also explains the fact that there are no Arab names whatsoever on the only official document relative to the Pentagon destruction. That document is the official autopsy report released to Dr. Olmsted via his FOIA. That is consistent with another fact: only Pentagon employees were buried at Arlington National Cemetery! Bottom line: the only conclusion consistent with the facts is that Flight 77 did not fly and did not strike the Pentagon.
There is no wreckage traceable to ANY 757 at the pentagon. NONE.
About New York --WTC 7 was not struck by airliners; yet its collapse was reported by the BBC before it occurred. But why did it collapse? It was prepared well in advance as any CD expert will tell you is required. Who else but Silverstein could have taken out the insurance policy on this property? We need to hear the whole story about what happened on 9/11/01. But no one is going to give it to us. This is my story, which is at least plausible and probably quite more than that. I am sure it is not perfect and would welcome new, more relevant facts or corrections. Here are the kinds of people necessary to carry out the plot that I have just described:
Obviously, 9/11 was the result of much planning. No one, not even those who support the official theory, disputes that this event was the result of a conspiracy. And those who conspire are criminals. We need to find those who fit the typical definition of a criminal suspect, those who had the means, the motive and the opportunity to commit the crime: Means ± They had to have the ability to jam or confuse air defense, schedule simulations,directly influence or control mass media, control public opinion and federal courts over a close election (2000) to ensure the installation of George W. Bush as president, place explosives and/or usenew technology to demolish WTC buildings.
They had to belong or sympathize with groups like PNAC, the Project for the New American Century (which wanted a New Pearl Harbor´ to give the government latitude to start perpetual wars), declare our enemy (Osama bin Laden, Muslims, Arabs, etc.), unite the nation behind the radical neo-con/PNAC strategy, and put the public in emergency mode where they are susceptible to drastic measures like Patriot Act. Opportunity ± They needed to take advantage of one day when the plan came together without warning to everyone but them. Who has all three of these factors? ± One person has all three factors without a doubt and should be the leading suspect: then-Vice President Dick Cheney. He also had access to help from several groups of people, such as neo-conservatives and Mossad agents, who had access to airports and airplanes used in the plot. So, what was their plan? Obviously, we cannot go inside their minds as they prepared the plot, but we can look back at what happened and surmise their intentions.
The Plan The plotters used a handful of intelligence agents to board or pretend to board specific flights and who secretly went to operation center to fake cell phone calls to family and friends of the fake passengers. They made sure enough people were killed at the World Trade Center and Pentagon by explosives and/or other devices to scare the public into accepting ³retaliation´ on new enemies like Afghanistan (whom the Bush Administration had already secretly planned to invade). They covered up evidence that contradicts official story, for example by feeding information to the mass media about specific planes, passengers, etc. They may have used mock funerals (based on the Operation Northwoods plan) to convince the public of plane passenger deaths.
Thanks for putting this together for us.
I've thought about doing the same for a long time, but it seems that the conspirators had so many plots operating since the stolen 2000 election, that we barely get breathing room before another one rears its ugly head.
The financial and military-war-funding catastrophes brought home to us in full flower beginning with Bush's appointment to the Presidency by the Supreme Court members who were appointed by previous Republican presidents (not that it's seeds weren't planted by Reagan and Bush I long before) have almost wiped the facts surrounding the 9/11 "happening" out of the public conscientiousness.
The Netanyahu/Silverstein connection is the missing link that most people couldn't fathom at the time when the facts just didn't add up.
Thanks for doing a great job of investigative reporting.
Looks like no one else is left on the scene to do the heavy lifting of maintaining a real Constitutional democratic republic.
Suzan said...
The Netanyahu/Silverstein connection is the missing link that most people couldn't fathom at the time when the facts just didn't add up.
Indeed, and that is connection that I am but recently acquainted with.
...we barely get breathing room before another one rears its ugly head.
I am convinced that it's a deliberate strategy. Even in 'normal' times, most 'beat' reporters work on a daily deadline. CNN and FOX is even shorter but they merely regurgitate until the NEXT BIG THING breaks. There is simply NO investigative reporting or analysis of any importance anymore.
That was the source of my frustration as a 'working' reporter. I once spent a month 'investigating' a potential scandal with stunning political implications in Houston. I had to do it part-time as there was daily news to cover and local news casts every hour. Very frustrating. Monthly magazines are much better. Harper's is a good example. They've done some good work but --alas --ours is an electronic culture and it would appear that we have paid a high price for it.
Good job of connecting the dots.
The Silverstein angle is so prima facie a rookie Cub Scout could bust this case wide open. Where the hell is NYPD? I guess there hasn't been an honest cop in NY since Frank Serpico.
Liberty & Justice,
Spartacus Jones said...
Where the hell is NYPD? I guess there hasn't been an honest cop in NY since Frank Serpico.
Everyone has been either asleep at the switch or bought-and-paid for. Where are the Federal Judges, for cryin' out loud? A Federal Judge can convene a Federal Grand Jury upon his/her own motion upon the PROBABLE CAUSE that a crime had been committed. Several fuckin' crimes were committed and that there was NO INVESTIGATION leads me to conclude that THE RULE OF LAW MEANS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN AMERICA of late!
Now --if YOU commit a crime, you will probably wind up in a pokey, probably, a CORPORATE OWNED pokey!
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