If Fox was correct, then Bin Laden could not have issued a video tape of October 29, 2004 --just two days before the US election. It was a tape that many pollsters and pundits believe swung the election to George W. Bush over John Kerry.Fox News: "Bin Laden Already Dead"
Wednesday, December 26, 2001
Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda leader.
"The Coalition troops are engaged in a mad search operation but they would never be able to fulfill their cherished goal of getting Usama alive or dead," the source said.
Bin Laden, according to the source, was suffering from a serious lung complication and succumbed to the disease in mid-December, in the vicinity of the Tora Bora mountains. The source claimed that bin Laden was laid to rest honorably in his last abode and his grave was made as per his Wahabi belief.
About 30 close associates of bin Laden in Al Qaeda, including his most trusted and personal bodyguards, his family members and some "Taliban friends," attended the funeral rites. A volley of bullets was also fired to pay final tribute to the "great leader."
The Taliban source who claims to have seen bin Laden's face before burial said "he looked pale ... but calm, relaxed and confident."
Asked whether bin Laden had any feelings of remorse before death, the source vehemently said "no." Instead, he said, bin Laden was proud that he succeeded in his mission of igniting awareness amongst Muslims about hegemonistic designs and conspiracies of "pagans" against Islam. Bin Laden, he said, held the view that the sacrifice of a few hundred people in Afghanistan was nothing, as those who laid their lives in creating an atmosphere of resistance will be adequately rewarded by Almighty Allah.
When asked where bin Laden was buried, the source said, "I am sure that like other places in Tora Bora, that particular place too must have vanished."
On October 29, 2004, two days before the US elections, the Arab television network al-Jazeera sprung an October Surprise by broadcasting a videotape of a healthy looking bin Laden addressing the people of the United States in which he took responsibility for the September 11, 2001 attacks. He also condemned the Bush government's response to the attacks, and presented the attacks as part of a campaign of revenge and deterrence begun after personally seeing the destruction of the Lebanese Civil War in 1982. See 2004 Osama bin Laden video.Not only Fox, but the New York Times also reported the death of Bin Laden.
President Bush opened up a six-point lead over John Kerry in the first opinion poll to include sampling taken after the videotape was broadcast. [21] Walter Cronkite found the video very convenient for the Bush administration, and said of it “I'm a little inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing.” [22]--Colin Bett, A 'Conspiracy Theory' Too Far?
Osama bin Laden is dead. The news first came from sources in Afghanistan and Pakistan almost six months ago: the fugitive died in December [2001] and was buried in the mountains of southeast Afghanistan. Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, echoed the information. The remnants of Osama's gang, however, have mostly stayed silent, either to keep Osama's ghost alive or because they have no means of communication. Click for full sized imageNYT has apparently re-published the story. The original publication date was: July 11, 2002. Fox, it would appear, scooped the NYT but, apparently forgot what they had reported.
With an ego the size of Mount Everest, Osama bin Laden would not have, could not have, remained silent for so long if he were still alive. He always liked to take credit even for things he had nothing to do with. Would he remain silent for nine months and not trumpet his own survival?
The issue of bin Laden's pulse surfaced recently when the venerable BBC clearly censored remarks by Benazir Bhutto to the effect that bin Laden had been murdered. It still fair to ask why the BBC would have deleted only that portion of the interview. Following is the original, unedited version in which Bhutto states that Bin Laden had been murdered. The BBC's Censored version can be found here. A fallacious rationalization has surfaced: Bhutto misspoke, that she had meant to say "Daniel Perle". There is absolutely no logical reason to believe that Bhutto misspoke. She did not pause. She did not struggle to find a name. Secondly, only an idiot would mistake Bin Laden for Perle. Bhutto is not an idiot. Even if Bin Laden were alive, it would not prove that Bhutto misspoke, only that she was wrong. Not the same thing. In fact, Bhutto was probably correct that Bin Laden is dead but wrong about the cause of death. An essential resource: Can someone with no flight training safely land an airliner? Plus: Pilotless planes, overpaid pilots and other aviation myths.

Bin Laden
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Bin Laden is for sure dead - since Dec of 2001 by at least one account from kidney failure (he had needed dialysis for some time prior to his death). The "October surprise" of 2004 is a sleight of hand for the purpose of attributing the "victory" of the resident to people worried about terrorism (influenced by the fake bin Laden tape) when in fact the votes were overturned electronically - i.e., the release of the fake bin Laden tape didn't have any effect one way or the other - the shift in votes did not reflect the will of the people, but rather was the result of an electronic theft. The important issue is that electronic voting machines can be hacked in the blink of an eye without anyone being able to detect it and, unless these machines are banned everywhere, we risk the continued state of the banana republic that we currently are.
Yes, the resident has unashamedly used bin Laden as the bogeyman to instill fear in the general public, just as he has used 911 for the same purpose, when in fact 911 was perpetrated by the military industrial complex and oil interests (not bin Laden) to undertake wars in the Middle East. No steel towers have ever been brought down by any kind of fire. 911 was a controlled demolition.
The people running our government are criminals who have committed crimes of high treason - who have killed Americans in order to achieve their greedy ends. One can only hope that, in time, their crimes will become evident to the general public and that they will be brought to justice.
Anonymous marain said...
The people running our government are criminals who have committed crimes of high treason - who have killed Americans in order to achieve their greedy ends. One can only hope that, in time, their crimes will become evident to the general public and that they will be brought to justice.
I am in complete agreement with you. I also agree that the actual election "theft" was done electronically. I was at the county Democratic headquarters that night and was about to go home thinking that Kerry had won. But before I could shake hand and congratulations all around, the "boards" shifted and the networks chimed in by calling blue states red --all of a sudden. It had happened again!
And it will happen yet again --if something is not done.
Even so, the CIA's resurrection of the dead Bin Laden had the effect of quieting opposition.
Thanks for commenting.
I did not in any way mean to distract anyone from the point of your post, which appears to be that the fact of bin Laden's demise was reported by both Fox News and NYT quite early on. These reports are really quite remarkable and I commend you for finding them! Both reports somehow were conveniently ignored by everyone, including the NYT and Fox News, and assuredly to the great relief of those in power who knew them to be true, otherwise how could the resident so blithely proclaim "I'm not that worried about him" when asked about bin Laden in 2002.
In spite of knowing that he had died, the current administration has used this lie of his viability to drive their "war on terrorism" and to instill fear in the public whenever it suited their political ends. For this, if nothing else, they deserve to be courtmarshalled and hanged.
Wall Street too is craping its pants. Well, I mean, all this fear-mongering was supposed to scare us, the people, not those rich folks. Although, those bought up media, always claim that Wall Street cares about the latest You-Tube hit from Bin Laden.
You would think Bin Laden, Al Qaeda, Pakistan, Nigeria, Kenya, Darfour, Congo, Turkey, the Middle –east, and all the turmoil of the world are the reason for Wall Street to find much uncertainty in future market. You would think that all these conflicts are the reason for a gold that has reached its record price yesterday, since 1970, and for all those treasury bonds bought like there is going to be no tomorrow...
Well, think again. Reuters tells us what troubles our investors : “Wall Street analysts worry that the election results could pave the way for higher taxes that would hurt a U.S. economy already in a slowdown.”
There you have it, boys and girls: the social… uh, the left is coming!
More taxes! More education! More job education! More job creation! Better health care: more educated and healthy people! More time for them to think! Less power and less money for us! Bush, save us! Pleeeeaaaase, give them another war, they think too much about economy! Well… perhaps not a war… but… one big Reichstag fire, just one more! better, bigger than before! Blame it...uh... on Musharraf! on Sarkozy!
Or… Give us …one more tax-cut!… Yes, one more shot! So we can all leave the wreck with our bag of dough on our back toward some island somewhere, or perhaps in Switzerland, until the blue nasty and evil thunderstorm is passed…
Aaah… Don’t worry rich folks, Bush who was interviewed today has accepted to be your Santa Claus for one last time before he leaves office; because he can: all in the name of –brace yourself! – “shoring up the struggling economy”. LOL!!
I call this finishing the horse. Because, for all we know, and the rich knows this too, and the staunch republicans too, that half a dozen tax-cuts in 7 years while financing two wars, are the sure cause of our $6 trillions debt, topped lately with a profiling stagflation – the kind of horror economic scenario we haven’t met since the 70’s. Now that’s an exit, Georges! So far, the best president of... the XXI century!!
But, hey, the Democrats are coming! Let’s finish up America! Let’s give her another tax-cut; the ultimate one; the one she’ll O.D. on. … And let’s watch Obama and Hillary trying to give her CPR! What a laugh we are going to have!
PS: You’ve got to love the way these tax incentives, which only “help” the super-rich, are called: “fiscal stimulus package”. Stimulus, uh? Like the super-rich are not stimulated enough! Bush is going to “stimule” the super-rich’s g-zone…
It’s the fingers, Len! i always told you! Bush’s axioms are all drawn by his main two fingers (the only ones he can count, of course!): The index for stimulating the rich and the middle finger for the rest of us!
God help us.
(not you Huckabee, i didn't call you!)
It's also possible Bhutto was not mistaken when she said the Pak secret police killed Osama.
It's not like they wouldn't want to lie about the murder to avoid pissing off the locals, especially if they were, as she implied, in the business of trying to direct them.
Keep up the good work, Len!
I liked the follow up so much I posted the allowed four paragraphs (I can't count;) on a major political blog. Here's the response on DemocraticUnderground.Com .
It was very well received. There the normal naysayers but for almost everyone responding, the calculatoin is clear -
Dead Osama
(<) 2004 Election
(=) Proof of about everything we've suspected, all at once.
Very nice work!
I am the site owner of jar2 dot com. I recently added your video to my site during the New Year's holiday taking for granted that it was genuine. Today I woke up with the suspicion that you editted the video yourself. With your background in your stated profession and your knowledge that it "may have been" the name of Daniel Perle I suspect this to be the case, I hope I am wrong but if it is a hoax please let me know before I send it to an expert for analysis. If you let me know quietly I will quietly remove it from my site, I am sorry for posting my suspicions on your comments but I got tired of looking for your e-mail address. You might find my site interesting, there is material on my site which has had adverse affects on my family and I, namely the US Embassy cancelling my US Passport and telling me to close my site which I have not done. I live in Moscow Russia. Thank you for your time. My e-mail address is on my site.... I hope it's real buddy.
Great comments everyone.
Anonymous marain said...
Both reports somehow were conveniently ignored by everyone, including the NYT and Fox News
Fox obviously just forgot all about its own story. NYT, at least, dug it up and reprinted it. Clearly --the New York Times thinks Bin Laden is dead.
In spite of knowing that he had died, the current administration has used this lie of his viability to drive their "war on terrorism" and to instill fear in the public
And that, of course is the story. I am still amazed that that the idea is so entrenched. This experience has also convinced me that the US education system does not teach critical thinking skills.
dante lee said...
It’s the fingers, Len! i always told you! Bush’s axioms are all drawn by his main two fingers
But it only takes one to measure Bush's IQ and his credibility index. I am amazed that most people still cannot connect the lies he told about WMD and the lies he told about terrorism in general.
I have proven the point statistically time and time and time again: terrorism is always worse under GOP regimes. Always!
There is a logical reason for this: GOP polices CAUSE terrorism. Bhutto, may the cosmos bless her soul, is probably the only 'world leader' to have had the courage to say so. And she paid a price for having said the obvious truth that Americans simply will not face up to.
kelley b. said...
It's also possible Bhutto was not mistaken when she said the Pak secret police killed Osama.
And I think it equally significant that Hilary said some similar just recently --that members of the Pakistani army murdered Bhutto. Both lead to the conclusion that the Musharraf regime, propped up by the US, Bush, is itself a terrorist organization. And thanks to the US, they've got nukes.
Michael Collins said...
I liked the follow up so much I posted the allowed four paragraphs (I can't count;) on a major political blog. Here's the response on DemocraticUnderground.Com .
Thanks, Michael. I enjoyed the thread. Secondly, your own work with regard to
Bin Laden's death can be viewed in two ways. Either as old news that the Bush regime is covering up to continue to use long time Bush Family friend and ex-CIA Agent Tom Ossman (Bin Laden)as a reason to continue their aggressive and illegal war on "TERROR" or his death has been concocted to hide the complete and total incompetence of the Bushies in being able to capture the man they claim was responsible for 9-11, but since we know that the Twin Towers came down in controlled demolitions in order to provide the catalyst needed by the PNAC, and Bin Laden at first denied having had anything to do with 9-11 it is all a Pandora's Box of lies on top of lies. I know one fact BUSH and Company should all be sitting in a maximum security prison right now waiting to get waterboarded. I WILL NOT SACRIFICE LIBERTY OR FREEDOM FOR SECURITY FROM TERROR CONCOCTED BY MY OWN GOVERNMENT. LIVE FREE OR DIE !!!
John Anthony Robles II said...Today I woke up with the suspicion that you editted the video yourself. With your background in your stated profession and your knowledge that it "may have been" the name of Daniel Perle I suspect this to be the case, I hope I am wrong but if it is a hoax please let me know before I send it to an expert for analysis.
Rest easy, john. I suggest you send it to the lab and put the matter to rest. I would be interested in what you find out.
There are two videos at issue. One --is the YouTube video, i.e, the UN-edited version, embeded on my site. No need to even download. Click on the vid and go to youtube. You will learn that it was uploaded by someone with the account name: setfree69
The EDITED version --about which you are concerned --is on the BBC website! I didn't even embed. I just linked to it in my article. The point is --even if I had edited it, there is NO way that I could have uploaded to the BBC! I am also confident that BBC servers are at least secure enough to prevent you or me from uploading unwanted videos to their server.
Thanks for getting back to me. Am checking it out.
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