In some communities, in Sicily and in America, a godfather helped a new immigrant find a job or set up a business with small loans. He was often an advocate for the newly arrived. He offered them protection. At first, few regarded these men as criminals. They became, rather, role models and protectors. He filled the vaccum, offering protection when the "state" would not. Historian Paolo Pezzino wrote: "The Mafia is a kind of organized crime being active not only in several illegal fields, but also tending to exercise sovereignty functions – normally belonging to public authorities – over a specific territory..."
It was only the more odious practices that attracted the attention of government and prosecutors. Godfathers were shaking down small businesses, extorting money, collecting regular payments. No fair! Shaking down folk is the government's job!Nation columnist Naomi Klein explores a key argument from her new book, The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism: After 9/11 the Bush Administration launched a new economy, driven by the notion of an endless war against an undefined notion of evil. Read more in her 2005 Nation column "The Rise of Disaster Capitalism."
Global ShakeDowns-R-Us: James Baker-Carlyle Group Government-guaranteed Global Corporate Fraud doesn't get any better than this. Acting as a special "debt" envoy to Iraq as well as a senior "advisor" to the Carlyle Group, James Baker, the Bush Family bagman, has been enlisted to strong-arm nations into forgiving Iraq's debt."Sir" James Baker, partner of Baker Botts, is also an equity partner in the notorious Carlyle Group, which is part of a consortium trying to collect $27 billion on behalf of Kuwait, one of Iraq's biggest creditors. How? By twisting the arms of Iraqi debt holders.Countries like the U.K., which is owed $1 billion by Iraq, is being urged by Baker into "forgiving" this debt.George Bush Jr. appointed Baker, the US Secretary of State under Bush Sr., as an "unpaid envoy" (read bagman-fixer) on Dec. 5, 2003. However since Baker is also an equity partner with a reported $180 million stake in the Carlyle Group, the conflict of interest is at once stark and undeniable.Published in the Nation Magazine, Naomi Klein's article (thenation.)--Global ShakeDowns-R-Us: James Baker-Carlyle Group URI DOWBENKOReaders of The Shock Doctrine know that one of the most shameless examples of disaster capitalism has been the attempt to exploit the disastrous flooding of New Orleans to close down that city's public housing projects, some of the only affordable units in the city. Most of the buildings sustained minimal flood damage, but they happen to occupy valuable land that make for perfect condo developments and hotels.The final showdown over New Orleans public housing is playing out in dramatic fashion right now. The conflict is a classic example of the "triple shock" formula at the core of the doctrine.- First came the shock of the original disaster: the flood and the traumatic evacuation.- Next came the "economic shock therapy": using the window of opportunity opened up by the first shock to push through a rapid-fire attack on the city's public services and spaces, most notably it's homes, schools and hospitals.-Now we see that as residents of New Orleans try to resist these attacks, they are being met with a third shock: the shock of the police baton and the Taser gun, used on the bodies of protestors outside New Orleans City Hall yesterday.Democracy Now! has been covering this fight all week, with amazing reports from filmmakers Jacquie Soohen and Rick Rowley (Rick was arrested in the crackdown). Watch residents react to the bulldozing of their homes here.And footage from yesterday's police crackdown and Tasering of protestors inside and outside city hall here.The Shock Doctrine in Action in New Orleans
Fuzzflash sez...
Len, no arguments whatsoever from me than BushCo and the GOPpers are a bunch of high-powered shakedown artists.
With regard to the fact that Barack Obama has booked the Presidential Suite at the Hotel New Hampshire, do you think he offers any real hope of change(said his first job would be to get the troops out of Iraq but didn't mention BlackwaterUSA mercs)
and who do you now believe would be "best for ordinary Americans" of the candidates on offer.
Fuzz, Barack is a mixed bag but have sensed a little movement in our direction of late. He must have read the polls. Only people distancing themselves from Bush and the war have even a snowball's chance in hell. And running on 911 has, I believe, hurt Guiliani. Hilary is likewise paying the price for having cast that vote and continuing to walk that walk. I called her a good Republican and I am sticking with it.
Realistically, our only hope is an Edwards/Kucinich ticket if Kucinich would agree to it.
Of course --a miracle might happen but it'll be a "miracle" if it does. Kucinich might tap into the sense of malaise that has so far benefited the WRONG guy: Ron Paul, a throw back to Thomas Hobbes and Adam Smith.
Great piece, Len! I definitely want to read "Disaster Capitalism." I've skimmed through it some at the bookstore and it certainly looked compelling.
Ya can't hang it all on Bush, that's scapegoating, there, too.
I'm not saying I like him, but people have to take more responsibility for their own future. Maybe the only way that'll really ever happen is if the government DOES go broke. If that's the case, then it can't happen fast enough.
Anonymous said...
Ya can't hang it all on Bush, that's scapegoating, there, too.
Indeed not! There's an entire GOP party to scapegoat. And outside the GOP criminal conspiracy there are those who merely let them get away with it.
There is also a failed Educational system --but that's the subject of several books.
There is also Democrats who fear to stand up for what they truly believe.
There are the big corporations who claim the rights of "individuals" but are, in fact, mere legal abstractions.
There is the Military/Industrial complex warned about by Ike.
I could go on...and will one day.
No one is "scapegoating" anyone here. There are about 400 articles on this blog. Some of them deal with Bush.
I can only write one article at a time.
At last --holding criminals responsible for the crimes they commit, holding idiots responsible for the harm they do is HARDLY "scapegoating".
Thanks, marc, and welcome back.
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