Our Outrageous Government
Are there no Federal Judges of courage? A Federal Judge may convene a Grand Jury upon his/her own motion. A Grand Jury has the legal authority to bring criminal charges against George W. Bush --indeed the entire Bush crime syndicate! Are there no judges of conscience?
An indictment of George W. Bush prepared by former Federal Prosecutor Elizabeth de la Varga is finely crafted, authoritative, and damning. It requires a Federal Grand jury to hand down the indictment; and, while Grand Juries may exercise great scope, a Federal Judge is required to convene one. The legal standard to indict is probable cause not --as Gen. Michael Hayden would have it --reasonable suspicion.
Either the evidence is sufficient to show probable cause that the defendant committed the offense, and the grand jurors should indict, or the evidence is insufficient, and the grand jurors should return a "no true bill"-but these are the only choices. The grand jury's role in indicting, in this model, is to conduct a legal review, not to make discretionary enforcement decisions.A grand jury investigating the Bush White House would have sweeping powers to define the scope and duration of its own investigation. It would have the power of the subpoena to back it up. A federal grand jury may subpoena any person within the United States and that includes the President himself. If Bush or Cheney should try to flee the US, the federal grand jury investigating them could order that they be apprehended abroad and returned for trial. Less politely, George W. Bush could be legally kidnapped and held for trial. The "bounty hunters" could even use force if required. Those procedures have been upheld in past SCOTUS decisions. Once a fugitive Bush is back inside US territory, serving him and holding him for trial is not a problem. I believe in law and order. It starts with rounding up the real crooks.Explaining the Constitutional Function of the Federal Grand Jury--
I recommend the following handbook for the would-be activist: Facts About Grand Juries. As for the question of who shall write the indictment, I appeal to readers of this forum. There must surely be someone of the caliber of author Elizabeth De La Vega who could assist a grand jury in the drafting of a comprehensive indictment against Bush and Cheney.
A Federal Grand Jury need not be limited by an overly narrow charge. It could subpoena both Bush and Cheney and compare their stories with other facts in evidence. At the very least, both men would be indicted for obstruction of justice.
What does all this have to do with impeachment, which is, to be precise, a political process? Naturally, all the evidence turned up by Grand Jury could be made available to a committee to impeach. And when Bush and Cheney are removed through impeachment, the criminal indictments will be ready to go.
I can only imagine the firestorm when Bush tries to pardon himself.
Then there is the matter of war crimes. Bush has tried to undo those portions of US Codes which make a capital crime of those violations of Geneva which result in death to the victim. A federal grand jury requires probable cause to indict. There is enough probable cause against George W. Bush to indict him for capital crimes right now.
Impeachment, removal, trial and conviction are absolutely necessary to lance this puss oozing boil. If Congress or the Federal Courts or both fail to act, the sore will only fester. Already, it can be said that our Republic, the Constitution and the protections of the Bill of Rights have not survived the Bush onslaught. As long as Bush remains in office, you have no protections. Even now, you may be "tazed" upon the unreasonable suspicions who people who are clearly unqualified to be trusted with access to weapons of any sort. Tasers can be dangerous; in the hands of an idiot hot dog, they can be deadly. It's time to bring to an end this nation's tragic experiment with the Police State.
It is certain that unless BushCo is brought to account, the Bill of Rights will never be restored. I am not hearing a sense of urgency among Democratic candidates. With the possible exceptions of Dennis Kucinich, John Edwards and Mike Gravel, all I hear is the measured jockeying for center. The Democrats should have declared this a state of emergency a long time ago.
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Happy New Year!
Happy New Year back atcha and to everyone who lurks, reads, and posts here.
Fuzz sez...
"Impeachment, removal, trial and conviction are absolutely necessary to lance this puss oozing boil."
First they fester
Then they swell
After they burst
They go straight to hell.
Yoo Hoo, Goppers...
Wanna get Dirty Raptured?
You do? Oh, that's too nice.
Better say your prayers, sukkahs
It's Suppuration Time!
Thanks for the poetry, fuzz. Either the US will become an even worse monolithic dictatorship the likes of which the world has never seen. Or --it will collapse economically, all wealth having been transferred to an increasingly tiny elite. The GOP robbed the poor a long time ago. That left only a smug middle class. Sadly, however, the lifestyle of that class had been heavily leveraged. The Mortgage crisis is just an early symptom. A smug middle class that had indulged delusions of "aristocracy" faces extinction. The Reagan years were a harbinger of things to come. Many living under bridges in tents and makeshift shacks were not from the "permanent" under class. They were from the middle class. The upper middle class is next.
Fuzz sez...
Yes, Len, there's acres and acres of middle class fast-food fed butt in the sling. These people are loud and articulate prozac- sucking consumers, many of whom will drown in platinum plastic debt as black gold hits 100 bananas a barrel and the greatest ecomomy between Canada and Mexico hits the skids because wholesome Americans quit buying container loads of ephemeral Chinese doo-dahs, widgets, wig-wams for gooses' bridles and other crap that they find they can actually live without. However stridently they complain, no one in power will be listening except the goons who identify Gulag fodder.
Like that Zimmerman boy from Minnesota said: "Yessuh! Them Masters of War enablers sure gon take a bath when that Hard (economic) Rain starts whooshin' and a-whirlin' like a Hurricane".
You go, Bobby! Tell 'em all about it, son. Go tell it from your mountain of privelege like only a victim of comfort can. Make Arlo and Ben proud that you honored Woody's memory so! Time you cashed in with some new audio-product like the story about the 21st century hobo walkin' FROM New Orleans while whistlin': "Peripatetic Talkin' Disengagement Blues".
Link below is an excellent historical example of how Torquemada's Torriedors were sent by His Holiness to investigate tortura del agua with a committee of devout, double-thinking, doubleplusgood duckspeakers.
Five'll getcha ten that BushCo Asswipe Mukasey's findings will be indistinguishable from the sound of a cacophony of choiristerd quackers.
I am going to fight the good fight of faith. I have intentionally decided to challenge the conditions of my federal probation in order to get before a federal judge where I will present a different open and shut case against both the president and vice president of the United States.
It seems that George W. Bush has instistuted and put into effect an alternate line of succession to the presidency of the United States of America. In theory the line of succession to the presidency begins with the vice president and then on to the Speaker of the House. Well, it seems that Bush has placed certain members of the executive branch in bunkers in the mountains in case Washington is destroyed.
All well and good on the surface but, he alone does not have the power to do that. And correct me if I am wrong. Such a move would take a Constitutional amendment which would require the necessary number of votes in not only the Congress but in the majority of the state legislatures of all of the various states of the country.
And, unlike all or most of the other cases against Bush and company there need not be much of a trial as Bush has admitted to all of this in at least one speech in front of a group of supporters.
And, what's more unlike all of the other cases against Bush no one seems to want to press the case. I on the other hand answer to a higher authority and We're not going to take it. Anymore, Ever Again, even if it kills Us or puts Us in Jeopardy.
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