Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, perhaps the most famous fictional detective of all time, himself expert in the science of criminology, wrote:
"When you have eliminated the impossible whatever remains however implausible must be the truth!"With respect to the crime of 911, it is past time to eliminate the impossible, i.e, the Bush 'theory' of 911, often called the 'official conspiracy theory of 911'.
Following is my short list --not of mere improbabilities --but fatal impossibilities any one of which destroys the Bush 'official conspiracy theory of 911'! All impossibilities listed may be verified against the laws of physics, logic and empirical observation. If the official conspiracy theory of 911 is impossible, then it is a lie and a deliberate one!
Some are obvious but somehow ignored by the media. For example, Hani Hanjour is said to have boarded and then high jacked Flight 77. But the Washington Post reported that Hani Hanjour could not have gotten on board because he did not have a ticket. Nor is his name on the only official, admissible shred of evidence to have survived Bush's orders to destroy evidence and that is the official autopsy report released to Dr. Olmsted in response to his FOIA request.
More recently, NTSB records revealed that the cockpit door on Flight 77 was never opened during the fight. Ergo: the Bush official conspiracy theory of 911 cannot even explain how it was possible to have hijacked a flight of which there is no record, no evidence, no autopsy report to prove that any alleged hijacker ever got on board to begin with.
Bushco cannot place the 'suspects' at the scene of the crime.
Bush's official conspiracy theory of 911 is utterly impossible; there is not a shred evidence of any sort to support it.
- There are no arabs on the only admissible scrap of evidence related to the crash at the Pentagon, that is, the official autopsy report released to Dr. Olmsted in response to his FOIA request. No arabs. A mere list of passengers which anyone can type up is NOT evidence admissible in court. And there is no evidence that anyone but Pentagon employees are buried at Arlington National Cemetary.
- Official NTSB data indicates that on Flight 77, the cockpit door was never opened during the flight! So --not ony is there no evidence that Hani Hanjour was ever on board, he could not have hijacked the airliner had he been on board. Unless --of course --he could walk through a closed door! Perhaps he was inspired by David Copperfield who 'walked' through the Great Wall of China!
- 3) No wreckage traceable to a 757 was ever recovered from the Pentagon. A single engine rotor that was photographed on the Pentagon lawn is about 1/3 the size of each of two much, much larger rotors (of Titanium/Steel alloy) that would have been found had a 757 crashed into the Pentagon. No --the wreckage did not vaporize. And, unless the laws of physics are repealed, the total weight of wreckage will equal the weight of the un-crashed aircraft. There is a photo (and video, as I recall) of some four to six white-shirtered, presumably Pentagon employees, hauling off 'debris' on a cart that they carried on their shoulder. This was NOT 757 debris. Unless The Bush administration repealed the laws of physics, specifcially the laws of the conservation of matter and energy, the total weight of the debris would have been equal to the weight of the uncrashed 757 minus the weight of spent fuel.
- None of the crashes in New York were the flights that were alleged to have struck the towers. AA records indicate the the alleged flights had been mothballed for several months. In fact, the 757 has often found itself in service to the U.S. government. The United States Air Force fitted four 757-200s for VIP transport duties (C-32A). The USAF also operates two 757-200 aircraft (C-32B) for use by the U.S. State Department Foreign Emergency Support Team. These aircraft are painted solid white with only a small American flag and the USAF serial number on the fuselage. 911 is a crime like any other!
5) 127,520 --that's the weight in pounds of a typically outfitted 757. The wreckage on the Pentagon lawn was carried off atop a crate carried aloft by four or five skinny office dudes in white shirts and ties. There is NO WAY that over 50 TONS of wreckage was carried off on the shoulders of wimps! There is NO WAY that some 50 tons of airliner wreckage was ever recovered at any time at the Pentagon. The laws of the conservation of matter and energy were NOT repealed though Bushco might have wanted to.
Bottom line: the Bush administration --primarily Bush Jr himself, Dick Cheney who supervised, Don Rumsfeld (who almost gave the game away when he referred to the 'MISSILE that struck this building (the Pentagon), Condo Rice et al are the most obvious suspects. They had 1) method 2) motive, and 3) a golden opportunity, much like the opportunity A. Hitler had as a result of the Reichstag Fire. [See: William Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich]
Conan Doyle was right. 911 is simple when you eliminate the impossible. Next: eliminate the smokescreen, the irrelevant BS, the flack that was thrown up, the distractions, the rabbit trails, the diversions, the misdirection.
At its heart:
- the Bush Administration committed acts of mass murder and high treason'
- the Bush administration lied about it, ordered the destruction of evidence that might have PROVEN them guilty beyond any reasonable doubt'
- the Bush administration dared to question the patriotism of good and loyal Americans;
- the Bush administration tried to blackmale and, in other ways, intimidate good, loyal, patriotic Americans who have a DUTY to question elected leaders, public servants and anyone taking an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution.
Dov Zakheim,Dominic Suter,Frank Lowy,Larry Silverstein,Donald Rumsfeld,Dick Cheney,Jerome Hauer-these are some of the real terrorists who pulled off the 9/11 false flag attack on America. On this 4th of July let us reflect on the fact that the guilty are still free and some of them still work in or with the US government. There has been no justice. Real patriots should never stay silent about their crime until there is.
Anonymous said...
On this 4th of July let us reflect on the fact that the guilty are still free and some of them still work in or with the US government. There has been no justice. Real patriots should never stay silent about their crime until there is.
You are ABSOLUTELY correct! I support rounding up the usual suspects. Lucky Larry is MOST CERTAINLY on that list. He said himself that WTC 7 as 'pulled'! No 'airliner' struck the WTC7 but it was a controlled DEMOLITION that brought it down and --thus --it PROVES both METHOD and OPPORTUNITY.
His INSURANCE PAYOFF was motive aplenty. He was offered a Faustian bargain and could not wait to sell his sorry soul.
Thats right, but the motive for Larry could go further than just profit when you take into account his close relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu and others in the Israeli government. Larry himself once admitted to being on such close terms with Netanyahu that he spoke to him weekly on the phone. Netanyhu famously said that 9/11 was "good" for Israel.
(from the below article):One of these individuals is Larry Silverstein, who purchased the 99 year lease on the World Trade Center complex in July 2001 and who oversaw control of the complex before and during the attacks, along with Australian real estate tycoon Frank Lowy of Westfield America. Silverstein and Lowy are good friends, and Silverstein has been a director of Lowy's Westfield America since May 1997. Silverstein is connected to the Zionist elite in Israel in numerous ways, most notably via his close association and friendship with no less than three former Israeli prime ministers, namely Benjamin Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Barak. Silverstein is especially close to Benjamin Netanyahu who was in New York on the morning of 9/11, and who fathered the "war on terror" doctrine.
You do great work Len, and you are right to call bullshit on the official 9/11 story. But 9/11 was not a Bush plot. Many in the Bush administration WERE involved, no doubt, but 9/11 was clearly a joint operation between Israelis and Americans both in the US government(Cheney,Zakheim etc.) and outside of it(Suter,Silverstein,ICTS Israeli airport security etc.). If the real story of 9/11 ever came out there would be many Bush administration officials who would fall. But so would Israel because they are up to their necks in 9/11 just like the former Vice President is. I suspect the tail(Israel) was wagging the dog(Cheney and the other Americans and Bush officials involved) in this scenario though. The evidence shows it.
More on 'Lucky' Larry. I believe there is 'probable cause' to arrest and charge Larry Silverstein with complicity in the events of 911. 1) Larry himself said that WTC 7 had been 'pulled' following his discussions with NY firefighters. His words: "...the decision was made to pull it!" PULL means 'controlled demolition' and controlled demolition is prepared WELL IN ADVANCE! WTC 7 was not struck by ANY airliner but it was the repository of much official evidence that might have indicted scores of government/k-street crooks.
Thats right, but the motive for Larry could go further than just profit when you take into account his close relationship with Benjamin Netanyahu and others in the Israeli government. Larry himself once admitted to being on such close terms with Netanyahu that he spoke to him weekly on the phone. Netanyhu famously said that 9/11 was "good" for Israel.
(from the below article):One of these individuals is Larry Silverstein, who purchased the 99 year lease on the World Trade Center complex in July 2001 and who oversaw control of the complex before and during the attacks, along with Australian real estate tycoon Frank Lowy of Westfield America. Silverstein and Lowy are good friends, and Silverstein has been a director of Lowy's Westfield America since May 1997. Silverstein is connected to the Zionist elite in Israel in numerous ways, most notably via his close association and friendship with no less than three former Israeli prime ministers, namely Benjamin Netanyahu, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Barak. Silverstein is especially close to Benjamin Netanyahu who was in New York on the morning of 9/11, and who fathered the "war on terror" doctrine.
You do great work Len, and you are right to call bullshit on the official 9/11 story. But 9/11 was not a Bush plot. Many in the Bush administration WERE involved, no doubt, but 9/11 was clearly a joint operation between Israelis and Americans both in the US government(Cheney,Zakheim etc.) and outside of it(Suter,Silverstein,ICTS Israeli airport security etc.). If the real story of 9/11 ever came out there would be many Bush administration officials who would fall. But so would Israel because they are up to their necks in 9/11 just like the former Vice President is. I suspect the tail(Israel) was wagging the dog(Cheney and the other Americans and Bush officials involved) in this scenario though. The evidence shows it.
Anonymous said...
...9/11 was clearly a joint operation between Israelis and Americans both in the US government(Cheney,Zakheim etc.) and outside of it (Suter, Silverstein,ICTS Israeli airport security etc.)
I have read much of this aspect of the story and do not doubt it. It is consistent with what I know and can verify for myself.
In the meantime, this article is an attempt to reach folk slow to embrace 911 Truth because they have lingering inclinations to go with 'authoritative' versions of anything. If I can SHOCK these people into first accepting that the OFFICIAL THEORY is 1) a 'theory' just like everything else' (it's NOT Holy Writ); 2) it is also UTTERLY FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE! Unless an until that 'middle' --neither 'conspiracy theorists' NOR lobotomized followers of Bush --are awakened, we will have limited success getting a new, thorough and professional investigation that will (we hope) EXPOSE Netanyahu but also an even larger picture: the SALE of America (the PIMPING of America) to Israel via K-Street! It's institutionalized!
Chris said...
You do great work Len, and you are right to call bullshit on the official 9/11 story. But 9/11 was not a Bush plot.
Of course not! Bush himself is a fucking moron, a sellout, a tool! For me, that's a given. But, realistically, as a 'TOOL', he is also a catalyst. Another word is 'sellout'. The world is full of folk who have made the FAUSTIAN BARGAIN and for having done so, Bush is NOT absolved because he is a fucking moron.
Additionally Chris, I use the collective term BUSHCO to denote EVERY person and institution that are in any way legally complicit in the VARIOUS frauds and treasons for which they are responsible. I use the term BUSHCO as many use another term --MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX --to denote the ON-GOING deceptions, thefts, frauds, treasons and lies that have the effect of 1) robbing the people of the sovereignty which the U.S. Constitution says is their's alone''; 2) enabling the theft of natural resources (primarily oil) that DO NOT belong to us 3) ROBBING the people of the U.S. for the benefit of a ruling elite of just 1 percent of the total population, a tiny minority which owns more than the rest of us combined. That is due to GOP/BUSHCO/REAGAN largesse.
Thanks for your very informed comments. And don't be stranger.
No doubt about it, Bush is at least guilty after the fact if he wasn't directly involved, I did not mean to absolve him and certainly do not. Its just that many people try to dismiss the notion that 9/11 was an inside job based on Bushs stupidity alone so I reject the framing of 9/11 as a Bush family plot(and also because it lets those not directly connected to Bush off the hook). Though I do think the elder Bush very well could have been directly involved and may have even been the one to keep his son out of the loop that day. But thats another story....
Ive read your site for some time now. Keep up the good work.
Chris said...
Its just that many people try to dismiss the notion that 9/11 was an inside job based on Bushs stupidity alone so I reject the framing of 9/11 as a Bush family plot(and also because it lets those not directly connected to Bush off the hook).
Such a dismissal is misplaced and uninformed. Bush Jrs rise to the White House was planned, in fact, a family goal.
Legally, you have to be very, very stupid to be relieved of culpability. And, if Bush were really that stupid, he should not have been President. I have known known and interviewed the Bush family since the late sixties: the Bush family is a sinister crime family and they know the truth of it.
The Bush family sought a dynasty and --because the American people are naive and largely uninformed --they got one. Bush is not so stupid that he could not stand trial, be held responsible for his acts as President. Now --that is NOT to say that Dick Cheney, Rummie, Rice et al are not also culpable. They are! And they should be in the dock just as were the Nazi war criminals tried at Nuremberg after WWII.
The 'real' decisions are NOT made in the White House, the Congress, nor the Supreme Court. The REAL DECISIONS are made in the offices of EXTREMELY POWERFUL lobbies on K-Street. Arguably the most powerful lobby should be outlawed: the so-called 'JEWISH LOBBY'. It is, in fact, an illegal advocate on behalf of a FOREIGN STATE. If Israel wishes to be represented, it may send AMBASSADORS and diplomats --NOT LOBBYISTS. They found a convenient way around the laws that prohibit foreign nations from lobbying, i.e, circumventing OFFICIAL DIPLOMATIC CHANNELS.
I would not be surprised if a real investigation of 911 likewise implicated the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Bottom line --the people of the United States were BETRAYED by their so-called government. I suggest they wake up and face reality.
All the books and videos and organizations and websites and blogs and witnesses and hours and hours of talking and investigating and pleading and lawsuits and still nothing! Not a single DA willing to start a grand jury investigation. It's frustrating to say the least.
Thanks Len for pushing against the wall of dis-information and obstructionism. A ray of light in the darkness.
Anonymous said...
Not a single DA willing to start a grand jury investigation. It's frustrating to say the least.
Nor a courageous Federal Judge. A Federal Judge can convene upon his own order from the bench a FEDERAL GRAND JURY. He/she can appoint a Federal Prosecutor to investigate the case. That --among all the Federal Judges in America --NONE were courageous enough to begin an inquiry upon the abundant probable cause to do so is appalling. But even MORE appalling is that there seems to be no outrage among the sheeple! NONE! If the people will not even protest, then they have lost the nation as well as their own souls.
To admit that the reality which is popular wisdom is a lie demands an insight shift which is very frightening to those persons trained to obey and believe in authority.
I still run into people that believe the Gulf of Tonkin attack bs which LBJ used to amp up the bucks for the military contractors.
My ever shrinking circle of acquaintances do not discuss anything more controversial than the latest child murder case or some pop star's sexual escapades.
These are safe topics, with the conversation already preprogrammed,I am dismissed as a tin foil hat crazy, with no thought given to the content of my arguments.
All this is a result of fear.I think most people know intuitively that the government is little more than a shadow play, or a bright object dangling in front of a stage hypnosis participant.
The fear of admitting this is a form of self censorship which has been refined in the modern age to a high degree.
Hitler said that politics had nothing to do with facts, politics was a matter of emotion.The dominant emotion I see is fear.
Don Smith
Anonymous said...
To admit that the reality which is popular wisdom is a lie demands an insight shift which is very frightening to those persons trained to obey and believe in authority.
Indeed! I have lost many 'friends' because I will not compromise the truth as I see it and I will insist upon getting the 'burden of proof' where it belongs, and that is on whomever it is who makes the assertion. As I learned it as a debater: THOSE WHO ASSERT MUST PROVE! In law, the PROSECUTION must PROVE its case because the prosecution has made the assertion that a defendant is guilty! A judge will so instruct a jury! There are varying standards. In serious cases the standard is BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT; lesser cases the standard is BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. In others it is simply a PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE. In any case, BUSHCO got it the wrong way around! His critics NEED NOT PROVE SHIT! It is --rather --BUSH who must prove his case or shut up, submit to arrest, jail and trial! It was tyrannical of him, as well as stupid, to demand of the American people that they believe a load of 'codswallop', BS, lies, impossibilities, propaganda and nonsense simply because his right wing, oil baron constituency had covted the resources of the Middle East! In fact, what Bush has done is HIGH TREASON!
In summmary: the dictum in both law and debate is: THOSE WHO ASSERT MUST PROVE!
Bush did not even try to prove; he INTIMIDATED, bullied, dodged and tried to tar his critics with an ad hominem label: terrorist! His words were (as I recall) "You are either for us or your are for the terrorists!"
Bush was and remains a terrorist, a liar, an arch criminal, a traitor to our source of sovereignty: the U.S. Constitution.
And so too the GOP to the extent that it facilitate the rise of this arch-criminal and traitor!
Beautiful! I've longed to see an article like this here for some time Len. Very good.
The 3 stages of truth:
1: denial
2: violent opposition
3: widespread acceptance.
I've always wondered how a 14 foot hole in the pentagon could swallow up a 47 foot fuselage too! Including wings, tail, luggage, seats, passengers and simply 'vanish' into "vaporization".
But then, organized religion has been touting impossibilities for millenia. And the sheep still nodd and bleet.
But as long as you're on a roll. Check out this video to add to your bag of info.
911 was an inside job to be sure. And those who invested in the PUT options will never even be known, let alone those who profited off of the 3000 civilian deaths (other than Lucky Larry Silverfish) and the military industrial complex.
Speaking of Luck Larry - did you know he owns the former Sears Tower in Chicago now? We have to wonder if he's insured it against nuclear detonations. And considering the chilling fact that dual-national Zionist Rahm Emanuel is now mayor of Chicago, dots could connect REAL easy here.
Good article Len. Keep it up.!
Anonymous said...
I've always wondered how a 14 foot hole in the pentagon could swallow up a 47 foot fuselage too! Including wings, tail, luggage, seats, passengers and simply 'vanish' into "vaporization".
I may have had an advantage. As a working journalist, I had occassion to cover crashes of aircraft --from small private craft, jet fighters, airliners.
The reason is the conservation of matter and energy! If an aircraft weighs ---say ---60 tons (excluding fuel) some 60 tons will remain as wreckage. In Lockerbie, Scotland a terrorist group exploded a bomb on an airliner which left debris all over the township of Lockerbie, killing not only passengers but residents below.
The point is: EVERY SCRAP of wreckage was recovered and the aircraft re-assembled! I believe their are still high rez pics of the re-assembled craft on the internet.
The same thing was done with the space shuttle which broke apart in the stratosphere, leaving debris over three states which were --as I recall --Oklahoma, Texas, and Louisiana. Every scrap was recovered and the cause investigated. And --no --the Space shuttle did NOT pop into another dimension though its speed when it hit the stratosphere was was several thousand MPH as I recall.
77 was a 757 weighing some 60 tons (or more) yet we are expected to believe that three to five geeks loaded it all up on a platform of some sort and walked away with it.
I did not know that Lucky owned the Sears Tower! I would warn all tenants and anyone working there to GET OUT NOW!
There is ABUNDANT probable cause to arrest Lucky and --were the American system of justice not already broken beyond redemption --he would have already been arrested, charged and perhaps, by now, TRIED, found guilty and sentenced.
Also, Occam would surmise Bush's "prevention" of further terror attacks as sufficient evidence of his competence to have engineered the first! And his only blackmail Is OBAMA!
Citizen’s 9/11 Commission Campaign
Massachusetts Initiative Campaign Launch!
Byron Belitsos
September 7, 2011 [updated]
Media Contact:
Rich Aucoin • 781-956-6013 • RichAucoin@comcast.net
Unprecedented effort for new investigation to be launched on 9/11 anniversary
(Boston, MA) Senator Mike Gravel announced today the inauguration of a citizens’ campaign to authorize a new investigation of the events of September 11, 2001 after his proposed ballot measure was certified today by the Attorney General of Massachusetts, Martha Coakley.
If adopted by the voters, the new law would create an independent, citizen-led investigatory commission that would be seated in Massachusetts and be vested with subpoena power and the power to take testimony under oath. “I personally initiated this effort to create a new 9/11 commission,” stated Gravel, “in response to the outpouring of calls for a new investigation—in the light of new evidence—from Americans across the political spectrum. Because our gridlocked Congress is obviously incapable of taking up this issue, I believe that state initiatives are our best alternative approach. Massachusetts is an optimal state in which to begin this work.”
Statewide Ballot Initiative Campaign for a New 9/11 Commission
Senator Gravel—a native of Massachusetts—will kick off the ballot initiative campaign on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of 9/11 with a major press conference, followed by a 12-day tour of the state. The press conference will be held on September 13, 2011 at 11:00 am on the steps of the Massachusetts state house on Beacon Hill.
Direct Democracy: The Way Forward
Presently, our heroic 9/11 truth activists can continue to educate Americans and the world’s people with the hope of pressing the U.S. Congress to act. However, it is evident to me that the federal government won’t act to change the official 9/11 story line; and the American people simply can’t act, given the structure of our representative democracy. All the people can do is educate, agitate and protest, and give their power away to representatives on Election Day. That’s because of one obvious reality: the way to meaningful citizen participation in public policy is blocked by the elites now in control of the mainstream media and of government (regardless of party). Citizens lack access to the legislative procedures needed to implement the central power of government––lawmaking––at the federal level. Indeed, this is true as well in most governmental jurisdictions of the United States. But fortunately there are 24 states that have some form of initiative lawmaking where people can enact laws.
Our plan envisions enacting an initiative law in one or more states. These proposed initiatives would be presented to state voters for their decision on November 6, 2012.
The Challenge Ahead: Building an Effective Citizen’s Campaign
Success or failure will be determined by the resources that can be brought to bear on our organizational efforts and the petition campaigns to qualify the initiatives and secure their approval by the people. Success will require money––the mother’s milk of politics.
If we are able to raise the necessary funds for this undertaking, I believe there is no possibility of failure. Regardless what happens we will certainly advance the national debate on 9/11––alerting more Americans to the problem, and more importantly, pointing to an actionable plan where the people are the solution––not the government.
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