Some twenty years on, the disaster in Bhopal in which some 8,000 people were killed is still in the news. There are two important and related developments. Last month, Dow Chemical literally purchased immunity from prosecution for its role in the Bhopal disaster even as the UK seeks to make corporations --not individuals --criminally responsible for deaths caused by a firm's gross negligence. The new law is entitled the "Corporate Manslaughter Statute."
Corporations often seem to be above the law and are. While corporations cite rights normally accorded individuals, they are rarely held to standards of equal responsibility. A single individual would have been imprisoned for an oil spill of Exxon Valdez magnitude but Exxon got off with a payoff. An individual responsible for the deaths of 8,000 at Bhopal might have gotten hard jail time for life or, in Texas, death at the end of a needle. Union Carbide, by contrast, got slapped on the corporate wrist for the deaths of 8,000 the night of December 3, 1984. There is, in fact, no definitive total of deaths.
THAT NIGHT, DECEMBER 3, 1984Shortly after midnight poison gas leaked from a factory in Bhopal, India, owned by Union Carbide Corporation. There was no warning, none of the plant's safety systems were working. In the city people were sleeping. They woke in darkness to the sound of screams with the gases burning their eyes, noses and mouths. They began retching and coughing up froth streaked with blood. Whole neighborhoods fled in panic, some were trampled, others convulsed and fell dead. People lost control of their bowels and bladders as they ran. Within hours thousands of dead bodies lay in the streets. ....The testimony of Mohammed Karim
--International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal
I used to drive a truck to dispose of dirt and waste. My truck was also a special truck - I used to pick up unclaimed dead bodies from the mortuary, I was used to doing it. That night (3rd December 1984) I put in thousands of bodies that we dumped - in one grave we would put 5-6 bodies, and we burnt piles and piles with logs. Many bodies were burnt unidentified - Muslims were burnt and Hindus were buried.Holding corporations responsible for crimes seems all but impossible.
"They (the govt.) said 'leave your wives and children in your houses and go on duty'. We used to be on duty till 12:00 at night and after that the military trucks used to come and dump the bodies in the Narmada river. This went on for three to four days. Even on the 16th (of December 1984) we had to come back again. They gave us R500 for this but then they took it back from our wages.
We would fit 120 bodies in one truck and this we would fill and empty five times a day. There were eight trucks on duty (so that is 4,800 bodies a day). It carried on for exactly the same intensity for three to four days, and after 12:00 am the military took over.
We took a bulldozer and dug pits to bury all the animals. Some people were picking up bodies and some animals.50 - 60 drivers were all working that day (3rd December). We picked up the bodies with our own hands. Every time we picked one up it gave out gas. The bodies had all turned blue, and had froth oozing from their mouths.
In some houses everyone had died so there was no one to break the locks. In one case a 6 month old girl had survived and everybody else (mother, father and siblings) was dead. I broke the locks to that house.
At least 15 - 20,000 people died in those first few days. What they said in the papers was absolutely wrong. What could I have done? I was a government servant. What the government said was absolutely wrong but what could I do?
--How many died in Bhopal? A reply to the Houston Chronicle from Tim Edwards of the UK Campaign for Justice in Bhopal
In the United States, as in England, it is very difficult to hold either organizations or their officers responsible for gross negligence. For example, while many law students learn about the success civil tort plaintiffs had in suing Ford for failing to spend $13 per car to strengthen a gas tank known to be vulnerable to rear- end collisions, few learn that, at the same time, a prosecutor brought a case in criminal negligence against Ford in Indiana—and lost the jury trial.Dow Chemical, it appears, will escape all responsibility.
--Anthony J. Sebok, The U.K.'s "Corporate Manslaughter" Statute, Findlaw
PRESS STATEMENTIn other words, Dow chemical bought themselves a favorable decision. If an individual had done that, he/she would have been jailed and prosecuted for bribery. If the corporate shape-shifters do it, they are being good "corporate citizens". Nonsense! It is legalized crookery!Government assures Dow of immunity in return for investments
NEW DELHI. June 30, 2007 -- Organizations of survivors of the December 1984 Bhopal disaster today strongly condemned Commerce and Industries Minister Kamal Nath for his recent public assurance to indemnify Dow Chemical, in Washington DC, USA. They charged him and the Prime Minister with selling out to Dow Chemical, current owner of Union Carbide.
PMO Files obtained by survivors' organisations from the Prime Minister's Office through Right to Information reveal that the Prime Minister is involved in plans that would allow Dow Chemical to walk away from its liabilities in Bhopal, including clean up of the contaminated soil and ground water and paying compensation for the health damages caused to more than 20,000 people due to exposure to toxic contaminants in their drinking water. The “PMO Files” have been uploaded to: www.bhopal.net/pmo.html.
I have never understood the logic of "corporate personhood". On the one hand, corporations are not persons. Granting Philllp Morris the right to advertise a product that will surely kill you because the company has "freedom of speech" is ludicrous on its face. Phillip Morris is not Phil Jackson who lives down the street. I deny that "freedom of speech" means that big tobacco can tell lies in order to get you to buy a product that will kill you!
To claim that Phillip Morris has "rights" is absurd. It's not even a collection of people. In the eyes of the law, it is a "legal abstraction". Compounding the absurdity are the conflicting corporate claims that tobacco companies are immune from prosecution because they are not persons is equally absurd and absurdly contradictory. Why do corporations have it both ways when real people are most often screwed to the wall by both government and corporations and, most often, by corporations and government in cahoots?
In the Bhopal case, the Indian Supreme Court has too often sided with the "legal abstractions" against the rights of real people.
Over the past decade and a half—in line with the Indian bourgeoisie's abandonment of its national economic strategy and the associated claims that India was evolving in a "socialist" direction—the Indian Supreme Court has emerged as a spearhead of neo-liberal reform, issuing a flurry of rulings attacking democratic and worker rights and expanding the power of business and management.According to Findlaw, the new law will allow the prosecution of a "...corporation or partnership (an "organization" for short) for the crime of manslaughter if the organization causes the death of a person as the result of its "gross" breach of a duty owed under the law of negligence." The state's burden of proof, however, is rather high. The state must prove a "gross breach of duty" in cases that result in death or injury. The new British law, therefore, is not a panacea or a solution. It may be, however, an important first step toward holding mere "legal abstractions" to a rule of law that applies to everyone else.
The Supreme Court has taken an active role in assisting the entry of foreign investments by issuing several judgments in favor of overseas corporations.
In 1989 the Indian Supreme Court, without consulting the victims of the 1984 gas leak at the Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, abruptly ruled as final a settlement of $470 million dollars reached between the Indian government and the Union Carbide Corporation. The company was criminally culpable in causing over 22,000 deaths and injuring at least 120,000 others, leaving many maimed for life.
India's highest court also enabled Union Carbide Corporation to wash its hands of any further responsibility by allowing it sell its Indian plants to the giant multinational Dow Chemicals. This was a clear signal to foreign corporations that their business interests will be protected even when they commit mass crimes.
The court has also issued several anti-democratic judgments restricting public debate and the right to strike. For example, in February 2006 the Indian Supreme Court imposed an unprecedented ban on public debate about or protests against, the dismantling of the toxin-laden French aircraft carrier Clemenceau in India's ship de-commissioning yards. [See Indian Supreme Court imposes sweeping ban on public debate on toxic warship].
In 2002 the Indian Supreme Court mounted an open attack on free speech by jailing the famous Indian writer and activist Arundathi Roy for criminal contempt for daring to criticize the Supreme Court. [See Arundathi Roy jailed for contempt of court]
--India: Court-directed campaign to seal "illegal" buildings in Delhi provokes social turmoil
July 18, 2003Another corporate robber baron in the news: Halliburton!Mr. William Stavropoulos
Chairman and CEO
The Dow Chemical Company
2030 Dow Center
Midland, Michigan 48674Dear Mr. Stavropoulos:
In February 2001, the Dow Chemical Company acquired Union Carbide Corporation, the company responsible for the 1984 gas disaster in Bhopal, India, which killed thousands of people and injured several hundred thousand more.
Even at the time of acquisition, survivors of the Bhopal disaster and their supporters worldwide, including in the US, warned Dow against acquiring Union Carbide because of the liabilities pending against Union Carbide.
1. Union Carbide is an absconder from justice, having failed to face criminal charges against the company in the Chief Judicial Magistrate's court, when charges were pressed against it for manslaughter, among other crimes. To date, no representative of Union Carbide Corporation has appeared in court to face these charges.
2. The thousands of tons of toxic waste dumped by Union Carbide in and around its factory site from 1967 onwards remains abandoned to this day. Many of these toxins have migrated into the local groundwater and are showing up in the breast milk of mothers living around the factory. Union Carbide failed to restore the factory site to its original condition as required by its lease agreement with the local Madhya Pradesh State Government.
The disaster in Bhopal continues, and is likely to worsen if Dow Chemical does not step forward to fulfill its responsibilities. It is disheartening to note that a company such as Dow, who professes to lead the chemical industry towards "responsible care" shies away from its obligations when truly responsible care can be demonstrated. More disturbing is the manner in which Union Carbide and Dow Chemical have ignored the summons of the Bhopal court.
This exposes a blatant disregard for the law.By refusing to address the liabilities it inherited in Bhopal via itsacquisition of Union Carbide, Dow Chemical is party to the ongoing human rights and environmental abuses in Bhopal. Dow Chemical should immediately take steps towards reparations in Bhopal by:
a) Ensuring the appearance of a Union Carbide representative at the ongoing criminal case in Bhopal, India.
b) Meeting the demands of the survivors for medical and economic rehabilitation.
c) Cleaning up the contamination in and around the factory site and the poisoned groundwater, and providing alternative supplies of freshwater to the affected communities in the interim.We look forward to hearing from you regarding plans to meet those
responsibilities.source: http://www.bhopal.net/congressletter.pdf24jul03
Signatories include U.S. Representatives Kucinich (D-OH), Pallone (D-NJ), Grijalva (D-AZ), Brown (D-OH), Jackson-Lee (D-TX), Baldwin (D-WI),Towns (D-NY), Holt (D-NJ), Stark (D-CA), DeLauro (D-CT), Crowley (D-NY),Faleomavaega (D-Am. Samoa), Solis (D-CA), Payne (D-NJ), Hinchey (D-NY),Schakowsky (D-IL), Markey (D-MA), and Lee (D-CA).
The following video is an excellent treatment of the facts in evidence with regard to the mass killing perpetrated upon the people at Bhopal. A must see. The Exxon-Valdez:From the Insider with Russell Crowe and Al Pacino:Goodbye Houston: An Alternative Annual Report on Halliburton
Contact: Pratap Chatterjee, (510) 759-8970
Charlie Cray, (202) 497 3673
May 15th, 2007Download 2007 Alternative Annual Report
Goodbye Houston report Houston, May 15, 2007: CorpWatch and its partners today released an alternative annual report on Halliburton titled: "Goodbye Houston" The new report was prepared in association with Halliburton Watch and the Oil & Gas Accountability Project.
The new report (the fourth in the series) is being issued on the eve of Halliburton 's annual general meeting in Woodlands, Texas, on Wednesday, May 16th, 2007. An in-depth, hard-hitting report, "Goodbye Houston," provides a detailed look at Halliburton 's military and energy operations around the world as well as its political connections. It includes a series of recommendations for the company and its shareholders as well as for the United States policymakers.
Halliburton is one of the 10 largest contractors to the U.S. military. It has earned over $20 billion from the U.S.military in war-related contracts in Iraq since the March 2003 invasion. This cash bonanza may well be over because of the cancelation of its two most lucrative contracts: oil infrastructure reconstruction and military base support.
"With the loss of its two biggest taxpayer-funded contracts in Iraq, Halliburton has decided that its future lies outside the United States. The company decision to move its headquarters to Dubai could spell a major financial loss to the U.S. Treasury," says Pratap Chatterjee, co-director of CorpWatch.
"Given the multiple ongoing investigations into Halliburton 's alleged wrongdoing, policymakers should closely scrutinize Halliburton 's latest move, and whether it will allow the company to further elude accountability,” said Charlie Cray, co-director of Halliburton Watch and director of the Center for Corporate Policy. “Moreover, this underscores the need for Congress to bar companies that have broken the law, or avoided paying taxes, from receiving federal contracts.”
"Goodbye Houston" also documents
* how Halliburton may have broken the law by employing private security guards like Blackwater and Triple Canopy; the Triple Canopy guards have been alleged to have shot at unarmed Iraqis for sport
* Halliburton truck drivers allege the company failed to adequately protect them in Iraq
* new military audits which show deliberate concealment of high overheads
* new lawsuits allege that company management in Iraq and Kuwait knowingly wasted millions of dollars of taxpayers dollars
Today as the military slows its purchases of Halliburton services in Iraq, the company is diversifying into such profitable areas the provision of direct services to the oil and gas industry abroad.
* Halliburton has finally admitted that its executives may have been involved in bribery and political meddling Nigeria
* Halliburton 's hydraulic fracturing operations in the United States have continued to have disastrous impacts on the environment, including community water supplies
* Halliburton has been accused of substandard work on offshore operations in Brazil, and is under investigation for no-bid contracts in AlgeriaDownload 2007 Alternative Annual Report
2006 Alternative Annual Report Press Release
Download 2006 Alternative Annual Report
2005 Alternative Annual Report Press Release
Download 2005 Alternative Annual Report
The Corporation, Part One.
- Government tries to cleanse Dow investment of Bhopal stain
- The UK's Manslaughter Statute
- The Insider
- What's Inside the Insider
- Read a survivor's account of "that night"
- More background here
- International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal
- Dow unable to shake off Bhopal legacy
- Clean-up plan for Union Carbide waste in Bhopal raises concern
- Court-directed campaign to seal "illegal" buildings in Delhi provokes social turmoil
- Exxon Valdez
- Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Damage Assessment and Restoration
- Findlaw: Our Un-American Government
The Existentialist Cowboy
Corporate Responsibility
Indict Bush
Spread the word:
"Corporate shape-shifting" -Len H.
Another excellent write, you have cornered them once again. We have the most accessible tool with the power of the purse in this country, yet we choose to ignore it's use. They indeed have become the mythical icons this society worships, slipping in and out of whatever character is needed in order to ply their agenda, always avoiding the responsibility of their errors, or the impact of accountability. Too bad for society that all the forms they inhabit are inhospitable, and feed off of community rather then assist. But, that goes to the root of corporate dysfunction, the inability to understand what it is to truly be a positive member community.
benmerc said...
Another excellent write, you have cornered them once again.
I think it was an old Vaudeville joke that ran something like this: "you might chase me into a round house, but you'll never corner me there!"
If it wasn't Vaudeville, it should have been.
And, if the corporate barons of Exxon, Dow and big tobacco are not Jack the Ripper, they might as well have been for the good most of them have done the world.
I look forward to the day when articles of incorporation are NOT a license to murder.
Len, you show how it's a world problem. These corporations are squeezing the lifeblood out of not only America, but world wide. Quite simply, its facism.
Union Carbide should have never been sold,but force to liquidate all of its assets, to properly pay the victims, and their families.
As always, Len you write a wonderful article, exploring the evils of some corporations.
Diane B said...
As always, Len you write a wonderful article, exploring the evils of some corporations.
Thank you most humbly. I always hope to find some good corporations but, sadly, the very concept is pernicious. It is no wonder that mendacious robber barons would exploit the very idea.
It's hard to believe, with the criminality of the Bush administration, the erosion of constitutional rights, and the illegal occupation of Iraq, that there is a worse threat to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. But there it is, plain as the nose on your face. Bush and his cronies have as their objective the installation of fascism in America. The corporations collectively won't be satisfied until fascism is a worldwide reality.
Corporations are Shape Shifting, but I fear the end is not near. Corporations have fallen for the new business model that the war of terror is providing. I have suspicion that sub 'machine gun' contractors have subverted the UN. Are these supposed 'hybrid UN forces' going to Darfur Contractors?
Blackwater has long eyed doing business with the UN in the Sudan. They see the Iraq war winding down and are looking for more opportunities for expansion and the continuation of their 'soldier of fortune' corporate business plan. Chris Taylor, head of strategy for Blackwater, stated in 2006 that
"(his company) has a database of thousands of former police and military officers for security assignments...Blackwater personnel could set up perimeters and guard Darfurian villages and refugee camp in support of the U.N."
"There are a lot of crises in the world...so if they can get their foot in the door, it potentially opens up an entire new business sector" stated Peter Singer of the Brookings Institution
read my full article
or Whose guarding the Green Zone?
News Sophisticate said...
Corporations have fallen for the new business model that the war of terror is providing.
It's a marriage made in hell! As long as Bush can throw Blackwater fresh meat, he might "control" them! Without it, who knows? Will they disband peaceably to tend their gardens, antique shows, and quilting bees? I think not!
Thanks for the links.
(Sorry for all the deleted comments. Blogger's being cranky in the posting of html links.)
"A single individual might have been imprisoned for an oil spill of Exxon Valdez magnitude but Exxon got off with a fine."
As I seem to recall, Exxon had to pay five billion in clean-up costs but they had a high-priced attorney get a large chunk of that money back for them last year. saved his corporate overlords in the God Pod two billion because Exxon was whining that five billion was "too harsh" a penalty for the ecological version of Chernobyl.
Funny how they weren't whining about having to waddle to the fucking bank when Dick Cheney's energy task force crafted legislation that got them and other energy cartels 14.8 billion in tax breaks at the same exact time they were enjoying record profits.
Thanks for posting this, Len and for the video. If we had a country that was actually worth a weasel shit, it would be setting the wheels in motion to abolish this abominable "corporate personhood" shit. Blackwater is trying much the same tactic whenever the families of the people they get killed through their penny-pinching negligence and devil-may-care way of doing things (the plane crash in Afghanistan, the massacre at Fallujah, etc) try to sue them.
"We do the President's bidding in his war on terrorism so we should be legally immune from prosecution."
jurassicpork said....
Thanks for posting this, Len and for the video. If we had a country that was actually worth a weasel shit, it would be setting the wheels in motion to abolish this abominable "corporate personhood" shit.
I am embarrassed to say that I have not yet identified the single legal event that magically transformed corporations into "people". Maybe "corporations" could be something other than mere "legal abstractions" if they promise a good fairy "...from now on to be different". I doubt that will ever happene. In the meantime, it is WE who should be pulling the strings on these marionette-like grotesques with delusions of realness.
Thanks for your great comments.
SadButTrue said...
But there it is, plain as the nose on your face. Bush and his cronies have as their objective the installation of fascism in America. The corporations collectively won't be satisfied until fascism is a worldwide reality.
You're right and it is not only that corporations have "personhood" that they are dangerous. Unlike, real "little boys", corporations have the big bucks. They OWN our government. We no longer have a real or effective voice.
FuzzFlash sez...
Hola Compadres,
Len you mention: "I have not yet identified the single legal event that magically transformed corporations into "people".
In the doco/film The Corporation, de rigeur viewing for the 21st century dissident, there is a reference to the legal spawning of the Corporate Beast as a "person" in the US (sometime after the Civil War if my dodgy memory is correct). Something to do with large shared infrastructure projects---All profit, All Rights, No Responsibility.
Jurassicpork: great to see a true warrior of the blogosphere moseyin' on by for a pow-wow. It is in the interests of the MIC swine to silence our kind. Today the cowardly Dems gave The Imbecile Decider and his handlers, Stasi-like spy power. It's depressing beyond words. Guess we'll have to enjoy our cyber-solidarity while we may.
FuzzFlash sez...
In the doco/film The Corporation, de rigeur viewing for the 21st century dissident, there is a reference to the legal spawning of the Corporate Beast as a "person" in the US (sometime after the Civil War if my dodgy memory is correct). Something to do with large shared infrastructure projects---All profit, All Rights, No Responsibility.
Your recollecction is correct, Fuzz. A SCOTUS decision is at the root of it. I need to find it and cite it. It has turned out to have been a curse. SCOTUS or no --corporations are NOT people and Pinocchio is NOT a real boy.
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